/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
 *                                                                           *
 * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
 * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
 * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
 * distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.               *
 * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
 * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/13/15
 *              This file contains tests specific to the cache image
 *        feature implemented in H5C.c
#include "testphdf5.h"

#include "cache_common.h"
#include "genall5.h"

#define CHUNK_SIZE              10
#define DSET_SIZE               (40 * CHUNK_SIZE)
#define MAX_NUM_DSETS           256
#define PAR_NUM_DSETS           32
#define PAGE_SIZE               (4 * 1024)
#define PB_SIZE                 (64 * PAGE_SIZE)

/* global variable declarations: */

const char *FILENAMES[] = {"t_cache_image_00", "t_cache_image_01", "t_cache_image_02", NULL};

/* local utility function declarations */

static void create_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset);
#if 0 /* keep pending full parallel cache image */
static void delete_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset);

static void open_hdf5_file(const hbool_t create_file, const hbool_t mdci_sbem_expected,
                           const hbool_t read_only, const hbool_t set_mdci_fapl, const hbool_t config_fsm,
                           const hbool_t enable_page_buffer, const char *hdf_file_name,
                           const unsigned cache_image_flags, hid_t *file_id_ptr, H5F_t **file_ptr_ptr,
                           H5C_t **cache_ptr_ptr, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int l_facc_type,
                           const hbool_t all_coll_metadata_ops, const hbool_t coll_metadata_write,
                           const int md_write_strat);

static void verify_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset);

/* local test function declarations */

static unsigned construct_test_file(int test_file_index);
static void     par_create_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank, int mpi_size);
static void     par_delete_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank);
static void     par_verify_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank);

static hbool_t serial_insert_cache_image(int file_name_idx, int mpi_size);
static void    serial_verify_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_size);

/* top level test function declarations */
static unsigned verify_cache_image_RO(int file_name_id, int md_write_strat, int mpi_rank);
static unsigned verify_cache_image_RW(int file_name_id, int md_write_strat, int mpi_rank);

static hbool_t smoke_check_1(MPI_Comm mpi_comm, MPI_Info mpi_info, int mpi_rank, int mpi_size);

/***************************** Utility Functions ****************************/

 * Function:    construct_test_file()
 * Purpose:     This function attempts to mimic the typical "poor man's
 *        parallel use case in which the file is passed between
 *        processes, each of which open the file, write some data,
 *        close the file, and then pass control on to the next
 *        process.
 *        In this case, we create one group for each process, and
 *        populate it with a "zoo" of HDF5 objects selected to
 *        (ideally) exercise all HDF5 on disk data structures.
 *        The end result is a test file used verify that PHDF5
 *        can open a file with a cache image.
 *        Cycle of operation
 *        1) Create a HDF5 file with the cache image FAPL entry.
 *           Verify that the cache is informed of the cache image
 *           FAPL entry.
 *           Set all cache image flags, forcing full functionality.
 *        2) Create a data set in the file.
 *        3) Close the file.
 *        4) Open the file.
 *           Verify that the metadata cache is instructed to load
 *                 the metadata cache image.
 *        5) Create a data set in the file.
 *        6) Close the file.  If enough datasets have been created
 *                 goto 7.  Otherwise return to 4.
 *        7) Open the file R/O.
 *                 Verify that the file contains a metadata cache image
 *                 superblock extension message.
 *        8) Verify all data sets.
 *           Verify that the cache image has been loaded.
 *            9) close the file.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              1/25/17

static unsigned
construct_test_file(int test_file_index)
    const char *fcn_name = "construct_test_file()";
    char        filename[512];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hid_t       file_id       = -1;
    H5F_t      *file_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_t      *cache_ptr     = NULL;
    int         cp            = 0;
    int         min_dset      = 0;
    int         max_dset      = 0;
    MPI_Comm    dummy_comm    = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Info    dummy_info    = MPI_INFO_NULL;

    pass = TRUE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the file name */
    if (pass) {


        if (h5_fixname(FILENAMES[test_file_index], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename)) == NULL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 1) Create a HDF5 file with the cache image FAPL entry.
     *      Verify that the cache is informed of the cache image FAPL entry.
     *    Set flags forcing full function of the cache image feature.

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ TRUE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ FALSE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ TRUE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ TRUE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ dummy_comm,
                       /* info                  */ dummy_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ 0,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 0);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 2) Create a data set in the file. */

    if (pass) {

        create_data_sets(file_id, min_dset++, max_dset++);

    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "metadata cache image block loaded(1).";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 3) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    while ((pass) && (max_dset < MAX_NUM_DSETS)) {

        /* 4) Open the file.
         *    Verify that the metadata cache is instructed to load the
         *    metadata cache image.

        if (pass) {

            open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                           /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                           /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                           /* set_mdci_fapl         */ TRUE,
                           /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                           /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                           /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                           /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                           /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                           /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                           /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                           /* comm                  */ dummy_comm,
                           /* info                  */ dummy_info,
                           /* l_facc_type           */ 0,
                           /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                           /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                           /* md_write_strat        */ 0);

        if (show_progress)
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s:L1 cp = %d, max_dset = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp, max_dset, pass);

        /* 5) Create a data set in the file. */

        if (pass) {

            create_data_sets(file_id, min_dset++, max_dset++);

        if (pass) {

            if (cache_ptr->images_loaded == 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "metadata cache image block not loaded(1).";

        if (show_progress)
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s:L2 cp = %d, max_dset = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp + 1, max_dset, pass);

        /* 6) Close the file. */

        if (pass) {

            if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

        if (show_progress)
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s:L3 cp = %d, max_dset = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp + 2, max_dset, pass);
    } /* end while */
    cp += 3;

    /* 7) Open the file R/O.
     *    Verify that the file contains a metadata cache image
     *    superblock extension message.

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ TRUE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ dummy_comm,
                       /* info                  */ dummy_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ 0,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 0);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 8) Open and close all data sets.
     *    Verify that the cache image has been loaded.

    if (pass) {

        verify_data_sets(file_id, 0, max_dset - 1);

    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded == 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "metadata cache image block not loaded(2).";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 9) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    return !pass;

} /* construct_test_file() */

 * Function:    create_data_sets()
 * Purpose:     If pass is TRUE on entry, create the specified data sets
 *        in the indicated file.
 *        Data sets and their contents must be well know, as we
 *        will verify that they contain the expected data later.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/15/15

static void
create_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset)
    const char *fcn_name = "create_data_sets()";
    char        dset_name[64];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t     valid_chunk;
    hbool_t     verbose = FALSE;
    int         cp      = 0;
    int         i, j, k, l, m;
    int         data_chunk[CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
    herr_t      status;
    hid_t       dataspace_id = -1;
    hid_t       filespace_ids[MAX_NUM_DSETS];
    hid_t       memspace_id = -1;
    hid_t       dataset_ids[MAX_NUM_DSETS];
    hid_t       properties = -1;
    hsize_t     dims[2];
    hsize_t     a_size[2];
    hsize_t     offset[2];
    hsize_t     chunk_size[2];

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    HDassert(0 <= min_dset);
    HDassert(min_dset <= max_dset);
    HDassert(max_dset < MAX_NUM_DSETS);

    /* create the datasets */

    if (pass) {

        i = min_dset;

        while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
            /* create a dataspace for the chunked dataset */
            dims[0]      = DSET_SIZE;
            dims[1]      = DSET_SIZE;
            dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);

            if (dataspace_id < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

            /* set the dataset creation plist to specify that the raw data is
             * to be partitioned into 10X10 element chunks.

            if (pass) {

                chunk_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE;
                chunk_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
                properties    = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);

                if (properties < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate() failed.";

            if (pass) {

                if (H5Pset_chunk(properties, 2, chunk_size) < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Pset_chunk() failed.";

            /* create the dataset */
            if (pass) {

                HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", i);
                dataset_ids[i] = H5Dcreate2(file_id, dset_name, H5T_STD_I32BE, dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                            properties, H5P_DEFAULT);

                if (dataset_ids[i] < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Dcreate() failed.";

            /* get the file space ID */
            if (pass) {

                filespace_ids[i] = H5Dget_space(dataset_ids[i]);

                if (filespace_ids[i] < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";


    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* create the mem space to be used to read and write chunks */
    if (pass) {

        dims[0]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        dims[1]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);

        if (memspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* select in memory hyperslab */
    if (pass) {

        offset[0] = 0; /*offset of hyperslab in memory*/
        offset[1] = 0;
        a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
        a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

        if (status < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* initialize all datasets on a round robin basis */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            m = min_dset;
            while ((pass) && (m <= max_dset)) {
                /* initialize the slab */
                for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                    for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                        data_chunk[k][l] = (DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l;

                /* select on disk hyperslab */
                offset[0] = (hsize_t)i; /*offset of hyperslab in file*/
                offset[1] = (hsize_t)j;
                a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
                a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
                status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "disk H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

                /* write the chunk to file */
                status = H5Dwrite(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_ids[m], H5P_DEFAULT,

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Dwrite() failed.";
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;

        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* read data from data sets and validate it */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            m = min_dset;
            while ((pass) && (m <= max_dset)) {

                /* select on disk hyperslab */
                offset[0] = (hsize_t)i; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
                offset[1] = (hsize_t)j;
                a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /* size of hyperslab */
                a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
                status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

                /* read the chunk from file */
                if (pass) {

                    status = H5Dread(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_ids[m],
                                     H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);

                    if (status < 0) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

                /* validate the slab */
                if (pass) {

                    valid_chunk = TRUE;
                    for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                        for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                            if (data_chunk[k][l] !=
                                ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l)) {

                                valid_chunk = FALSE;

                                if (verbose) {

                                    HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n", k, l,
                                              ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l));
                                    HDfprintf(stdout, "m = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d\n", m, i, j, k,

                    if (!valid_chunk) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";

                        if (verbose) {

                            HDfprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n", i, j, m);
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;
        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* close the file spaces */
    i = min_dset;
    while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
        if (H5Sclose(filespace_ids[i]) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sclose() failed.";

    /* close the datasets */
    i = min_dset;
    while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
        if (H5Dclose(dataset_ids[i]) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dclose() failed.";

    /* close the mem space */
    if (pass) {

        if (H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";


} /* create_data_sets() */

 * Function:    delete_data_sets()
 * Purpose:     If pass is TRUE on entry, verify and then delete the
 *        dataset(s) indicated by min_dset and max_dset in the
 *        indicated file.
 *        Data sets and their contents must be well know, as we
 *        will verify that they contain the expected data later.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              10/31/16
#if 0
/* this code will be needed to test full support of cache image
 * in parallel -- keep it around against that day.
 *                                      -- JRM
static void
delete_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset)
    const char * fcn_name = "delete_data_sets()";
    char dset_name[64];
    hbool_t show_progress = FALSE;
    int cp = 0;
    int i;

    if ( show_progress ) HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    HDassert(0 <= min_dset);
    HDassert(min_dset <= max_dset);
    HDassert(max_dset < MAX_NUM_DSETS);

    if ( show_progress ) HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* first, verify the contents of the target dataset(s) */
    verify_data_sets(file_id, min_dset, max_dset);

    if ( show_progress ) HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* now delete the target datasets */
    if ( pass ) {

        i = min_dset;

        while ( ( pass ) && ( i <= max_dset ) )
            HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", i);

        if ( H5Ldelete(file_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) {

                pass = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5Ldelete() failed.";


    if ( show_progress ) HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);


} /* delete_data_sets() */

 * Function:    open_hdf5_file()
 * Purpose:     If pass is true on entry, create or open the specified HDF5
 *        and test to see if it has a metadata cache image superblock
 *        extension message.
 *        Set pass to FALSE and issue a suitable failure
 *        message if either the file contains a metadata cache image
 *        superblock extension and mdci_sbem_expected is TRUE, or
 *        vice versa.
 *        If mdci_sbem_expected is TRUE, also verify that the metadata
 *        cache has been advised of this.
 *        If read_only is TRUE, open the file read only.  Otherwise
 *        open the file read/write.
 *        If set_mdci_fapl is TRUE, set the metadata cache image
 *        FAPL entry when opening the file, and verify that the
 *        metadata cache is notified.
 *        If config_fsm is TRUE, setup the persistent free space
 *        manager.  Note that this flag may only be set if
 *        create_file is also TRUE.
 *              Return pointers to the cache data structure and file data
 *              structures.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/14/15

static void
open_hdf5_file(const hbool_t create_file, const hbool_t mdci_sbem_expected, const hbool_t read_only,
               const hbool_t set_mdci_fapl, const hbool_t config_fsm, const hbool_t enable_page_buffer,
               const char *hdf_file_name, const unsigned cache_image_flags, hid_t *file_id_ptr,
               H5F_t **file_ptr_ptr, H5C_t **cache_ptr_ptr, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Info info, int l_facc_type,
               const hbool_t all_coll_metadata_ops, const hbool_t coll_metadata_write,
               const int md_write_strat)
    const char               *fcn_name      = "open_hdf5_file()";
    hbool_t                   show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t                   verbose       = FALSE;
    int                       cp            = 0;
    hid_t                     fapl_id       = -1;
    hid_t                     fcpl_id       = -1;
    hid_t                     file_id       = -1;
    herr_t                    result;
    H5F_t                    *file_ptr  = NULL;
    H5C_t                    *cache_ptr = NULL;
    H5C_cache_image_ctl_t     image_ctl;
    H5AC_cache_image_config_t cache_image_config = {H5AC__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CONFIG_VERSION, TRUE, FALSE,

