#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include <getopt.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #include "XGetopt.h" #endif #include "netcdf.h" #include "ncpathmgr.h" #include "nclog.h" #ifdef HAVE_HDF5_H #include <hdf5.h> #include <H5DSpublic.h> #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NCZARR #include "zincludes.h" #endif #undef DEBUG /* Short Aliases */ #ifdef HDF5_SUPPORTS_PAR_FILTERS #define H5 #endif #ifdef ENABLE_NCZARR #define NZ #endif typedef struct Format { int format; char file_name[NC_MAX_NAME]; char var_name[NC_MAX_NAME]; int fillvalue; int debug; int rank; size_t dimlens[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size_t chunklens[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size_t chunkcounts[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size_t chunkprod; size_t dimprod; nc_type xtype; } Format; typedef struct Odometer { size_t rank; /*rank */ size_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size_t stop[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; size_t max[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* max size of ith index */ size_t index[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* current value of the odometer*/ } Odometer; #define floordiv(x,y) ((x) / (y)) #define ceildiv(x,y) (((x) % (y)) == 0 ? ((x) / (y)) : (((x) / (y)) + 1)) static char* captured[4096]; static int ncap = 0; extern int nc__testurl(const char*,char**); Odometer* odom_new(size_t rank, const size_t* stop, const size_t* max); void odom_free(Odometer* odom); int odom_more(Odometer* odom); int odom_next(Odometer* odom); size_t* odom_indices(Odometer* odom); size_t odom_offset(Odometer* odom); const char* odom_print(Odometer* odom); static void usage(int err) { if(err != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: (%d) %s\n",err,nc_strerror(err)); } fprintf(stderr,"usage: ncdumpchunks -v <var> <file> \n"); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } const char* printvector(int rank, size_t* vec) { char svec[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS*3+1]; int i; svec[0] = '\0'; for(i=0;i<rank;i++) { char s[3+1]; if(i > 0) strlcat(svec,",",sizeof(svec)); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"%u",(unsigned)vec[i]); strlcat(svec,s,sizeof(svec)); } captured[ncap++] = strdup(svec); return captured[ncap-1]; } void cleanup(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<ncap;i++) if(captured[i]) free(captured[i]); } Odometer* odom_new(size_t rank, const size_t* stop, const size_t* max) { int i; Odometer* odom = NULL; if((odom = calloc(1,sizeof(Odometer))) == NULL) return NULL; odom->rank = rank; for(i=0;i<rank;i++) { odom->start[i] = 0; odom->stop[i] = stop[i]; odom->max[i] = max[i]; odom->index[i] = 0; } return odom; } void odom_free(Odometer* odom) { if(odom) free(odom); } int odom_more(Odometer* odom) { return (odom->index[0] < odom->stop[0]); } int odom_next(Odometer* odom) { size_t i; for(i=odom->rank-1;i>=0;i--) { odom->index[i]++; if(odom->index[i] < odom->stop[i]) break; if(i == 0) return 0; /* leave the 0th entry if it overflows */ odom->index[i] = 0; /* reset this position */ } return 1; } /* Get the value of the odometer */ size_t* odom_indices(Odometer* odom) { return odom->index; } size_t odom_offset(Odometer* odom) { size_t offset; int i; offset = 0; for(i=0;i<odom->rank;i++) { offset *= odom->max[i]; offset += odom->index[i]; } return offset; } const char* odom_print(Odometer* odom) { static char s[4096]; static char tmp[4096]; const char* sv; s[0] = '\0'; snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"{rank=%u",(unsigned)odom->rank); strcat(s,tmp); strcat(s," start=("); sv = printvector(odom->rank,odom->start); strcat(s,sv); strcat(s,")"); strcat(s," stop=("); sv = printvector(odom->rank,odom->stop); strcat(s,sv); strcat(s,")"); strcat(s," max=("); sv = printvector(odom->rank,odom->max); strcat(s,sv); strcat(s,")"); snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)," offset=%u",(unsigned)odom_offset(odom)); strcat(s,tmp); strcat(s," indices=("); sv = printvector(odom->rank,odom->index); strcat(s,sv); strcat(s,")"); strcat(s,"}"); return s; } #ifdef DEBUG char* chunk_key(int format->rank, size_t* indices) { char key[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS*3+1]; int i; key[0] = '\0'; for(i=0;i<format->rank;i++) { char s[3+1]; if(i > 0) strlcat(key,".",sizeof(key)); snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"%u",(unsigned)indices[i]); strlcat(key,s,sizeof(key)); } return strdup(key); } #endif void setoffset(Odometer* odom, size_t* chunksizes, size_t* offset) { int i; for(i=0;i<odom->rank;i++) offset[i] = odom->index[i] * chunksizes[i]; } static void printindent(size_t indent) { while(indent-- > 0) printf(" "); } static void printchunk(Format* format, int* chunkdata, size_t indent) { int k[3]; int rank = format->rank; unsigned cols[3], pos; size_t* chl = format->chunklens; memset(cols,0,sizeof(cols)); if(format->xtype == NC_UBYTE) rank = 0; switch (rank) { case 1: cols[0] = 1; cols[1] = 1; cols[2] = chl[0]; break; case 2: cols[0] = 1; cols[1] = chl[0]; cols[2] = chl[1]; break; case 3: cols[0] = chl[0]; cols[1] = chl[1]; cols[2] = chl[2]; break; default: cols[0] = 1; cols[1] = 1; cols[2] = format->chunkprod; break; } // offset = (((k0*chl[0])+k1)*chl[1])+k2; pos = 0; for(k[0]=0;k[0]<cols[0];k[0]++) { if(k[0] > 0) printindent(indent); k[1] = 0; k[2] = 0; /* reset */ for(k[1]=0;k[1]<cols[1];k[1]++) { k[2] = 0; if(k[1] > 0) printf(" |"); for(k[2]=0;k[2]<cols[2];k[2]++) { if(format->xtype == NC_UBYTE) { int l; unsigned char* bchunkdata = (unsigned char*)(&chunkdata[pos]); for(l=0;l<sizeof(int);l++) { printf(" %02u", bchunkdata[l]); } } else { printf(" %02d", chunkdata[pos]); } pos++; } } printf("\n"); } #if 0 for(k=0;k<format->chunkprod;k++) { if(k > 0 && k % cols == 0) printf(" |"); printf(" %02d", chunkdata[k]); } printf("\n"); #endif } int dump(Format* format) { void* chunkdata = NULL; /*[CHUNKPROD];*/ Odometer* odom = NULL; int r; size_t offset[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; int holechunk = 0; char sindices[64]; #ifdef H5 int i; hid_t fileid, grpid, datasetid; hid_t dxpl_id = H5P_DEFAULT; /*data transfer property list */ unsigned int filter_mask = 0; hsize_t hoffset[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; #endif #ifdef NZ int stat = NC_NOERR; size64_t zindices[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; int ncid, varid; #endif #ifdef H5 if(format->debug) { H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT,(H5E_auto2_t)H5Eprint1,stderr); } #endif memset(offset,0,sizeof(offset)); #ifdef H5 memset(hoffset,0,sizeof(hoffset)); #endif switch (format->format) { #ifdef H5 case NC_FORMATX_NC_HDF5: if ((fileid = H5Fopen(format->file_name, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) usage(NC_EHDFERR); if ((grpid = H5Gopen1(fileid, "/")) < 0) usage(NC_EHDFERR); if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, format->var_name)) < 0) usage(NC_EHDFERR); break; #endif #ifdef NZ case NC_FORMATX_NCZARR: if((stat=nc_open(format->file_name,0,&ncid))) usage(stat); if((stat=nc_inq_varid(ncid,format->var_name,&varid))) usage(stat); break; #endif default: usage(NC_EINVAL); } if((odom = odom_new(format->rank,format->chunkcounts,format->dimlens))==NULL) usage(NC_ENOMEM); if((chunkdata = calloc(sizeof(int),format->chunkprod))==NULL) usage(NC_ENOMEM); printf("rank=%d dims=(%s) chunks=(%s)\n",format->rank,printvector(format->rank,format->dimlens), printvector(format->rank,format->chunklens)); while(odom_more(odom)) { setoffset(odom,format->chunklens,offset); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"odom=%s\n",odom_print(odom)); fprintf(stderr,"offset=("); for(i=0;i<format->rank;i++) fprintf(stderr,"%s%lu",(i > 0 ? "," : ""),(unsigned long)offset[i]); fprintf(stderr,")\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif if(format->debug) { fprintf(stderr,"chunk: %s\n",printvector(format->rank,offset)); } holechunk = 0; switch (format->format) { #ifdef H5 case NC_FORMATX_NC_HDF5: { for(i=0;i<format->rank;i++) hoffset[i] = (hsize_t)offset[i]; if(H5Dread_chunk(datasetid, dxpl_id, hoffset, &filter_mask, chunkdata) < 