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# Zoltan Toolkit for Load-balancing, Partitioning, Ordering and Coloring
# Copyright 2012 Sandia Corporation
# Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
# the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
# this software without specific prior written permission.
# Questions? Contact Karen Devine kddevin@sandia.gov
# Erik Boman egboman@sandia.gov
# EXAMPLE OF zdrive.inp INPUT FILE FOR zdrive AND zfdrive.
# 1) Any line beginning with a "#" is considered a comment and will be
# ignored by the file parser.
# 2) The order of the lines IS NOT significant.
# 3) Any lines that are optional are marked as such in this file. Unless
# otherwise noted a line is required to exist in any input file.
# 4) The case of words IS NOT significant, e.g., "file" IS equivalent
# to "FILE" or "File", etc.
# 5) The amount of blank space in between words IS significant. Each
# word should only be separated by a single space.
# 6) Blank lines are ignored.
# Decomposition Method = <method>
# This line is used to specify the algorithm that Zoltan will use
# for load balancing. Currently, the following methods that are acceptable:
# rcb - Reverse Coordinate Bisection
# octpart - Octree/Space Filling Curve
# parmetis - ParMETIS graph partitioning
# reftree - Refinement tree partitioning
Decomposition Method = rcb
# Zoltan Parameters = <options>
# This line is OPTIONAL. If it is not included, no user-defined parameters
# will be passed to Zoltan.
# This line is used to to specify parameter values to overwrite the default
# parameter values used in Zoltan. These parameters will be passed to Zoltan
# through calls to Zoltan_Set_Param(). Parameters are set by entries consisting
# of pairs of strings "<parameter string>=<value string>".
# The <parameter string> should be a string that is recognized by the
# particular load-balancing method being used.
# The parameter entries should be separated by commas.
# When many parameters must be specified, multiple
# "Zoltan Parameters" lines may be included in the input file.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive can read only one parameter per line.
