Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Exodus libraries/exodus PT REQUIRED
Exodus_for libraries/exodus_for PT OPTIONAL
ExoIIv2for32 libraries/exoIIv2for32 PT OPTIONAL
Nemesis libraries/nemesis PT OPTIONAL
Ioss libraries/ioss PT REQUIRED
Chaco libraries/chaco PT OPTIONAL
Aprepro_lib libraries/aprepro_lib PT OPTIONAL
Supes libraries/supes PT OPTIONAL
Suplib libraries/suplib PT OPTIONAL
SuplibC libraries/suplib_c PT OPTIONAL
SuplibCpp libraries/suplib_cpp PT OPTIONAL
SVDI libraries/svdi ST OPTIONAL
PLT libraries/plt ST OPTIONAL
Algebra applications/algebra PT OPTIONAL
Aprepro applications/aprepro PT OPTIONAL
Blot applications/blot ST OPTIONAL
Conjoin applications/conjoin PT OPTIONAL
Ejoin applications/ejoin PT OPTIONAL
Epu applications/epu PT OPTIONAL
Cpup applications/cpup PT OPTIONAL
Exo2mat applications/exo2mat ST OPTIONAL
Exodiff applications/exodiff PT OPTIONAL
Exomatlab applications/exomatlab ST OPTIONAL
Exotxt applications/exotxt PT OPTIONAL
Exo_format applications/exo_format PT OPTIONAL
Ex1ex2v2 applications/ex1ex2v2 PT OPTIONAL
Exotec2 applications/exotec2 EX OPTIONAL
Fastq applications/fastq ST OPTIONAL
Gjoin applications/gjoin PT OPTIONAL
Gen3D applications/gen3d PT OPTIONAL
Genshell applications/genshell PT OPTIONAL
Grepos applications/grepos PT OPTIONAL
Explore applications/explore PT OPTIONAL
Mapvarlib libraries/mapvarlib PT OPTIONAL
Mapvar applications/mapvar PT OPTIONAL
Mapvar-kd applications/mapvar-kd PT OPTIONAL
Mat2exo applications/mat2exo ST OPTIONAL
Nas2exo applications/nas2exo PT OPTIONAL
Zellij applications/zellij ST OPTIONAL
Nemslice applications/nem_slice PT OPTIONAL
Nemspread applications/nem_spread PT OPTIONAL
Numbers applications/numbers PT OPTIONAL
Slice applications/slice ST OPTIONAL
Txtexo applications/txtexo PT OPTIONAL
Ex2ex1v2 applications/ex2ex1v2 PT OPTIONAL