Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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176 lines
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2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# create pipeline
vtkPLOT3DReader pl3d
pl3d SetXYZFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/combxyz.bin"
pl3d SetQFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/combq.bin"
pl3d SetScalarFunctionNumber 100
pl3d SetVectorFunctionNumber 202
pl3d Update
# create three line probes
vtkLineSource line
line SetResolution 30
vtkTransform transL1
transL1 Translate 3.7 0.0 28.37
transL1 Scale 5 5 5
transL1 RotateY 90
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tf
tf SetInputConnection [line GetOutputPort]
tf SetTransform transL1
vtkProbeFilter probe
probe SetInputConnection [tf GetOutputPort]
probe SetSource [pl3d GetOutput]
vtkTransform transL2
transL2 Translate 9.2 0.0 31.20
transL2 Scale 5 5 5
transL2 RotateY 90
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tf2
tf2 SetInputConnection [line GetOutputPort]
tf2 SetTransform transL2
vtkProbeFilter probe2
probe2 SetInputConnection [tf2 GetOutputPort]
probe2 SetSource [pl3d GetOutput]
vtkTransform transL3
transL3 Translate 13.27 0.0 33.40
transL3 Scale 4.5 4.5 4.5
transL3 RotateY 90
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tf3
tf3 SetInputConnection [line GetOutputPort]
tf3 SetTransform transL3
vtkProbeFilter probe3
probe3 SetInputConnection [tf3 GetOutputPort]
probe3 SetSource [pl3d GetOutput]
vtkAppendPolyData appendF
appendF AddInput [probe GetPolyDataOutput]
appendF AddInput [probe2 GetPolyDataOutput]
appendF AddInput [probe3 GetPolyDataOutput]
vtkTubeFilter tuber
tuber SetInputConnection [appendF GetOutputPort]
tuber SetRadius 0.1
vtkPolyDataMapper lineMapper
lineMapper SetInputConnection [tuber GetOutputPort]
vtkActor lineActor
lineActor SetMapper lineMapper
# probe the line and plot it
vtkXYPlotActor xyplot
xyplot AddInput [probe GetOutput]
xyplot AddInput [probe2 GetOutput]
xyplot AddInput [probe3 GetOutput]
[xyplot GetPositionCoordinate] SetValue 0.0 0.67 0
[xyplot GetPosition2Coordinate] SetValue 1.0 0.33 0;#relative to Position
xyplot SetXValuesToArcLength
xyplot SetNumberOfXLabels 6
xyplot SetTitle "Pressure vs. Arc Length (Zoomed View)"
xyplot SetXTitle ""
xyplot SetYTitle "P"
xyplot SetXRange .1 .35
xyplot SetYRange .2 .4
[xyplot GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 0
[xyplot GetProperty] SetLineWidth 2
# Set text prop color (same color for backward compat with test)
# Assign same object to all text props
set tprop [xyplot GetTitleTextProperty]
eval $tprop SetColor [[xyplot GetProperty] GetColor]
xyplot SetAxisTitleTextProperty $tprop
xyplot SetAxisLabelTextProperty $tprop
xyplot SetLabelFormat "%-#6.2f"
vtkXYPlotActor xyplot2
xyplot2 AddInput [probe GetOutput]
xyplot2 AddInput [probe2 GetOutput]
xyplot2 AddInput [probe3 GetOutput]
[xyplot2 GetPositionCoordinate] SetValue 0.00 0.33 0
[xyplot2 GetPosition2Coordinate] SetValue 1.0 0.33 0;#relative to Position
xyplot2 SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength
xyplot2 SetNumberOfXLabels 6
xyplot2 SetTitle "Pressure vs. Normalized Arc Length"
xyplot2 SetXTitle ""
xyplot2 SetYTitle "P"
xyplot2 PlotPointsOn
xyplot2 PlotLinesOff
[xyplot2 GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
[xyplot2 GetProperty] SetPointSize 2
# Set text prop color (same color for backward compat with test)
# Assign same object to all text props
set tprop [xyplot2 GetTitleTextProperty]
eval $tprop SetColor [[xyplot2 GetProperty] GetColor]
xyplot2 SetAxisTitleTextProperty $tprop
xyplot2 SetAxisLabelTextProperty $tprop
xyplot2 SetLabelFormat [xyplot GetLabelFormat]
vtkXYPlotActor xyplot3
xyplot3 AddInput [probe GetOutput]
xyplot3 AddInput [probe2 GetOutput]
xyplot3 AddInput [probe3 GetOutput]
[xyplot3 GetPositionCoordinate] SetValue 0.0 0.0 0
[xyplot3 GetPosition2Coordinate] SetValue 1.0 0.33 0;#relative to Position
xyplot3 SetXValuesToIndex
xyplot3 SetNumberOfXLabels 6
xyplot3 SetTitle "Pressure vs. Point Id"
xyplot3 SetXTitle "Probe Length"
xyplot3 SetYTitle "P"
xyplot3 PlotPointsOn
[xyplot3 GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 1
[xyplot3 GetProperty] SetPointSize 3
# Set text prop color (same color for backward compat with test)
# Assign same object to all text props
set tprop [xyplot3 GetTitleTextProperty]
eval $tprop SetColor [[xyplot3 GetProperty] GetColor]
xyplot3 SetAxisTitleTextProperty $tprop
xyplot3 SetAxisLabelTextProperty $tprop
xyplot3 SetLabelFormat [xyplot GetLabelFormat]
# draw an outline
vtkStructuredGridOutlineFilter outline
outline SetInputConnection [pl3d GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper outlineMapper
outlineMapper SetInputConnection [outline GetOutputPort]
vtkActor outlineActor
outlineActor SetMapper outlineMapper
[outlineActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 0
# Create graphics stuff
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderer ren2
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
renWin AddRenderer ren2
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
ren1 SetBackground 0.6784 0.8471 0.9020
ren1 SetViewport 0 0 .5 1
ren1 AddActor outlineActor
ren1 AddActor lineActor
ren2 SetBackground 1 1 1
ren2 SetViewport 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0
ren2 AddActor2D xyplot
ren2 AddActor2D xyplot2
ren2 AddActor2D xyplot3
renWin SetSize 790 400
set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 SetClippingRange 3.95297 100
$cam1 SetFocalPoint 8.88908 0.595038 29.3342
$cam1 SetPosition -12.3332 31.7479 41.2387
$cam1 SetViewUp 0.060772 -0.319905 0.945498
iren Initialize
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .