Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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%This turns on the SAND report covers
\SANDauthor{John R. Red-Horse\\
William C. Mills-Curran\\
Dennis P. Flanagan}
\newcommand{\theTitle}{SUPES Version 2.1\\
A Software Utilities Package for the Engineering Sciences}
Draft Date: \SANDprintDateVar\\
Printed \SANDprintDateVar\\
Applied Mechanics Division IV\\
Sandia National Laboratories\\
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0380\\
The Software Utilities Package for the Engineering Sciences (SUPES) is a
collection of subprograms which perform frequently used non-numerical
services for the engineering applications programmer. The three functional
categories of SUPES are: (1) input command parsing, (2) dynamic memory
management, and (3) system dependent utilities. The subprograms in categories
one and two are written in standard FORTRAN-77, while the subprograms in
category three are written to provide a standardized FORTRAN interface to
several system dependent features.
NOTE: This version has been cleaned up a little to reflect the current state
of the code. Some sections have been removed that are no longer relevant.