usage: h5repack [OPTIONS] file1 file2
  file1                    Input HDF5 File
  file2                    Output HDF5 File
   --enable-error-stack    Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they occur.
                           Optional value 2 also prints file open errors.
   -h, --help              Print a usage message and exit
   -v N, --verbose=N       Verbose mode, print object information.
      N - is an integer greater than 1, 2 displays read/write timing
   -V, --version           Print version number and exit
   -n, --native            Use a native HDF5 type when repacking
   --src-vol-value         Value (ID) of the VOL connector to use for opening the
                           input HDF5 file specified
   --src-vol-name          Name of the VOL connector to use for opening the input
                           HDF5 file specified
   --src-vol-info          VOL-specific info to pass to the VOL connector used for
                           opening the input HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vol-value         Value (ID) of the VOL connector to use for opening the
                           output HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vol-name          Name of the VOL connector to use for opening the output
                           HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vol-info          VOL-specific info to pass to the VOL connector used for
                           opening the output HDF5 file specified
   --src-vfd-value         Value (ID) of the VFL driver to use for opening the
                           input HDF5 file specified
   --src-vfd-name          Name of the VFL driver to use for opening the input
                           HDF5 file specified
   --src-vfd-info          VFD-specific info to pass to the VFL driver used for
                           opening the input HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vfd-value         Value (ID) of the VFL driver to use for opening the
                           output HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vfd-name          Name of the VFL driver to use for opening the output
                           HDF5 file specified
   --dst-vfd-info          VFD-specific info to pass to the VFL driver used for
                           opening the output HDF5 file specified
   -L, --latest            Use latest version of file format
                           This option will take precedence over the options
                           --low and --high
   --low=BOUND             The low bound for library release versions to use
                           when creating objects in the file
                           (default is H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST)
   --high=BOUND            The high bound for library release versions to use
                           when creating objects in the file
                           (default is H5F_LIBVER_LATEST)
   --merge                 Follow external soft link recursively and merge data
   --prune                 Do not follow external soft links and remove link
   --merge --prune         Follow external link, merge data and remove dangling link
   -c L1, --compact=L1     Maximum number of links in header messages
   -d L2, --indexed=L2     Minimum number of links in the indexed format
   -s S[:F], --ssize=S[:F] Shared object header message minimum size
   -m M, --minimum=M       Do not apply the filter to datasets smaller than M
   -e E, --file=E          Name of file E with the -f and -l options
   -u U, --ublock=U        Name of file U with user block data to be added
   -b B, --block=B         Size of user block to be added
   -M A, --metadata_block_size=A  Metadata block size for H5Pset_meta_block_size
   -t T, --threshold=T     Threshold value for H5Pset_alignment
   -a A, --alignment=A     Alignment value for H5Pset_alignment
   -q Q, --sort_by=Q       Sort groups and attributes by index Q
   -z Z, --sort_order=Z    Sort groups and attributes by order Z
   -f FILT, --filter=FILT  Filter type
   -l LAYT, --layout=LAYT  Layout type
   -S FS_STRATEGY, --fs_strategy=FS_STRATEGY  File space management strategy for
   -P FS_PERSIST, --fs_persist=FS_PERSIST  Persisting or not persisting free-
                           space for H5Pset_file_space_strategy
   -T FS_THRESHOLD, --fs_threshold=FS_THRESHOLD   Free-space section threshold
                           for H5Pset_file_space_strategy
   -G FS_PAGESIZE, --fs_pagesize=FS_PAGESIZE   File space page size for

    M - is an integer greater than 1, size of dataset in bytes (default is 0)
    E - is a filename.
    S - is an integer
    U - is a filename.
    T - is an integer
    A - is an integer greater than zero
    Q - is the sort index type for the input file. It can be "name" or
        "creation_order" (default)
    Z - is the sort order type for the input file. It can be "descending" or
        "ascending" (default)
    B - is the user block size, any value that is 512 or greater and is
        a power of 2 (1024 default)
    F - is the shared object header message type, any of <dspace|dtype|fill|
        pline|attr>. If F is not specified, S applies to all messages

