Cloned library NetCDF-C-4.9.2 with extra build files for internal package management.
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* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
External functions and state variables are
defined here, including function-like #defines.
#ifndef NCD4_H
#define NCD4_H 1
#include "d4includes.h"
#include "d4util.h"
#include "d4debug.h"
#include "nc4internal.h"
/* Constants */
/* Figure out a usable max path name max */
#ifdef PATH_MAX /* *nix* */
# ifdef MAX_PATH /*windows*/
# else
# define NC_MAX_PATH 4096
# endif
#define COUNTERTYPE unsigned long long
/* Clear allocated memory (see e.g. d4data.c); Potentially costly*/
/* Clear empty structure alignment space; Potentially costly, but probably less than CLEARMEM */
/* Always use fixed size opaques */
/* Size of a chunk header */
/* Special attributes */
#define D4CHECKSUMATTR "_DAP4_Checksum_CRC32"
#define D4LEATTR "_DAP4_Little_Endian"
#undef nullfree
#ifndef nullfree
#define nullfree(m) ((m)==NULL?NULL:(free(m),NULL))
#define nulldup(s) ((s)==NULL?NULL:strdup(s))
/* DSP API wrappers */
#ifdef FIX
EXTERNL int dsp_getDMR(ND4dsp* dsp, DCR** dcrp);
EXTERNL int dsp_getDAP(ND4dsp* dsp, DCR** dcrp);
EXTERNL int dsp_close(ND4dsp* dsp);
/* DSP API */
EXTERNL int dsp_open(const char* path, ND4dsp** dspp);
/* From d4http.c */
EXTERNL long NCD4_fetchhttpcode(CURL* curl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchurl_file(CURL* curl, const char* url, FILE* stream, d4size_t* sizep, long* filetime);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchurl(CURL* curl, const char* url, NCbytes* buf, long* filetime, int* httpcode);
EXTERNL int NCD4_curlopen(CURL** curlp);
EXTERNL void NCD4_curlclose(CURL* curl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fetchlastmodified(CURL* curl, char* url, long* filetime);
EXTERNL int NCD4_ping(const char* url);
/* From d4read.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDMR(NCD4INFO* state, int flags);
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDAP(NCD4INFO* state, int flags);
EXTERNL int NCD4_seterrormessage(NCD4meta* metadata, size_t len, char* msg);
/* From d4parser.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_parse(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL NCD4node* NCD4_findAttr(NCD4node* container, const char* attrname);
EXTERNL NCD4node* NCD4_groupFor(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL int NCD4_defineattr(NCD4meta* meta, NCD4node* parent, const char* aname, const char* typename, NCD4node** attrp);
/* From d4printer.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_print(NCD4meta*, NCbytes* output);
/* From d4meta.c */
EXTERNL NCD4meta* NCD4_newmeta(NCD4INFO*);
EXTERNL void NCD4_attachraw(NCD4meta*, size_t size, void* rawdata);
EXTERNL void NCD4_reclaimMeta(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL void NCD4_resetMeta(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL void reclaimNode(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL void NCD4_setdebuglevel(NCD4meta*,int);
EXTERNL int NCD4_metabuild(NCD4meta*, int ncid);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_computeTypeSize(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* type);
EXTERNL int NCD4_findvar(NC* ncp, int ncid, int varid, NCD4node** varp, NCD4node** grpp);
/* From d4chunk.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_dechunk(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_infermode(NCD4meta* meta);
struct NCD4serial;
EXTERNL void NCD4_resetSerial(struct NCD4serial* serial, size_t rawsize, void* rawdata);
/* From d4swap.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_swapdata(NCD4meta*, NClist* topvars);
/* From d4fix.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_delimit(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* var, void** offsetp);
EXTERNL int NCD4_moveto(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* var, d4size_t count, void** offsetp);
EXTERNL int NCD4_toposort(NCD4meta*);
/* From d4data.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_processdata(NCD4meta*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_fillinstance(NCD4meta*, NCD4node* type, void** offsetp, void** dstp, NClist* blobs);
