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2 years ago
\file gk_struct.h
\brief This file contains various datastructures used/provided by GKlib
\date Started 3/27/2007
\author George
\version\verbatim $Id: gk_struct.h 21988 2018-04-16 00:11:19Z karypis $ \endverbatim
#ifndef _GK_STRUCT_H_
#define _GK_STRUCT_H_
/*! Generator for gk_??KeyVal_t data structure */
typedef struct {\
} NAME;\
/* The actual KeyVal data structures */
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_ckv_t, char, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_ikv_t, int, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_i8kv_t, int8_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_i16kv_t, int16_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_i32kv_t, int32_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_i64kv_t, int64_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_zkv_t, ssize_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_zukv_t, size_t, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_fkv_t, float, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_dkv_t, double, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_skv_t, char *, ssize_t)
GK_MKKEYVALUE_T(gk_idxkv_t, gk_idx_t, gk_idx_t)
/*! Generator for gk_?pq_t data structure */
typedef struct {\
size_t nnodes;\
size_t maxnodes;\
/* Heap version of the data structure */ \
KVTYPE *heap;\
ssize_t *locator;\
} NAME;\
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_ipq_t, gk_ikv_t)
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_i32pq_t, gk_i32kv_t)
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_i64pq_t, gk_i64kv_t)
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_fpq_t, gk_fkv_t)
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_dpq_t, gk_dkv_t)
GK_MKPQUEUE_T(gk_idxpq_t, gk_idxkv_t)
typedef struct {\
ssize_t nnodes;\
ssize_t maxnodes;\
/* Heap version of the data structure */ \
KTYPE *keys;\
VTYPE *vals;\
} NAME;\
* The following data structure stores a sparse CSR format
typedef struct gk_csr_t {
int32_t nrows, ncols;
ssize_t *rowptr, *colptr;
int32_t *rowind, *colind;
int32_t *rowids, *colids;
int32_t *rlabels, *clabels;
int32_t *rmap, *cmap;
float *rowval, *colval;
float *rnorms, *cnorms;
float *rsums, *csums;
float *rsizes, *csizes;
float *rvols, *cvols;
float *rwgts, *cwgts;
} gk_csr_t;
* The following data structure stores a sparse graph
typedef struct gk_graph_t {
int32_t nvtxs; /*!< The number of vertices in the graph */
ssize_t *xadj; /*!< The ptr-structure of the adjncy list */
int32_t *adjncy; /*!< The adjacency list of the graph */
int32_t *iadjwgt; /*!< The integer edge weights */
float *fadjwgt; /*!< The floating point edge weights */
int32_t *ivwgts; /*!< The integer vertex weights */
float *fvwgts; /*!< The floating point vertex weights */
int32_t *ivsizes; /*!< The integer vertex sizes */
float *fvsizes; /*!< The floating point vertex sizes */
int32_t *vlabels; /*!< The labels of the vertices */
} gk_graph_t;
* The following data structure stores stores a string as a
* pair of its allocated buffer and the buffer itself.
typedef struct gk_str_t {
size_t len;
char *buf;
} gk_str_t;
* The following data structure implements a string-2-int mapping
* table used for parsing command-line options
typedef struct gk_StringMap_t {
char *name;
int id;
} gk_StringMap_t;
* This structure implements a simple hash table
typedef struct gk_HTable_t {
int nelements; /* The overall size of the hash-table */
int htsize; /* The current size of the hash-table */
gk_ikv_t *harray; /* The actual hash-table */
} gk_HTable_t;
* This structure implements a gk_Tokens_t list returned by the
* string tokenizer
typedef struct gk_Tokens_t {
int ntoks; /* The number of tokens in the input string */
char *strbuf; /* The memory that stores all the entries */
char **list; /* Pointers to the strbuf for each element */
} gk_Tokens_t;
* This structure implements storage for an atom in a pdb file
typedef struct atom {
int serial;
char *name;
char altLoc;
char *resname;
char chainid;
int rserial;
char icode;
char element;
double x;
double y;
double z;
double opcy;
double tmpt;
} atom;
* This structure implements storage for a center of mass for
* a single residue.
typedef struct center_of_mass {
char name;
double x;
double y;
double z;
} center_of_mass;
* This structure implements storage for a pdb protein
typedef struct pdbf {
int natoms; /* Number of atoms */
int nresidues; /* Number of residues based on coordinates */
int ncas;
int nbbs;
int corruption;
char *resSeq; /* Residue sequence based on coordinates */
char **threeresSeq; /* three-letter residue sequence */
atom *atoms;
atom **bbs;
atom **cas;
center_of_mass *cm;
} pdbf;
* Localization Structures for converting characters to integers
typedef struct gk_i2cc2i_t {
int n;
char *i2c;
int *c2i;
} gk_i2cc2i_t;
*This structure implements storage of a protein sequence
* *****************************************************************/
typedef struct gk_seq_t {
int len; /*Number of Residues */
int *sequence; /* Stores the sequence*/
int **pssm; /* Stores the pssm matrix */
int **psfm; /* Stores the psfm matrix */
char *name; /* Stores the name of the sequence */
int nsymbols;
} gk_seq_t;
/*! The following data structure stores information about a memory
allocation operation that can either be served from gk_mcore_t or by
a gk_malloc if not sufficient workspace memory is available. */
typedef struct gk_mop_t {
int type;
ssize_t nbytes;
void *ptr;
} gk_mop_t;
/*! The following structure defines the mcore for GKlib's customized
memory allocations. */
typedef struct gk_mcore_t {
/* Workspace information */
size_t coresize; /*!< The amount of core memory that has been allocated */
size_t corecpos; /*!< Index of the first free location in core */
void *core; /*!< Pointer to the core itself */
/* These are for implementing a stack-based allocation scheme using both
core and also dynamically allocated memory */
size_t nmops; /*!< The number of maop_t entries that have been allocated */
size_t cmop; /*!< Index of the first free location in maops */
gk_mop_t *mops; /*!< The array recording the maop_t operations */
/* These are for keeping various statistics for wspacemalloc */
size_t num_callocs; /*!< The number of core mallocs */
size_t num_hallocs; /*!< The number of heap mallocs */
size_t size_callocs; /*!< The total # of bytes in core mallocs */
size_t size_hallocs; /*!< The total # of bytes in heap mallocs */
size_t cur_callocs; /*!< The current # of bytes in core mallocs */
size_t cur_hallocs; /*!< The current # of bytes in heap mallocs */
size_t max_callocs; /*!< The maximum # of bytes in core mallocs at any given time */
size_t max_hallocs; /*!< The maximum # of bytes in heap mallocs at any given time */
} gk_mcore_t;
/*! The following structure is used for cache simulation for performance
modeling and analysis. */
typedef struct gk_cache_t {
/*! The total cache is nway*(2^(cnbits+lnbits)) bytes */
uint32_t nway; /*!< the associativity of the cache */
uint32_t lnbits; /*!< the number of address bits indexing the cache line */
uint32_t cnbits; /*!< the number of address bits indexing the cache */
size_t csize; /*!< 2^cnbits */
size_t cmask; /*!< csize-1 */
uint64_t clock; /*!< a clock in terms of accesses */
uint64_t *latimes; /*!< a cacheline-level last access time */
size_t *clines; /*!< the cache in terms of cachelines */
uint64_t nhits; /*!< counts the number of hits */
uint64_t nmisses; /*!< counts the number of misses */
} gk_cache_t;