/* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying
 * and redistribution conditions.*/
 * @file
 * @internal The HDF4 file functions. These provide a read-only
 * interface to HDF4 SD files.
 * @author Ed Hartnett

#include "config.h"
#include "nc4internal.h"
#include "hdf4dispatch.h"
#include <mfhdf.h>

#define NUM_TYPES 12 /**< Number of netCDF atomic types. */

extern int nc4_vararray_add(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var);

/** @internal These flags may not be set for open mode. */
static const int

/** @internal NetCDF atomic type names. */
static const char*
nc_type_name_g[NUM_TYPES] = {"char", "byte", "short", "int", "float", "double",
                             "ubyte", "ushort", "uint", "int64", "uint64",

/** @internal NetCDF atomic type sizes. */
static const size_t
nc_type_size_g[NUM_TYPES] = {sizeof(char), sizeof(char), sizeof(short),
                             sizeof(int), sizeof(float), sizeof(double),
                             sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(unsigned short),
                             sizeof(unsigned int), sizeof(long long),
                             sizeof(unsigned long long), sizeof(char *)};

 * @internal Recursively delete the data for a group (and everything
 * it contains) in our internal metadata store.
 * @param grp Pointer to group info struct.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
hdf4_rec_grp_del(NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp)
    NC_VAR_INFO_T *var;
    int i;

    LOG((3, "%s: grp->name %s", __func__, grp->hdr.name));

    /* Delete all vars. */
    for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(grp->vars); i++)
        NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T *hdf4_var;

        var = (NC_VAR_INFO_T *)ncindexith(grp->vars, i);
        LOG((4, "%s: deleting var %s", __func__, var->hdr.name));

        /* Get the HDF4 specific var metadata. */
        hdf4_var = (NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T *)var->format_var_info;

        /* Close HDF4 dataset associated with this var, unless it's a
         * scale. */
        if (hdf4_var->sdsid && SDendaccess(hdf4_var->sdsid) < 0)
            return NC_EHDFERR;


    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Given an HDF4 type, set a pointer to netcdf type.
 * See http://www.hdfgroup.org/training/HDFtraining/UsersGuide/Fundmtls.fm3.html
 * for more information re: HDF4 types.
 * @param h5 Pointer to HDF5 file info struct.
 * @param hdf4_typeid Type ID for hdf4 datatype.
 * @param xtype Pointer that gets netcdf type. Ignored if NULL.
 * @param endniannessp Pointer that gets endianness. Ignored if NULL.
 * @param type_sizep Pointer that gets type size. Ignored if NULL.
 * @param type_name Pointer that gets the type name. Ignored if NULL.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
hdf4_type_info(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int32 hdf4_typeid, nc_type* xtypep,
               int *endiannessp, size_t *type_sizep, char *type_name)
    int t = 0;
    int endianness = NC_ENDIAN_BIG;
    nc_type xtype;


    case DFNT_CHAR:
        xtype = NC_CHAR;
        t = 0;
    case DFNT_UCHAR:
    case DFNT_UINT8:
        xtype = NC_UBYTE;
        t = 6;
    case DFNT_LUINT8:
        xtype = NC_UBYTE;
        t = 6;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_INT8:
        xtype = NC_BYTE;
        t = 1;
    case DFNT_LINT8:
        xtype = NC_BYTE;
        t = 1;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_INT16:
        xtype = NC_SHORT;
        t = 2;
    case DFNT_LINT16:
        xtype = NC_SHORT;
        t = 2;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_UINT16:
        xtype = NC_USHORT;
        t = 7;
    case DFNT_LUINT16:
        xtype = NC_USHORT;
        t = 7;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_INT32:
        xtype = NC_INT;
        t = 3;
    case DFNT_LINT32:
        xtype = NC_INT;
        t = 3;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_UINT32:
        xtype = NC_UINT;
        t = 8;
    case DFNT_LUINT32:
        xtype = NC_UINT;
        t = 8;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_FLOAT32:
        xtype = NC_FLOAT;
        t = 4;
    case DFNT_LFLOAT32:
        xtype = NC_FLOAT;
        t = 4;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
    case DFNT_FLOAT64:
        xtype = NC_DOUBLE;
        t = 5;
    case DFNT_LFLOAT64:
        xtype = NC_DOUBLE;
        t = 5;
        endianness = NC_ENDIAN_LITTLE;
        return NC_EBADTYPID;

    /* Return results to caller. */
    if (xtypep)
        *xtypep = xtype;
    if (endiannessp)
        *endiannessp = endianness;
    if (type_sizep)
        *type_sizep = nc_type_size_g[t];
    if (type_name)
        strncpy(type_name, nc_type_name_g[t], NC_MAX_NAME);

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Set the type of a netCDF-4 variable.
 * @param xtype A netcdf type.
 * @param endianness The endianness of the data.
 * @param type_size The size in bytes of one element of this type.
 * @param type_name A name for the type.
 * @param typep Pointer to a pointer that gets the TYPE_INFO_T struct.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
nc4_set_var_type(nc_type xtype, int endianness, size_t type_size, char *type_name,
                 NC_TYPE_INFO_T **typep)
    NC_TYPE_INFO_T *type;

    /* Check inputs. */

    /* Allocate space for the type info struct. */
    if (!(type = calloc(1, sizeof(NC_TYPE_INFO_T))))
        return NC_ENOMEM;
    if (!(type->hdr.name = strdup(type_name)))
        return NC_ENOMEM;
    type->hdr.sort = NCTYP;

    /* Determine the type class. */
    if (xtype == NC_FLOAT)
        type->nc_type_class = NC_FLOAT;
    else if (xtype == NC_DOUBLE)
        type->nc_type_class = NC_DOUBLE;
    else if (xtype == NC_CHAR)
        type->nc_type_class = NC_STRING;
        type->nc_type_class = NC_INT;

    /* Set other type info values. */
    type->endianness = endianness;
    type->size = type_size;
    type->hdr.id = (size_t)xtype;

    /* Return to caller. */
    *typep = type;

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Read an attribute from a HDF4 file.
 * @param h5 Pointer to the file metadata struct.
 * @param var Pointer to variable metadata struct or NULL for global
 * attributes.
 * @param a Index of attribute to read.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF4 error.
 * @return ::NC_EATTMETA Error reading HDF4 attribute.
 * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
hdf4_read_att(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, int a)
    NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T *hdf4_file;
    NC_ATT_INFO_T *att;
    NCindex *att_list;
    int32 att_data_type, att_count;
    size_t att_type_size;
    char name[NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME+1];
    int sd_id;
    int retval;

    LOG((3, "%s: a %d var %s", __func__, a, var ? var->hdr.name : "global"));

    /* Check inputs. */
    assert(h5 && h5->format_file_info);

    /* Get the HDF4 file info. */
    hdf4_file = h5->format_file_info;

    /* Decide what att list to use, global or from a var. */
    if (var)
        NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T *hdf4_var;
        att_list = var->att;
        hdf4_var = var->format_var_info;
        sd_id = hdf4_var->sdsid;
    } else {
        att_list = h5->root_grp->att;
        sd_id = hdf4_file->sdid;

    /* Learn about this attribute. */
    if (SDattrinfo(sd_id, a, name, &att_data_type, &att_count))
        return NC_EATTMETA;

    /* Get information about the attribute type. */
    nc_type xtype;
    if ((retval = hdf4_type_info(h5, att_data_type, &xtype, NULL,
                                 &att_type_size, NULL)))
        return retval;

    /* Add to the end of the list of atts for this var. */
    if ((retval = nc4_att_list_add(att_list, name, &att)))
        return retval;
    att->nc_typeid = xtype;
    att->created = NC_TRUE;
    att->len = att_count;

    /* Allocate memory to hold the data. */
    if (att->len)
        if (!(att->data = malloc(att_type_size * att->len)))
            return NC_ENOMEM;

    /* Read the data. */
    if (SDreadattr(sd_id, a, att->data))
        return NC_EHDFERR;

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Read a HDF4 dimension. As new dimensions are found, add
 * them to the metadata list of dimensions.
 * @param h5 Pointer to the file metadata struct.
 * @param var Pointer to variable metadata struct or NULL for global
 * attributes.
 * @param rec_dim_len Actual length of first dim for this SD.
 * @param d Dimension index for this SD.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF4 error.
 * @return ::NC_EDIMMETA Error reading HDF4 dimension info.
 * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory.
 * @return ::NC_EMAXNAME Name too long.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
hdf4_read_dim(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, NC_VAR_INFO_T *var, int rec_dim_len, int d)
    NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T *hdf4_var;
    NC_DIM_INFO_T *dim = NULL;
    int32 dimid, dim_len, dim_data_type, dim_num_attrs;
    char dim_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
    int i;
    int retval;

    assert(h5 && h5->format_file_info && var && var->format_var_info);
    hdf4_var = var->format_var_info;

    /* Get information about the dimension. */
    if ((dimid = SDgetdimid(hdf4_var->sdsid, d)) == FAIL)
        return NC_EDIMMETA;
    if (SDdiminfo(dimid, dim_name, &dim_len, &dim_data_type, &dim_num_attrs))
        return NC_EDIMMETA;
    if (strlen(dim_name) > NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME)
        return NC_EMAXNAME;

    /* Do we already have this dimension? HDF4 explicitly uses
     * the name to tell. */
    for (i = 0; i < ncindexsize(h5->root_grp->dim); i++)
        dim = (NC_DIM_INFO_T*)ncindexith(h5->root_grp->dim, i);
        if (!strcmp(dim->hdr.name, dim_name))
        dim = NULL;

    /* If we didn't find this dimension, add one. */
    if (!dim)
        LOG((4, "adding dim %s for dataset %s", dim_name, var->hdr.name));
        if ((retval = nc4_dim_list_add(h5->root_grp, dim_name,
                                       (dim_len ? dim_len : rec_dim_len), -1, &dim)))
            return retval;

    /* Tell the variable the id of this dimension. */
    var->dimids[d] = dim->hdr.id;
    var->dim[d] = dim;

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Create a new variable and insert int relevant lists
 * @param grp the containing group
 * @param name the name for the new variable
 * @param ndims the rank of the new variable
 * @param format_var_info Pointer to format-specific var info struct.
 * @param var Pointer in which to return a pointer to the new var.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
nc4_var_list_add_full(NC_GRP_INFO_T* grp, const char* name, int ndims, nc_type xtype,
                      int endianness, size_t type_size, char *type_name, void *fill_value,
                      int contiguous, size_t *chunksizes, void *format_var_info,
                      NC_VAR_INFO_T **var)
    int d;
    int retval;

    /* Add the VAR_INFO_T struct to our list of vars. */
    if ((retval = nc4_var_list_add(grp, name, ndims, var)))
        return retval;
    (*var)->created = NC_TRUE;
    (*var)->written_to = NC_TRUE;
    (*var)->format_var_info = format_var_info;
    (*var)->atts_read = 1;

    /* Fill special type_info struct for variable type information. */
    if ((retval = nc4_set_var_type(xtype, endianness, type_size, type_name,
        return retval;
    /* Propate the endianness to the variable */
    (*var)->endianness = (*var)->type_info->endianness;


    /* Handle fill value, if provided. */
    if (fill_value)
        if (!((*var)->fill_value = malloc(type_size)))
            return NC_ENOMEM;
        memcpy((*var)->fill_value, fill_value, type_size);

    /* Var contiguous or chunked? */
    if (contiguous)
	(*var)->storage = NC_CONTIGUOUS;
	(*var)->storage = NC_CHUNKED;

    /* Were chunksizes provided? */
    if (chunksizes)
        if (!((*var)->chunksizes = malloc(ndims * sizeof(size_t))))
            return NC_ENOMEM;
        for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
            (*var)->chunksizes[d] = chunksizes[d];

