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2 years ago
Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageReslice.cxx,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "vtkImageReslice.h"
#include "vtkImageData.h"
#include "vtkImageStencilData.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkInformationVector.h"
#include "vtkMath.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
#include "vtkTransform.h"
#include "vtkDataSetAttributes.h"
#include "vtkTemplateAliasMacro.h"
// turn off 64-bit ints when templating over all types
# undef VTK_USE_INT64
# define VTK_USE_INT64 0
# undef VTK_USE_UINT64
# define VTK_USE_UINT64 0
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkImageReslice, "$Revision: $");
vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkImageReslice, InformationInput, vtkImageData);
// The 'floor' function on x86 and mips is many times slower than these
// and is used a lot in this code, optimize for different CPU architectures
template<class F>
inline int vtkResliceFloor(double x, F &f)
#if defined mips || defined sparc || defined __ppc__
x += 2147483648.0;
unsigned int i = (unsigned int)(x);
f = x - i;
return (int)(i - 2147483648U);
#elif defined i386 || defined _M_IX86
union { double d; unsigned short s[4]; unsigned int i[2]; } dual;
dual.d = x + 103079215104.0; // (2**(52-16))*1.5
f = dual.s[0]*0.0000152587890625; // 2**(-16)
return (int)((dual.i[1]<<16)|((dual.i[0])>>16));
#elif defined ia64 || defined __ia64__ || defined IA64
x += 103079215104.0;
long long i = (long long)(x);
f = x - i;
return (int)(i - 103079215104LL);
double y = floor(x);
f = x - y;
return (int)(y);
inline int vtkResliceRound(double x)
#if defined mips || defined sparc || defined __ppc__
return (int)((unsigned int)(x + 2147483648.5) - 2147483648U);
#elif defined i386 || defined _M_IX86
union { double d; unsigned int i[2]; } dual;
dual.d = x + 103079215104.5; // (2**(52-16))*1.5
return (int)((dual.i[1]<<16)|((dual.i[0])>>16));
#elif defined ia64 || defined __ia64__ || defined IA64
x += 103079215104.5;
long long i = (long long)(x);
return (int)(i - 103079215104LL);
return (int)(floor(x+0.5));
// if NULL, the main Input is used
this->InformationInput = NULL;
this->TransformInputSampling = 1;
this->AutoCropOutput = 0;
this->OutputDimensionality = 3;
// flag to use default Spacing
this->OutputSpacing[0] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
this->OutputSpacing[1] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
this->OutputSpacing[2] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
// ditto
this->OutputOrigin[0] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
this->OutputOrigin[1] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
this->OutputOrigin[2] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
// ditto
this->OutputExtent[0] = VTK_INT_MIN;
this->OutputExtent[2] = VTK_INT_MIN;
this->OutputExtent[4] = VTK_INT_MIN;
this->OutputExtent[1] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->OutputExtent[3] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->OutputExtent[5] = VTK_INT_MAX;
this->Wrap = 0; // don't wrap
this->Mirror = 0; // don't mirror
this->Border = 1; // apply a border
this->InterpolationMode = VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST; // no interpolation
this->Optimization = 1; // turn off when you're paranoid
// default black background
this->BackgroundColor[0] = 0;
this->BackgroundColor[1] = 0;
this->BackgroundColor[2] = 0;
this->BackgroundColor[3] = 0;
// default reslice axes are x, y, z
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[0] = 1.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[1] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[2] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[3] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[4] = 1.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[5] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[6] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[7] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[8] = 1.0;
// default (0,0,0) axes origin
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[0] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[1] = 0.0;
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[2] = 0.0;
// axes and transform are identity if set to NULL
this->ResliceAxes = NULL;
this->ResliceTransform = NULL;
// cache a matrix that converts output voxel indices -> input voxel indices
this->IndexMatrix = NULL;
this->OptimizedTransform = NULL;
// set to zero when we completely missed the input extent
this->HitInputExtent = 1;
// There is an optional second input.