Zoltan Parameters = DEBUG_LEVEL=3
Zoltan Parameters = RCB_REUSE=0
# File Type = <file type><,chaco or Matrix Market options>
# This line is OPTIONAL. If it is not included, then it is assumed that
# the file type is parallel nemesis.
# This line indicates which format the file is in. The current
# file types for this line are:
# NemesisI - parallel ExodusII/NemesisI files (1 per processor)
# Chaco - Chaco graph and/or geometry file(s)
# hypergraph - format documented in driver/dr_hg_readfile.c,
# suffix .hg
# matrixmarket - Matrix Market exchange format, suffix .mtx
# matrixmarket+ - our enhanced Matrix Market format, documented in
# driver/dr_hg_io.c, includes vertex and edge weights,
# and process ownership of matrix data for
# a distributed matrix, suffix .mtxp
# For NemesisI input, the initial distribution of data is given in the
# Nemesis files. For Chaco input, however, an initial decomposition is
# imposed by the zdrive. Four initial distribution methods are provided.
# The method to be used can be specified in the chaco options:
# initial distribution = <option>
# where <option> is
# linear -- gives the first n/p objects to proc 0, the
# next n/p objects to proc 1, etc.
# cyclic -- assigns the objects to processors as one would
# deal cards; i.e., gives the first object to proc 0,
# the second object to proc 1, ..., the pth object to
# proc (p-1),the (p+1)th object to proc 0, the (p+2)th
# object to proc 1, etc.
# file -- reads an initial distribution from the input file
# <filename>.assign, where File Name is specified by
# the "File Name" command line below.
# owner -- for vertices, same as "linear." For hyperedge, send a
# copy of a hyperedge to each processor owning one of its
# vertices. (Multiple processors may then store each
# hyperedge.)
# If an initial distribution is not specified, the default is linear.
# A second Chaco option is to distribute the objects over a subset
# of the processors, not all processors. The syntax for this is:
# initial procs = k
# where k is an integer between 1 and the number of processors.
# The objects will be evenly distributed among the k first
# processors, using the distribution method optionally specified by
# the "initial distribution" option.
# Example:
# File Type = chaco, initial distribution = cyclic, initial procs = 2
# will give proc 0 objects 1, 3, 5, ... and proc 1 objects 2, 4, 6, ...
# while procs 2 and higher get no objects.
# For hypergraph, matrixmarket and matrixmarket+ files, there are three
# options that determine how zdrive divides the hypergraph or matrix data
# across the processes initially. (The Zoltan library will redistribute
# these elements yet again before the parallel hypergraph methods begins.)
# initial_distribution = {val} initial vertex (object) distribution
# linear (default) - First n/p vertices supplied by first process,
# next n/p vertices supplied by next process, and so on.
# cyclic - Deal out the vertex ownership in round robin fashion.
# file - Use process vertex assignment found in the file (.mtxp only)
# initial_pins = {val} initial pin (matrix non-zero) distribution
# row (default) - Each zdrive process supplies entire rows of the matrix,
# in compressed row storage format
# column - Each zdrive process supplies entire columns of the matrix, in
# compressed column storage format
# linear - First n/p pins (matrix non-zeroes) supplied by first process,
# next n/p pins supplied by next process, and so on.
# cyclic - Deal out the pin ownership in round robin fashion.
# file - Use process pin assignment found in the file (.mtxp only)
# zero - Process zero initially has all pins
# initial_procs = {n}
# This has the same meaning that it has for Chaco files. The initial
# vertices, pins and weights are all provided by only {n} processes.
# objects = {val} how the file is viewed (define the vertices)
# rows - Vertices are the row of the matrix
# columns (default) - Vertices are the columns of the matrix
# nonzeros - Vertices are the nonzeros of the matrix
# NOTE: matrixmarket+ driver only support "columns"
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive does not read NemesisI files.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive does not accept any Chaco options.
File Type = NemesisI
# Compression = <type of compression>
# This line is OPTIONAL. If it is not included, then it is assumed that
# the input file is not compressed.
# Currently, we support compression for Chaco, hypergraph and matrixmarket file
# format.
# This line indicates which compression is used for the file. The current
# compression supported for this line are:
# uncompressed - No compression
# gzip - input file is gzipped. The name should be postfixed by
# the ".gz" extension. example: foo.mtx.gz for original
# file foo in matrix market format.
# NOTE: however, if the corresponding compressed file is not found, the driver try
# to open the file with the "usual" name.
Compression = uncompressed
# File Name = <filename>
# This line contains the filename for the input finite element mesh.
# If the file type is NemesisI then this name refers to the base name
# of the parallel ExodusII files that contain the results. The base
# name is the parallel filename without the trailing .<# proc>.<file #>
# on it. This file must contain the Nemesis global information.
# If the file type is Chaco, this name refers to the base name of the
# Chaco files containing graph and/or coordinates information. The
# file <filename>.graph will be read for the Chaco graph information;
# The file <filename>.coords will be read for Chaco geometry information.
# The optional file <filename>.assign may be read for an initial decomposition
# by specifying "initial distribution=file" on the "File Type" input line.
# For more information about the format of these files, see
# the Chaco user's guide.
File Name = testa.par
# Parallel Disk Info = <options>
# This line is OPTIONAL. If this line is left blank, then it is assumed
# that there is no parallel disk information, and all of the files are
# in a single directory. This line is used only for Nemesis files.
# This line gives all of the information about the parallel file system
# being used. There are a number of options that can be used with it,
# although for most cases only a couple will be needed. The options are:
# number=<integer> - this is the number of parallel disks that the
# results files are spread over. This number must
# be specified, and must be first in the options
# list. If zero (0) is specified, then all of the
# files should be in the root directory specified
# below.
# list={list} - OPTIONAL, If the disks are not sequential, then a
# list of disk numbers can be given. This list should
# be enclosed in brackets "{}", and the disk numbers
# can be seperated by any of the following comma,
# blank space, tab, or semicolon.
# offset=<integer> - OPTIONAL, This is the offset from zero that the
# disk numbers begin with. If no number is specified,
# this defaults to 1. This option is ignored if
# "list" is specified.
# zeros - OPTIONAL, This specifies that leading zeros are
# used in the parallel file naming convention. For
# example, on the Paragon, the file name for the
# first pfs disk is "/pfs/tmp/io_01/". If this is
# specified, then the default is not to have leading
# zeros in the path name, such as on the teraflop
# machine "/pfs/tmp_1/".
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Parallel Disk Info = number=4,zeros
