Filename: h5stat_threshold.h5
File information
	# of unique groups: 4
	# of unique datasets: 23
	# of unique named datatypes: 0
	# of unique links: 0
	# of unique other: 0
	Max. # of links to object: 1
	Max. # of objects in group: 10
File space information for file metadata (in bytes):
	Superblock: 96
	Superblock extension: 0
	User block: 0
	Object headers: (total/unused)
		Groups: 3576/0
		Datasets(exclude compact data): 7896/2912
		Datatypes: 0/0
		B-tree/List: 3816
		Heap: 744
		B-tree/List: 0
		Heap: 0
	Chunked datasets:
		Index: 0
		Heap: 0
	Shared Messages:
		Header: 0
		B-tree/List: 0
		Heap: 0
	Free-space managers:
		Header: 0
		Amount of free space: 0
Small groups (with 0 to 9 links):
	# of groups with 0 link(s): 1
	# of groups with 7 link(s): 1
	# of groups with 9 link(s): 1
	Total # of small groups: 3
Group bins:
	# of groups with 0 link: 1
	# of groups with 1 - 9 links: 2
	# of groups with 10 - 99 links: 1
	Total # of groups: 4
Dataset dimension information:
	Max. rank of datasets: 2
	Dataset ranks:
		# of dataset with rank 0: 2
		# of dataset with rank 1: 20
		# of dataset with rank 2: 1
1-D Dataset information:
	Max. dimension size of 1-D datasets: 6
	Small 1-D datasets (with dimension sizes 0 to 9):
		# of datasets with dimension sizes 0: 1
		# of datasets with dimension sizes 6: 19
		Total # of small datasets: 20
	1-D Dataset dimension bins:
		# of datasets with dimension size 0: 1
		# of datasets with dimension size 1 - 9: 19
		Total # of datasets: 20
Dataset storage information:
	Total raw data size: 0
	Total external raw data size: 0
Dataset layout information:
	Dataset layout counts[COMPACT]: 0
	Dataset layout counts[CONTIG]: 23
	Dataset layout counts[CHUNKED]: 0
	Dataset layout counts[VIRTUAL]: 0
	Number of external files : 0
Dataset filters information:
	Number of datasets with:
		NO filter: 23
		GZIP filter: 0
		SHUFFLE filter: 0
		FLETCHER32 filter: 0
		SZIP filter: 0
		NBIT filter: 0
		SCALEOFFSET filter: 0
		USER-DEFINED filter: 0
Dataset datatype information:
	# of unique datatypes used by datasets: 1
	Dataset datatype #0:
		Count (total/named) = (23/0)
		Size (desc./elmt) = (14/1)
	Total dataset datatype count: 23
Small # of attributes (objects with 1 to 1 attributes):
	# of objects with 1 attributes: 2
	Total # of objects with small # of attributes: 2
Attribute bins:
	# of objects with 1 - 9 attributes: 2
	# of objects with 10 - 99 attributes: 3
	Total # of objects with attributes: 5
	Max. # of attributes to objects: 25
Free-space persist: FALSE
Free-space section threshold: 1 bytes
Small size free-space sections (< 10 bytes):
	Total # of small size sections: 0
Free-space section bins:
	Total # of sections: 0
File space management strategy: H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_FSM_AGGR
File space page size: 4096 bytes
Summary of file space information:
  File metadata: 16128 bytes
  Raw data: 0 bytes
  Amount/Percent of tracked free space: 0 bytes/0.0%
  Unaccounted space: 184 bytes
Total space: 16312 bytes