Cloned library NetCDF-C-4.9.2 with extra build files for internal package management.

31 lines
773 B

2 years ago
Attributes {
u {
String units "meter per second";
String long_name "Vector wind eastward component";
String missing_value "-32767";
String scale_factor "0.005";
v {
String units "meter per second";
String long_name "Vector wind northward component";
String missing_value "-32767";
String scale_factor "0.005";
lat {
String units "degree North";
lon {
String units "degree East";
time {
String units "hours from base_time";
String base_time "88- 10-00:00:00";
String title " FNOC UV wind components from 1988- 10 to 1988- 13.";
String Unlimited_Dimension "time_a";