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2 years ago
Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkMath.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkMath - performs common math operations
// .SECTION Description
// vtkMath is provides methods to perform common math operations. These
// include providing constants such as Pi; conversion from degrees to
// radians; vector operations such as dot and cross products and vector
// norm; matrix determinant for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices; and random
// number generation.
#ifndef __vtkMath_h
#define __vtkMath_h
#include "vtkObject.h"
class vtkDataArray;
class VTK_COMMON_EXPORT vtkMath : public vtkObject
static vtkMath *New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Useful constants.
static float Pi() {return 3.14159265358979f;};
static float DegreesToRadians() {return 0.017453292f;};
static float RadiansToDegrees() {return 57.2957795131f;};
// Description:
// Useful constants. (double-precision version)
static double DoubleDegreesToRadians() {return 0.017453292519943295;};
static double DoublePi() {return 3.1415926535897932384626;};
static double DoubleRadiansToDegrees() {return 57.29577951308232;};
// Description:
// Rounds a float to the nearest integer.
static int Round(float f) {
return static_cast<int>(f + (f >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); }
static int Round(double f) {
return static_cast<int>(f + (f >= 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)); }
static int Floor(double x);
// Description:
// Dot product of two 3-vectors (float version).
static float Dot(const float x[3], const float y[3]) {
return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]);};
// Description:
// Dot product of two 3-vectors (double-precision version).
static double Dot(const double x[3], const double y[3]) {
return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]);};
// Description:
// Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result vector in z[3].
static void Cross(const float x[3], const float y[3], float z[3]);
// Description:
// Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result vector in z[3]. (double-precision
// version)
static void Cross(const double x[3], const double y[3], double z[3]);
// Description:
// Compute the norm of n-vector.
static float Norm(const float* x, int n);
static double Norm(const double* x, int n);
// Description:
// Compute the norm of 3-vector.
static float Norm(const float x[3]) {
return static_cast<float> (sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2]));};
// Description:
// Compute the norm of 3-vector (double-precision version).
static double Norm(const double x[3]) {
return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2]);};
// Description:
// Normalize (in place) a 3-vector. Returns norm of vector.
static float Normalize(float x[3]);
// Description:
// Normalize (in place) a 3-vector. Returns norm of vector
// (double-precision version).
static double Normalize(double x[3]);
// Description:
// Given a unit vector x, find two unit vectors y and z such that
// x cross y = z (i.e. the vectors are perpendicular to each other).
// There is an infinite number of such vectors, specify an angle theta
// to choose one set. If you want only one perpendicular vector,
// specify NULL for z.
static void Perpendiculars(const double x[3], double y[3], double z[3],
double theta);
static void Perpendiculars(const float x[3], float y[3], float z[3],
double theta);
// Description:
// Compute distance squared between two points.
static float Distance2BetweenPoints(const float x[3], const float y[3]);
// Description:
// Compute distance squared between two points (double precision version).
static double Distance2BetweenPoints(const double x[3], const double y[3]);
// Description:
// Dot product of two 2-vectors. The third (z) component is ignored.
static float Dot2D(const float x[3], const float y[3]) {
return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1]);};
// Description:
// Dot product of two 2-vectors. The third (z) component is
// ignored (double-precision version).
static double Dot2D(const double x[3], const double y[3]) {
return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1]);};
// Description:
// Compute the norm of a 2-vector. Ignores z-component.
static float Norm2D(const float x[3]) {
return static_cast<float> (sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1]));};
// Description:
// Compute the norm of a 2-vector. Ignores z-component
// (double-precision version).
static double Norm2D(const double x[3]) {
return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1]);};
// Description:
// Normalize (in place) a 2-vector. Returns norm of vector. Ignores
// z-component.
static float Normalize2D(float x[3]);
// Description:
// Normalize (in place) a 2-vector. Returns norm of vector. Ignores
// z-component (double-precision version).
static double Normalize2D(double x[3]);
// Description:
// Compute determinant of 2x2 matrix. Two columns of matrix are input.
static float Determinant2x2(const float c1[2], const float c2[2]) {
return (c1[0]*c2[1] - c2[0]*c1[1]);};
// Description:
// Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix: | a b | | c d |
static double Determinant2x2(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return (a * d - b * c);};
static double Determinant2x2(const double c1[2], const double c2[2]) {
return (c1[0]*c2[1] - c2[0]*c1[1]);};
// Description:
// LU Factorization of a 3x3 matrix. The diagonal elements are the
// multiplicative inverse of those in the standard LU factorization.
static void LUFactor3x3(float A[3][3], int index[3]);
static void LUFactor3x3(double A[3][3], int index[3]);
// Description:
// LU back substitution for a 3x3 matrix. The diagonal elements are the
// multiplicative inverse of those in the standard LU factorization.
static void LUSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const int index[3],
float x[3]);
static void LUSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const int index[3],
double x[3]);
// Description:
// Solve Ay = x for y and place the result in y. The matrix A is
// destroyed in the process.
static void LinearSolve3x3(const float A[3][3], const float x[3],
float y[3]);
static void LinearSolve3x3(const double A[3][3], const double x[3],
double y[3]);
// Description:
// Multiply a vector by a 3x3 matrix. The result is placed in out.
static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float in[3],
float out[3]);
static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double in[3],
double out[3]);
// Description:
// Multiply one 3x3 matrix by another according to C = AB.
static void Multiply3x3(const float A[3][3], const float B[3][3],
float C[3][3]);
static void Multiply3x3(const double A[3][3], const double B[3][3],
double C[3][3]);
// Description:
// Transpose a 3x3 matrix.
static void Transpose3x3(const float A[3][3], float AT[3][3]);
static void Transpose3x3(const double A[3][3], double AT[3][3]);
// Description:
// Invert a 3x3 matrix.
static void Invert3x3(const float A[3][3], float AI[3][3]);
static void Invert3x3(const double A[3][3], double AI[3][3]);
// Description:
// Set A to the identity matrix.
static void Identity3x3(float A[3][3]);
static void Identity3x3(double A[3][3]);
// Description:
// Return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
static double Determinant3x3(float A[3][3]);
static double Determinant3x3(double A[3][3]);
// Description:
// Compute determinant of 3x3 matrix. Three columns of matrix are input.
static float Determinant3x3(const float c1[3],
const float c2[3],
const float c3[3]);
// Description:
// Compute determinant of 3x3 matrix. Three columns of matrix are input.
static double Determinant3x3(const double c1[3],
const double c2[3],
const double c3[3]);
// Description:
// Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix in the form:
// | a1, b1, c1 |
// | a2, b2, c2 |
// | a3, b3, c3 |
static double Determinant3x3(double a1, double a2, double a3,
double b1, double b2, double b3,
double c1, double c2, double c3);
// Description:
// Convert a quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix. The quaternion
// does not have to be normalized beforehand.
static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const float quat[4], float A[3][3]);
static void QuaternionToMatrix3x3(const double quat[4], double A[3][3]);
// Description:
// Convert a 3x3 matrix into a quaternion. This will provide the
// best possible answer even if the matrix is not a pure rotation matrix.
// The method used is that of B.K.P. Horn.
static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const float A[3][3], float quat[4]);
static void Matrix3x3ToQuaternion(const double A[3][3], double quat[4]);
// Description:
// Orthogonalize a 3x3 matrix and put the result in B. If matrix A
// has a negative determinant, then B will be a rotation plus a flip
// i.e. it will have a determinant of -1.
static void Orthogonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float B[3][3]);
static void Orthogonalize3x3(const double A[3][3], double B[3][3]);
// Description:
// Diagonalize a symmetric 3x3 matrix and return the eigenvalues in
// w and the eigenvectors in the columns of V. The matrix V will
// have a positive determinant, and the three eigenvectors will be
// aligned as closely as possible with the x, y, and z axes.
static void Diagonalize3x3(const float A[3][3], float w[3], float V[3][3]);
static void Diagonalize3x3(const double A[3][3],double w[3],double V[3][3]);
// Description:
// Perform singular value decomposition on a 3x3 matrix. This is not
// done using a conventional SVD algorithm, instead it is done using
// Orthogonalize3x3 and Diagonalize3x3. Both output matrices U and VT
// will have positive determinants, and the w values will be arranged
// such that the three rows of VT are aligned as closely as possible
// with the x, y, and z axes respectively. If the determinant of A is
// negative, then the three w values will be negative.
static void SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const float A[3][3],
float U[3][3], float w[3],
float VT[3][3]);
static void SingularValueDecomposition3x3(const double A[3][3],
double U[3][3], double w[3],
double VT[3][3]);
// Description:
// Solve linear equations Ax = b using Crout's method. Input is square
// matrix A and load vector x. Solution x is written over load vector. The
// dimension of the matrix is specified in size. If error is found, method
// returns a 0.
static int SolveLinearSystem(double **A, double *x, int size);
// Description:
// Invert input square matrix A into matrix AI.
// Note that A is modified during
// the inversion. The size variable is the dimension of the matrix. Returns 0
// if inverse not computed.
static int InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size);
// Description:
// Thread safe version of InvertMatrix method.
// Working memory arrays tmp1SIze and tmp2Size
// of length size must be passed in.
static int InvertMatrix(double **A, double **AI, int size,
int *tmp1Size, double *tmp2Size);
// Description:
// Factor linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition A = LU where L is
// lower triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix. Input is
// square matrix A, integer array of pivot indices index[0->n-1], and size
// of square matrix n. Output factorization LU is in matrix A. If error is
// found, method returns 0.
static int LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size);
// Description:
// Thread safe version of LUFactorLinearSystem method.
// Working memory array tmpSize of length size
// must be passed in.
static int LUFactorLinearSystem(double **A, int *index, int size,
double *tmpSize);
// Description:
// Solve linear equations Ax = b using LU decomposition A = LU where L is
// lower triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix. Input is
// factored matrix A=LU, integer array of pivot indices index[0->n-1],
// load vector x[0->n-1], and size of square matrix n. Note that A=LU and
// index[] are generated from method LUFactorLinearSystem). Also, solution
// vector is written directly over input load vector.
static void LUSolveLinearSystem(double **A, int *index,
double *x, int size);
// Description:
// Estimate the condition number of a LU factored matrix. Used to judge the
// accuracy of the solution. The matrix A must have been previously factored
// using the method LUFactorLinearSystem. The condition number is the ratio
// of the infinity matrix norm (i.e., maximum value of matrix component)
// divided by the minimum diagonal value. (This works for triangular matrices
// only: see Conte and de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis.)
static double EstimateMatrixCondition(double **A, int size);
// Description:
// Initialize seed value. NOTE: Random() has the bad property that
// the first random number returned after RandomSeed() is called
// is proportional to the seed value! To help solve this, call
// RandomSeed() a few times inside seed. This doesn't ruin the
// repeatability of Random().
static void RandomSeed(long s);
// Description:
// Generate random numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
// This is used to provide portability across different systems.
static double Random();
// Description:
// Generate random number between (min,max).
static double Random(double min, double max);
// Description:
// Jacobi iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a 3x3
// real symmetric matrix. Square 3x3 matrix a; output eigenvalues in w;
// and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting eigenvalues/vectors are sorted
// in decreasing order; eigenvectors are normalized.
static int Jacobi(float **a, float *w, float **v);
static int Jacobi(double **a, double *w, double **v);
// Description:
// JacobiN iteration for the solution of eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a nxn
// real symmetric matrix. Square nxn matrix a; size of matrix in n; output
// eigenvalues in w; and output eigenvectors in v. Resulting
// eigenvalues/vectors are sorted in decreasing order; eigenvectors are
// normalized. w and v need to be allocated previously
static int JacobiN(float **a, int n, float *w, float **v);
static int JacobiN(double **a, int n, double *w, double **v);
// Description:
// Solves a cubic equation c0*t^3 + c1*t^2 + c2*t + c3 = 0 when c0, c1, c2,
// and c3 are REAL. Solution is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd
// Ed. Return array contains number of (real) roots (counting multiple
// roots as one) followed by roots themselves. The value in roots[4] is a
// integer giving further information about the roots (see return codes for
// int SolveCubic()).
static double* SolveCubic(double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3);
// Description:
// Solves a quadratic equation c1*t^2 + c2*t + c3 = 0 when c1, c2, and c3
// are REAL. Solution is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd Ed.
// Return array contains number of (real) roots (counting multiple roots as
// one) followed by roots themselves. Note that roots[3] contains a return
// code further describing solution - see documentation for SolveCubic()
// for meaning of return codes.
static double* SolveQuadratic(double c0, double c1, double c2);
// Description:
// Solves a linear equation c2*t + c3 = 0 when c2 and c3 are REAL.
// Solution is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd Ed.
// Return array contains number of roots followed by roots themselves.
static double* SolveLinear(double c0, double c1);
// Description:
// Solves a cubic equation when c0, c1, c2, And c3 Are REAL. Solution
// is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd Ed. Roots and number of
// real roots are stored in user provided variables r1, r2, r3, and
// num_roots. Note that the function can return the following integer
// values describing the roots: (0)-no solution; (-1)-infinite number
// of solutions; (1)-one distinct real root of multiplicity 3 (stored
// in r1); (2)-two distinct real roots, one of multiplicity 2 (stored
// in r1 & r2); (3)-three distinct real roots; (-2)-quadratic equation
// with complex conjugate solution (real part of root returned in r1,
// imaginary in r2); (-3)-one real root and a complex conjugate pair
// (real root in r1 and real part of pair in r2 and imaginary in r3).
static int SolveCubic(double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3,
double *r1, double *r2, double *r3, int *num_roots);
// Description:
// Solves A Quadratic Equation c1*t^2 + c2*t + c3 = 0 when
// c1, c2, and c3 are REAL.
// Solution is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd Ed.
// Roots and number of roots are stored in user provided variables
// r1, r2, num_roots
static int SolveQuadratic(double c0, double c1, double c2,
double *r1, double *r2, int *num_roots);
// Description:
// Solves a linear equation c2*t + c3 = 0 when c2 and c3 are REAL.
// Solution is motivated by Numerical Recipes In C 2nd Ed.
// Root and number of (real) roots are stored in user provided variables
// r2 and num_roots.
static int SolveLinear(double c0, double c1, double *r1, int *num_roots);
// Description:
// Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the homogeneous equation X'M' = 0'.
// Uses the method described on pages 40-41 of Computer Vision by
// Forsyth and Ponce, which is that the solution is the eigenvector
// associated with the minimum eigenvalue of T(X)X, where T(X) is the
// transpose of X.
// The inputs and output are transposed matrices.
// Dimensions: X' is numberOfSamples by xOrder,
// M' dimension is xOrder by yOrder.
// M' should be pre-allocated. All matrices are row major. The resultant
// matrix M' should be pre-multiplied to X' to get 0', or transposed and
// then post multiplied to X to get 0
static int SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder,
double **mt);
// Description:
// Solves for the least squares best fit matrix for the equation X'M' = Y'.
// Uses pseudoinverse to get the ordinary least squares.
// The inputs and output are transposed matrices.
// Dimensions: X' is numberOfSamples by xOrder,
// Y' is numberOfSamples by yOrder,
// M' dimension is xOrder by yOrder.
// M' should be pre-allocated. All matrices are row major. The resultant
// matrix M' should be pre-multiplied to X' to get Y', or transposed and
// then post multiplied to X to get Y
// By default, this method checks for the homogeneous condition where Y==0, and
// if so, invokes SolveHomogeneousLeastSquares. For better performance when
// the system is known not to be homogeneous, invoke with checkHomogeneous=0.
static int SolveLeastSquares(int numberOfSamples, double **xt, int xOrder,
double **yt, int yOrder, double **mt, int checkHomogeneous=1);
// Description:
// Convert color in RGB format (Red, Green, Blue) to HSV format
// (Hue, Saturation, Value). The input color is not modified.
static void RGBToHSV(float rgb[3], float hsv[3])
{ RGBToHSV(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); }
static void RGBToHSV(float r, float g, float b, float *h, float *s, float *v);
static double* RGBToHSV(double rgb[3]);
static double* RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b);
static void RGBToHSV(double rgb[3], double hsv[3])
{ RGBToHSV(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsv, hsv+1, hsv+2); }
static void RGBToHSV(double r, double g, double b, double *h, double *s, double *v);
// Description:
// Convert color in HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB
// format (Red, Green, Blue). The input color is not modified.
static void HSVToRGB(float hsv[3], float rgb[3])
{ HSVToRGB(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], rgb, rgb+1, rgb+2); }
static void HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v, float *r, float *g, float *b);
static double* HSVToRGB(double hsv[3]);
static double* HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v);
static void HSVToRGB(double hsv[3], double rgb[3])
{ HSVToRGB(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], rgb, rgb+1, rgb+2); }
static void HSVToRGB(double h, double s, double v, double *r, double *g, double *b);
// Description:
// Convert color from Lab to XYZ system, and vice-versa
static void LabToXYZ(double lab[3], double xyz[3]);
static void XYZToRGB(double xyz[3], double rgb[3]);
// Description:
// Set the bounds to an uninitialized state
static void UninitializeBounds(double bounds[6]){
bounds[0] = 1.0;
bounds[1] = -1.0;
bounds[2] = 1.0;
bounds[3] = -1.0;
bounds[4] = 1.0;
bounds[5] = -1.0;
// Description:
// Are the bounds initialized?
static int AreBoundsInitialized(double bounds[6]){
if (bounds[1]-bounds[0]<0.0)
return 0;
return 1;
// Description:
// Clamp some values against a range
// The method without 'clamped_values' will perform in-place clamping.
static void ClampValue(double *value, const double range[2]);
static void ClampValue(double value, const double range[2], double *clamped_value);
static void ClampValues(
double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2]);
static void ClampValues(
const double *values, int nb_values, const double range[2], double *clamped_values);
// Description:
// Return the scalar type that is most likely to have enough precision
// to store a given range of data once it has been scaled and shifted
// (i.e. [range_min * scale + shift, range_max * scale + shift].
// If any one of the parameters is not an integer number (decimal part != 0),
// the search will default to float types only (float or double)
// Return -1 on error or no scalar type found.
static int GetScalarTypeFittingRange(
double range_min, double range_max,
double scale = 1.0, double shift = 0.0);
// Description:
// Get a vtkDataArray's scalar range for a given component.
// If the vtkDataArray's data type is unsigned char (VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR)
// the range is adjusted to the whole data type range [0, 255.0].
// Same goes for unsigned short (VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT) but the upper bound
// is also adjusted down to 4095.0 if was between ]255, 4095.0].
// Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
static int GetAdjustedScalarRange(
vtkDataArray *array, int comp, double range[2]);
// Description:
// Return true if first 3D extent is within second 3D extent
// Extent is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max
static int ExtentIsWithinOtherExtent(int extent1[6], int extent2[6]);
// Description:
// Return true if first 3D bounds is within the second 3D bounds
// Bounds is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max
// Delta is the error margin along each axis (usually a small number)
static int BoundsIsWithinOtherBounds(double bounds1[6], double bounds2[6], double delta[3]);
// Description:
// Return true if point is within the given 3D bounds
// Bounds is x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max, z-min, z-max
// Delta is the error margin along each axis (usually a small number)
static int PointIsWithinBounds(double point[3], double bounds[6], double delta[3]);
vtkMath() {};
~vtkMath() {};
static long Seed;
vtkMath(const vtkMath&); // Not implemented.
void operator=(const vtkMath&); // Not implemented.
inline int vtkMath::Floor(double x)
#if defined i386 || defined _M_IX86
union { int i[2]; double d; } u;
// use 52-bit precision of IEEE double to round (x - 0.25) to
// the nearest multiple of 0.5, according to prevailing rounding
// mode which is IEEE round-to-nearest,even
u.d = (x - 0.25) + 3377699720527872.0; // (2**51)*1.5
// extract mantissa, use shift to divide by 2 and hence get rid
// of the bit that gets messed up because the FPU uses
// round-to-nearest,even mode instead of round-to-nearest,+infinity
return u.i[0] >> 1;
return (int)floor(x);
inline float vtkMath::Normalize(float x[3])
float den;
if ( (den = vtkMath::Norm(x)) != 0.0 )
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
x[i] /= den;
return den;
inline double vtkMath::Normalize(double x[3])
double den;
if ( (den = vtkMath::Norm(x)) != 0.0 )
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
x[i] /= den;
return den;
inline float vtkMath::Normalize2D(float x[3])
float den;
if ( (den = vtkMath::Norm2D(x)) != 0.0 )
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
x[i] /= den;
return den;
inline double vtkMath::Normalize2D(double x[3])
double den;
if ( (den = vtkMath::Norm2D(x)) != 0.0 )
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
x[i] /= den;
return den;
inline float vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const float c1[3],
const float c2[3],
const float c3[3])
return c1[0]*c2[1]*c3[2] + c2[0]*c3[1]*c1[2] + c3[0]*c1[1]*c2[2] -
c1[0]*c3[1]*c2[2] - c2[0]*c1[1]*c3[2] - c3[0]*c2[1]*c1[2];
inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(const double c1[3],
const double c2[3],
const double c3[3])
return c1[0]*c2[1]*c3[2] + c2[0]*c3[1]*c1[2] + c3[0]*c1[1]*c2[2] -
c1[0]*c3[1]*c2[2] - c2[0]*c1[1]*c3[2] - c3[0]*c2[1]*c1[2];
inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(double a1, double a2, double a3,
double b1, double b2, double b3,
double c1, double c2, double c3)
return ( a1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2( b2, b3, c2, c3 )
- b1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2( a2, a3, c2, c3 )
+ c1 * vtkMath::Determinant2x2( a2, a3, b2, b3 ) );
inline float vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(const float x[3],
const float y[3])
return ((x[0]-y[0])*(x[0]-y[0]) + (x[1]-y[1])*(x[1]-y[1]) +
inline double vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(const double x[3],
const double y[3])
return ((x[0]-y[0])*(x[0]-y[0]) + (x[1]-y[1])*(x[1]-y[1]) +
inline double vtkMath::Random(double min, double max)
return (min + vtkMath::Random()*(max-min));
// Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result vector in z[3].
inline void vtkMath::Cross(const float x[3], const float y[3], float z[3])
float Zx = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1];
float Zy = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2];
float Zz = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0];
z[0] = Zx; z[1] = Zy; z[2] = Zz;
// Cross product of two 3-vectors. Result vector in z[3].
inline void vtkMath::Cross(const double x[3], const double y[3], double z[3])
double Zx = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1];
double Zy = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2];
double Zz = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0];
z[0] = Zx; z[1] = Zy; z[2] = Zz;
template<class T>
inline double vtkDeterminant3x3(T A[3][3])
return A[0][0]*A[1][1]*A[2][2] + A[1][0]*A[2][1]*A[0][2] +
A[2][0]*A[0][1]*A[1][2] - A[0][0]*A[2][1]*A[1][2] -
A[1][0]*A[0][1]*A[2][2] - A[2][0]*A[1][1]*A[0][2];
inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(float A[3][3])
return vtkDeterminant3x3(A);
inline double vtkMath::Determinant3x3(double A[3][3])
return vtkDeterminant3x3(A);
inline void vtkMath::ClampValue(double *value, const double range[2])
if (value && range)
if (*value < range[0])
*value = range[0];
else if (*value > range[1])
*value = range[1];
inline void vtkMath::ClampValue(
double value, const double range[2], double *clamped_value)
if (range && clamped_value)
if (value < range[0])
*clamped_value = range[0];
else if (value > range[1])
*clamped_value = range[1];
*clamped_value = value;