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Read a HDF4 variable, including its associated dimensions
 * and attributes.
 * @param h5 Pointer to the file metadata struct.
 * @param v Index of variable to read.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR HDF4 error.
 * @return ::NC_EDIMMETA Error reading HDF4 dimension info.
 * @return ::NC_EVARMETA Error reading HDF4 dataset or att.
 * @return ::NC_EATTMETA Error reading HDF4 attribute.
 * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory.
 * @return ::NC_EMAXNAME Name too long.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
static int
hdf4_read_var(NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5, int v)
    NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T *hdf4_file;
    NC_VAR_INFO_T *var;
    NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T *hdf4_var;
    HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunkdefs;
    int32 data_type, num_atts;
    int32 dimsize[NC_MAX_HDF4_DIMS];
    int32 rec_dim_len;
    int32 rank;
    int32 sdsid;
    int contiguous;
    int d, a;
    int flag;
    char name[NC_MAX_HDF4_NAME+1];
    int xtype;
    char type_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
    int endianness;
    size_t type_size;
    void *fill_value;
    size_t *chunksizes = NULL;
    int retval;

    /* Check inputs. */
    assert(h5 && h5->format_file_info);

    /* Get HDF4 file metadata. */
    hdf4_file = h5->format_file_info;

    /* Open this dataset in HDF4 file. */
    if ((sdsid = SDselect(hdf4_file->sdid, v)) == FAIL)
        return  NC_EVARMETA;

    /* Learn about this dataset. */
    if (SDgetinfo(sdsid, name, &rank, dimsize, &data_type, &num_atts))
        return NC_EVARMETA;
    rec_dim_len = dimsize[0];

    /* Get chunking info from HDF4 file. */
    if (SDgetchunkinfo(sdsid, &chunkdefs, &flag))
        return NC_EVARMETA;

    /* Learn about the HDF4 type. */
    if ((retval = hdf4_type_info(h5, data_type, &xtype, &endianness, &type_size,
        return retval;

    /* Get the fill value. */
    if (!(fill_value = malloc(type_size)))
        return NC_ENOMEM;
    if (SDgetfillvalue(sdsid, fill_value))
        /* Whoops! No fill value! */
        fill_value = NULL;

    /* Is variable chunked or contiguous? */
    if (flag == HDF_NONE)
        contiguous = NC_TRUE;
    else if (flag & HDF_CHUNK)
        contiguous = NC_FALSE;
        if (!(chunksizes = malloc(rank * sizeof(size_t))))
            return NC_ENOMEM;
        for (d = 0; d < rank; d++)
            chunksizes[d] = chunkdefs.chunk_lengths[d];

    /* Malloc a struct to hold HDF4-specific variable
     * information. */
    if (!(hdf4_var = malloc(sizeof(NC_VAR_HDF4_INFO_T))))
        return NC_ENOMEM;

    /* Remember these values. */
    hdf4_var->hdf4_data_type = data_type;
    hdf4_var->sdsid = sdsid;

    /* Add a variable to metadata structures. */
    LOG((3, "adding var for HDF4 dataset %s, rank %d netCDF type %d", name,
         rank, xtype));
    retval = nc4_var_list_add_full(h5->root_grp, name, (int)rank,
                                   xtype, endianness, type_size, type_name,
                                   fill_value, contiguous, chunksizes, hdf4_var,

    /* Free resources. */
    if (chunksizes)
    if (fill_value)

    /* Did the add fail? */
    if (retval)
        return retval;

    /* Find the variable's dimensions. */
    for (d = 0; d < var->ndims; d++)
        if ((retval = hdf4_read_dim(h5, var, rec_dim_len, d)))
            return retval;

    /* Read the variable's attributes. */
    for (a = 0; a < num_atts; a++)
        if ((retval = hdf4_read_att(h5, var, a)))
            return retval;

    return NC_NOERR;

