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* Copyright(C) 1999-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "globals.h"
#include "pe_str_util_const.h" // for strip_string, token_compare, etc
#include "rf_allo.h"
#include "rf_io_const.h"
#define UTIL_NAME "nem_spread"
#define VER_STR "7.02 (2023/02/06)"
extern void check_exodus_error(int, const char *);
extern double second();
template <typename T, typename INT> class NemSpread
void load_mesh();
int check_inp();
void read_coord(int exoid, int max_name_length);
void read_elem_blk_ids(int mesh_exoid, int max_name_length);
void read_elem_blk(int exoid);
void extract_elem_blk();
void extract_global_element_ids(const std::vector<INT> &global_ids, size_t Num_Elem, int iproc);
void extract_global_node_ids(const std::vector<INT> &global_ids, size_t Num_Node, int iproc);
size_t extract_elem_connect(INT elem_blk[], int icurrent_elem_blk, size_t istart_elem,
size_t iend_elem, int *local_ielem_blk, int iproc);
void extract_elem_attr(T *elem_attr, int icurrent_elem_blk, size_t istart_elem, size_t iend_elem,
int natt_p_elem, int iproc);
void find_elem_block(std::vector<INT> &proc_elem_blk, int iproc, int proc_for);
void read_node_set_ids(int mesh_exoid, std::vector<INT> &num_nodes_in_node_set,
std::vector<INT> &num_df_in_nsets, int max_name_length);
void read_side_set_ids(int mesh_exoid, std::vector<INT> &num_elem_in_ssets,
std::vector<INT> &num_df_in_ssets, int max_name_length);
void read_node_sets(int exoid, std::vector<INT> &num_nodes_in_node_set,
std::vector<INT> &num_df_in_nsets);
void read_side_sets(int exoid, std::vector<INT> &num_elem_in_ssets,
std::vector<INT> &num_df_in_ssets);
void read_nodal_vars(int mesh_exoid);
void load_lb_info();
int write_var_param(int mesh_exoid, int max_name_length, int num_glob, char **gv_names,
int num_node, char **nv_names, int num_elem, char **ev_names, int *local_ebtt,
int num_nset, char **ns_names, int *local_nstt, int num_sset, char **ss_names,
int *local_sstt);
void write_parExo_data(int mesh_exoid, int max_name_length, int iproc,
std::vector<INT> &Num_Nodes_In_NS, std::vector<INT> &Num_Elems_In_SS,
std::vector<INT> &Num_Elems_In_EB);
void write_var_timestep(int exoid, int proc, int time_step, INT *eb_ids_global,
INT *ss_ids_global, INT *ns_ids_global);
void process_lb_data(INT *Integer_Vector, int indx);
void read_proc_init(int lb_exoid, std::array<int, 6> &proc_info, std::vector<int> &proc_ids);
void read_lb_init(int lb_exoid, std::vector<INT> &Int_Space, std::vector<INT> &Int_Node_Num,
std::vector<INT> &Bor_Node_Num, std::vector<INT> &Ext_Node_Num,
std::vector<INT> &Int_Elem_Num, std::vector<INT> &Bor_Elem_Num,
std::vector<INT> &Node_Comm_Num, std::vector<INT> &Elem_Comm_Num, char *Title);
void read_cmap_params(int lb_exoid, std::vector<ELEM_COMM_MAP<INT>> &E_Comm_Map,
std::vector<NODE_COMM_MAP<INT>> &N_Comm_Map, INT *cmap_max_size);
void create_elem_types();
void read_mesh_param();
void read_restart_params();
void read_restart_data();
int read_var_param(int exoid, int max_name_length);
int read_vars(int exoid, int index, INT *eb_ids, INT *eb_cnts, INT ***eb_map_ptr,
INT **eb_cnts_local, INT *ss_ids, INT *ss_cnts, INT *ns_ids, INT *ns_cnts);
int read_elem_vars(int exoid, int index, INT *eb_ids, INT *eb_cnts, INT ***eb_map_ptr,
INT **eb_cnts_local);
int read_elem_vars_1(int exoid, int index, INT *eb_ids, INT *eb_cnts, INT ***eb_map_ptr,
INT **eb_cnts_local, int iblk, int eb_offset, INT *local_offset);
int read_sset_vars(int exoid, int index, INT *ss_ids, INT *ss_cnts);
int read_sset_vars_1(int exoid, int index, INT *ss_ids, INT *ss_cnts, int iset);
int read_nset_vars(int exoid, int index, INT *ns_ids, INT *ns_cnts);
int read_nset_vars_1(int exoid, int index, INT *ns_ids, INT *ns_cnts, int iset);
int read_nodal_vars(int exoid, int index);
int compare_mesh_param(int exoid);
int int64db{0};
int int64api{0};
bool force64db{false}; /* Store all ints as 64-bit on output databases. */
int io_ws{0};
Restart_Description<T> Restart_Info;
Globals<T, INT> globals;
* variable definitions used for reading and setting up the mesh
* information on the processors. These variables are only used in
* the program in the file, el_exoII_io.c. Use of these variables
* outside this file constitutes an error.
std::vector<INT> Node_Set_Ids; /* Vector of node set ids *
* (ptr to vector of length, *
* Num_Node_Set) */
std::vector<INT> Side_Set_Ids; /* Side set ids *
* (ptr to vector of length, *
* Num_Side_Set) */
std::vector<INT> Num_Elem_In_Blk; /* Number of elements in each element *
* block (ptr to vector of length, *
* Num_Elem_Blk) */
std::vector<INT> Num_Nodes_Per_Elem; /* Number of nodes per element in each*
* elem block (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Elem_Blk) */
std::vector<INT> Num_Attr_Per_Elem; /* Number of attributes per element in*
* each block (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Elem_Blk) */
std::vector<INT> Elem_Blk_Ids; /* Element block id's of each element *
* block (ptr to vector of length, *
* Num_Elem_Blk) */
char **Elem_Blk_Types{nullptr}; /* Element block types for each *
* element block (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Elem_Blk, of vectors of*
* char of length MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) */
char **Elem_Blk_Names{nullptr}; /* Element block names for each *
* element block (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Elem_Blk, of vectors of*
* char of length MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) */
char **Node_Set_Names{nullptr}; /* Nodeset names for each *
* nodeset (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Node_Set, of vectors of*
* char of length MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) */
char **Side_Set_Names{nullptr}; /* Sideset names for each *
* sideset (ptr to vector of *
* length, Num_Side_Set, of vectors of*
* char of length MAX_STR_LENGTH+1) */
char ***Elem_Blk_Attr_Names{nullptr}; /* Element block attribute names for each
* attribute in each element block
* ragged array (size varies for each
* element block */
int *GM_Elem_Types{nullptr}; /* This is a list of the element *
* in the entire global mesh. It is *
* stored on Processor 0 to *
* facilitate the reading of the side *
* set distribution factors. */
char *Coord_Name[3]{}; /* The name(s) of the coordinate axes. */
std::array<int, 6> Proc_Info{};
std::vector<int> Proc_Ids{};
NemSpread() { Coord_Name[0] = Coord_Name[1] = Coord_Name[2] = nullptr; }
~NemSpread() { safe_free((void **)&GM_Elem_Types); }