    HDassert(!create_file || config_fsm);

    if (pass) {
        /* opening the file both read only and with a cache image
         * requested is a contradiction.  We resolve it by ignoring
         * the cache image request silently.
        if ((create_file && mdci_sbem_expected) || (create_file && read_only) ||
            (config_fsm && !create_file) || (create_file && enable_page_buffer && !config_fsm) ||
            (hdf_file_name == NULL) || ((set_mdci_fapl) && (cache_image_flags == 0)) ||
            ((set_mdci_fapl) && ((cache_image_flags & ~H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS) != 0)) || (file_id_ptr == NULL) ||
            (file_ptr_ptr == NULL) || (cache_ptr_ptr == NULL) ||
            (l_facc_type != (l_facc_type & (FACC_MPIO)))) {

            failure_mssg = "Bad param(s) on entry to open_hdf5_file().\n";

            pass = FALSE;
        else if (verbose) {

            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: HDF file name = \"%s\".\n", fcn_name, hdf_file_name);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* create a file access property list. */
    if (pass) {

        fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);

        if (fapl_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* call H5Pset_libver_bounds() on the fapl_id */
    if (pass) {

        if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_libver_bounds() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* get metadata cache image config -- verify that it is the default */
    if (pass) {

        result = H5Pget_mdc_image_config(fapl_id, &cache_image_config);

        if (result < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_image_config() failed.\n";

        if ((cache_image_config.version != H5AC__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CONFIG_VERSION) ||
            (cache_image_config.generate_image != FALSE) ||
            (cache_image_config.save_resize_status != FALSE) ||
            (cache_image_config.entry_ageout != H5AC__CACHE_IMAGE__ENTRY_AGEOUT__NONE)) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected default cache image config.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* set metadata cache image fapl entry if indicated */
    if ((pass) && (set_mdci_fapl)) {

        /* set cache image config fields to taste */
        cache_image_config.generate_image     = TRUE;
        cache_image_config.save_resize_status = FALSE;
        cache_image_config.entry_ageout       = H5AC__CACHE_IMAGE__ENTRY_AGEOUT__NONE;

        result = H5Pset_mdc_image_config(fapl_id, &cache_image_config);

        if (result < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_image_config() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the persistent free space manager if indicated */
    if ((pass) && (config_fsm)) {

        fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE);

        if (fcpl_id <= 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE) failed.";

    if ((pass) && (config_fsm)) {

        if (H5Pset_file_space_strategy(fcpl_id, H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_PAGE, TRUE, (hsize_t)1) == FAIL) {
            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_file_space_strategy() failed.\n";

    if ((pass) && (config_fsm)) {

        if (H5Pset_file_space_page_size(fcpl_id, PAGE_SIZE) == FAIL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_file_space_page_size() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the page buffer if indicated */
    if ((pass) && (enable_page_buffer)) {

        if (H5Pset_page_buffer_size(fapl_id, PB_SIZE, 0, 0) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_page_buffer_size() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if ((pass) && (l_facc_type == FACC_MPIO)) {

        /* set Parallel access with communicator */
        if (H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, comm, info) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_fapl_mpio() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if ((pass) && (l_facc_type == FACC_MPIO)) {

        if (H5Pset_all_coll_metadata_ops(fapl_id, all_coll_metadata_ops) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_all_coll_metadata_ops() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if ((pass) && (l_facc_type == FACC_MPIO)) {

        if (H5Pset_coll_metadata_write(fapl_id, coll_metadata_write) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_coll_metadata_write() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if ((pass) && (l_facc_type == FACC_MPIO)) {

        /* set the desired parallel metadata write strategy */
        H5AC_cache_config_t mdc_config;

        mdc_config.version = H5C__CURR_AUTO_SIZE_CTL_VER;

        if (H5Pget_mdc_config(fapl_id, &mdc_config) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pget_mdc_config() failed.\n";

        mdc_config.metadata_write_strategy = md_write_strat;

        if (H5Pset_mdc_config(fapl_id, &mdc_config) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_mdc_config() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* open the file */
    if (pass) {

        if (create_file) {

            if (fcpl_id != -1)

                file_id = H5Fcreate(hdf_file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id);

                file_id = H5Fcreate(hdf_file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_id);
        else {

            if (read_only)

                file_id = H5Fopen(hdf_file_name, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl_id);


                file_id = H5Fopen(hdf_file_name, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl_id);

        if (file_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fcreate() or H5Fopen() failed.\n";
        else {

            file_ptr = (struct H5F_t *)H5VL_object_verify(file_id, H5I_FILE);

            if (file_ptr == NULL) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Can't get file_ptr.";

                if (verbose) {
                    HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: Can't get file_ptr.\n", fcn_name);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* get a pointer to the files internal data structure and then
     * to the cache structure
    if (pass) {

        if (file_ptr->shared->cache == NULL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "can't get cache pointer(1).\n";
        else {

            cache_ptr = file_ptr->shared->cache;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* verify expected page buffer status.  At present, page buffering
     * must be disabled in parallel -- hopefully this will change in the
     * future.
    if (pass) {

        if ((file_ptr->shared->page_buf) && ((!enable_page_buffer) || (l_facc_type == FACC_MPIO))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "page buffer unexpectedly enabled.";
        else if ((file_ptr->shared->page_buf != NULL) &&
                 ((enable_page_buffer) || (l_facc_type != FACC_MPIO))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "page buffer unexpectedly disabled.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* verify expected metadata cache status */

    /* get the cache image control structure from the cache, and verify
     * that it contains the expected values.
     * Then set the flags in this structure to the specified value.
    if (pass) {

        if (H5C_get_cache_image_config(cache_ptr, &image_ctl) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "error returned by H5C_get_cache_image_config().";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        if (set_mdci_fapl) {

            if (read_only) {

                if ((image_ctl.version != H5AC__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CONFIG_VERSION) ||
                    (image_ctl.generate_image != FALSE) || (image_ctl.save_resize_status != FALSE) ||
                    (image_ctl.entry_ageout != H5AC__CACHE_IMAGE__ENTRY_AGEOUT__NONE) ||
                    (image_ctl.flags != H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS)) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected image_ctl values(1).\n";
            else {

                if ((image_ctl.version != H5AC__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CONFIG_VERSION) ||
                    (image_ctl.generate_image != TRUE) || (image_ctl.save_resize_status != FALSE) ||
                    (image_ctl.entry_ageout != H5AC__CACHE_IMAGE__ENTRY_AGEOUT__NONE) ||
                    (image_ctl.flags != H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS)) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "Unexpected image_ctl values(2).\n";
        else {

            if ((image_ctl.version != H5AC__CURR_CACHE_IMAGE_CONFIG_VERSION) ||
                (image_ctl.generate_image != FALSE) || (image_ctl.save_resize_status != FALSE) ||
                (image_ctl.entry_ageout != H5AC__CACHE_IMAGE__ENTRY_AGEOUT__NONE) ||
                (image_ctl.flags != H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS)) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "Unexpected image_ctl values(3).\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if ((pass) && (set_mdci_fapl)) {

