Cloned library NetCDF-C-4.9.2 with extra build files for internal package management.

421 lines
16 KiB

Attributes {
TSurfAir {
String standard_name "TSurfAir";
String long_name "Surface Air Temperature";
Float32 _FillValue -1.000000000;
String units "K";
Delta_Time {
String long_name "offset to time";
String Description "Cell observation time, in offsets to values defined in the time variable";
String units "seconds";
nv {
String long_name "number_of_vertices";
time_bnds {
String long_name "time_bnds";
String units "seconds since 1993-1-1 0:0:0";
time {
String long_name "time";
String axis "T";
String units "seconds since 1993-1-1 0:0:0";
String bounds "time_bnds";
latitude {
String long_name "latitude";
String units "degrees_north";
String standard_name "latitude";
String axis "Y";
String GCTP_Projection_Name "Geographic";
String GCTP_Spheroid_Name "Clarke 1866";
longitude {
String long_name "longitude";
String units "degrees_east";
String standard_name "longitude";
String axis "X";
String GCTP_Projection_Name "Geographic";
String GCTP_Spheroid_Name "Clarke 1866";
String Conventions "CF-1.0";
String Institution "CSISS,GMU";
Lineage {
String History "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<History xmlns:smXML=\"\"
This lineage information documents the source and processing performed by the WCS server in the CEOP satellite data server.
Perform georectification by transforming satellite swath coordinate system to Latitude-Longitude coordinate system.
<CharacterString>Wenli Yang</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>NASA GES DISC</CharacterString>
<Method> NearestNeighbor Interpolation </Method>
<CharacterString>Interpolatiion is needed for output cells containing no valid input values.</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Wenli Yang</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>NASA GES DISC</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Input cells not meeting QA criteria must be excluded in the resultant coverage.</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Wenli Yang</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>NASA GES DISC</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Input AIRS Release 5 Level 2 granule</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Input AIRS Release 5 Level 2 granule</CharacterString>
<authority />
<CharacterString />
<CharacterString>NASA GES DISC</CharacterString>
<CI_PresentationFormCode codeSpace=\"\" codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"\" />
<CharacterString />
<gml:Polygon srsName=\"urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4326\">
<gml:pos>59.542054 -91.525519</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>64.006578 -122.761953</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>42.866636 -126.317500</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>40.097498 -106.352680</gml:pos>
<CharacterString>Input AIRS Release 5 Level 2 granule</CharacterString>
<CharacterString>Input AIRS Release 5 Level 2 granule</CharacterString>
<authority />
<CharacterString />
<CharacterString>NASA GES DISC</CharacterString>
<CI_PresentationFormCode codeSpace=\"\" codeList=\"\" codeListValue=\"\" />
<CharacterString />
<gml:Polygon srsName=\"urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4326\">
<gml:pos>50.182469 -108.424849</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>53.793611 -84.244362</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>74.889234 -88.293173</gml:pos>
<gml:pos>68.007927 -132.994761</gml:pos>
</History> ";