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* Copyright 1997, Regents of the University of Minnesota
* sfm.c
* This file contains code that implements an FM-based separator refinement
* Started 8/1/97
* George
* $Id: sfm.c 10874 2011-10-17 23:13:00Z karypis $
#include "metislib.h"
/*! This function performs a node-based FM refinement */
void FM_2WayNodeRefine2Sided(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t niter)
idx_t i, ii, j, k, jj, kk, nvtxs, nbnd, nswaps, nmind;
idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy, *where, *pwgts, *edegrees, *bndind, *bndptr;
idx_t *mptr, *mind, *moved, *swaps;
rpq_t *queues[2];
nrinfo_t *rinfo;
idx_t higain, oldgain, mincut, initcut, mincutorder;
idx_t pass, to, other, limit;
idx_t badmaxpwgt, mindiff, newdiff;
idx_t u[2], g[2];
real_t mult;
nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
xadj = graph->xadj;
adjncy = graph->adjncy;
vwgt = graph->vwgt;
bndind = graph->bndind;
bndptr = graph->bndptr;
where = graph->where;
pwgts = graph->pwgts;
rinfo = graph->nrinfo;
queues[0] = rpqCreate(nvtxs);
queues[1] = rpqCreate(nvtxs);
moved = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
swaps = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
mptr = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs+1);
mind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, 2*nvtxs);
mult = 0.5*ctrl->ubfactors[0];
badmaxpwgt = (idx_t)(mult*(pwgts[0]+pwgts[1]+pwgts[2]));
printf("Partitions-N2: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"] Nv-Nb[%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"]. ISep: %6"PRIDX"\n", pwgts[0], pwgts[1], graph->nvtxs, graph->nbnd, graph->mincut));
for (pass=0; pass<niter; pass++) {
iset(nvtxs, -1, moved);
mincutorder = -1;
initcut = mincut = graph->mincut;
nbnd = graph->nbnd;
/* use the swaps array in place of the traditional perm array to save memory */
irandArrayPermute(nbnd, swaps, nbnd, 1);
for (ii=0; ii<nbnd; ii++) {
i = bndind[swaps[ii]];
ASSERT(where[i] == 2);
rpqInsert(queues[0], i, vwgt[i]-rinfo[i].edegrees[1]);
rpqInsert(queues[1], i, vwgt[i]-rinfo[i].edegrees[0]);
ASSERT(CheckNodeBnd(graph, nbnd));
limit = (ctrl->compress ? gk_min(5*nbnd, 400) : gk_min(2*nbnd, 300));
* Get into the FM loop
mptr[0] = nmind = 0;
mindiff = iabs(pwgts[0]-pwgts[1]);
to = (pwgts[0] < pwgts[1] ? 0 : 1);
for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
u[0] = rpqSeeTopVal(queues[0]);
u[1] = rpqSeeTopVal(queues[1]);
if (u[0] != -1 && u[1] != -1) {
g[0] = vwgt[u[0]]-rinfo[u[0]].edegrees[1];
g[1] = vwgt[u[1]]-rinfo[u[1]].edegrees[0];
to = (g[0] > g[1] ? 0 : (g[0] < g[1] ? 1 : pass%2));
if (pwgts[to]+vwgt[u[to]] > badmaxpwgt)
to = (to+1)%2;
else if (u[0] == -1 && u[1] == -1) {
else if (u[0] != -1 && pwgts[0]+vwgt[u[0]] <= badmaxpwgt) {
to = 0;
else if (u[1] != -1 && pwgts[1]+vwgt[u[1]] <= badmaxpwgt) {
to = 1;
other = (to+1)%2;
higain = rpqGetTop(queues[to]);
if (moved[higain] == -1) /* Delete if it was in the separator originally */
rpqDelete(queues[other], higain);
ASSERT(bndptr[higain] != -1);
/* The following check is to ensure we break out if there is a possibility
of over-running the mind array. */
if (nmind + xadj[higain+1]-xadj[higain] >= 2*nvtxs-1)
pwgts[2] -= (vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]);