        image_ctl.flags = cache_image_flags;

        if (H5C_set_cache_image_config(file_ptr, cache_ptr, &image_ctl) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "error returned by H5C_set_cache_image_config().";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->close_warning_received == TRUE) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Unexpected value of close_warning_received.\n";

        if (mdci_sbem_expected) {

            if (read_only) {

                if ((cache_ptr->load_image != TRUE) || (cache_ptr->delete_image != FALSE)) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "mdci sb extension message not present?\n";
            else {

                if ((cache_ptr->load_image != TRUE) || (cache_ptr->delete_image != TRUE)) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "mdci sb extension message not present?\n";
        else {

            if ((cache_ptr->load_image == TRUE) || (cache_ptr->delete_image == TRUE)) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "mdci sb extension message present?\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        *file_id_ptr   = file_id;
        *file_ptr_ptr  = file_ptr;
        *cache_ptr_ptr = cache_ptr;

    if (show_progress) {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d -- exiting.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        if (!pass)
            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = %s\n", fcn_name, failure_mssg);


} /* open_hdf5_file() */

 * Function:    par_create_dataset()
 * Purpose:     Collectively create a chunked dataset, and fill it with
 *              known values.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/4/17

static void
par_create_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank, int mpi_size)
    const char *fcn_name = "par_create_dataset()";
    char        dset_name[256];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t     valid_chunk;
    hbool_t     verbose = FALSE;
    int         cp      = 0;
    int         i, j, k, l;
    int         data_chunk[1][CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
    hsize_t     dims[3];
    hsize_t     a_size[3];
    hsize_t     offset[3];
    hsize_t     chunk_size[3];
    hid_t       status;
    hid_t       dataspace_id = -1;
    hid_t       memspace_id  = -1;
    hid_t       dset_id      = -1;
    hid_t       filespace_id = -1;
    hid_t       dcpl_id      = -1;
    hid_t       dxpl_id      = -1;

    show_progress = (show_progress && (mpi_rank == 0));
    verbose       = (verbose && (mpi_rank == 0));

    HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", dset_num);

    if (show_progress) {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: dset name = \"%s\".\n", fcn_name, dset_name);
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        /* create a dataspace for the chunked dataset */
        dims[0]      = (hsize_t)mpi_size;
        dims[1]      = DSET_SIZE;
        dims[2]      = DSET_SIZE;
        dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL);

        if (dataspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* set the dataset creation plist to specify that the raw data is
     * to be partitioned into 1X10X10 element chunks.

    if (pass) {

        dcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);

        if (dcpl_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        chunk_size[0] = 1;
        chunk_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        chunk_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;

        if (H5Pset_chunk(dcpl_id, 3, chunk_size) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_chunk() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* create the dataset */
    if (pass) {

        dset_id =
            H5Dcreate2(file_id, dset_name, H5T_STD_I32BE, dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl_id, H5P_DEFAULT);

        if (dset_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dcreate() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* get the file space ID */
    if (pass) {

        filespace_id = H5Dget_space(dset_id);

        if (filespace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* create the mem space to be used to read and write chunks */
    if (pass) {

        dims[0]     = 1;
        dims[1]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        dims[2]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL);

        if (memspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* select in memory hyperslab */
    if (pass) {

        offset[0] = 0; /* offset of hyperslab in memory */
        offset[1] = 0;
        offset[2] = 0;
        a_size[0] = 1; /* size of hyperslab */
        a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

        if (status < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the DXPL for collective I/O */
    if (pass) {

        dxpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);

        if (dxpl_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(dxpl_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_dxpl_mpio() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* initialize the dataset with collective writes */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {

            if (show_progress)
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.0, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp, pass);

            /* initialize the slab */
            for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                    data_chunk[0][k][l] =
                        (DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * mpi_rank) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l + dset_num;

            if (show_progress)
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.1, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp, pass);

            /* select on disk hyperslab */
            offset[0] = (hsize_t)mpi_rank; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
            offset[1] = (hsize_t)i;
            offset[2] = (hsize_t)j;
            a_size[0] = (hsize_t)1; /* size of hyperslab */
            a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
            a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;
            status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

            if (status < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "disk H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

            if (show_progress)
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.2, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp, pass);

            /* write the chunk to file */
            status = H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, dxpl_id, data_chunk);

            if (status < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "H5Dwrite() failed.";

            if (show_progress)
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.3, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp, pass);

            j += CHUNK_SIZE;

        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* read data from data sets and validate it */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            /* select on disk hyperslab */
            offset[0] = (hsize_t)mpi_rank;
            offset[1] = (hsize_t)i; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
            offset[2] = (hsize_t)j;
            a_size[0] = (hsize_t)1;
            a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE; /* size of hyperslab */
            a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;

            status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

            if (status < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

            /* read the chunk from file */
            if (pass) {

                status = H5Dread(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, dxpl_id, data_chunk);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "chunk read failed.";

            /* validate the slab */
            if (pass) {

                valid_chunk = TRUE;
                for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                    for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                        if (data_chunk[0][k][l] !=
                            ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * mpi_rank) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l + dset_num)) {

                            valid_chunk = FALSE;

                            if (verbose) {

                                HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n", k, l,
                                          ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * mpi_rank) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j +
                                           l + dset_num));
                                HDfprintf(stdout, "dset_num = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d\n", dset_num,
                                          i, j, k, l);

                if (!valid_chunk) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";

                    if (verbose) {

                        HDfprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n", i, j, dset_num);
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;
        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* close the data space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(dataspace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(dataspace_id) failed.";

    /* close the file space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(filespace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(filespace_id) failed.";

    /* close the dataset */
    if ((pass) && (H5Dclose(dset_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Dclose(dset_id) failed.";

    /* close the mem space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";

    /* close the dataset creation property list */
    if ((pass) && (H5Pclose(dcpl_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Pclose(dcpl) failed.";

    /* close the data access property list */
    if ((pass) && (H5Pclose(dxpl_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Pclose(dxpl) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);


} /* par_create_dataset() */

 * Function:    par_delete_dataset()
 * Purpose:     Collectively delete the specified dataset.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/6/17

static void
par_delete_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank)
    const char *fcn_name = "par_delete_dataset()";
    char        dset_name[256];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    int         cp            = 0;

    show_progress = (show_progress && (mpi_rank == 0));

    HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", dset_num);

    if (show_progress) {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: dset name = \"%s\".\n", fcn_name, dset_name);
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* verify the target dataset */
    if (pass) {

        par_verify_dataset(dset_num, file_id, mpi_rank);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* delete the target dataset */
    if (pass) {

        if (H5Ldelete(file_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Ldelete() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);