# Parallel file location = <options>
# This line is OPTIONAL, only if the above line is excluded as well, or
# the number of raids is specified as zero (0). If this line is excluded,
# then the root directory is set to the execution directory, ".", and all
# files should be in that directory. This line is used only for Nemesis
# files.
# This line gives all of the information about where the parallel files are
# located. There are only two options for this line, and both must be
# specified. The options are:
# root=<root directory name>
# This line is used to specify what the name of the root directory is
# on the target machine. This can be any valid root directory
# name. For example, if one is running on an SGI workstation and
# using the "tflop" numbering scheme then you could use something
# similar to "/usr/tmp/pio_" in this field so that files would be
# written to root directories named:
# /usr/tmp/pio_1
# /usr/tmp/pio_2
# .
# .
# .
# /usr/tmp/pio_<Parallel Disk Info, number>
# subdir=<subdirectory name>
# This line specifies the name of the subdirectory, under the root
# directory, where files are to be written. This is tacked onto
# the end of the "root" after an appropriate integer is added to
# "root". Continuing with the example given for "root", if "subdir"
# had a value of "run1/input" files would be written to directories
# named:
# /usr/tmp/pio_1/run1/input/
# /usr/tmp/pio_1/run1/input/
# .
# .
# .
# /usr/tmp/pio_<Parallel Disk Info, number>/run1/input/
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Parallel File Location = root=/pfs/io_, subdir=mmstjohn
