/* Copyright 2003-2018, University Corporation for Atmospheric * Research. See the COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution * conditions. */ /* Author: Dennis Heimbigner */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "netcdf.h" #include "netcdf_filter.h" #include "netcdf_filter_build.h" #include "netcdf_json.h" /* Provide Codec information for the standard filters */ #ifndef H5Z_FILTER_BZIP2 #define H5Z_FILTER_BZIP2 1 #define H5Z_FILTER_ZSTD 2 #define H5Z_FILTER_BLOSC 3 #endif #ifdef HAVE_BLOSC #include "H5Zblosc.h" #endif /**************************************************/ /* NCZarr Filter Objects */ /* Forward */ static int NCZ_bzip2_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp); static int NCZ_bzip2_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp); #ifdef HAVE_ZSTD static int NCZ_zstd_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp); static int NCZ_zstd_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BLOSC static int NCZ_blosc_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp); static int NCZ_blosc_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp); static int NCZ_blosc_modify_parameters(int ncid, int varid, size_t* vnparamsp, unsigned** vparamsp, size_t* wnparamsp, unsigned** wparamsp); static void NCZ_blosc_codec_finalize(void); #endif /**************************************************/ /* Provide the codec support for bzip2 filter */ static NCZ_codec_t NCZ_bzip2_codec = {/* NCZ_codec_t codec fields */ NCZ_CODEC_CLASS_VER, /* Struct version number */ NCZ_CODEC_HDF5, /* Struct sort */ "bz2", /* Standard name/id of the codec */ H5Z_FILTER_BZIP2, /* HDF5 alias for bzip2 */ NULL, /*NCZ_bzip2_codec_initialize*/ NULL, /*NCZ_bzip2_codec_finalize*/ NCZ_bzip2_codec_to_hdf5, NCZ_bzip2_hdf5_to_codec, NULL, /*NCZ_bzip2_modify_parameters*/ }; /* External Export API */ DLLEXPORT const void* NCZ_get_codec_info(void) { return (void*)&NCZ_bzip2_codec; } static int NCZ_bzip2_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec_json, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* jcodec = NULL; NCjson* jtmp = NULL; unsigned* params = NULL; struct NCJconst jc; if(nparamsp == NULL || paramsp == NULL) {stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done;} if((params = (unsigned*)calloc(1,sizeof(unsigned)))== NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* parse the JSON */ if(NCJparse(codec_json,0,&jcodec)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(NCJsort(jcodec) != NCJ_DICT) {stat = NC_EPLUGIN; goto done;} /* Verify the codec ID */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"id",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp == NULL || !NCJisatomic(jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(strcmp(NCJstring(jtmp),NCZ_bzip2_codec.codecid)!=0) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} /* Get Level */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"level",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_INT,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jc.ival < 0 || jc.ival > NC_MAX_UINT) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} params[0] = (unsigned)jc.ival; *nparamsp = 1; *paramsp = params; params = NULL; done: if(params) free(params); NCJreclaim(jcodec); return stat; } static int NCZ_bzip2_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; unsigned level = 0; char json[1024]; if(nparams == 0 || params == NULL) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} level = params[0]; snprintf(json,sizeof(json),"{\"id\": \"%s\", \"level\": \"%u\"}",NCZ_bzip2_codec.codecid,level); if(codecp) { if((*codecp = strdup(json))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} } done: return stat; } /**************************************************/ /* Provide the codec support for zstandard filter */ #ifdef HAVE_ZSTD static NCZ_codec_t NCZ_zstd_codec = {/* NCZ_codec_t codec fields */ NCZ_CODEC_CLASS_VER, /* Struct version number */ NCZ_CODEC_HDF5, /* Struct sort */ "zstd", /* Standard name/id of the codec */ H5Z_FILTER_ZSTD, /* HDF5 alias for zstd */ NULL, /*NCZ_zstd_codec_initialize*/ NULL, /*NCZ_zstd_codec_finalize*/ NCZ_zstd_codec_to_hdf5, NCZ_zstd_hdf5_to_codec, NULL, /*NCZ_zstd_modify_parameters*/ }; static int