} /* par_delete_dataset() */

 * Function:    par_insert_cache_image()
 * Purpose:     Insert a cache image in the supplied file.
 *              At present, cache image is not enabled in the parallel
 *              so we have to insert the cache image with a serial
 *              process.  Do this via a fork and an execv from process 0.
 *              All processes wait until the child process completes, and
 *              then return.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/8/17

static void
par_insert_cache_image(int file_name_idx, int mpi_rank, int mpi_size)
    if (pass) {

        if (mpi_rank == 0) { /* insert cache image in supplied test file */

            if (!serial_insert_cache_image(file_name_idx, mpi_size)) {
                HDfprintf(stderr, "\n\nCache image insertion failed.\n");
                HDfprintf(stderr, "  failure mssg = \"%s\"\n", failure_mssg);

    if (pass) {

        /* make sure insertion of the cache image is complete
         * before proceeding


} /* par_insert_cache_image() */

 * Function:    par_verify_dataset()
 * Purpose:     Collectively verify the contents of a chunked dataset.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/6/17

static void
par_verify_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_rank)
    const char *fcn_name = "par_verify_dataset()";
    char        dset_name[256];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t     valid_chunk;
    hbool_t     verbose = FALSE;
    int         cp      = 0;
    int         i, j, k, l;
    int         data_chunk[1][CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
    hsize_t     dims[3];
    hsize_t     a_size[3];
    hsize_t     offset[3];
    hid_t       status;
    hid_t       memspace_id  = -1;
    hid_t       dset_id      = -1;
    hid_t       filespace_id = -1;
    hid_t       dxpl_id      = -1;

    show_progress = (show_progress && (mpi_rank == 0));
    verbose       = (verbose && (mpi_rank == 0));

    HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", dset_num);

    if (show_progress) {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: dset name = \"%s\".\n", fcn_name, dset_name);
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        /* open the dataset */

        dset_id = H5Dopen2(file_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT);

        if (dset_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dopen2() failed.";

    /* get the file space ID */
    if (pass) {

        filespace_id = H5Dget_space(dset_id);

        if (filespace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* create the mem space to be used to read */
    if (pass) {

        dims[0]     = 1;
        dims[1]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        dims[2]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL);

        if (memspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* select in memory hyperslab */
    if (pass) {

        offset[0] = 0; /* offset of hyperslab in memory */
        offset[1] = 0;
        offset[2] = 0;
        a_size[0] = 1; /* size of hyperslab */
        a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

        if (status < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the DXPL for collective I/O */
    if (pass) {

        dxpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);

        if (dxpl_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(dxpl_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Pset_dxpl_mpio() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* read data from data sets and validate it */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            /* select on disk hyperslab */
            offset[0] = (hsize_t)mpi_rank;
            offset[1] = (hsize_t)i; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
            offset[2] = (hsize_t)j;
            a_size[0] = (hsize_t)1;
            a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE; /* size of hyperslab */
            a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;

            status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

            if (status < 0) {

                pass         = FALSE;
                failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

            /* read the chunk from file */
            if (pass) {

                status = H5Dread(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, dxpl_id, data_chunk);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "chunk read failed.";

            /* validate the slab */
            if (pass) {

                valid_chunk = TRUE;
                for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                    for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                        if (data_chunk[0][k][l] !=
                            ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * mpi_rank) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l + dset_num)) {

                            valid_chunk = FALSE;

                            if (verbose) {

                                HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n", k, l,
                                          ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * mpi_rank) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j +
                                           l + dset_num));
                                HDfprintf(stdout, "dset_num = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d\n", dset_num,
                                          i, j, k, l);

                if (!valid_chunk) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";

                    if (verbose) {

                        HDfprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n", i, j, dset_num);
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;
        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* close the file space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(filespace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(filespace_id) failed.";

    /* close the dataset */
    if ((pass) && (H5Dclose(dset_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Dclose(dset_id) failed.";

    /* close the mem space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";

    /* close the data access property list */
    if ((pass) && (H5Pclose(dxpl_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Pclose(dxpl) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);


} /* par_verify_dataset() */

 * Function:    serial_insert_cache_image()
 * Purpose:     Insert a cache image in the supplied file.
 *         To populate the cache image, validate the contents
 *         of the file before closing.
 *              On failure, print an appropriate error message and
 *              return FALSE.
 * Return:      TRUE if succussful, FALSE otherwise.
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/8/17

static hbool_t
serial_insert_cache_image(int file_name_idx, int mpi_size)
    const char *fcn_name = "serial_insert_cache_image()";
    char        filename[512];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    int         cp            = 0;
    int         i;
    int         num_dsets  = PAR_NUM_DSETS;
    hid_t       file_id    = -1;
    H5F_t      *file_ptr   = NULL;
    H5C_t      *cache_ptr  = NULL;
    MPI_Comm    dummy_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Info    dummy_info = MPI_INFO_NULL;

    pass = TRUE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 1) setup the file name */
    if (pass) {


        if (h5_fixname(FILENAMES[file_name_idx], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename)) == NULL) {

            pass = FALSE;
            HDfprintf(stdout, "h5_fixname() failed.\n");

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 2) Open the PHDF5 file with the cache image FAPL entry.

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ FALSE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ TRUE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ dummy_comm,
                       /* info                  */ dummy_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ 0,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 1);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 3) Validate contents of the file */

    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < num_dsets)) {

        serial_verify_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_size);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 4) Close the file */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    return pass;

} /* serial_insert_cache_image() */

 * Function:    serial_verify_dataset()
 * Purpose:     Verify the contents of a chunked dataset.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/6/17

static void
serial_verify_dataset(int dset_num, hid_t file_id, int mpi_size)
    const char *fcn_name = "serial_verify_dataset()";
    char        dset_name[256];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t     valid_chunk;
    hbool_t     verbose = FALSE;
    int         cp      = 0;
    int         i, j, k, l, m;
    int         data_chunk[1][CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
    hsize_t     dims[3];
    hsize_t     a_size[3];
    hsize_t     offset[3];
    hid_t       status;
    hid_t       memspace_id  = -1;
    hid_t       dset_id      = -1;
    hid_t       filespace_id = -1;

    HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", dset_num);

    if (show_progress) {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: dset name = \"%s\".\n", fcn_name, dset_name);
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    if (pass) {

        /* open the dataset */

        dset_id = H5Dopen2(file_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT);

        if (dset_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dopen2() failed.";

    /* get the file space ID */
    if (pass) {

        filespace_id = H5Dget_space(dset_id);

        if (filespace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* create the mem space to be used to read */
    if (pass) {

        dims[0]     = 1;
        dims[1]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        dims[2]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, NULL);

        if (memspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* select in memory hyperslab */
    if (pass) {

        offset[0] = 0; /* offset of hyperslab in memory */
        offset[1] = 0;
        offset[2] = 0;
        a_size[0] = 1; /* size of hyperslab */
        a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

        if (status < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* read data from data sets and validate it */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < mpi_size)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            k = 0;
            while ((pass) && (k < DSET_SIZE)) {
                /* select on disk hyperslab */
                offset[0] = (hsize_t)i; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
                offset[1] = (hsize_t)j; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
                offset[2] = (hsize_t)k;
                a_size[0] = (hsize_t)1;
                a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE; /* size of hyperslab */
                a_size[2] = CHUNK_SIZE;

                status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

                /* read the chunk from file */
                if (pass) {

                    status =
                        H5Dread(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);

                    if (status < 0) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "chunk read failed.";

