Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

721 lines
17 KiB

2 years ago
# Verify that each class's PrintSelf prints all ivars that have
# a set/get.
# Verbose Levels:
# 0: No extra printing
# 1: Print basic extra information
# 2: Print lots of details
set verbose 0
set class_name ""
set class_count 0
set class_print_count 0
set printself_miss_count 0
set super_miss_count 0
set ivar_count 0
set ivar_miss_count 0
set total_class_count 0
set total_class_print_count 0
set total_ivar_count 0
set total_printself_miss_count 0
set total_super_miss_count 0
set total_ivar_miss_count 0
# Fileid for the PrintSelfDetails.html file
set pd_id 0
# class_list contains the following for each class evaluated:
# <class>.p <true|false> True if printself declared
# <class>.s.<super_class> <true|false> True if superclass used in printself
# <class>.i.<ivar> <true|false> True if ivar used in printself
set class_list(null) 1
proc list_contains { string } {
global class_list
set ivar_found 0
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
if { $element == $string } {
set ivar_found 1
array donesearch class_list $searchid
return $ivar_found
proc get_ivar { string } {
global verbose
set ivar_string "-1"
#puts "Getting ivar from macro: $string"
# Search for the first occurrence of an open parenthesis
set first [string first "(" $string];
if { $first > -1 } {
set begintrim [string range $string [expr $first + 1] end];
set begintrim [string trim $begintrim];
# Find the end of the ivar
set last [string wordend $begintrim 0]
if { $last > -1 } {
set ivar_string [string range $begintrim 0 [expr $last - 1] ];
set ivar_string [string trim $ivar_string];
if { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts " Macro: $ivar_string"
return [string trim $ivar_string]
proc check_header_file { filename } {
global class_name
global class_count
global ivar_count
global class_list
global verbose
if { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts "Processing file: $filename"
set data ""
set class_name ""
set printself_found 0
set class_found 0
if { [file readable $filename] } {
set fileid [open $filename "r"]
set protected_not_found 1
# Read each line in the file
while { [gets $fileid data] >= 0 && $protected_not_found } {
# Search for the printSelf string
if { [string match "*PrintSelf*(*" $data] == 1 } {
set printself_found 1
set class_list($class_name.p) 1
if { [string match "*protected:*" $data] == 1 } {
set protected_not_found 0
# Search for the class string
# Extract the class name from the string
if { [string match "*class VTK_*EXPORT*" $data] == 1 } {
set class_found 1
set class_ivar_count 0
set first [string first "vtk" $data];
if { $first > -1 } {
set end [expr [string first ":" $data] - 1];
set newstring [string range $data $first $end ]
set last [string wordend $newstring 0];
if { $last > -1 } {
set class_name [string trim [string range $newstring 0 $last] ];
set class_list($class_name.p) 0
if { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts " Class Name: $class_name"
if { [string compare $class_name ""] == 0 } {
puts "Problem with class definition in file $filename"
set first [string first "public" $data]
if { $first > -1 } {
set first [expr $first + 7];
set end [ string length $data]
set string [string range $data $first $end ]
set first [string first "vtk" $string]
set end [string wordend $string $first]
set super_class [string range $string $first $end ]
set super_class [string trim $super_class]
set class_list($class_name.s.$super_class) 0
set class_list($class_name.s.Superclass) 0
if { $class_found == 1 } {
# Search for Set and Get macros
set set_macro_found [string match "*vtkSet*Macro*(*" $data]
set get_macro_found [string match "*vtkGet*Macro*(*" $data]
if { $set_macro_found || $get_macro_found } {
# Get the ivar from the Macro declaration
set ivar [get_ivar $data];
if { [string compare $ivar "-1"] != 0 } {
if { [list_contains "$class_name.i.$ivar"] == 0 } {
incr ivar_count
incr class_ivar_count
set class_list($class_name.i.$ivar) 0
# If a class was found within the file then increment the class count
if { $class_found } {
incr class_count
close $fileid
proc check_printself { filename } {
global verbose
global class_list
global class_name
if { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts " Checking PrintSelf in file: $filename"
if { [file readable $filename] } {
set fileid [open $filename "r"]
set search_state 0
set curly_open 0
set curly_close 0
set line_count 0
# Read each line in the file
while { [gets $fileid data] >= 0 && $search_state != 3 } {