newdiff = iabs(pwgts[to]+vwgt[higain] - (pwgts[other]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]));
if (pwgts[2] < mincut || (pwgts[2] == mincut && newdiff < mindiff)) {
mincut = pwgts[2];
mincutorder = nswaps;
mindiff = newdiff;
else {
if (nswaps - mincutorder > 2*limit ||
(nswaps - mincutorder > limit && pwgts[2] > 1.10*mincut)) {
pwgts[2] += (vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]);
break; /* No further improvement, break out */
BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, higain);
pwgts[to] += vwgt[higain];
where[higain] = to;
moved[higain] = nswaps;
swaps[nswaps] = higain;
* Update the degrees of the affected nodes
for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == 2) { /* For the in-separator vertices modify their edegree[to] */
oldgain = vwgt[k]-rinfo[k].edegrees[to];
rinfo[k].edegrees[to] += vwgt[higain];
if (moved[k] == -1 || moved[k] == -(2+other))
rpqUpdate(queues[other], k, oldgain-vwgt[higain]);
else if (where[k] == other) { /* This vertex is pulled into the separator */
ASSERTP(bndptr[k] == -1, ("%"PRIDX" %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX"\n", k, bndptr[k], where[k]));
BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
mind[nmind++] = k; /* Keep track for rollback */
where[k] = 2;
pwgts[other] -= vwgt[k];
edegrees = rinfo[k].edegrees;
edegrees[0] = edegrees[1] = 0;
for (jj=xadj[k]; jj<xadj[k+1]; jj++) {
kk = adjncy[jj];
if (where[kk] != 2)
edegrees[where[kk]] += vwgt[kk];
else {
oldgain = vwgt[kk]-rinfo[kk].edegrees[other];
rinfo[kk].edegrees[other] -= vwgt[k];
if (moved[kk] == -1 || moved[kk] == -(2+to))
rpqUpdate(queues[to], kk, oldgain+vwgt[k]);
/* Insert the new vertex into the priority queue. Only one side! */
if (moved[k] == -1) {
rpqInsert(queues[to], k, vwgt[k]-edegrees[other]);
moved[k] = -(2+to);
mptr[nswaps+1] = nmind;
printf("Moved %6"PRIDX" to %3"PRIDX", Gain: %5"PRIDX" [%5"PRIDX"] [%4"PRIDX" %4"PRIDX"] \t[%5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX"]\n", higain, to, g[to], g[other], vwgt[u[to]], vwgt[u[other]], pwgts[0], pwgts[1], pwgts[2]));
* Roll back computation
for (nswaps--; nswaps>mincutorder; nswaps--) {
higain = swaps[nswaps];
to = where[higain];
other = (to+1)%2;
INC_DEC(pwgts[2], pwgts[to], vwgt[higain]);
where[higain] = 2;
BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, higain);
edegrees = rinfo[higain].edegrees;
edegrees[0] = edegrees[1] = 0;
for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == 2)
rinfo[k].edegrees[to] -= vwgt[higain];
edegrees[where[k]] += vwgt[k];
/* Push nodes out of the separator */
for (j=mptr[nswaps]; j<mptr[nswaps+1]; j++) {
k = mind[j];
ASSERT(where[k] == 2);
where[k] = other;
INC_DEC(pwgts[other], pwgts[2], vwgt[k]);
BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
for (jj=xadj[k]; jj<xadj[k+1]; jj++) {
kk = adjncy[jj];
if (where[kk] == 2)
rinfo[kk].edegrees[other] += vwgt[k];
ASSERT(mincut == pwgts[2]);
printf("\tMinimum sep: %6"PRIDX" at %5"PRIDX", PWGTS: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"], NBND: %6"PRIDX"\n", mincut, mincutorder, pwgts[0], pwgts[1], nbnd));
graph->mincut = mincut;
graph->nbnd = nbnd;
if (mincutorder == -1 || mincut >= initcut)
/*! This function performs a node-based FM refinement.
