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94 lines
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94 lines
3.5 KiB
2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
package require vtktesting
# Define loop to clip with
vtkPoints selectionPoints
selectionPoints InsertPoint 0 -0.16553 0.135971 0.451972
selectionPoints InsertPoint 1 -0.0880123 -0.134952 0.4747
selectionPoints InsertPoint 2 0.00292618 -0.134604 0.482459
selectionPoints InsertPoint 3 0.0641941 0.067112 0.490947
selectionPoints InsertPoint 4 0.15577 0.0734765 0.469245
selectionPoints InsertPoint 5 0.166667 -0.129217 0.454622
selectionPoints InsertPoint 6 0.241259 -0.123363 0.420581
selectionPoints InsertPoint 7 0.240334 0.0727106 0.432555
selectionPoints InsertPoint 8 0.308529 0.0844311 0.384357
selectionPoints InsertPoint 9 0.32672 -0.121674 0.359187
selectionPoints InsertPoint 10 0.380721 -0.117342 0.302527
selectionPoints InsertPoint 11 0.387804 0.0455074 0.312375
selectionPoints InsertPoint 12 0.43943 -0.111673 0.211707
selectionPoints InsertPoint 13 0.470984 -0.0801913 0.147919
selectionPoints InsertPoint 14 0.436777 0.0688872 0.233021
selectionPoints InsertPoint 15 0.44874 0.188852 0.109882
selectionPoints InsertPoint 16 0.391352 0.254285 0.176943
selectionPoints InsertPoint 17 0.373274 0.154162 0.294296
selectionPoints InsertPoint 18 0.274659 0.311654 0.276609
selectionPoints InsertPoint 19 0.206068 0.31396 0.329702
selectionPoints InsertPoint 20 0.263789 0.174982 0.387308
selectionPoints InsertPoint 21 0.213034 0.175485 0.417142
selectionPoints InsertPoint 22 0.169113 0.261974 0.390286
selectionPoints InsertPoint 23 0.102552 0.25997 0.414814
selectionPoints InsertPoint 24 0.131512 0.161254 0.454705
selectionPoints InsertPoint 25 0.000192443 0.156264 0.475307
selectionPoints InsertPoint 26 -0.0392091 0.000251724 0.499943
selectionPoints InsertPoint 27 -0.096161 0.159646 0.46438
vtkSphereSource sphere
sphere SetPhiResolution 50
sphere SetThetaResolution 100
sphere SetStartPhi 0
sphere SetEndPhi 90
vtkSelectPolyData loop
loop SetInputConnection [sphere GetOutputPort]
loop SetLoop selectionPoints
loop GenerateSelectionScalarsOn
loop SetSelectionModeToSmallestRegion; #negative scalars inside
vtkClipPolyData clip; #clips out positive region
clip SetInputConnection [loop GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper clipMapper
clipMapper SetInputConnection [clip GetOutputPort]
vtkLODActor clipActor
clipActor SetMapper clipMapper
vtkSelectPolyData loop2
loop2 SetInputConnection [sphere GetOutputPort]
loop2 SetLoop selectionPoints
loop2 SetSelectionModeToSmallestRegion
vtkPolyDataMapper selectMapper
selectMapper SetInputConnection [loop2 GetOutputPort]
vtkLODActor selectActor
selectActor SetMapper selectMapper
selectActor AddPosition 1 0 0
eval [selectActor GetProperty] SetColor $peacock
# Create graphics stuff
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor clipActor
ren1 AddActor selectActor
ren1 SetBackground .1 .2 .4
renWin SetSize 500 250
set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 SetClippingRange 0.236644 11.8322
$cam1 SetFocalPoint 0.542809 -0.0166201 0.183931
$cam1 SetPosition 1.65945 0.364443 2.29141
$cam1 SetViewUp -0.0746604 0.986933 -0.14279
iren Initialize
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .