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# Copyright by The HDF Group.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
# the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code
# distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses.
# If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from
# help@hdfgroup.org.
### T E S T I N G ###
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy all the HDF5 files from the source directory into the test directory
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach (vfdtest ${VFD_LIST})
foreach (h5_tfile ${HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP_FILES})
HDFTEST_COPY_FILE("${HDF5_TOOLS_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_tfile}.h5" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${vfdtest}/${h5_tfile}.h5" "HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP_files")
HDFTEST_COPY_FILE("${HDF5_TOOLS_DIR}/testfiles/${h5_tfile}.ddl" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${vfdtest}/${h5_tfile}.ddl" "HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP_files")
endforeach ()
endforeach ()
add_custom_target(HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP_files ALL COMMENT "Copying files needed by HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP tests" DEPENDS ${HDF5_VFD_H5DUMP_files_list})
### T H E T E S T S M A C R O S ###
macro (ADD_VFD_H5DUMP_TEST vfdname resultfile resultcode)
add_test (
NAME H5DUMP_VFD-${vfdname}-${resultfile}-h5dump
-D "TEST_PROGRAM=$<TARGET_FILE:h5dump${tgt_file_ext}>"
-D "TEST_VFD:STRING=${vfdname}"
-D "TEST_EXPECT=${resultcode}"
-D "TEST_OUTPUT=${resultfile}.out"
-D "TEST_REFERENCE=${resultfile}.ddl"
-P "${HDF_RESOURCES_DIR}/vfdTest.cmake"
set_tests_properties (H5DUMP_VFD-${vfdname}-${resultfile}-h5dump PROPERTIES TIMEOUT ${CTEST_SHORT_TIMEOUT})
endif ()
endmacro ()
### T H E T E S T S ###
# Run test with different Virtual File Driver
foreach (vfd ${VFD_LIST})
# test for signed/unsigned datasets
ADD_VFD_H5DUMP_TEST (${vfd} packedbits 0 --enable-error-stack packedbits.h5)
endforeach ()