Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
vtkBMPReader pnmReader
pnmReader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/masonry.bmp"
vtkTexture texture
texture SetInputConnection [pnmReader GetOutputPort]
vtkPoints triangleStripPoints
triangleStripPoints SetNumberOfPoints 5
triangleStripPoints InsertPoint 0 0 1 0
triangleStripPoints InsertPoint 1 0 0 .5
triangleStripPoints InsertPoint 2 1 1 .3
triangleStripPoints InsertPoint 3 1 0 .6
triangleStripPoints InsertPoint 4 2 1 .1
vtkFloatArray triangleStripTCoords
triangleStripTCoords SetNumberOfComponents 2
triangleStripTCoords SetNumberOfTuples 5
triangleStripTCoords InsertTuple2 0 0 1
triangleStripTCoords InsertTuple2 1 0 0
triangleStripTCoords InsertTuple2 2 .5 1
triangleStripTCoords InsertTuple2 3 .5 0
triangleStripTCoords InsertTuple2 4 1 1
vtkFloatArray triangleStripPointScalars
triangleStripPointScalars SetNumberOfTuples 5
triangleStripPointScalars InsertValue 0 1
triangleStripPointScalars InsertValue 1 0
triangleStripPointScalars InsertValue 2 0
triangleStripPointScalars InsertValue 3 0
triangleStripPointScalars InsertValue 4 0
vtkFloatArray triangleStripCellScalars
triangleStripCellScalars SetNumberOfTuples 1
triangleStripCellScalars InsertValue 0 1
vtkFloatArray triangleStripPointNormals
triangleStripPointNormals SetNumberOfComponents 3
triangleStripPointNormals SetNumberOfTuples 5
triangleStripPointNormals InsertTuple3 0 0 0 1
triangleStripPointNormals InsertTuple3 1 0 1 0
triangleStripPointNormals InsertTuple3 2 0 1 1
triangleStripPointNormals InsertTuple3 3 1 0 0
triangleStripPointNormals InsertTuple3 4 1 0 1
vtkFloatArray triangleStripCellNormals
triangleStripCellNormals SetNumberOfComponents 3
triangleStripCellNormals SetNumberOfTuples 1
triangleStripCellNormals InsertTuple3 0 1 1 1
vtkTriangleStrip aTriangleStrip
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetNumberOfIds 5
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetId 0 0
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetId 1 1
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetId 2 2
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetId 3 3
[aTriangleStrip GetPointIds] SetId 4 4
vtkLookupTable lut
lut SetNumberOfColors 5
lut SetTableValue 0 0 0 1 1
lut SetTableValue 1 0 1 0 1
lut SetTableValue 2 0 1 1 1
lut SetTableValue 3 1 0 0 1
lut SetTableValue 4 1 0 1 1
set masks "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 16 18 20 22 26 30"
set i 0; set j 0 ; set k 0
set types "strip triangle"
foreach type $types {
foreach mask $masks {
vtkUnstructuredGrid grid$i
grid$i Allocate 1 1
grid$i InsertNextCell [aTriangleStrip GetCellType] [aTriangleStrip GetPointIds]
grid$i SetPoints triangleStripPoints
vtkGeometryFilter geometry$i
geometry$i SetInput grid$i
vtkTriangleFilter triangles$i
triangles$i SetInputConnection [geometry$i GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper$i
if {$type == "strip"} {mapper$i SetInputConnection [geometry$i GetOutputPort]}
if {$type == "triangle"} {mapper$i SetInputConnection [triangles$i GetOutputPort]}
mapper$i SetLookupTable lut
mapper$i SetScalarRange 0 4
vtkActor actor$i
actor$i SetMapper mapper$i
if {[expr $mask & 1] != 0} {
[grid$i GetPointData] SetNormals triangleStripPointNormals
if {[expr $mask & 2] != 0} {
[grid$i GetPointData] SetScalars triangleStripPointScalars
mapper$i SetScalarModeToUsePointData
if {[expr $mask & 4] != 0} {
[grid$i GetPointData] SetTCoords triangleStripTCoords
actor$i SetTexture texture
if {[expr $mask & 8] != 0} {
[grid$i GetCellData] SetScalars triangleStripCellScalars
mapper$i SetScalarModeToUseCellData
if {[expr $mask & 16] != 0} {
[grid$i GetCellData] SetNormals triangleStripCellNormals
actor$i AddPosition [expr $j * 2] [expr $k * 2] 0
ren1 AddActor actor$i
[actor$i GetProperty] SetRepresentationToWireframe
incr j
if {$j >= 6} {set j 0; incr k};
incr i
renWin SetSize 480 480
ren1 SetBackground .7 .3 .1
ren1 ResetCameraClippingRange
renWin Render
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
wm withdraw .
set threshold 15