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157 lines
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*> \brief zmul tests the robustness and precision of the double complex multiplication
* =========== DOCUMENTATION ===========
* Online html documentation available at
* Authors:
* ========
*> \author Weslley S. Pereira, University of Colorado Denver, U.S.
*> \verbatim
*> Tests:
*> (a) Inf inputs:
*> (1) y = ( Inf + 0 * I)
*> (2) y = (-Inf + 0 * I)
*> (3) y = ( 0 + Inf * I)
*> (4) y = ( 0 - Inf * I)
*> (5) y = ( Inf + Inf * I)
*> Tests:
*> (a) 0 * y is NaN.
*> (b) 1 * y is y is either y or NaN.
*> (c) y * y is either Inf or NaN (cases 1 and 3),
*> either -Inf or NaN (cases 2 and 4),
*> NaN (case 5).
*> (b) NaN inputs:
*> (1) y = (NaN + 0 * I)
*> (2) y = (0 + NaN * I)
*> (3) y = (NaN + NaN * I)
*> Tests:
*> (a) 0 * y is NaN.
*> (b) 1 * y is NaN.
*> (c) y * y is NaN.
*> \endverbatim
*> \ingroup auxOTHERauxiliary
* =====================================================================
program zmul
* -- LAPACK test routine --
* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
* ..
* .. Constants ..
integer nNaN, nInf
parameter ( nNaN = 3, nInf = 5 )
double complex czero, cone
parameter ( czero = DCMPLX( 0.0d0, 0.0d0 ),
$ cone = DCMPLX( 1.0d0, 0.0d0 ) )
* ..
* .. Local Variables ..
integer i, nFailingTests, nTests
double precision aInf, aNaN, OV
double complex Y, R, cInf( nInf ), cNaN( nNaN )
* .. Intrinsic Functions ..
intrinsic HUGE, DCMPLX
* .. Initialize error counts ..
nFailingTests = 0
nTests = 0
* .. Inf entries ..
OV = HUGE(0.0d0)
aInf = OV * 2
cInf(1) = DCMPLX( aInf, 0.0d0 )
cInf(2) = DCMPLX(-aInf, 0.0d0 )
cInf(3) = DCMPLX( 0.0d0, aInf )
cInf(4) = DCMPLX( 0.0d0,-aInf )
cInf(5) = DCMPLX( aInf, aInf )
* .. NaN entries ..
aNaN = aInf / aInf
cNaN(1) = DCMPLX( aNaN, 0.0d0 )
cNaN(2) = DCMPLX( 0.0d0, aNaN )
cNaN(3) = DCMPLX( aNaN, aNaN )
* .. Tests ..
* Test (a) Infs
do 10 i = 1, nInf
nTests = nTests + 3
Y = cInf(i)
R = czero * Y
if( R .eq. R ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'ia',i, czero, Y, R, 'NaN'
R = cone * Y
if( (R .ne. Y) .and. (R .eq. R) ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'ib',i, cone, Y, R,
$ 'the input and NaN'
R = Y * Y
if( (i.eq.1) .or. (i.eq.2) ) then
if( (R .ne. cInf(1)) .and. (R .eq. R) ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'ic',i, Y, Y, R, 'Inf and NaN'
else if( (i.eq.3) .or. (i.eq.4) ) then
if( (R .ne. cInf(2)) .and. (R .eq. R) ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'ic',i, Y, Y, R, '-Inf and NaN'
if( R .eq. R ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'ic',i, Y, Y, R, 'NaN'
10 continue
* Test (b) NaNs
do 20 i = 1, nNaN
nTests = nTests + 3
Y = cNaN(i)
R = czero * Y
if( R .eq. R ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'na',i, czero, Y, R, 'NaN'
R = cone * Y
if( R .eq. R ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'nb',i, cone, Y, R, 'NaN'
R = Y * Y
if( R .eq. R ) then
nFailingTests = nFailingTests + 1
WRITE( *, FMT = 9998 ) 'nc',i, Y, Y, R, 'NaN'
20 continue
if( nFailingTests .gt. 0 ) then
print *, "# ", nTests-nFailingTests, " tests out of ", nTests,
$ " pass for complex multiplication,", nFailingTests," fail."
print *, "# All tests pass for complex multiplication."
* .. Formats ..
9998 FORMAT( '[',A2,I1, '] (', (ES24.16E3,SP,ES24.16E3,"*I"), ') * (',
$ (ES24.16E3,SP,ES24.16E3,"*I"), ') = (',
$ (ES24.16E3,SP,ES24.16E3,"*I"), ') differs from ', A17 )
* End of zmul