Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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129 lines
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2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
vtkRenderer Ren1
Ren1 SetBackground 0.33 0.35 0.43
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer Ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
vtkPLOT3DReader Plot3D0
Plot3D0 SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/combxyz.bin"
Plot3D0 SetQFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/combq.bin"
Plot3D0 SetBinaryFile 1
Plot3D0 SetMultiGrid 0
Plot3D0 SetHasByteCount 0
Plot3D0 SetIBlanking 0
Plot3D0 SetTwoDimensionalGeometry 0
Plot3D0 SetForceRead 0
Plot3D0 SetByteOrder 0
vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter Geometry5
Geometry5 SetInputConnection [Plot3D0 GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper Mapper5
Mapper5 SetInputConnection [Geometry5 GetOutputPort]
Mapper5 SetImmediateModeRendering 1
Mapper5 UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn
Mapper5 SetScalarVisibility 0
Mapper5 SetScalarModeToDefault
vtkActor Actor5
Actor5 SetMapper Mapper5
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetRepresentationToSurface
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetInterpolationToGouraud
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetAmbient 0.15
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetDiffuse 0.85
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetSpecular 0.1
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 100
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetSpecularColor 1 1 1
[Actor5 GetProperty] SetColor 1 1 1
Ren1 AddActor Actor5
vtkExtractGrid ExtractGrid0
ExtractGrid0 SetInputConnection [Plot3D0 GetOutputPort]
ExtractGrid0 SetVOI 0 14 0 32 0 24
ExtractGrid0 SetSampleRate 1 1 1
ExtractGrid0 SetIncludeBoundary 0
vtkExtractGrid ExtractGrid1
ExtractGrid1 SetInputConnection [Plot3D0 GetOutputPort]
ExtractGrid1 SetVOI 14 29 0 32 0 24
ExtractGrid1 SetSampleRate 1 1 1
ExtractGrid1 SetIncludeBoundary 0
vtkExtractGrid ExtractGrid2
ExtractGrid2 SetInputConnection [Plot3D0 GetOutputPort]
ExtractGrid2 SetVOI 29 56 0 32 0 24
ExtractGrid2 SetSampleRate 1 1 1
ExtractGrid2 SetIncludeBoundary 0
vtkLineSource LineSourceWidget0
LineSourceWidget0 SetPoint1 3.05638 -3.00497 28.2211
LineSourceWidget0 SetPoint2 3.05638 3.95916 28.2211
LineSourceWidget0 SetResolution 20
vtkStreamTracer Stream0
Stream0 AddInput [ExtractGrid0 GetOutput]
Stream0 SetSource [LineSourceWidget0 GetOutput]
Stream0 AddInput [ExtractGrid1 GetOutput]
Stream0 AddInput [ExtractGrid2 GetOutput]
Stream0 SetMaximumPropagationUnit 1
Stream0 SetMaximumPropagation 20
Stream0 SetInitialIntegrationStepUnit 2
Stream0 SetInitialIntegrationStep 0.5
Stream0 SetIntegrationDirection 0
Stream0 SetIntegratorType 0
Stream0 SetMaximumNumberOfSteps 2000
Stream0 SetTerminalSpeed 1e-12
vtkAssignAttribute aa
aa SetInputConnection [Stream0 GetOutputPort]
aa Assign "Normals" "NORMALS" "POINT_DATA"
vtkRibbonFilter Ribbon0
Ribbon0 SetInputConnection [aa GetOutputPort]
Ribbon0 SetWidth 0.1
Ribbon0 SetAngle 0
Ribbon0 SetDefaultNormal 0 0 1
Ribbon0 SetVaryWidth 0
vtkLookupTable LookupTable1
LookupTable1 SetNumberOfTableValues 256
LookupTable1 SetHueRange 0 0.66667
LookupTable1 SetSaturationRange 1 1
LookupTable1 SetValueRange 1 1
LookupTable1 SetTableRange 0.197813 0.710419
LookupTable1 SetVectorComponent 0
LookupTable1 Build
vtkPolyDataMapper Mapper10
Mapper10 SetInputConnection [Ribbon0 GetOutputPort]
Mapper10 SetImmediateModeRendering 1
Mapper10 UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn
Mapper10 SetScalarVisibility 1
Mapper10 SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData
Mapper10 SelectColorArray "Density"
Mapper10 SetLookupTable LookupTable1
vtkActor Actor10
Actor10 SetMapper Mapper10
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetRepresentationToSurface
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetInterpolationToGouraud
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetAmbient 0.15
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetDiffuse 0.85
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetSpecular 0
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 1
[Actor10 GetProperty] SetSpecularColor 1 1 1
Ren1 AddActor Actor10
# enable user interface interactor
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .