#!/usr/bin/env python3 ############################################################################### # lapack_testing.py ############################################################################### from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE import os, sys, math import getopt # Arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd:b:srep:t:n", ["help", "dir=", "bin=", "short", "run", "error","prec=","test=","number"]) except getopt.error as msg: print(msg) print("for help use --help") sys.exit(2) short_summary = False with_file = True just_errors = False prec='x' test='all' only_numbers = False test_dir='TESTING' bin_dir='bin/Release' for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print(sys.argv[0]+" [-h|--help] [-d dir |--dir dir] [-s |--short] [-r |--run] [-e |--error] [-p p |--prec p] [-t test |--test test] [-n | --number]") print(" - h is to print this message") print(" - r is to use to run the LAPACK tests then analyse the output (.out files). By default, the script will not run all the LAPACK tests") print(" - d [dir] indicates the location of the LAPACK testing directory (.out files). By default, the script will use {:s}.".format(test_dir)) print(" - b [bin] indicates the location of the LAPACK binary files. By default, the script will use {:s}.".format(bin_dir)) print(" LEVEL OF OUTPUT") print(" - e is to print only the error summary") print(" - s is to print a short summary") print(" - n is to print the numbers of failing tests (turn on summary mode)") print(" SECLECTION OF TESTS:") print(" - p [s/c/d/z/x] is to indicate the PRECISION to run:") print(" s=single") print(" d=double") print(" sd=single/double") print(" c=complex") print(" z=double complex") print(" cz=complex/double complex") print(" x=all [DEFAULT]") print(" - t [lin/eig/mixed/rfp/all] is to indicate which TEST FAMILY to run:") print(" lin=Linear Equation") print(" eig=Eigen Problems") print(" mixed=mixed-precision") print(" rfp=rfp format") print(" all=all tests [DEFAULT]") print(" EXAMPLES:") print(" ./lapack_testing.py -n") print(" Will return the numbers of failed tests by analyzing the LAPACK output") print(" ./lapack_testing.py -n -r -p s") print(" Will return the numbers of failed tests in REAL precision by running the LAPACK Tests then analyzing the output") print(" ./lapack_testing.py -n -p s -t eig ") print(" Will return the numbers of failed tests in REAL precision by analyzing only the LAPACK output of EIGEN testings") sys.exit(0) else: if o in ("-s", "--short"): short_summary = True if o in ("-r", "--run"): with_file = False if o in ("-e", "--error"): just_errors = True if o in ( '-p', '--prec' ): prec = a if o in ( '-b', '--bin' ): bin_dir = a if o in ( '-d', '--dir' ): test_dir = a if o in ( '-t', '--test' ): test = a if o in ( '-n', '--number' ): only_numbers = True short_summary = True # process options abs_bin_dir=os.path.abspath(bin_dir) os.chdir(test_dir) execution=1 summary="\n\t\t\t--> LAPACK TESTING SUMMARY <--\n"; if with_file: summary+= "\t\tProcessing LAPACK Testing output found in the "+test_dir+" directory\n"; summary+="SUMMARY \tnb test run \tnumerical error \tother error \n"; summary+="================ \t===========\t=================\t================ \n"; nb_of_test=0 # Add current directory to the path for subshells of this shell # Allows the popen to find local files in both windows and unixes os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"]+":." # Define a function to open the executable (different filenames on unix and Windows) def run_summary_test( f, cmdline, short_summary): nb_test_run=0 