                /* validate the slab */
                if (pass) {

                    valid_chunk = TRUE;

                    for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                        for (m = 0; m < CHUNK_SIZE; m++) {
                            if (data_chunk[0][l][m] !=
                                ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * i) + (DSET_SIZE * (j + l)) + k + m + dset_num)) {

                                valid_chunk = FALSE;

                                if (verbose) {

                                    HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n", j, k,
                                              ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * i) + (DSET_SIZE * (j + l)) + k + m +
                                              "dset_num = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d, m = %d\n",
                                              dset_num, i, j, k, l, m);

                    if (!valid_chunk) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";

                        if (verbose) {

                            HDfprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n", j, k, dset_num);
                k += CHUNK_SIZE;
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* close the file space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(filespace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(filespace_id) failed.";

    /* close the dataset */
    if ((pass) && (H5Dclose(dset_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Dclose(dset_id) failed.";

    /* close the mem space */
    if ((pass) && (H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0)) {

        pass         = FALSE;
        failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);


} /* serial_verify_dataset() */

 * Function:    verify_data_sets()
 * Purpose:     If pass is TRUE on entry, verify that the data sets in the
 *        file exist and contain the expected data.
 *        Note that these data sets were created by
 *        create_data_sets() above.  Thus any changes in that
 *        function must be reflected in this function, and
 *        vise-versa.
 *              On failure, set pass to FALSE, and set failure_mssg
 *              to point to an appropriate failure message.
 *              Do nothing if pass is FALSE on entry.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              7/15/15

static void
verify_data_sets(hid_t file_id, int min_dset, int max_dset)
    const char *fcn_name = "verify_data_sets()";
    char        dset_name[64];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hbool_t     valid_chunk;
    hbool_t     verbose = FALSE;
    int         cp      = 0;
    int         i, j, k, l, m;
    int         data_chunk[CHUNK_SIZE][CHUNK_SIZE];
    herr_t      status;
    hid_t       filespace_ids[MAX_NUM_DSETS];
    hid_t       memspace_id = -1;
    hid_t       dataset_ids[MAX_NUM_DSETS];
    hsize_t     dims[2];
    hsize_t     a_size[2];
    hsize_t     offset[2];

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    HDassert(0 <= min_dset);
    HDassert(min_dset <= max_dset);
    HDassert(max_dset < MAX_NUM_DSETS);

    /* open the datasets */

    if (pass) {

        i = min_dset;

        while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
            /* open the dataset */
            if (pass) {

                HDsnprintf(dset_name, sizeof(dset_name), "/dset%03d", i);
                dataset_ids[i] = H5Dopen2(file_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT);

                if (dataset_ids[i] < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Dopen2() failed.";

            /* get the file space ID */
            if (pass) {

                filespace_ids[i] = H5Dget_space(dataset_ids[i]);

                if (filespace_ids[i] < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "H5Dget_space() failed.";


    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* create the mem space to be used to read and write chunks */
    if (pass) {

        dims[0]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        dims[1]     = CHUNK_SIZE;
        memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);

        if (memspace_id < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Screate_simple() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* select in memory hyperslab */
    if (pass) {

        offset[0] = 0; /*offset of hyperslab in memory*/
        offset[1] = 0;
        a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /*size of hyperslab*/
        a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
        status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

        if (status < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sselect_hyperslab() failed.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* read data from data sets and validate it */
    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < DSET_SIZE)) {
        j = 0;
        while ((pass) && (j < DSET_SIZE)) {
            m = min_dset;
            while ((pass) && (m <= max_dset)) {

                /* select on disk hyperslab */
                offset[0] = (hsize_t)i; /* offset of hyperslab in file */
                offset[1] = (hsize_t)j;
                a_size[0] = CHUNK_SIZE; /* size of hyperslab */
                a_size[1] = CHUNK_SIZE;
                status    = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace_ids[m], H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, a_size, NULL);

                if (status < 0) {

                    pass         = FALSE;
                    failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

                /* read the chunk from file */
                if (pass) {

                    status = H5Dread(dataset_ids[m], H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_ids[m],
                                     H5P_DEFAULT, data_chunk);

                    if (status < 0) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "disk hyperslab create failed.";

                /* validate the slab */
                if (pass) {

                    valid_chunk = TRUE;
                    for (k = 0; k < CHUNK_SIZE; k++) {
                        for (l = 0; l < CHUNK_SIZE; l++) {
                            if (data_chunk[k][l] !=
                                ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l)) {

                                valid_chunk = FALSE;

                                if (verbose) {

                                    HDfprintf(stdout, "data_chunk[%0d][%0d] = %0d, expect %0d.\n", k, l,
                                              ((DSET_SIZE * DSET_SIZE * m) + (DSET_SIZE * (i + k)) + j + l));
                                    HDfprintf(stdout, "m = %d, i = %d, j = %d, k = %d, l = %d\n", m, i, j, k,

                    if (!valid_chunk) {

                        pass         = FALSE;
                        failure_mssg = "slab validation failed.";

                        if (verbose) {

                            HDfprintf(stdout, "Chunk (%0d, %0d) in /dset%03d is invalid.\n", i, j, m);
            j += CHUNK_SIZE;
        i += CHUNK_SIZE;

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++);

    /* close the file spaces */
    i = min_dset;
    while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
        if (H5Sclose(filespace_ids[i]) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sclose() failed.";

    /* close the datasets */
    i = min_dset;
    while ((pass) && (i <= max_dset)) {
        if (H5Dclose(dataset_ids[i]) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Dclose() failed.";

    /* close the mem space */
    if (pass) {

        if (H5Sclose(memspace_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Sclose(memspace_id) failed.";


} /* verify_data_sets() */

/******************************* Test Functions *****************************/

 * Function:    verify_cache_image_RO()
 * Purpose:     Verify that a HDF5 file containing a cache image is
 *              opened R/O and read correctly by PHDF5 with the specified
 *              metadata write strategy.
 *              Basic cycle of operation is as follows:
 *        1) Open the test file created at the beginning of this
 *           test read only.
 *           Verify that the file contains a cache image.
 *           Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
 *           Verify that all other processes receive the cache
 *           image block from process 0.
 *              2) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
 *              3) Close the file.
 *              4) Open the file R/O, and verify that it still contains
 *                 a cache image.
 *              5) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
 *              6) Close the file.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              3/11/17

static unsigned
verify_cache_image_RO(int file_name_id, int md_write_strat, int mpi_rank)
    const char *fcn_name = "verify_cache_image_RO()";
    char        filename[512];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hid_t       file_id       = -1;
    H5F_t      *file_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_t      *cache_ptr     = NULL;
    int         cp            = 0;

    pass = TRUE;

    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        switch (md_write_strat) {

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- proc0 md write -- R/O");

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- dist md write -- R/O");

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- unknown md write -- R/o");
                pass = FALSE;

    show_progress = ((show_progress) && (mpi_rank == 0));

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the file name */
    if (pass) {

        if (h5_fixname(FILENAMES[file_name_id], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename)) == NULL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 1) Open the test file created at the beginning of this test.
     *    Verify that the file contains a cache image.