 * @internal Open a HDF4 SD file for read-only access.
 * @param path The file name of the file.
 * @param mode The open mode flag.
 * @param basepe Ignored by this function.
 * @param chunksizehintp Ignored by this function.
 * @param parameters pointer to struct holding extra data (e.g. for
 * parallel I/O) layer. Ignored if NULL. Ignored by this function.
 * @param dispatch Pointer to the dispatch table for this file.
 * @param nc_file Pointer to an instance of NC. The ncid has already
 * been assigned, and is in nc_file->ext_ncid.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EINVAL Invalid input.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR Error from HDF4 layer.
 * @return ::NC_ENOMEM Out of memory.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
NC_HDF4_open(const char *path, int mode, int basepe, size_t *chunksizehintp,
             void *parameters, const NC_Dispatch *dispatch, int ncid)
    NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5;
    NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T *hdf4_file;
    NC *nc;
    int32 num_datasets, num_gatts;
    int32 sdid;
    int v, a;
    int retval;

    /* Check inputs. */

    LOG((1, "%s: path %s mode %d params %x", __func__, path, mode, parameters));

    /* Find pointer to NC. */
    if ((retval = NC_check_id(ncid, &nc)))
        return retval;

    /* Check the mode for validity */
    if (mode & ILLEGAL_OPEN_FLAGS)
        return NC_EINVAL;

    /* Open the file and initialize SD interface. */
    if ((sdid = SDstart(path, DFACC_READ)) == FAIL)
        return NC_EHDFERR;

    /* Learn how many datasets and global atts we have. */
    if (SDfileinfo(sdid, &num_datasets, &num_gatts))
        return NC_EHDFERR;

    /* Add necessary structs to hold netcdf-4 file data. */
    if ((retval = nc4_file_list_add(ncid, path, mode, (void **)&h5)))
        return retval;
    assert(h5 && h5->root_grp);
    h5->no_write = NC_TRUE;
    h5->root_grp->atts_read = 1;

    /* Allocate data to hold HDF4 specific file data. */
    if (!(hdf4_file = malloc(sizeof(NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T))))
        return NC_ENOMEM;
    h5->format_file_info = hdf4_file;
    hdf4_file->sdid = sdid;

    /* Read the global atts. */
    for (a = 0; a < num_gatts; a++)
        if ((retval = hdf4_read_att(h5, NULL, a)))

    /* Read each dataset. */
    if (!retval)
        for (v = 0; v < num_datasets; v++)
            if ((retval = hdf4_read_var(h5, v)))

    /* If there is an error, free resources. */
    if (retval)

#ifdef LOGGING
    /* This will print out the names, types, lens, etc of the vars and
       atts in the file, if the logging level is 2 or greater. */

    return retval;

 * @internal Abort (close) the HDF4 file.
 * @param ncid File ID.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EBADID Bad ncid.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR Error from HDF4 layer.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
NC_HDF4_abort(int ncid)
    return NC_HDF4_close(ncid, NULL);

 * @internal Close the HDF4 file.
 * @param ncid File ID.
 * @param ignore Ignore this pointer.
 * @return ::NC_NOERR No error.
 * @return ::NC_EBADID Bad ncid.
 * @return ::NC_EHDFERR Error from HDF4 layer.
 * @author Ed Hartnett
NC_HDF4_close(int ncid, void *ignore)
    NC_GRP_INFO_T *grp;
    NC *nc;
    NC_FILE_INFO_T *h5;
    NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T *hdf4_file;
    int retval;

    LOG((1, "%s: ncid 0x%x", __func__, ncid));

    /* Find our metadata for this file. */
    if ((retval = nc4_find_nc_grp_h5(ncid, &nc, &grp, &h5)))
        return retval;
    assert(nc && h5 && grp && !grp->parent);

    /* Clean up HDF4 specific allocations. */
    if ((retval = hdf4_rec_grp_del(h5->root_grp)))
        return retval;

    /* Close hdf4 file and free HDF4 file info. */
    hdf4_file = (NC_HDF4_FILE_INFO_T *)h5->format_file_info;
    if (SDend(hdf4_file->sdid))
        return NC_EHDFERR;

    /* Free the NC_FILE_INFO_T struct. */
    if ((retval = nc4_nc4f_list_del(h5)))
        return retval;

    return NC_NOERR;