37 lines
2.2 KiB
37 lines
2.2 KiB
usage: h5stat [OPTIONS] file
--enable-error-stack Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they occur
Optional value 2 also prints file open errors
-h, --help Print a usage message and exit
-V, --version Print version number and exit
-f, --file Print file information
-F, --filemetadata Print file space information for file's metadata
-g, --group Print group information
-l N, --links=N Set the threshold for the # of links when printing
information for small groups. N is an integer greater
than 0. The default threshold is 10.
-G, --groupmetadata Print file space information for groups' metadata
-d, --dset Print dataset information
-m N, --dims=N Set the threshold for the dimension sizes when printing
information for small datasets. N is an integer greater
than 0. The default threshold is 10.
-D, --dsetmetadata Print file space information for datasets' metadata
-T, --dtypemetadata Print datasets' datatype information
-A, --attribute Print attribute information
-a N, --numattrs=N Set the threshold for the # of attributes when printing
information for small # of attributes. N is an integer greater
than 0. The default threshold is 10.
-s, --freespace Print free space information
-S, --summary Print summary of file space information
--s3-cred=<cred> Access file on S3, using provided credential
<cred> :: (region,id,key)
If <cred> == "(,,)", no authentication is used.
--hdfs-attrs=<attrs> Access a file on HDFS with given configuration
<attrs> :: (<namenode name>,<namenode port>,
<kerberos cache path>,<username>,
<buffer size>)
If an attribute is empty, a default value will be