#!/bin/bash TESTNCZARR=1 #!/bin/bash if test "x$srcdir" = x ; then srcdir=`pwd`; fi . ../test_common.sh if test "x$TESTNCZARR" = x1 ; then . "$srcdir/test_nczarr.sh" fi set -e # Load the findplugins function . ${builddir}/findplugin.sh echo "findplugin.sh loaded" # Set up HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=${HDF5_PLUGIN_DIR} # Test operation with an unknown filter # Function to remove selected -s attributes from file; # These attributes might be platform dependent sclean() { cat $1 \ | sed -e '/:_IsNetcdf4/d' \ | sed -e '/:_Endianness/d' \ | sed -e '/_NCProperties/d' \ | sed -e '/_SuperblockVersion/d' \ | cat > $2 } # Function to extract _Filter attribute from a file # These attributes might be platform dependent getfilterattr() { sed -e '/var.*:_Filter/p' -ed <$1 >$2 } # Function to extract _Codecs attribute from a file # These attributes might be platform dependent getcodecsattr() { sed -e '/var.*:_Codecs/p' -ed <$1 >$2 } trimleft() { sed -e 's/[ ]*\([^ ].*\)/\1/' <$1 >$2 } # Locate the plugin path and the library names; argument order is critical # Find noop and capture findplugin h5unknown UNKNOWNDIR="${HDF5_PLUGIN_DIR}" UNKNOWNLIB="${HDF5_PLUGIN_LIB}" UNKNOWNFILTER="${HDF5_PLUGIN_DIR}/${UNKNOWNLIB}" # Getting the name is especially tricky for dylib, which puts the version before the .dylib # Verify if ! test -f ${UNKNOWNFILTER} ; then echo "Unable to locate ${UNKNOWNFILTER}"; exit 1; fi testunk() { zext=$1 echo "*** Testing access to filter info when filter implementation is not available for map $zext" if test "x$TESTNCZARR" = x1 ; then fileargs tmp_known deletemap $zext $file else file="tmp_known_${zfilt}.nc" rm -f $file fileurl="$file" fi # build .nc file using unknown ${NCGEN} -lb -4 -o $fileurl ${srcdir}/../nc_test4/unknown.cdl # dump and clean file when filter is avail ${NCDUMP} -hs $fileurl > ./tmp_known_$zext.txt # Remove irrelevant -s output sclean ./tmp_known_$zext.txt tmp_known_$zext.dump # Hide the filter rm -fr ${UNKNOWNDIR}/save mkdir -p ${UNKNOWNDIR}/save # Figure out all matching libs; make sure to remove .so, so.0, etc LSRC=`${execdir}/../ncdump/ncpathcvt -F "${UNKNOWNDIR}"` LDST=`${execdir}/../ncdump/ncpathcvt -F ${UNKNOWNDIR}/save` mv ${LSRC}/*unknown* ${LDST} # Verify that the filter is no longer defined # Try to read the data; should xfail if ${NCDUMP} -s $fileurl > ./tmp_unk_$zext.dmp ; then echo "*** FAIL: filter found" found=1 else echo "*** XFAIL: filter not found" found=0 fi # Restore the filter mv ${LDST}/*unknown* ${LSRC} rm -fr ${UNKNOWNDIR}/save if test "x$found" = x1 ; then exit 1; fi } if test "x$TESTNCZARR" = x1 ; then testunk file if test "x$FEATURE_NCZARR_ZIP" = xyes ; then testunk zip ; fi if test "x$FEATURE_S3TESTS" = xyes ; then testunk s3 ; fi else testunk nc fi exit 0