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ TRUE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                       /* info                  */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ md_write_strat);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 2) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
     *    Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
     *    Verify that all other processes receive the cache
     *    image block from process 0.

    if (pass) {

        verify_data_sets(file_id, 0, MAX_NUM_DSETS - 1);

    /* Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image. */
    if (pass) {

        if (((mpi_rank == 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 1)) ||
            ((mpi_rank > 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 0))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected images_read.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that all other processes receive the cache image block
         * from process 0.
         * Since we have already verified that only process 0 has read the
         * image, it is sufficient to verify that the image was loaded on
         * all processes.
    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 1) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Image not loaded?.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 3) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 4) Open the file, and verify that it doesn't contain a cache image. */

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ TRUE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                       /* info                  */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ md_write_strat);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 5) Verify that the file contains the expected data. */

    if (pass) {

        verify_data_sets(file_id, 0, MAX_NUM_DSETS - 1);

    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 1) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "metadata cache image block not loaded(2).";

    /* 6) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* report results */
    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        if (pass) {

        else {


            if (show_progress) {
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\"\n", fcn_name, failure_mssg);

    return !pass;

} /* verify_cache_image_RO() */

 * Function:    verify_cache_image_RW()
 * Purpose:     Verify that a HDF5 file containing a cache image is
 *              opened and read correctly by PHDF5 with the specified
 *              metadata write strategy.
 *              Basic cycle of operation is as follows:
 *        1) Open the test file created at the beginning of this
 *           test.
 *           Verify that the file contains a cache image.
 *              2) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
 *           Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
 *           Verify that all other processes receive the cache
 *           image block from process 0.
 *              3) Close the file.
 *              4) Open the file, and verify that it doesn't contain
 *                 a cache image.
 *              5) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
 *              6) Close the file.
 *              7) Delete the file.
 * Return:      void
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              1/25/17

static unsigned
verify_cache_image_RW(int file_name_id, int md_write_strat, int mpi_rank)
    const char *fcn_name = "verify_cache_imageRW()";
    char        filename[512];
    hbool_t     show_progress = FALSE;
    hid_t       file_id       = -1;
    H5F_t      *file_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_t      *cache_ptr     = NULL;
    int         cp            = 0;

    pass = TRUE;

    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        switch (md_write_strat) {

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- proc0 md write -- R/W");

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- dist md write -- R/W");

                TESTING("parallel CI load test -- unknown md write -- R/W");
                pass = FALSE;

    show_progress = ((show_progress) && (mpi_rank == 0));

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the file name */
    if (pass) {

        if (h5_fixname(FILENAMES[file_name_id], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename)) == NULL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 1) Open the test file created at the beginning of this test.
     *    Verify that the file contains a cache image.
     *    Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
     *    Verify that all other processes receive the cache
     *    image block from process 0.

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                       /* info                  */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ md_write_strat);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 2) Verify that the file contains the expected data.
     *    Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
     *    Verify that all other processes receive the cache
     *    image block from process 0.
    if (pass) {

        verify_data_sets(file_id, 0, MAX_NUM_DSETS - 1);

    /* Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image. */
    if (pass) {

        if (((mpi_rank == 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 1)) ||
            ((mpi_rank > 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 0))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected images_read.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that all other processes receive the cache image block
         * from process 0.
         * Since we have already verified that only process 0 has read the
         * image, it is sufficient to verify that the image was loaded on
         * all processes.
    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 1) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Image not loaded?.";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 3) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 4) Open the file, and verify that it doesn't contain a cache image. */

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ FALSE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ MPI_COMM_WORLD,
                       /* info                  */ MPI_INFO_NULL,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ FALSE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ md_write_strat);

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 5) Verify that the file contains the expected data. */

    if (pass) {

        verify_data_sets(file_id, 0, MAX_NUM_DSETS - 1);

    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "metadata cache image block loaded(1).";

    /* 6) Close the file. */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if (show_progress)
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 7) Delete the file. */

    if (pass) {

        /* wait for everyone to close the file */

        if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (HDremove(filename) < 0)) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";

    /* report results */
    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        if (pass) {

        else {


            if (show_progress) {
                HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\"\n", fcn_name, failure_mssg);

    return !pass;

} /* verify_cache_imageRW() */

 * Function:    smoke_check_1()
 * Purpose:     Initial smoke check to verify correct behaviour of cache
 *              image in combination with parallel.
 *              As cache image is currently disabled in the parallel case,
 *              we construct a test file in parallel, verify it in serial
 *              and generate a cache image in passing, and then verify
 *              it again in parallel.
 *              In passing, also verify that page buffering is silently
 *              disabled in the parallel case.  Needless to say, this part
 *              of the test will have to be re-worked when and if page
 *              buffering is supported in parallel.
 * Return:      Success:        TRUE
 *              Failure:        FALSE
 * Programmer:  JRM -- 3/6/17
static hbool_t
smoke_check_1(MPI_Comm mpi_comm, MPI_Info mpi_info, int mpi_rank, int mpi_size)
    const char    *fcn_name = "smoke_check_1()";
    char           filename[512];
    hbool_t        show_progress = FALSE;
    hid_t          file_id       = -1;
    H5F_t         *file_ptr      = NULL;
    H5C_t         *cache_ptr     = NULL;
    int            cp            = 0;
    int            i;
    int            num_dsets       = PAR_NUM_DSETS;
    int            test_file_index = 2;
    h5_stat_size_t file_size;

    pass = TRUE;

    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        TESTING("parallel cache image smoke check 1");

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* setup the file name */
    if (pass) {


        if (h5_fixname(FILENAMES[test_file_index], H5P_DEFAULT, filename, sizeof(filename)) == NULL) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_fixname() failed.\n";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 1) Create a PHDF5 file without the cache image FAPL entry.
     *    Verify that a cache image is not requested

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ TRUE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ FALSE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ TRUE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ mpi_comm,
                       /* info                  */ mpi_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ TRUE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 1);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 2) Create datasets in the file */

    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < num_dsets)) {

        par_create_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_rank, mpi_size);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 3) Verify the datasets in the file */

    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < num_dsets)) {

        par_verify_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_rank);