    BOUND is an integer indicating the library release versions to use when
          creating objects in the file (see H5Pset_libver_bounds()):
        0: This is H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST in H5F_libver_t struct
        1: This is H5F_LIBVER_V18 in H5F_libver_t struct
        2: This is H5F_LIBVER_V110 in H5F_libver_t struct
        3: This is H5F_LIBVER_V112 in H5F_libver_t struct
        4: This is H5F_LIBVER_V114 in H5F_libver_t struct
           (H5F_LIBVER_LATEST is aliased to H5F_LIBVER_V114 for this release

    FS_STRATEGY is a string indicating the file space strategy used:
               The mechanisms used in managing file space are free-space
               managers, aggregators and virtual file driver.
               The mechanisms used in managing file space are free-space
               managers with embedded paged aggregation and virtual file driver.
               The mechanisms used in managing file space are aggregators and
               virtual file driver.
               The mechanisms used in managing file space are virtual file
        The default strategy when not set is FSM_AGGR without persisting free-

    FS_PERSIST is 1 to persisting free-space or 0 to not persisting free-space.
      The default when not set is not persisting free-space.
      The value is ignored for AGGR and NONE strategies.

    FS_THRESHOLD is the minimum size (in bytes) of free-space sections to be
        tracked by the library.
      The default when not set is 1.
      The value is ignored for AGGR and NONE strategies.

    FS_PAGESIZE is the size (in bytes) >=512 that is used by the library when
        the file space strategy PAGE is used.
      The default when not set is 4096.

    FILT - is a string with the format:

      <list of objects>:<name of filter>=<filter parameters>

      <list of objects> is a comma separated list of object names, meaning apply
        compression only to those objects. If no names are specified, the filter
        is applied to all objects
      <name of filter> can be:
        GZIP, to apply the HDF5 GZIP filter (GZIP compression)
        SZIP, to apply the HDF5 SZIP filter (SZIP compression)
        SHUF, to apply the HDF5 shuffle filter
        FLET, to apply the HDF5 checksum filter
        NBIT, to apply the HDF5 NBIT filter (NBIT compression)
        SOFF, to apply the HDF5 Scale/Offset filter
        UD,   to apply a user defined filter
        NONE, to remove all filters
      <filter parameters> is optional filter parameter information
        GZIP=<deflation level> from 1-9
        SZIP=<pixels per block,coding> pixels per block is a even number in
            2-32 and coding method is either EC or NN
        SHUF (no parameter)
        FLET (no parameter)
        NBIT (no parameter)
        SOFF=<scale_factor,scale_type> scale_factor is an integer and scale_type
            is either IN or DS
            Required values: filter_number, filter_flag, cd_value_count, value1
            Optional values: value2 to valueN
            filter_flag: 1 is OPTIONAL or 0 is MANDATORY
        NONE (no parameter)

    LAYT - is a string with the format:

      <list of objects>:<layout type>=<layout parameters>

      <list of objects> is a comma separated list of object names, meaning that
        layout information is supplied for those objects. If no names are
        specified, the layout type is applied to all objects
      <layout type> can be:
        CHUNK, to apply chunking layout
        COMPA, to apply compact layout
        CONTI, to apply contiguous layout
      <layout parameters> is optional layout information
        CHUNK=DIM[xDIM...xDIM], the chunk size of each dimension
        COMPA (no parameter)
        CONTI (no parameter)

Examples of use:

1) h5repack -v -f GZIP=1 file1 file2

   GZIP compression with level 1 to all objects

2) h5repack -v -f dset1:SZIP=8,NN file1 file2

   SZIP compression with 8 pixels per block and NN coding method to object dset1

3) h5repack -v -l dset1,dset2:CHUNK=20x10 -f dset3,dset4,dset5:NONE file1 file2

   Chunked layout, with a layout size of 20x10, to objects dset1 and dset2
   and remove filters to objects dset3, dset4, dset5

4) h5repack -L -c 10 -s 20:dtype file1 file2

   Using latest file format with maximum compact group size of 10 and
   minimum shared datatype size of 20

5) h5repack -f SHUF -f GZIP=1 file1 file2

   Add both filters SHUF and GZIP in this order to all datasets

6) h5repack -f UD=307,0,1,9 file1 file2

   Add bzip2 filter to all datasets

7) h5repack --low=0 --high=1 file1 file2

   Set low=H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST and high=H5F_LIBVER_V18 via
   H5Pset_libver_bounds() when creating the repacked file, file2