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\brief This file contains the top level routines for the multilevel recursive bisection
algorithm PMETIS.
\date Started 7/24/1997
\author George
\author Copyright 1997-2009, Regents of the University of Minnesota
\version\verbatim $Id: pmetis.c 10513 2011-07-07 22:06:03Z karypis $ \endverbatim
#include "metislib.h"
/*! \ingroup api
\brief Recursive partitioning routine.
This function computes a partitioning of a graph based on multilevel
recursive bisection. It can be used to partition a graph into \e k
parts. The objective of the partitioning is to minimize the edgecut
subject to one or more balancing constraints.
\param[in] nvtxs is the number of vertices in the graph.
\param[in] ncon is the number of balancing constraints. For the standard
partitioning problem in which each vertex is either unweighted
or has a single weight, ncon should be 1.
\param[in] xadj is an array of size nvtxs+1 used to specify the starting
positions of the adjacency structure of the vertices in the
adjncy array.
\param[in] adjncy is an array of size to the sum of the degrees of the
graph that stores for each vertex the set of vertices that
is adjacent to.
\param[in] vwgt is an array of size nvtxs*ncon that stores the weights
of the vertices for each constraint. The ncon weights for the
ith vertex are stored in the ncon consecutive locations starting
at vwgt[i*ncon]. When ncon==1, a NULL value can be passed indicating
that all the vertices in the graph have the same weight.
\param[in] adjwgt is an array of size equal to adjncy, specifying the weight
for each edge (i.e., adjwgt[j] corresponds to the weight of the
edge stored in adjncy[j]).
A NULL value can be passed indicating that all the edges in the
graph have the same weight.
\param[in] nparts is the number of desired partitions.
\param[in] tpwgts is an array of size nparts*ncon that specifies the
desired weight for each part and constraint. The \e{target partition
weight} for the ith part and jth constraint is specified
at tpwgts[i*ncon+j] (the numbering of i and j starts from 0).
For each constraint, the sum of the tpwgts[] entries must be
1.0 (i.e., \f$ \sum_i tpwgts[i*ncon+j] = 1.0 \f$).
A NULL value can be passed indicating that the graph should
be equally divided among the parts.
\param[in] ubvec is an array of size ncon that specifies the allowed
load imbalance tolerance for each constraint.
For the ith part and jth constraint the allowed weight is the
ubvec[j]*tpwgts[i*ncon+j] fraction of the jth's constraint total
weight. The load imbalances must be greater than 1.0.
A NULL value can be passed indicating that the load imbalance
tolerance for each constraint should be 1.001 (for ncon==1)
or 1.01 (for ncon>1).
\params[in] options is the array for passing additional parameters
in order to customize the behaviour of the partitioning
\params[out] edgecut stores the cut of the partitioning.
\params[out] part is an array of size nvtxs used to store the
computed partitioning. The partition number for the ith
vertex is stored in part[i]. Based on the numflag parameter,
the numbering of the parts starts from either 0 or 1.
\retval METIS_OK indicates that the function returned normally.
\retval METIS_ERROR_INPUT indicates an input error.
\retval METIS_ERROR_MEMORY indicates that it could not allocate
the required memory.
int METIS_PartGraphRecursive(idx_t *nvtxs, idx_t *ncon, idx_t *xadj,
idx_t *adjncy, idx_t *vwgt, idx_t *vsize, idx_t *adjwgt,
idx_t *nparts, real_t *tpwgts, real_t *ubvec, idx_t *options,
idx_t *objval, idx_t *part)
int sigrval=0, renumber=0;
graph_t *graph;
ctrl_t *ctrl;
/* set up malloc cleaning code and signal catchers */
if (!gk_malloc_init())
if ((sigrval = gk_sigcatch()) != 0)
/* set up the run parameters */
ctrl = SetupCtrl(METIS_OP_PMETIS, options, *ncon, *nparts, tpwgts, ubvec);
if (!ctrl) {
/* if required, change the numbering to 0 */
if (ctrl->numflag == 1) {
Change2CNumbering(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy);
renumber = 1;
/* set up the graph */
graph = SetupGraph(ctrl, *nvtxs, *ncon, xadj, adjncy, vwgt, vsize, adjwgt);
/* allocate workspace memory */
AllocateWorkSpace(ctrl, graph);
/* start the partitioning */
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, InitTimers(ctrl));
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->TotalTmr));
iset(*nvtxs, 0, part);
*objval = (*nparts == 1 ? 0 : MlevelRecursiveBisection(ctrl, graph, *nparts, part, ctrl->tpwgts, 0));
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->TotalTmr));
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, PrintTimers(ctrl));
/* clean up */
/* if required, change the numbering back to 1 */
if (renumber)
Change2FNumbering(*nvtxs, xadj, adjncy, part);
return metis_rcode(sigrval);
/*! This function is the top-level driver of the recursive bisection
routine. */
idx_t MlevelRecursiveBisection(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t nparts,
idx_t *part, real_t *tpwgts, idx_t fpart)
idx_t i, j, nvtxs, ncon, objval;
idx_t *label, *where;
graph_t *lgraph, *rgraph;
real_t wsum, *tpwgts2;
if ((nvtxs = graph->nvtxs) == 0) {
printf("\t***Cannot bisect a graph with 0 vertices!\n"
"\t***You are trying to partition a graph into too many parts!\n");
return 0;
ncon = graph->ncon;
/* determine the weights of the two partitions as a function of the weight of the
target partition weights */
tpwgts2 = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, 2*ncon);
for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
tpwgts2[i] = rsum((nparts>>1), tpwgts+i, ncon);
tpwgts2[ncon+i] = 1.0 - tpwgts2[i];
/* perform the bisection */
objval = MultilevelBisect(ctrl, graph, tpwgts2);
label = graph->label;
where = graph->where;
for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
part[label[i]] = where[i] + fpart;
if (nparts > 2)
SplitGraphPart(ctrl, graph, &lgraph, &rgraph);
/* Free the memory of the top level graph */
/* Scale the fractions in the tpwgts according to the true weight */
for (i=0; i<ncon; i++) {
wsum = rsum((nparts>>1), tpwgts+i, ncon);
rscale((nparts>>1), 1.0/wsum, tpwgts+i, ncon);
rscale(nparts-(nparts>>1), 1.0/(1.0-wsum), tpwgts+(nparts>>1)*ncon+i, ncon);
/* Do the recursive call */
if (nparts > 3) {
objval += MlevelRecursiveBisection(ctrl, lgraph, (nparts>>1), part,
tpwgts, fpart);
objval += MlevelRecursiveBisection(ctrl, rgraph, nparts-(nparts>>1), part,
tpwgts+(nparts>>1)*ncon, fpart+(nparts>>1));
else if (nparts == 3) {
objval += MlevelRecursiveBisection(ctrl, rgraph, nparts-(nparts>>1), part,
tpwgts+(nparts>>1)*ncon, fpart+(nparts>>1));
return objval;
/*! This function performs a multilevel bisection */
idx_t MultilevelBisect(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, real_t *tpwgts)
idx_t i, niparts, bestobj=0, curobj=0, *bestwhere=NULL;
graph_t *cgraph;
real_t bestbal=0.0, curbal=0.0;
Setup2WayBalMultipliers(ctrl, graph, tpwgts);
if (ctrl->ncuts > 1)
bestwhere = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->nvtxs);
for (i=0; i<ctrl->ncuts; i++) {
cgraph = CoarsenGraph(ctrl, graph);
niparts = (cgraph->nvtxs <= ctrl->CoarsenTo ? SMALLNIPARTS : LARGENIPARTS);
Init2WayPartition(ctrl, cgraph, tpwgts, niparts);
Refine2Way(ctrl, graph, cgraph, tpwgts);
curobj = graph->mincut;
curbal = ComputeLoadImbalanceDiff(graph, 2, ctrl->pijbm, ctrl->ubfactors);
if (i == 0
|| (curbal <= 0.0005 && bestobj > curobj)
|| (bestbal > 0.0005 && curbal < bestbal)) {
bestobj = curobj;
bestbal = curbal;
if (i < ctrl->ncuts-1)
icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->where, bestwhere);
if (bestobj == 0)
if (i < ctrl->ncuts-1)
if (bestobj != curobj) {
icopy(graph->nvtxs, bestwhere, graph->where);
Compute2WayPartitionParams(ctrl, graph);
return bestobj;
/*! This function splits a graph into two based on its bisection */
void SplitGraphPart(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, graph_t **r_lgraph,
graph_t **r_rgraph)
idx_t i, j, k, l, istart, iend, mypart, nvtxs, ncon, snvtxs[2], snedges[2];
idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy, *adjwgt, *label, *where, *bndptr;
idx_t *sxadj[2], *svwgt[2], *sadjncy[2], *sadjwgt[2], *slabel[2];
idx_t *rename;
idx_t *auxadjncy, *auxadjwgt;
graph_t *lgraph, *rgraph;
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->SplitTmr));
nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
ncon = graph->ncon;
xadj = graph->xadj;
vwgt = graph->vwgt;
adjncy = graph->adjncy;
adjwgt = graph->adjwgt;
label = graph->label;
where = graph->where;
bndptr = graph->bndptr;
ASSERT(bndptr != NULL);
rename = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
snvtxs[0] = snvtxs[1] = snedges[0] = snedges[1] = 0;
for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
k = where[i];
rename[i] = snvtxs[k]++;
snedges[k] += xadj[i+1]-xadj[i];
lgraph = SetupSplitGraph(graph, snvtxs[0], snedges[0]);
sxadj[0] = lgraph->xadj;
svwgt[0] = lgraph->vwgt;
sadjncy[0] = lgraph->adjncy;
sadjwgt[0] = lgraph->adjwgt;
slabel[0] = lgraph->label;
rgraph = SetupSplitGraph(graph, snvtxs[1], snedges[1]);
sxadj[1] = rgraph->xadj;
svwgt[1] = rgraph->vwgt;
sadjncy[1] = rgraph->adjncy;
sadjwgt[1] = rgraph->adjwgt;
slabel[1] = rgraph->label;
snvtxs[0] = snvtxs[1] = snedges[0] = snedges[1] = 0;
sxadj[0][0] = sxadj[1][0] = 0;
for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
mypart = where[i];
istart = xadj[i];
iend = xadj[i+1];
if (bndptr[i] == -1) { /* This is an interior vertex */
auxadjncy = sadjncy[mypart] + snedges[mypart] - istart;
auxadjwgt = sadjwgt[mypart] + snedges[mypart] - istart;
for(j=istart; j<iend; j++) {
auxadjncy[j] = adjncy[j];
auxadjwgt[j] = adjwgt[j];
snedges[mypart] += iend-istart;
else {
auxadjncy = sadjncy[mypart];
auxadjwgt = sadjwgt[mypart];
l = snedges[mypart];
for (j=istart; j<iend; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == mypart) {
auxadjncy[l] = k;
auxadjwgt[l++] = adjwgt[j];
snedges[mypart] = l;
/* copy vertex weights */
for (k=0; k<ncon; k++)
svwgt[mypart][snvtxs[mypart]*ncon+k] = vwgt[i*ncon+k];
slabel[mypart][snvtxs[mypart]] = label[i];
sxadj[mypart][++snvtxs[mypart]] = snedges[mypart];
for (mypart=0; mypart<2; mypart++) {
iend = sxadj[mypart][snvtxs[mypart]];
auxadjncy = sadjncy[mypart];
for (i=0; i<iend; i++)
auxadjncy[i] = rename[auxadjncy[i]];
lgraph->nedges = snedges[0];
rgraph->nedges = snedges[1];
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->SplitTmr));
*r_lgraph = lgraph;
*r_rgraph = rgraph;