0) holechunk = 1; } break; #endif #ifdef NZ case NC_FORMATX_NCZARR: for(r=0;r<format->rank;r++) zindices[r] = (size64_t)odom->index[r]; switch (stat=NCZ_read_chunk(ncid, varid, zindices, chunkdata)) { case NC_NOERR: break; case NC_EEMPTY: holechunk = 1; break; default: usage(stat); } break; #endif default: usage(NC_EINVAL); } if(holechunk) { /* Hole chunk: use fillvalue */ size_t i = 0; int* idata = (int*)chunkdata; for(i=0;i<format->chunkprod;i++) idata[i] = format->fillvalue; } sindices[0] = '\0'; for(r=0;r<format->rank;r++) { char sstep[64]; snprintf(sstep,sizeof(sstep),"[%lu/%lu]",(unsigned long)odom->index[r],(unsigned long)offset[r]); strcat(sindices,sstep); } strcat(sindices," ="); printf("%s",sindices); printchunk(format,chunkdata,strlen(sindices)); fflush(stdout); odom_next(odom); } /* Close up. */ switch (format->format) { #ifdef H5 case NC_FORMATX_NC_HDF5: if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) abort(); if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0) abort(); if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) abort(); break; #endif #ifdef NZ case NC_FORMATX_NCZARR: if((stat=nc_close(ncid))) usage(stat); break; #endif default: usage(NC_EINVAL); } /* Cleanup */ free(chunkdata); odom_free(odom); return 0; } static const char* urlexts[] = {"file", "zip", NULL}; static const char* filenamefor(const char* f0) { static char result[4096]; const char** extp; char* p; strcpy(result,f0); /* default */ if(nc__testurl(f0,NULL)) goto done; /* Not a URL */ p = strrchr(f0,'.'); /* look at the extension, if any */ if(p == NULL) goto done; /* No extension */ p++; for(extp=urlexts;*extp;extp++) { if(strcmp(p,*extp)==0) break; } if(*extp == NULL) goto done; /* not found */ /* Assemble the url */ strcpy(result,"file://"); strcat(result,f0); /* core path */ strcat(result,"#mode=nczarr,"); strcat(result,*extp); done: return result; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i,stat = NC_NOERR; Format format; int ncid, varid, dimids[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; int vtype, storage; int mode; int c; memset(&format,0,sizeof(format)); /* Init some format fields */ format.xtype = NC_INT; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "bv:DT:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'b': format.xtype = NC_UBYTE; break; case 'v': strcpy(format.var_name,optarg); break; case 'D': format.debug = 1; break; case 'T': nctracelevel(atoi(optarg)); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"unknown option: '%c'\n",c); exit(1); } } /* get file argument */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no input file specified\n"); exit(1); } { char* s = NC_shellUnescape(argv[0]); strcpy(format.file_name,filenamefor(s)); nullfree(s); } if(strlen(format.file_name) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no input file specified\n"); exit(1); } if(strlen(format.var_name) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no input var specified\n"); exit(1); } /* Get info about the file type */ if((stat=nc_open(format.file_name,0,&ncid))) usage(stat); if((stat=nc_inq_format_extended(ncid,&format.format,&mode))) usage(stat); /* Get the info about the var */ if((stat=nc_inq_varid(ncid,format.var_name,&varid))) usage(stat); if((stat=nc_inq_var(ncid,varid,NULL,&vtype,&format.rank,dimids,NULL))) usage(stat); if(format.rank == 0) usage(NC_EDIMSIZE); if((stat=nc_inq_var_chunking(ncid,varid,&storage,format.chunklens))) usage(stat); if(storage != NC_CHUNKED) usage(NC_EBADCHUNK); if((stat=nc_get_att(ncid,varid,"_FillValue",&format.fillvalue))) usage(stat); for(i=0;i<format.rank;i++) { if((stat=nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,dimids[i],&format.dimlens[i]))) usage(stat); format.chunkcounts[i] = ceildiv(format.dimlens[i],format.chunklens[i]); } if((stat=nc_close(ncid))) usage(stat); /* Precompute */ for(format.chunkprod=1,i=0;i<format.rank;i++) format.chunkprod *= format.chunklens[i]; for(format.dimprod=1,i=0;i<format.rank;i++) format.dimprod *= format.dimlens[i]; dump(&format); cleanup(); return 0; }