# Zdrive debug level = <integer>
# This line is optional. It sets a debug level within zdrive (not within
# Zoltan) that determines what output is written to stdout at runtime.
# The currently defined values are listed below. For a given debug level
# value i, all debug output for levels <= i is printed.
# 0 -- No debug output is produced.
# 1 -- Evaluation of the initial and final partition is done
# through calls to driver_eval and Zoltan_LB_Eval.
# 2 -- Function call traces through major driver functions are
# printed.
# 3 -- Generate output files of initial distribution.
# Debug Chaco input files.
# 4 -- Entire distributed mesh (elements, adjacencies, communication
# maps, etc.) is printed. This output is done serially and can
# be big and slow.
# Default value is 1.
Zdrive debug level = 1
# text output = <integer>
# This line is optional. If the integer specified is greater than zero,
# zdrive produces files listing the part and processor assignment of
# each object. When "text output = 1," P files are generated, where P is
# the number of processors used for the run. Files have suffix ".out.P.N",
# where P is the number of processors and N = 0,...,P-1 is the processor that
# generated the particular file.
# Default value is 1.
text output = 1
# gnuplot output = <integer>
# This line is optional. If the integer specified is greater than zero,
# zdrive produces files that can be plotted using gnuplot. If the integer is
# one, only the vertices of the graph are outputted. If the integer is
# greater than 1, edges are also outputted. Each processor generates
# files containing its decomposition; these files are named similarly
# to the standard output filenames generated by zdrive but they include
# a "gnu" field. A file containing the gnuplot commands to actually
# plot the decomposition is also generated; this file has a ".gnuload" suffix.
# To plot the results, start gnuplot; then type
# load "filename.gnuload"
# The decomposition can be based on processor assignment or part
# assignment. See zdrive input line "plot partition".
# For Chaco input files, edges are not drawn between neighboring subdomains (
# as Chaco input is balanced with respect to graph nodes). Data style
# "linespoints" is used; this style can be changed using gnuplot's
# "set data style ..." command.
# In addition, processor assignments are written to the parallel Nemesis files
# to be viewed by other graphics packages (avs, mustafa, blot, etc.). Note
# that the parallel Nemesis files must have space allocated for at least one
# elemental variable; this allocation is done by nem_spread.
# Gnuplot capability currently works only for 2D problems.
# Default value is 0.
gnuplot output = 0
# nemesis output = <integer>
# This line is optional. If the integer specified is greater than zero,
# zdrive writes subdomain assignment information to parallel nemesis files.
# These files match the input nemesis file names, but contain a ".blot" suffix.
# The SEACAS utility nem_join can combine these files into a single Exodus file
# for plotting by blot, avs, mustafa, etc. Note that the input parallel
# Nemesis files must have space allocated for at least one
# elemental variable; this allocation is done by nem_spread.
# The decomposition can be based on processor assignment or part
# assignment. See zdrive input line "plot partition".
# This option does nothing for Chaco input files.
# Default value is 0.
nemesis output = 0
# plot partition = <integer>
# This line is optional. If the integer specified is greater than zero,
# zdrive writes part assignments to the gnuplot or nemesis output files;
# one file per part is generated.
# Otherwise, zdrive writes processor assignments to the gnuplot or nemesis
# output files, with one file per processor generated.
# See zdrive input lines "gnuplot output" and "nemesis output".
# Default value is 0 (processor assignments written).
plot partition = 0
# print mesh info file = <integer>
# This line is optional. If the integer specified is greater than zero,
# zdrive produces files describing the mesh connectivity. Each processor
# generates a file containing its vertices (with coordinates) and elements
# (with vertex connectivity); these files are named
# similarly to the standard output filenames generated by zdrive but they
# include a ".mesh" suffix.
# Default value is 0.
print mesh info file = 0
# Chaco input assignment inverse = <integer>
# This line is optional. It sets the IN_ASSIGN_INV flag, indicating that
# the "inverse" Chaco assignment format should be used if a Chaco assignment
# file is read for the initial decomposition. If this flag is 0, the assignment
# file lists, for each vertex, the processor to which it is assigned. If this
# flag is 1, the assignment file includes, for each processor, the number of
# vertices assigned to the processor followed by a list of those vertices.
# See the Chaco User's guide for a more detailed description of this parameter.
# Default value is 0.
Chaco input assignment inverse = 0
# Number of Iterations = <integer>
# This line is optional. It indicates the number of time the load-balancing
# method should be run on the input data. The original input data is passed
# to the method for each invocation.
# Multiple iterations are useful primarily for testing the RCB_REUSE parameter.
# Default value is 1.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Number of Iterations = 1
# zdrive action = <integer>
# This line is optional. It indicates the action the driver should take,
# typically load-balancing or ordering. Valid values are:
# 0 -- No action.
# 1 -- Load balance.
# 2 -- Order.
# 3 -- First load balance, then order.
# Default value is 1 (load balance).
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
zdrive action = 1
# Test Drops = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should exercise the box- and point-assign
# capability of Zoltan. Note that the partitioning method must support
# box- and point-drop, and appropriate parameters (e.g., Keep_Cuts) must also
# be passed to Zoltan; otherwise, an error is returned from the box- and
# point-assign functions.
# Default value is 0.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Test Drops = 0
# Test DDirectory = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should exercise the Distributed Directory
# utility of Zoltan. Comparisons between zdrive-generated communication maps
# and DDirectory-generated communication maps are done. If a difference is
# found, a diagnostic message containing "DDirectory Test" is printed as
# output from zdrive.
# Default value is 0.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Test DDirectory = 0
# Test Null Import Lists = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should test Zoltan's capability to accept
# NULL import lists to Zoltan_Help_Migrate. It allows the driver to pass NULL
# import lists. This flag's value should not affect the output of zdrive.
# Default value is 0.
# NOTE: The Fortran90 driver zfdrive ignores this input line.
Test Null Import Lists = 0
# Test Multi Callbacks = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should test the list-based (MULTI) callback
# functions. If this line is set to 1, zdrive registers list-based callback
# functions. Otherwise, callbacks on individual functions are registered.
# This flag's value should not affect the output of zdrive.
# Default value is 0.
Test Multi Callbacks = 0
# Test Local Partitions = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should test Zoltan using various values
# of the NUM_LOCAL_PARTS parameter and/or nonuniform part sizes.
# While setting NUM_LOCAL_PARTS using a "Zoltan Parameter" above
# would make all processors have the same number of local parts,
# this flag allows different processors to have different values for
# Valid values are integers from 0 to 7.
# 0: NUM_LOCAL_PARTS is not set (unless specified as a
# "Zoltan Parameter" above).
# 1: Each processor sets NUM_LOCAL_PARTS to its processor number;
# e.g., processor 0 requests zero local parts; processor 1
# requests 1 local part, etc.
# 2: Each odd-numbered processor sets NUM_LOCAL_PARTS to its
# processor number; even-numbered processors do not set
# 3: One part per proc, but variable part sizes.
# Only set part sizes for upper half of procs
# (using Zoltan_LB_Set_Part_Sizes and global part numbers).
# 4: Variable number of parts per proc, and variable
# part sizes. Proc i requests i parts, each
# of size 1/i.
# 5: One part per proc, but variable part sizes.
# Same as case 3, except all sizes are increased by one to
# avoid possible zero-sized parts.
# 6: One part per proc, but variable part sizes.
# When nprocs >= 6, zero-sized parts on processors >= 2.
# (This case is of particular interest for HSFC.)
# 7: One part per proc, but variable part sizes.
# When nprocs >= 6, zero-sized parts on processors <= 3.
# (This case is of particular interest for HSFC.)
# Default value is 0.
Test Local Partitions = 0
# Test Generate Files = <integer>
# This line signals that zdrive should test Zoltan using Zoltan_Generate_Files
# to produce output files that describe the geometry, graph, or hypergraph
# used in the load-balancing. Such files may be useful for debugging.
# 0: Do not generate files.
# 1: Generate files.
# Default value is 0.
Test Generate Files = 0