EXTERNL int NCD4_getToplevelVars(NCD4meta* meta, NCD4node* group, NClist* toplevel);
/* From d4util.c */
EXTERNL d4size_t NCD4_dimproduct(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_typesize(nc_type tid);
EXTERNL int NCD4_isLittleEndian(void);/* Return 1 if this machine is little endian */
EXTERNL int NCD4_errorNC(int code, const int line, const char* file);
EXTERNL int NCD4_error(int code, const int line, const char* file, const char* fmt, ...);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_makeFQN(NCD4node* node);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_makeName(NCD4node*,const char* sep);
EXTERNL int NCD4_parseFQN(const char* fqn0, NClist* pieces);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_deescape(const char* esc);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_entityescape(const char* s);
EXTERNL size_t NCD4_elidenuls(char* s, size_t slen);
EXTERNL void* NCD4_getheader(void* p, NCD4HDR* hdr, int hostlittleendian);
EXTERNL void NCD4_reporterror(NCD4INFO* state);
/* From d4dump.c */
EXTERNL void NCD4_dumpbytes(size_t size, const void* data0, int swap);
EXTERNL void NCD4_tagdump(size_t size, const void* data0, int swap, const char* tag);
EXTERNL void NCD4_dumpvars(NCD4node* group);
EXTERNL union ATOMICS* NCD4_dumpatomic(NCD4node* var, void* data);
/* From d4rc.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcload(void);
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcprocess(NCD4INFO* info);
EXTERNL void NCD4_rcfree(NClist* rc);
EXTERNL char* NCD4_rclookup(char* key, char* hostport);
EXTERNL int NCD4_parseproxy(NCD4INFO* info, const char* surl);
EXTERNL int NCD4_rcdefault(NCD4INFO*);
/* From d4cvt.c */
EXTERNL int NCD4_convert(nc_type srctype, nc_type dsttype, char* memory0, char* value0, size_t count);
/* d4file.c */
EXTERNL void NCD4_applyclientparamcontrols(NCD4INFO*);
EXTERNL int NCD4_readDMRorDAP(NCD4INFO* d4info, NCD4mode mode);
/* ncd4dispatch.c */
struct NC_reservedatt; /*forward*/
EXTERNL const struct NC_reservedatt* NCD4_lookupreserved(const char* name);
/* Add an extra function whose sole purpose is to allow
configure(.ac) to test for the presence of this code.
EXTERNL int nc__dap4(void);
/* Macro defined functions */
#undef NCCHECK
#undef FAIL
#define NCCHECK(expr) if((ret=(expr))) {ret = NCD4_errorNC(ret,__LINE__,__FILE__); goto done;}else{}
#define FAIL(code,fmt,...) do{ret=NCD4_error(code,__LINE__,__FILE__,fmt , ##__VA_ARGS__); goto done;}while(0)
#undef INCR
#undef DECR
#undef DELTA
#define INCR(offset,size) ((void*)(((char*)(offset))+(size)))
#define DECR(offset,size) ((void*)(((char*)(offset))-(size)))
#define DELTA(p1,p2) ((ptrdiff_t)(((char*)(p1))-((char*)(p2))))
/* Unclear which macros are defined for which compilers.
#if defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH < 8
EXTERNL d4size_t NCD4_getcounter(void* p);
#define GETCOUNTER(p) NCD4_getcounter(p)
#define GETCOUNTER(p) ((d4size_t)*((COUNTERTYPE*)(p)))
#endif /*defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH < 8*/
#undef PUSH
#define PUSH(list,value) do{if((list)==NULL) {(list)=nclistnew();} else{}; nclistpush((list),(value));}while(0)
#define getnc3id(d4) (getdap(d4)->nc4id)
#define ISTOPLEVEL(var) ((var)->container == NULL || (var)->container->sort == NCD4_GROUP)
#define FILEIDPART(NCID) (((unsigned int) (NCID)) >> ID_SHIFT)
#define GROUPIDPART(NCID) (((unsigned int) (NCID)) & GRP_ID_MASK)
#define MAKENCID(grp,file) ((((unsigned int)(file)) << ID_SHIFT) | (grp))
#define getdap(ncp) ((NCD4INFO*)((NC*)ncp)->dispatchdata)
#define getnc4id(ncp) (getdap(ncp)->substrate.nc4id)
/* Convert a dap4 grpid to a substrate id */
#define makenc4id(ncp,dap4id) (((dap4id) & GRP_ID_MASK) | getdap(ncp)->substrate.nc4id)
/* and the inverse */
#define makedap4id(ncp,nc4id) (((nc4id) & GRP_ID_MASK) | (ncp)->ext_ncid)
#define d4alloc(n) (calloc(1,(size_t)(n)))
#define d4alloc(n) (malloc((size_t)(n)))
/* A number of hacks have been inserted
to deal with issues in accessing hyrax
using DAP4.
EXTERNL int NCD4_get_substrate(int ncid);
#endif /*NCD4_H*/