Each refinement iteration is split into two sub-iterations.
In each sub-iteration only moves to one of the left/right partitions
is allowed; hence, it is one-sided.
void FM_2WayNodeRefine1Sided(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph, idx_t niter)
idx_t i, ii, j, k, jj, kk, nvtxs, nbnd, nswaps, nmind, iend;
idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy, *where, *pwgts, *edegrees, *bndind, *bndptr;
idx_t *mptr, *mind, *swaps;
rpq_t *queue;
nrinfo_t *rinfo;
idx_t higain, mincut, initcut, mincutorder;
idx_t pass, to, other, limit;
idx_t badmaxpwgt, mindiff, newdiff;
real_t mult;
nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
xadj = graph->xadj;
adjncy = graph->adjncy;
vwgt = graph->vwgt;
bndind = graph->bndind;
bndptr = graph->bndptr;
where = graph->where;
pwgts = graph->pwgts;
rinfo = graph->nrinfo;
queue = rpqCreate(nvtxs);
swaps = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
mptr = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs+1);
mind = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, 2*nvtxs);
mult = 0.5*ctrl->ubfactors[0];
badmaxpwgt = (idx_t)(mult*(pwgts[0]+pwgts[1]+pwgts[2]));
printf("Partitions-N1: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"] Nv-Nb[%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"]. ISep: %6"PRIDX"\n", pwgts[0], pwgts[1], graph->nvtxs, graph->nbnd, graph->mincut));
to = (pwgts[0] < pwgts[1] ? 1 : 0);
for (pass=0; pass<2*niter; pass++) { /* the 2*niter is for the two sides */
other = to;
to = (to+1)%2;
mincutorder = -1;
initcut = mincut = graph->mincut;
nbnd = graph->nbnd;
/* use the swaps array in place of the traditional perm array to save memory */
irandArrayPermute(nbnd, swaps, nbnd, 1);
for (ii=0; ii<nbnd; ii++) {
i = bndind[swaps[ii]];
ASSERT(where[i] == 2);
rpqInsert(queue, i, vwgt[i]-rinfo[i].edegrees[other]);
ASSERT(CheckNodeBnd(graph, nbnd));
limit = (ctrl->compress ? gk_min(5*nbnd, 500) : gk_min(3*nbnd, 300));
* Get into the FM loop
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->Aux3Tmr));
mptr[0] = nmind = 0;
mindiff = iabs(pwgts[0]-pwgts[1]);
for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
if ((higain = rpqGetTop(queue)) == -1)
ASSERT(bndptr[higain] != -1);
/* The following check is to ensure we break out if there is a possibility
of over-running the mind array. */
if (nmind + xadj[higain+1]-xadj[higain] >= 2*nvtxs-1)
if (pwgts[to]+vwgt[higain] > badmaxpwgt)
break; /* No point going any further. Balance will be bad */
pwgts[2] -= (vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]);
newdiff = iabs(pwgts[to]+vwgt[higain] - (pwgts[other]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]));
if (pwgts[2] < mincut || (pwgts[2] == mincut && newdiff < mindiff)) {
mincut = pwgts[2];
mincutorder = nswaps;
mindiff = newdiff;
else {
if (nswaps - mincutorder > 3*limit ||
(nswaps - mincutorder > limit && pwgts[2] > 1.10*mincut)) {
pwgts[2] += (vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]);
break; /* No further improvement, break out */
BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, higain);
pwgts[to] += vwgt[higain];
where[higain] = to;
swaps[nswaps] = higain;