if (this->IndexMatrix)
if (this->OptimizedTransform)
void vtkImageReslice::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
os << indent << "ResliceAxes: " << this->ResliceAxes << "\n";
if (this->ResliceAxes)
os << indent << "ResliceAxesDirectionCosines: " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[0] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[1] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[2] << "\n";
os << indent << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[3] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[4] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[5] << "\n";
os << indent << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[6] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[7] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesDirectionCosines[8] << "\n";
os << indent << "ResliceAxesOrigin: " <<
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[0] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[1] << " " <<
this->ResliceAxesOrigin[2] << "\n";
os << indent << "ResliceTransform: " << this->ResliceTransform << "\n";
if (this->ResliceTransform)
os << indent << "InformationInput: " << this->InformationInput << "\n";
os << indent << "TransformInputSampling: " <<
(this->TransformInputSampling ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "AutoCropOutput: " <<
(this->AutoCropOutput ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "OutputSpacing: " << this->OutputSpacing[0] << " " <<
this->OutputSpacing[1] << " " << this->OutputSpacing[2] << "\n";
os << indent << "OutputOrigin: " << this->OutputOrigin[0] << " " <<
this->OutputOrigin[1] << " " << this->OutputOrigin[2] << "\n";
os << indent << "OutputExtent: " << this->OutputExtent[0] << " " <<
this->OutputExtent[1] << " " << this->OutputExtent[2] << " " <<
this->OutputExtent[3] << " " << this->OutputExtent[4] << " " <<
this->OutputExtent[5] << "\n";
os << indent << "OutputDimensionality: " <<
this->OutputDimensionality << "\n";
os << indent << "Wrap: " << (this->Wrap ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "Mirror: " << (this->Mirror ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "Border: " << (this->Border ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "InterpolationMode: "
<< this->GetInterpolationModeAsString() << "\n";
os << indent << "Optimization: " << (this->Optimization ? "On\n":"Off\n");
os << indent << "BackgroundColor: " <<
this->BackgroundColor[0] << " " << this->BackgroundColor[1] << " " <<
this->BackgroundColor[2] << " " << this->BackgroundColor[3] << "\n";
os << indent << "BackgroundLevel: " << this->BackgroundColor[0] << "\n";
os << indent << "Stencil: " << this->GetStencil() << "\n";
void vtkImageReslice::SetStencil(vtkImageStencilData *stencil)
this->SetInput(1, stencil);
vtkImageStencilData *vtkImageReslice::GetStencil()
if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(1) < 1)
return NULL;
return vtkImageStencilData::SafeDownCast(
this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(1, 0));
void vtkImageReslice::SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(double x0, double x1,
double x2, double y0,
double y1, double y2,
double z0, double z1,
double z2)
if (!this->ResliceAxes)
// consistent registers/unregisters
void vtkImageReslice::GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines(double xdircos[3],
double ydircos[3],
double zdircos[3])
if (!this->ResliceAxes)
xdircos[0] = ydircos[1] = zdircos[2] = 1;
xdircos[1] = ydircos[2] = zdircos[0] = 0;
xdircos[2] = ydircos[0] = zdircos[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
xdircos[i] = this->ResliceAxes->GetElement(i,0);
ydircos[i] = this->ResliceAxes->GetElement(i,1);
zdircos[i] = this->ResliceAxes->GetElement(i,2);
void vtkImageReslice::SetResliceAxesOrigin(double x, double y, double z)
if (!this->ResliceAxes)
// consistent registers/unregisters
void vtkImageReslice::GetResliceAxesOrigin(double origin[3])
if (!this->ResliceAxes)
origin[0] = origin[1] = origin[2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
origin[i] = this->ResliceAxes->GetElement(i,3);
// Account for the MTime of the transform and its matrix when determining
// the MTime of the filter
unsigned long int vtkImageReslice::GetMTime()
unsigned long mTime=this->vtkObject::GetMTime();
unsigned long time;
if ( this->ResliceTransform != NULL )
time = this->ResliceTransform->GetMTime();
mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime );
if (this->ResliceTransform->IsA("vtkHomogeneousTransform"))
{ // this is for people who directly modify the transform matrix
time = ((vtkHomogeneousTransform *)this->ResliceTransform)
mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime );
if ( this->ResliceAxes != NULL)
time = this->ResliceAxes->GetMTime();
mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime );
return mTime;
int vtkImageReslice::RequestUpdateExtent(
vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
int inExt[6], outExt[6];
vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_EXTENT(), outExt);
if (this->ResliceTransform)
if (!this->ResliceTransform->IsA("vtkHomogeneousTransform"))
{ // update the whole input extent if the transform is nonlinear
inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), inExt);
inInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_EXTENT(), inExt, 6);
return 1;
int i,j,k;
int idX,idY,idZ;
double xAxis[4], yAxis[4], zAxis[4], origin[4];
double inPoint0[4];