NCZ_zstd_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec_json, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* jcodec = NULL; NCjson* jtmp = NULL; unsigned* params = NULL; struct NCJconst jc; if(nparamsp == NULL || paramsp == NULL) {stat = NC_EINTERNAL; goto done;} if((params = (unsigned*)calloc(1,sizeof(unsigned)))== NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* parse the JSON */ if(NCJparse(codec_json,0,&jcodec)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(NCJsort(jcodec) != NCJ_DICT) {stat = NC_EPLUGIN; goto done;} /* Verify the codec ID */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"id",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp == NULL || !NCJisatomic(jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(strcmp(NCJstring(jtmp),NCZ_zstd_codec.codecid)!=0) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} /* Get Level */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"level",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_INT,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jc.ival < 0 || jc.ival > NC_MAX_UINT) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} params[0] = (unsigned)jc.ival; *nparamsp = 1; *paramsp = params; params = NULL; done: if(params) free(params); NCJreclaim(jcodec); return stat; } static int NCZ_zstd_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; unsigned level = 0; char json[1024]; if(nparams == 0 || params == NULL) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} level = params[0]; snprintf(json,sizeof(json),"{\"id\": \"%s\", \"level\": \"%u\"}",NCZ_zstd_codec.codecid,level); if(codecp) { if((*codecp = strdup(json))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} } done: return stat; } #endif /**************************************************/ /* Provide the codec support for blosc filter */ #ifdef HAVE_BLOSC /* Structure for NCZ_PLUGIN_CODEC */ static NCZ_codec_t NCZ_blosc_codec = {/* NCZ_codec_t codec fields */ NCZ_CODEC_CLASS_VER, /* Struct version number */ NCZ_CODEC_HDF5, /* Struct sort */ "blosc", /* Standard name/id of the codec */ H5Z_FILTER_BLOSC, /* HDF5 alias for blosc */ NULL, /*NCZ_blosc_codec_initialize*/ NCZ_blosc_codec_finalize, NCZ_blosc_codec_to_hdf5, NCZ_blosc_hdf5_to_codec, NCZ_blosc_modify_parameters, }; /* NCZarr Interface Functions */ /* Create the true parameter set: Visible parameters: param[0] -- reserved param[1] -- reserved param[2] -- reserved param[3] -- variable chunksize in bytes | 0 (=>default) param[4] -- compression level param[5] -- BLOSC_SHUFFLE|BLOSC_BITSHUFFLE param[6] -- compressor index Working parameters: param[0] -- filter revision param[1] -- blosc version param[2] -- variable type size in bytes param[3] -- variable chunksize in bytes param[4] -- compression level param[5] -- BLOSC_SHUFFLE|BLOSC_BITSHUFFLE param[6] -- compressor index */ void blosc_destroy(void); static int ncz_blosc_initialized = 0; static void NCZ_blosc_codec_finalize(void) { if(ncz_blosc_initialized) { blosc_destroy(); ncz_blosc_initialized = 0; } } static int NCZ_blosc_modify_parameters(int ncid, int varid, size_t* vnparamsp, unsigned** vparamsp, size_t* wnparamsp, unsigned** wparamsp) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; nc_type vtype; int storage, ndims; size_t* chunklens = NULL; size_t typesize, chunksize; char vname[NC_MAX_NAME+1]; unsigned* params = NULL; size_t nparams; size_t vnparams = *vnparamsp; unsigned* vparams = *vparamsp; if(vnparams < 7) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} nparams = 7; if(vparams == NULL) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(wnparamsp == NULL || wparamsp == NULL) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} vnparams = *vnparamsp; vparams = *vparamsp; /* Get variable info */ if((stat = nc_inq_var(ncid,varid,vname,&vtype,&ndims,NULL,NULL))) goto done; if(ndims == 0) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} /* Get the typesize */ if((stat = nc_inq_type(ncid,vtype,NULL,&typesize))) goto done; /* Compute chunksize */ if((chunklens = (size_t*)calloc(ndims,sizeof(size_t)))==NULL) goto done; if((stat = nc_inq_var_chunking(ncid,varid,&storage,chunklens))) goto done; if(storage != NC_CHUNKED) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} chunksize = typesize; for(i=0;i<ndims;i++) chunksize *= chunklens[i]; if((params = (unsigned*)malloc(vnparams*sizeof(unsigned)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} memcpy(params,vparams,vnparams*sizeof(unsigned)); params[0] = FILTER_BLOSC_VERSION; params[1] = BLOSC_VERSION_FORMAT; params[2] = (unsigned)typesize; params[3] = chunksize; params[4] = params[4]; params[5] = params[5]; params[6] = params[6]; *wnparamsp = nparams; nullfree(*wparamsp); *wparamsp = params; params = NULL; done: nullfree(chunklens); nullfree(params); FUNC_LEAVE_NOAPI(stat) } static int NCZ_blosc_codec_to_hdf5(const char* codec_json, size_t* nparamsp, unsigned** paramsp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; NCjson* jcodec = NULL; NCjson* jtmp = NULL; unsigned* params = NULL; struct NCJconst jc = {0,0,0,NULL}; int compcode; /* parse the JSON */ if(NCJparse(codec_json,0,&jcodec)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(NCJsort(jcodec) != NCJ_DICT) {stat = NC_EPLUGIN; goto done;} /* Verify the codec ID */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"id",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp == NULL || !NCJisatomic(jtmp)) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} if(strcmp(NCJstring(jtmp),NCZ_blosc_codec.codecid)!=0) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} if((params = (unsigned*)calloc(7,sizeof(unsigned)))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} /* Get compression level*/ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"clevel",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp) { if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_INT,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} } else jc.ival = DEFAULT_LEVEL; if(jc.ival < 0 || jc.ival > NC_MAX_UINT) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} params[4] = (unsigned)jc.ival; /* Get blocksize */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"blocksize",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp) { if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_INT,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} } else jc.ival = DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE; if(jc.ival < 0 || jc.ival > NC_MAX_UINT) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} params[3] = (unsigned)jc.ival; /* Get shuffle */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"shuffle",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp) { if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_INT,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} } else jc.ival = BLOSC_NOSHUFFLE; params[5] = (unsigned)jc.ival; /* Get compname */ if(NCJdictget(jcodec,"cname",&jtmp)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jtmp) { if(NCJcvt(jtmp,NCJ_STRING,&jc)) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if(jc.sval == NULL || strlen(jc.sval) == 0) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} if((compcode = blosc_compname_to_compcode(jc.sval)) < 0) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} } else compcode = DEFAULT_COMPCODE; params[6] = (unsigned)compcode; if(nparamsp) *nparamsp = 7; if(paramsp) {*paramsp = params; params = NULL;} done: if(jc.sval) { free(jc.sval); } if(params) { free(params); } NCJreclaim(jcodec); return stat; } static int NCZ_blosc_hdf5_to_codec(size_t nparams, const unsigned* params, char** codecp) { int stat = NC_NOERR; char json[1024]; const char* compname = NULL; if(nparams == 0 || params == NULL) {stat = NC_EINVAL; goto done;} /* Get the sub-compressor name */ if(blosc_compcode_to_compname((int)params[6],&compname) < 0) {stat = NC_EFILTER; goto done;} snprintf(json,sizeof(json), "{\"id\": \"blosc\",\"clevel\": %u,\"blocksize\": %u,\"cname\": \"%s\",\"shuffle\": %d}", params[4],params[3],compname,params[5]); if(codecp) { if((*codecp = strdup(json))==NULL) {stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;} } done: return stat; } #endif /**************************************************/ NCZ_codec_t* NCZ_stdfilters_codecs[] = { &NCZ_bzip2_codec, #ifdef HAVE_ZSTD &NCZ_zstd_codec, #endif #ifdef HAVE_BLOSC &NCZ_blosc_codec, #endif NULL }; /* External Export API */ DLLEXPORT const void* NCZ_codec_info_defaults(void) { return (void*)&NCZ_stdfilters_codecs; }