* Update the degrees of the affected nodes
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->Aux1Tmr));
for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == 2) { /* For the in-separator vertices modify their edegree[to] */
rinfo[k].edegrees[to] += vwgt[higain];
else if (where[k] == other) { /* This vertex is pulled into the separator */
ASSERTP(bndptr[k] == -1, ("%"PRIDX" %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX"\n", k, bndptr[k], where[k]));
BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
mind[nmind++] = k; /* Keep track for rollback */
where[k] = 2;
pwgts[other] -= vwgt[k];
edegrees = rinfo[k].edegrees;
edegrees[0] = edegrees[1] = 0;
for (jj=xadj[k], iend=xadj[k+1]; jj<iend; jj++) {
kk = adjncy[jj];
if (where[kk] != 2)
edegrees[where[kk]] += vwgt[kk];
else {
rinfo[kk].edegrees[other] -= vwgt[k];
/* Since the moves are one-sided this vertex has not been moved yet */
rpqUpdate(queue, kk, vwgt[kk]-rinfo[kk].edegrees[other]);
/* Insert the new vertex into the priority queue. Safe due to one-sided moves */
rpqInsert(queue, k, vwgt[k]-edegrees[other]);
mptr[nswaps+1] = nmind;
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->Aux1Tmr));
printf("Moved %6"PRIDX" to %3"PRIDX", Gain: %5"PRIDX" [%5"PRIDX"] \t[%5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX"] [%3"PRIDX" %2"PRIDX"]\n",
higain, to, (vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other]), vwgt[higain],
pwgts[0], pwgts[1], pwgts[2], nswaps, limit));
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->Aux3Tmr));
* Roll back computation
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_startcputimer(ctrl->Aux2Tmr));
for (nswaps--; nswaps>mincutorder; nswaps--) {
higain = swaps[nswaps];
ASSERT(where[higain] == to);
INC_DEC(pwgts[2], pwgts[to], vwgt[higain]);
where[higain] = 2;
BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, higain);
edegrees = rinfo[higain].edegrees;
edegrees[0] = edegrees[1] = 0;
for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == 2)
rinfo[k].edegrees[to] -= vwgt[higain];
edegrees[where[k]] += vwgt[k];
/* Push nodes out of the separator */
for (j=mptr[nswaps]; j<mptr[nswaps+1]; j++) {
k = mind[j];
ASSERT(where[k] == 2);
where[k] = other;
INC_DEC(pwgts[other], pwgts[2], vwgt[k]);
BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
for (jj=xadj[k], iend=xadj[k+1]; jj<iend; jj++) {
kk = adjncy[jj];
if (where[kk] == 2)
rinfo[kk].edegrees[other] += vwgt[k];
IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, METIS_DBG_TIME, gk_stopcputimer(ctrl->Aux2Tmr));
ASSERT(mincut == pwgts[2]);
printf("\tMinimum sep: %6"PRIDX" at %5"PRIDX", PWGTS: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"], NBND: %6"PRIDX"\n", mincut, mincutorder, pwgts[0], pwgts[1], nbnd));
graph->mincut = mincut;
graph->nbnd = nbnd;
if (pass%2 == 1 && (mincutorder == -1 || mincut >= initcut))
/*! This function balances the left/right partitions of a separator
tri-section */
void FM_2WayNodeBalance(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
idx_t i, ii, j, k, jj, kk, nvtxs, nbnd, nswaps, gain;
idx_t badmaxpwgt, higain, oldgain, pass, to, other;
