* Build and Test HDF5 Examples with CMake                              *

Notes: This short instruction is written for users who want to quickly
       test the installation of HDF5 by using the CMake tools to build
       and test the HDF5 Examples. The following instructions will show
       the default usage and then present common changes for non-default
       For more information, see the USING_HDF5_CMake.txt file.

       More information about using CMake can be found at the KitWare
       site, www.cmake.org.

       CMake uses the command line and these instructions use the script
       method of the ctest command.

I. Preconditions

   1. We suggest you obtain the latest CMake for your platform from the Kitware
      web site. The HDF5 1.14.x product requires a minimum CMake version
      of 3.18. If you are using VS2022, the minimum version is 3.21.

   2. You have installed the HDF5 library built with CMake, by executing
      the HDF Install Utility (the *.msi file in the binary package for
      Windows or the *.sh on Linux). You can obtain pre-built binaries
      from The HDF Group's website at www.hdfgroup.org.

II. Building HDF5 Examples with CMake

Files in the HDF5 install directory:
       HDF5Examples folder

Default installation process:
       Create a directory to run the examples, i.e. \test_hdf5.
       Copy HDF5Examples folder to this directory.
       Copy CTestScript.cmake to this directory.
       Copy HDF5_Examples.cmake to this directory.
       Copy HDF5_Examples_options.cmake to this directory.
       The default source folder is defined as "HDF5Examples". It can be changed
           with the CTEST_SOURCE_NAME script option.
       The default installation folder is defined for the platform.
           It can be changed with the INSTALLDIR script option.
           (Note: Windows has issues with spaces and paths -The path will need to
            be set correctly.)
       The default ctest configuration is defined as "Release". It can be changed
           with the CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE script option. Note that this must
           be the same as the value used with the -C command line option.
       The default build configuration is defined to build and use static libraries.

       Shared libraries and other options can be changed by editing the
           HDF5_Examples_options.cmake file.

       If the defaults are okay, execute from this directory:
           ctest -S HDF5_Examples.cmake -C Release -V -O test.log
       If the defaults need change, execute from this directory:
           ctest -S HDF5_Examples.cmake,CTEST_SOURCE_NAME=MyExamples,INSTALLDIR=MyLocation -C Release -V -O test.log

    When executed, the ctest script will save the results to the log file, test.log, as
    indicated by the ctest command. If you wish the to see more build and test information,
    add "-VV" to the ctest command. The output should show;
          100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 156.

III. Defaults in the HDF5_Examples_options.cmake file

####  DEFAULT:                                                                            ###
####         BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF                                                   ###
####         HDF_BUILD_C:BOOL=ON                                                          ###
####         HDF_BUILD_CXX:BOOL=OFF                                                       ###
####         HDF_BUILD_FORTRAN:BOOL=OFF                                                   ###
####         HDF_BUILD_JAVA:BOOL=OFF                                                      ###
####         HDF_BUILD_FILTERS:BOOL=OFF                                                   ###
####         BUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF                                                       ###
####         HDF_ENABLE_PARALLEL:BOOL=OFF                                                 ###
####         HDF_ENABLE_THREADSAFE:BOOL=OFF                                               ###