incr line_count
# Search for the PrintSelf string
if { $search_state == 0 && [string match "*PrintSelf*(*" $data] == 1 } {
set search_state 1
set first [string first ")" $data]
set data [string range $data [expr $first + 1] end]
# Find the first open curly bracket
if { $search_state == 1 } {
while { [string length $data] > 0 && $curly_open == 0 } {
# Check for an open curly bracket
set curly_found [string first "\{" $data]
if { $curly_found > -1 } {
set data [string range $data [expr $curly_found + 1] end ]
set curly_open 1
set search_state 2
} else {
set data ""
# Count curly brackets in PrintSelf() method and find ivars
if { $search_state == 2 } {
set start 0
set end [string length $data]
#puts "Line: $data"
if { [string match "*this->Superclass::PrintSelf(*)*" $data] == 1 } {
if { [list_contains "$class_name.s.Superclass"] == 1 } {
set class_list($class_name.s.Superclass) 1
} elseif { [string match "*::PrintSelf(*)*" $data] == 1 } {
set start [string first "vtk" $data]
set end [string wordend $data $start]
set super_class [string range $data $start [expr $end -1]]
set super_class [string trim $super_class]
if { [list_contains "$class_name.s.$super_class"] == 1 } {
set class_list($class_name.s.$super_class) 1
} elseif { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts "\tSuperclass Issue:\tCan't find $class_name.s.$super_class"
while { $start < $end && $curly_open > $curly_close } {
set word_end [string wordend $data $start]
set token [string range $data $start [expr $word_end -1] ]
set token [string trim $token]
set start $word_end
if { $verbose >= 2 } {
puts "\tNew Token: $token"
# Check for open and close curly braces
if { [string compare "\{" $token] == 0 } {
incr curly_open
} elseif { [string compare "\}" $token] == 0 } {
incr curly_close
} elseif { [string compare "this" $token] == 0 } {
set start [expr $start + 2]
set token_end [expr [string wordend $data $start ] - 1]
# Check if this is an array. If so, remove bracket
#if { [string first "\[" $data] > -1 } {
# set token_end [expr $token_end - 1];
set ivar [string range $data $start $token_end]
# Check if this is a Get procedure. If so, remove open parenthesis
#if { [string first "(" $ivar] > -1 } {
# set token_end [expr $token_end - 1];
# set ivar [string range $data $start $token_end]
if { [string first "Get" $ivar] > -1 } {
set start [expr $start + 3];
# Check if this is a Get*AsString() method
if { [string first "AsString" $ivar] > -1 } {
set token_end [expr $token_end - 8];
set ivar [string range $data $start $token_end]
set ivar [string trim $ivar]
if { [list_contains "$class_name.i.$ivar"] == 1 } {
set class_list($class_name.i.$ivar) 1
} elseif { $verbose } {
puts "\tIvar Issue:\t\tCan't find $class_name.i.$ivar"
if { $curly_open == $curly_close } {
set search_state 3
close $fileid
proc read_directory { dirname } {
global class_name
global argv
set total_defects 0
set files [glob -nocomplain "$dirname/vtk*.h"]
if { $files != "" } {
foreach headername $files {
set class_name ""
# Check that a PrintSelf() is defined
check_header_file $headername
# Check that the PrintSelf() method accesses the appropriate ivars
if { $class_name != "" && [list_contains "$class_name.p"] == 1 } {
set length [string length $headername]
set filename [string range $headername 0 [expr $length - 3] ]
if {[file exists "$"] == 1} {
check_printself "$"
} else {
check_printself "$filename.cxx"
proc class_has_ivars { class } {
global verbose
global class_list
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
if { [string match "$class.i.*" $element] == 1 } {
array donesearch class_list $searchid
return 1
array donesearch class_list $searchid
return 0
proc check_for_defects { print } {
global pd_id
global verbose
global class_list
global class_print_count
global ivar_miss_count
global printself_miss_count
global super_miss_count
# Loop through list and count printself defects, if any
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent PrintSelfs
if { [string match "*.p" $element] == 1 } {
set end [expr [string wordend $element 0] - 1]
set curr_class [string range $element 0 $end]
if { [class_has_ivars $curr_class] == 1 } {
incr class_print_count
if { $class_list($element) != 1 } {
incr printself_miss_count
array donesearch class_list $searchid
# Loop through list and print printself defects
if { $printself_miss_count > 0 && $print } {
puts $pd_id " PrintSelf DEFECTS: "
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent PrintSelfs
if { [string match "*.p" $element] == 1 } {
set end [expr [string wordend $element 0] - 1]
set curr_class [string range $element 0 $end]
if { [class_has_ivars $curr_class] == 1 } {
if { $class_list($element) != 1 } {
puts $pd_id " $curr_class does not have a PrintSelf method"
array donesearch class_list $searchid
# Loop through list and count superclass defects, if any
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent superclasses
if { [string match "*.s.*" $element] == 1 } {
set end [expr [string wordend $element 0] - 1]
set curr_class [string range $element 0 $end]
if { $class_list($curr_class.s.Superclass) != 1 &&
[class_has_ivars $curr_class] == 1 &&
$class_list($element) != 1 } {
set start [expr $end + 4]
set end [expr [string wordend $element $start] - 1]
set parent [string range $element $start $end]
if { $parent == "Superclass" } continue;
incr super_miss_count
array donesearch class_list $searchid
# Loop through list and print superclass defects
if { $super_miss_count > 0 && $print } {
puts $pd_id " Superclass DEFECTS: "
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent superclasses
if { [string match "*.s.*" $element] == 1 } {
set end [expr [string wordend $element 0] - 1]
set curr_class [string range $element 0 $end]
if { $class_list($curr_class.s.Superclass) != 1 &&
[class_has_ivars $curr_class] == 1 &&
$class_list($element) != 1 } {
set start [expr $end + 4]
set end [expr [string wordend $element $start] - 1]
set parent [string range $element $start $end]
if { $parent == "Superclass" } continue;
puts $pd_id " $curr_class did not print superclass $parent"
array donesearch class_list $searchid
# Loop through list and count ivar defects, if any
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent ivars
if { [string match "*.i.*" $element] == 1 } {
if { $class_list($element) != 1 } {
incr ivar_miss_count
array donesearch class_list $searchid
# Loop through list and print ivar defects
if { $ivar_miss_count > 0 && $print } {
puts $pd_id " Ivar DEFECTS: "
set searchid [array startsearch class_list]
while { [array anymore class_list $searchid] } {
set element [array nextelement class_list $searchid]
# Extract strings that represent ivars
if { [string match "*.i.*" $element] == 1 } {
if { $class_list($element) != 1 } {
set end [expr [string wordend $element 0] - 1]
set curr_class [string range $element 0 $end]
set start [expr $end + 4]
set end [expr [string wordend $element $start] - 1]
set ivar [string range $element $start $end]
puts $pd_id " $curr_class does not print ivar: $ivar"
array donesearch class_list $searchid
proc print_toolkit_results { toolkit } {
global pd_id
global class_count
global class_print_count
global printself_miss_count
global ivar_count
global ivar_miss_count
global super_miss_count
check_for_defects 1
set tk [string range $toolkit 0 14 ]
proc print_totals {} {
global total_defects
global total_class_count
global total_class_print_count
global total_printself_miss_count
global total_ivar_count
global total_ivar_miss_count
global total_super_miss_count
set total_defects [expr $total_printself_miss_count + $total_super_miss_count + $total_ivar_miss_count]
proc open_files { } {
global pd_id
set pd_id stdout
proc close_files { } {
global pd_id
close $pd_id
set pd_id 0
proc clear_results { } {
global class_count
global class_print_count
global printself_miss_count
global ivar_count
global ivar_miss_count
global super_miss_count
global class_list
unset class_list
set class_list(null) 1
set class_count 0
set class_print_count 0
set ivar_count 0
set printself_miss_count 0
set ivar_miss_count 0
set super_miss_count 0
proc measure_vtk {kit} {
global pd_id
global verbose
global class_list
global class_count
global class_print_count
global printself_miss_count
global ivar_count
global ivar_miss_count
global super_miss_count
global total_class_count
global total_class_print_count
global total_printself_miss_count
global total_ivar_count
global total_ivar_miss_count
global total_super_miss_count
read_directory "$kit"
print_toolkit_results $kit
set total_class_count [expr $total_class_count + $class_count]
set total_class_print_count [expr $total_class_print_count + $class_print_count]
set total_printself_miss_count [expr $total_printself_miss_count + $printself_miss_count];
set total_ivar_count [expr $total_ivar_count + $ivar_count];
set total_ivar_miss_count [expr $total_ivar_miss_count + $ivar_miss_count];
set total_super_miss_count [expr $total_super_miss_count + $super_miss_count];
if { $verbose } {
parray class_list
measure_vtk [lindex $argv 0]
exit $total_defects