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127 lines
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127 lines
2.8 KiB
2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
set file0 idFile0.vti
set file1 idFile1.vti
set file2 idFile2.vti
# read in some image data
vtkImageReader imageReader
imageReader SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian
imageReader SetDataExtent 0 63 0 63 1 93
imageReader SetDataSpacing 3.2 3.2 1.5
imageReader SetFilePrefix "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/headsq/quarter"
imageReader Update
# extract to reduce extents of grid
vtkExtractVOI extract
extract SetInputConnection [imageReader GetOutputPort]
extract SetVOI 0 63 0 63 0 45
extract Update
# write just a piece (extracted piece) as well as the whole thing
vtkXMLImageDataWriter idWriter
idWriter SetFileName $file0
idWriter SetDataModeToAscii
idWriter SetInputConnection [extract GetOutputPort]
idWriter Write
idWriter SetFileName $file1
idWriter SetDataModeToAppended
idWriter SetInputConnection [imageReader GetOutputPort]
idWriter SetNumberOfPieces 2
idWriter Write
idWriter SetFileName $file2
idWriter SetDataModeToBinary
idWriter SetWriteExtent 1 31 4 63 12 92
idWriter Write
# read the extracted grid
vtkXMLImageDataReader reader
reader SetFileName $file0
reader WholeSlicesOff
reader Update
vtkImageData id0
id0 DeepCopy [reader GetOutput]
vtkContourFilter cF0
cF0 SetInput id0
cF0 SetValue 0 500
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper0
mapper0 SetInputConnection [cF0 GetOutputPort]
mapper0 ScalarVisibilityOff
vtkActor actor0
actor0 SetMapper mapper0
actor0 SetPosition 180 -60 0
# read the whole image
reader SetFileName $file1
reader WholeSlicesOn
reader Update
vtkImageData id1
id1 DeepCopy [reader GetOutput]
vtkContourFilter cF1
cF1 SetInput id1
cF1 SetValue 0 500
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper1
mapper1 SetInputConnection [cF1 GetOutputPort]
mapper1 ScalarVisibilityOff
vtkActor actor1
actor1 SetMapper mapper1
actor1 SetOrientation 90 0 0
# read the paritally written image
reader SetFileName $file2
reader Update
vtkContourFilter cF2
cF2 SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
cF2 SetValue 0 500
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper2
mapper2 SetInputConnection [cF2 GetOutputPort]
mapper2 ScalarVisibilityOff
vtkActor actor2
actor2 SetMapper mapper2
actor2 SetOrientation 0 -90 0
actor2 SetPosition 180 -30 0
# Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and both Actors
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor actor0
ren1 AddActor actor1
ren1 AddActor actor2
renWin SetSize 300 300
iren Initialize
renWin Render
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .
file delete -force $file0
file delete -force $file1
file delete -force $file2