    /* 4) Close the file */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.\n";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 5 Insert a cache image into the file */

    if (pass) {

        par_insert_cache_image(test_file_index, mpi_rank, mpi_size);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 6) Open the file R/O */

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ TRUE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ mpi_comm,
                       /* info                  */ mpi_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ TRUE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 1);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 7) Verify the datasets in the file backwards
     *    Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
     *    Verify that all other processes receive the cache
     *    image block from process 0.

    i = num_dsets - 1;
    while ((pass) && (i >= 0)) {

        par_verify_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_rank);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image. */
    if (pass) {

        if (((mpi_rank == 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 1)) ||
            ((mpi_rank > 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 0))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected images_read.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that all other processes receive the cache image block
         * from process 0.
         * Since we have already verified that only process 0 has read the
         * image, it is sufficient to verify that the image was loaded on
         * all processes.
    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 1) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Image not loaded?.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 8) Close the file */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 9) Open the file */

    if (pass) {

        open_hdf5_file(/* create_file           */ FALSE,
                       /* mdci_sbem_expected    */ TRUE,
                       /* read_only             */ FALSE,
                       /* set_mdci_fapl         */ FALSE,
                       /* config_fsm            */ FALSE,
                       /* enable_page_buffer    */ FALSE,
                       /* hdf_file_name         */ filename,
                       /* cache_image_flags     */ H5C_CI__ALL_FLAGS,
                       /* file_id_ptr           */ &file_id,
                       /* file_ptr_ptr          */ &file_ptr,
                       /* cache_ptr_ptr         */ &cache_ptr,
                       /* comm                  */ mpi_comm,
                       /* info                  */ mpi_info,
                       /* l_facc_type           */ FACC_MPIO,
                       /* all_coll_metadata_ops */ FALSE,
                       /* coll_metadata_write   */ TRUE,
                       /* md_write_strat        */ 1);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 10) Verify the datasets in the file
     *     Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image.
     *     Verify that all other processes receive the cache
     *     image block from process 0.

    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < num_dsets)) {

        par_verify_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_rank);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that only process 0 reads the cache image. */
    if (pass) {

        if (((mpi_rank == 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 1)) ||
            ((mpi_rank > 0) && (cache_ptr->images_read != 0))) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpected images_read.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

        /* Verify that all other processes receive the cache image block
         * from process 0.
         * Since we have already verified that only process 0 has read the
         * image, it is sufficient to verify that the image was loaded on
         * all processes.
    if (pass) {

        if (cache_ptr->images_loaded != 1) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "Image not loaded?.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 11) Delete the datasets in the file */

    i = 0;
    while ((pass) && (i < num_dsets)) {

        par_delete_dataset(i, file_id, mpi_rank);

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 12) Close the file */

    if (pass) {

        if (H5Fclose(file_id) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "H5Fclose() failed.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 13) Get the size of the file.  Verify that it is less
     *     than 20 KB.  Without deletions and persistent free
     *     space managers, size size is about 30 MB, so this
     *     is sufficient to verify that the persistent free
     *     space managers are more or less doing their job.
     *     Note that this test will have to change if we use
     *     a larger page size.
    if (pass) {

        if ((file_size = h5_get_file_size(filename, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "h5_get_file_size() failed.";
        else if (file_size > 20 * 1024) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "unexpectedly large file size.";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* 14) Delete the file */

    if (pass) {

        /* wait for everyone to close the file */

        if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (HDremove(filename) < 0)) {

            pass         = FALSE;
            failure_mssg = "HDremove() failed.\n";

    if ((mpi_rank == 0) && (show_progress))
        HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: cp = %d, pass = %d.\n", fcn_name, cp++, pass);

    /* report results */
    if (mpi_rank == 0) {

        if (pass) {

        else {


            HDfprintf(stdout, "%s: failure_mssg = \"%s\"\n", fcn_name, failure_mssg);

    return !pass;

} /* smoke_check_1() */

 * Function:    main
 * Purpose:     Run parallel tests on the cache image feature.
 *              At present, cache image is disabled in parallel, and
 *              thus these tests are restricted to verifying that a
 *              file with a cache image can be opened in the parallel
 *              case, and verifying that instructions to create a
 *              cache image are ignored in the parallel case.
 *              WARNING: This test uses fork() and execve(), and
 *                       therefore will not run on Windows.
 * Return:      Success: 0
 *              Failure: 1
 * Programmer:  John Mainzer
 *              1/25/17

main(int argc, char **argv)
    unsigned nerrs = 0;
    MPI_Comm comm  = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Info info  = MPI_INFO_NULL;
    int      mpi_size;
    int      mpi_rank;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);

    /* Attempt to turn off atexit post processing so that in case errors
     * happen during the test and the process is aborted, it will not get
     * hang in the atexit post processing in which it may try to make MPI
     * calls.  By then, MPI calls may not work.
    if (H5dont_atexit() < 0)
        HDprintf("%d:Failed to turn off atexit processing. Continue.\n", mpi_rank);


    if (mpi_rank == 0) {
        HDprintf("Parallel metadata cache image tests\n");
        HDprintf("        mpi_size     = %d\n", mpi_size);

    if (mpi_size < 2) {
        if (mpi_rank == 0)
            HDprintf("    Need at least 2 processes.  Exiting.\n");
        goto finish;

    if (mpi_rank == 0) { /* create test files */
        int i;

        HDfprintf(stdout, "Constructing test files: \n");

        i = 0;
        while ((FILENAMES[i] != NULL) && (i < TEST_FILES_TO_CONSTRUCT)) {
            HDfprintf(stdout, "   writing %s ... ", FILENAMES[i]);

            if (pass) {
            else {
        HDfprintf(stdout, "Test file construction complete.\n");

    /* can't start test until test files exist */

    nerrs += verify_cache_image_RO(0, H5AC_METADATA_WRITE_STRATEGY__PROCESS_0_ONLY, mpi_rank);
    nerrs += verify_cache_image_RO(1, H5AC_METADATA_WRITE_STRATEGY__DISTRIBUTED, mpi_rank);
    nerrs += verify_cache_image_RW(0, H5AC_METADATA_WRITE_STRATEGY__PROCESS_0_ONLY, mpi_rank);
    nerrs += verify_cache_image_RW(1, H5AC_METADATA_WRITE_STRATEGY__DISTRIBUTED, mpi_rank);
    nerrs += smoke_check_1(comm, info, mpi_rank, mpi_size);


    /* make sure all processes are finished before final report, cleanup
     * and exit.

    if (mpi_rank == 0) { /* only process 0 reports */
        if (nerrs > 0)
            HDprintf("***metadata cache image tests detected %d failures***\n", nerrs);
            HDprintf("metadata cache image tests finished with no failures\n");

    /* close HDF5 library */

    /* MPI_Finalize must be called AFTER H5close which may use MPI calls */

    /* cannot just return (nerrs) because exit code is limited to 1byte */
    return (nerrs > 0);

} /* main() */