nb_test_fail=0 nb_test_illegal=0 nb_test_info=0 if with_file: if not os.path.exists(cmdline): error_message=cmdline+" file not found" r=1 if short_summary: return [nb_test_run,nb_test_fail,nb_test_illegal,nb_test_info] else: pipe = open(cmdline,'r') r=0 else: cmdline = os.path.join(abs_bin_dir, cmdline) outfile=cmdline.split()[4] #pipe = open(outfile,'w') p = Popen(cmdline, shell=True)#, stdout=pipe) p.wait() #pipe.close() r=p.returncode pipe = open(outfile,'r') error_message=cmdline+" did not work" if r != 0 and not with_file: print("---- TESTING " + cmdline.split()[0] + "... FAILED(" + error_message +") !") for line in pipe.readlines(): f.write(str(line)) elif r != 0 and with_file and not short_summary: print("---- WARNING: please check that you have the LAPACK output : "+cmdline+"!") print("---- WARNING: with the option -r, we can run the LAPACK testing for you") # print "---- "+error_message else: for line in pipe.readlines(): f.write(str(line)) words_in_line=line.split() if (line.find("run")!=-1): # print line whereisrun=words_in_line.index("run)") nb_test_run+=int(words_in_line[whereisrun-2]) if (line.find("out of")!=-1): if not short_summary: print(line, end=' ') whereisout= words_in_line.index("out") nb_test_fail+=int(words_in_line[whereisout-1]) if ((line.find("illegal")!=-1) or (line.find("Illegal")!=-1)): if not short_summary: print(line, end=' ') nb_test_illegal+=1 if (line.find(" INFO")!=-1): if not short_summary: print(line, end=' ') nb_test_info+=1 if with_file: pipe.close() f.flush(); return [nb_test_run,nb_test_fail,nb_test_illegal,nb_test_info] # If filename cannot be opened, send output to sys.stderr filename = "testing_results.txt" try: f = open(filename, 'w') except IOError: f = sys.stdout if not short_summary: print(" ") print("---------------- Testing LAPACK Routines ----------------") print(" ") print("-- Detailed results are stored in", filename) dtypes = ( ("s", "d", "c", "z"), ("REAL ", "DOUBLE PRECISION", "COMPLEX ", "COMPLEX16 "), ) if prec=='s': range_prec=[0] elif prec=='d': range_prec=[1] elif prec=='sd': range_prec=[0,1] elif prec=='c': range_prec=[2] elif prec=='z': range_prec=[3] elif prec=='cz': range_prec=[2,3] else: prec='x'; range_prec=list(range(4)) if test=='lin': range_test=[16] elif test=='mixed': range_test=[17] range_prec=[1,3] elif test=='rfp': range_test=[18] elif test=='dmd': range_test=[20] elif test=='eig': range_test=list(range(16)) else: range_test=list(range(19)) list_results = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ] for dtype in range_prec: letter = dtypes[0][dtype] name = dtypes[1][dtype] if not short_summary: print(" ") print("------------------------- %s ------------------------" % name) print(" ") sys.stdout.flush() dtests = ( ("nep", "sep", "se2", "svd", letter+"ec",letter+"ed",letter+"gg", letter+"gd",letter+"sb",letter+"sg", letter+"bb","glm","gqr", "gsv","csd","lse", letter+"test", letter+dtypes[0][dtype-1]+"test",letter+"test_rfp",letter+"dmd"), ("Nonsymmetric-Eigenvalue-Problem", "Symmetric-Eigenvalue-Problem", "Symmetric-Eigenvalue-Problem-2-stage", "Singular-Value-Decomposition", "Eigen-Condition","Nonsymmetric-Eigenvalue","Nonsymmetric-Generalized-Eigenvalue-Problem", "Nonsymmetric-Generalized-Eigenvalue-Problem-driver", "Symmetric-Eigenvalue-Problem", "Symmetric-Eigenvalue-Generalized-Problem", "Banded-Singular-Value-Decomposition-routines", "Generalized-Linear-Regression-Model-routines", "Generalized-QR-and-RQ-factorization-routines", "Generalized-Singular-Value-Decomposition-routines", "CS-Decomposition-routines", "Constrained-Linear-Least-Squares-routines", "Linear-Equation-routines", "Mixed-Precision-linear-equation-routines","RFP-linear-equation-routines","Dynamic-Mode-Decomposition"), (letter+"nep", letter+"sep", letter+"se2", letter+"svd", letter+"ec",letter+"ed",letter+"gg", letter+"gd",letter+"sb",letter+"sg", letter+"bb",letter+"glm",letter+"gqr", letter+"gsv",letter+"csd",letter+"lse", letter+"test", letter+dtypes[0][dtype-1]+"test",letter+"test_rfp",letter+"dmd"), ) for