Process command line options
Open the file h5fc_v_all-tmp.h5
Processing all datasets in the file...
Going to process dataset:/DSET_CONTIGUOUS...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a contiguous dataset: downgrade layout version as needed
Converting the dataset...
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/DSET_EA...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/DSET_FA...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/DSET_NDATA_BT2...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/DSET_NONE...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/GROUP/DSET_BT2...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/GROUP/DSET_NDATA_EA...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/GROUP/DSET_NDATA_FA...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Going to process dataset:/GROUP/DSET_NDATA_NONE...
Open the dataset
Retrieve the dataset's layout
Dataset is a chunked dataset
Retrieve the dataset's chunk indexing type
Dataset's chunk indexing type is already version 1 B-tree: no further action
Close the dataset
Close the dataset creation property list
Processing the file's superblock...
Close the file