/* Copyright 2018-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric
   Research/Unidata. */
 * @file
 * @internal Includes for some HDF5 stuff needed by libhdf5 code and
 * also some h5_test tests.
 * @author Ed Hartnett

#ifndef _NCDIMSCALE_H_
#define _NCDIMSCALE_H_

#ifdef USE_HDF5
#include <hdf5.h>

/* This is used to uniquely identify datasets, so we can keep track of
 * dimscales. */
typedef struct hdf5_objid
#if H5_VERSION_GE(1,12,0)
    unsigned long fileno; /* file number */
    H5O_token_t token; /* token */
    unsigned long fileno[2]; /* file number */
    haddr_t objno[2]; /* object number */

#endif /* USE_HDF5 */