dtest in range_test: nb_of_test=0 # NEED TO SKIP SOME PRECISION (namely s and c) FOR PROTO MIXED PRECISION TESTING if dtest==17 and (letter=="s" or letter=="c"): continue if with_file: cmdbase=dtests[2][dtest]+".out" else: if dtest==16: # LIN TESTS cmdbase="xlintst"+letter+" < "+dtests[0][dtest]+".in > "+dtests[2][dtest]+".out" elif dtest==17: # PROTO LIN TESTS cmdbase="xlintst"+letter+dtypes[0][dtype-1]+" < "+dtests[0][dtest]+".in > "+dtests[2][dtest]+".out" elif dtest==18: # PROTO LIN TESTS cmdbase="xlintstrf"+letter+" < "+dtests[0][dtest]+".in > "+dtests[2][dtest]+".out" elif dtest==20: # DMD EIG TESTS cmdbase="xdmdeigtst"+letter+" < "+dtests[0][dtest]+".in > "+dtests[2][dtest]+".out" else: # EIG TESTS cmdbase="xeigtst"+letter+" < "+dtests[0][dtest]+".in > "+dtests[2][dtest]+".out" if not just_errors and not short_summary: print("Testing "+name+" "+dtests[1][dtest]+"-"+cmdbase, end=' ') # Run the process: either to read the file or run the LAPACK testing nb_test = run_summary_test(f, cmdbase, short_summary) list_results[0][dtype]+=nb_test[0] list_results[1][dtype]+=nb_test[1] list_results[2][dtype]+=nb_test[2] list_results[3][dtype]+=nb_test[3] got_error=nb_test[1]+nb_test[2]+nb_test[3] if not short_summary: if nb_test[0] > 0 and not just_errors: print("passed: "+str(nb_test[0])) if nb_test[1] > 0: print("failing to pass the threshold: "+str(nb_test[1])) if nb_test[2] > 0: print("Illegal Error: "+str(nb_test[2])) if nb_test[3] > 0: print("Info Error: "+str(nb_test[3])) if got_error > 0 and just_errors: print("ERROR IS LOCATED IN "+name+" "+dtests[1][dtest]+" [ "+cmdbase+" ]") print("") if not just_errors: print("") # elif (got_error>0): # print dtests[2][dtest]+".out \t"+str(nb_test[1])+"\t"+str(nb_test[2])+"\t"+str(nb_test[3]) sys.stdout.flush() if (list_results[0][dtype] > 0 ): percent_num_error=float(list_results[1][dtype])/float(list_results[0][dtype])*100 percent_error=float(list_results[2][dtype]+list_results[3][dtype])/float(list_results[0][dtype])*100 else: percent_num_error=0 percent_error=0 summary+=name+"\t"+str(list_results[0][dtype])+"\t\t"+str(list_results[1][dtype])+"\t("+"%.3f" % percent_num_error+"%)\t"+str(list_results[2][dtype]+list_results[3][dtype])+"\t("+"%.3f" % percent_error+"%)\t""\n" list_results[0][4]+=list_results[0][dtype] list_results[1][4]+=list_results[1][dtype] list_results[2][4]+=list_results[2][dtype] list_results[3][4]+=list_results[3][dtype] if only_numbers: print(str(list_results[1][4])+"\n"+str(list_results[2][4]+list_results[3][4])) else: print(summary) if (list_results[0][4] > 0 ): percent_num_error=float(list_results[1][4])/float(list_results[0][4])*100 percent_error=float(list_results[2][4]+list_results[3][4])/float(list_results[0][4])*100 else: percent_num_error=0 percent_error=0 if (prec=='x'): print("--> ALL PRECISIONS\t"+str(list_results[0][4])+"\t\t"+str(list_results[1][4])+"\t("+"%.3f" % percent_num_error+"%)\t"+str(list_results[2][4]+list_results[3][4])+"\t("+"%.3f" % percent_error+"%)\t""\n") if list_results[0][4] == 0: print("NO TESTS WERE ANALYZED, please use the -r option to run the LAPACK TESTING") # This may close the sys.stdout stream, so make it the last statement f.close()