idx_t *xadj, *vwgt, *adjncy, *where, *pwgts, *edegrees, *bndind, *bndptr;
idx_t *perm, *moved;
rpq_t *queue;
nrinfo_t *rinfo;
real_t mult;
nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;
xadj = graph->xadj;
adjncy = graph->adjncy;
vwgt = graph->vwgt;
bndind = graph->bndind;
bndptr = graph->bndptr;
where = graph->where;
pwgts = graph->pwgts;
rinfo = graph->nrinfo;
mult = 0.5*ctrl->ubfactors[0];
badmaxpwgt = (idx_t)(mult*(pwgts[0]+pwgts[1]));
if (gk_max(pwgts[0], pwgts[1]) < badmaxpwgt)
if (iabs(pwgts[0]-pwgts[1]) < 3*graph->tvwgt[0]/nvtxs)
to = (pwgts[0] < pwgts[1] ? 0 : 1);
other = (to+1)%2;
queue = rpqCreate(nvtxs);
perm = iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs);
moved = iset(nvtxs, -1, iwspacemalloc(ctrl, nvtxs));
printf("Partitions: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"] Nv-Nb[%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"]. ISep: %6"PRIDX" [B]\n", pwgts[0], pwgts[1], graph->nvtxs, graph->nbnd, graph->mincut));
nbnd = graph->nbnd;
irandArrayPermute(nbnd, perm, nbnd, 1);
for (ii=0; ii<nbnd; ii++) {
i = bndind[perm[ii]];
ASSERT(where[i] == 2);
rpqInsert(queue, i, vwgt[i]-rinfo[i].edegrees[other]);
ASSERT(CheckNodeBnd(graph, nbnd));
* Get into the FM loop
for (nswaps=0; nswaps<nvtxs; nswaps++) {
if ((higain = rpqGetTop(queue)) == -1)
moved[higain] = 1;
gain = vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other];
badmaxpwgt = (idx_t)(mult*(pwgts[0]+pwgts[1]));
/* break if other is now underwight */
if (pwgts[to] > pwgts[other])
/* break if balance is achieved and no +ve or zero gain */
if (gain < 0 && pwgts[other] < badmaxpwgt)
/* skip this vertex if it will violate balance on the other side */
if (pwgts[to]+vwgt[higain] > badmaxpwgt)
ASSERT(bndptr[higain] != -1);
pwgts[2] -= gain;
BNDDelete(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, higain);
pwgts[to] += vwgt[higain];
where[higain] = to;
printf("Moved %6"PRIDX" to %3"PRIDX", Gain: %3"PRIDX", \t[%5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX"]\n", higain, to, vwgt[higain]-rinfo[higain].edegrees[other], pwgts[0], pwgts[1], pwgts[2]));
* Update the degrees of the affected nodes
for (j=xadj[higain]; j<xadj[higain+1]; j++) {
k = adjncy[j];
if (where[k] == 2) { /* For the in-separator vertices modify their edegree[to] */
rinfo[k].edegrees[to] += vwgt[higain];
else if (where[k] == other) { /* This vertex is pulled into the separator */
ASSERTP(bndptr[k] == -1, ("%"PRIDX" %"PRIDX" %"PRIDX"\n", k, bndptr[k], where[k]));
BNDInsert(nbnd, bndind, bndptr, k);
where[k] = 2;
pwgts[other] -= vwgt[k];
edegrees = rinfo[k].edegrees;
edegrees[0] = edegrees[1] = 0;
for (jj=xadj[k]; jj<xadj[k+1]; jj++) {
kk = adjncy[jj];
if (where[kk] != 2)
edegrees[where[kk]] += vwgt[kk];
else {
ASSERT(bndptr[kk] != -1);
oldgain = vwgt[kk]-rinfo[kk].edegrees[other];
rinfo[kk].edegrees[other] -= vwgt[k];
if (moved[kk] == -1)
rpqUpdate(queue, kk, oldgain+vwgt[k]);
/* Insert the new vertex into the priority queue */
rpqInsert(queue, k, vwgt[k]-edegrees[other]);
printf("\tBalanced sep: %6"PRIDX" at %4"PRIDX", PWGTS: [%6"PRIDX" %6"PRIDX"], NBND: %6"PRIDX"\n", pwgts[2], nswaps, pwgts[0], pwgts[1], nbnd));
graph->mincut = pwgts[2];
graph->nbnd = nbnd;