double inPoint1[4];
double point[4],f;
double *inSpacing,*inOrigin,*outSpacing,*outOrigin,inInvSpacing[3];
int wrap = this->Wrap || this->Mirror;
inOrigin = inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN());
inSpacing = inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING());
outOrigin = outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN());
outSpacing = outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING());
if (this->Optimization)
vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix = this->GetIndexMatrix(inInfo, outInfo);
// convert matrix from world coordinates to pixel indices
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
xAxis[i] = matrix->GetElement(i,0);
yAxis[i] = matrix->GetElement(i,1);
zAxis[i] = matrix->GetElement(i,2);
origin[i] = matrix->GetElement(i,3);
// save effor later: invert inSpacing
inInvSpacing[0] = 1.0/inSpacing[0];
inInvSpacing[1] = 1.0/inSpacing[1];
inInvSpacing[2] = 1.0/inSpacing[2];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
inExt[2*i] = VTK_INT_MAX;
inExt[2*i+1] = VTK_INT_MIN;
// check the coordinates of the 8 corners of the output extent
// (this must be done exactly the same as the calculation in
// vtkImageResliceExecute)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
// get output coords
idX = outExt[i%2];
idY = outExt[2+(i/2)%2];
idZ = outExt[4+(i/4)%2];
if (this->Optimization)
inPoint0[0] = origin[0] + idZ*zAxis[0]; // incremental transform
inPoint0[1] = origin[1] + idZ*zAxis[1];
inPoint0[2] = origin[2] + idZ*zAxis[2];
inPoint0[3] = origin[3] + idZ*zAxis[3];
inPoint1[0] = inPoint0[0] + idY*yAxis[0]; // incremental transform
inPoint1[1] = inPoint0[1] + idY*yAxis[1];
inPoint1[2] = inPoint0[2] + idY*yAxis[2];
inPoint1[3] = inPoint0[3] + idY*yAxis[3];
point[0] = inPoint1[0] + idX*xAxis[0];
point[1] = inPoint1[1] + idX*xAxis[1];
point[2] = inPoint1[2] + idX*xAxis[2];
point[3] = inPoint1[3] + idX*xAxis[3];
if (point[3] != 1.0)
f = 1/point[3];
point[0] *= f;
point[1] *= f;
point[2] *= f;
point[0] = idX*outSpacing[0] + outOrigin[0];
point[1] = idY*outSpacing[1] + outOrigin[1];
point[2] = idZ*outSpacing[2] + outOrigin[2];
if (this->ResliceAxes)
point[3] = 1.0;
this->ResliceAxes->MultiplyPoint(point, point);
f = 1.0/point[3];
point[0] *= f;
point[1] *= f;
point[2] *= f;
if (this->ResliceTransform)
this->ResliceTransform->TransformPoint(point, point);
point[0] = (point[0] - inOrigin[0])*inInvSpacing[0];
point[1] = (point[1] - inOrigin[1])*inInvSpacing[1];
point[2] = (point[2] - inOrigin[2])*inInvSpacing[2];
// set the extent appropriately according to the interpolation mode
if (this->GetInterpolationMode() != VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST)
int extra = (this->GetInterpolationMode() == VTK_RESLICE_CUBIC);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
k = vtkResliceFloor(point[j], f);
if (f == 0)
if (k < inExt[2*j])
inExt[2*j] = k;
if (k > inExt[2*j+1])
inExt[2*j+1] = k;
if (k - extra < inExt[2*j])
inExt[2*j] = k - extra;
if (k + 1 + extra > inExt[2*j+1])
inExt[2*j+1] = k + 1 + extra;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
k = vtkResliceRound(point[j]);
if (k < inExt[2*j])
inExt[2*j] = k;
if (k > inExt[2*j+1])
inExt[2*j+1] = k;
// Clip to whole extent, make sure we hit the extent
int wholeExtent[6];
inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), wholeExtent);
this->HitInputExtent = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (inExt[2*i] < wholeExtent[2*i])
inExt[2*i] = wholeExtent[2*i];
if (wrap)
inExt[2*i+1] = wholeExtent[2*i+1];
else if (inExt[2*i+1] < wholeExtent[2*i])
// didn't hit any of the input extent
inExt[2*i+1] = wholeExtent[2*i];
this->HitInputExtent = 0;
if (inExt[2*i+1] > wholeExtent[2*i+1])
inExt[2*i+1] = wholeExtent[2*i+1];
if (wrap)
inExt[2*i] = wholeExtent[2*i];
else if (inExt[2*i] > wholeExtent[2*i+1])
// didn't hit any of the input extent
inExt[2*i] = wholeExtent[2*i+1];
// finally, check for null input extent
if (inExt[2*i] < wholeExtent[2*i])
inExt[2*i] = wholeExtent[2*i];
this->HitInputExtent = 0;
inInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_EXTENT(), inExt, 6);
// need to set the stencil update extent to the output extent
if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(1) > 0)
vtkInformation *stencilInfo = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0);
outExt, 6);
return 1;
int vtkImageReslice::FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info)
if (port == 1)
info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkImageStencilData");
// the stencil input is optional
info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkImageData");
return 1;
void vtkImageReslice::GetAutoCroppedOutputBounds(vtkInformation *inInfo,
double bounds[6])
int i, j;
double inSpacing[3], inOrigin[3];
int inWholeExt[6];
double f;
double point[4];
inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), inWholeExt);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), inSpacing);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), inOrigin);
vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
if (this->ResliceAxes)
vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(this->ResliceAxes, matrix);
vtkAbstractTransform* transform = NULL;
if (this->ResliceTransform)
transform = this->ResliceTransform->GetInverse();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
bounds[2*i] = VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
bounds[2*i+1] = -VTK_DOUBLE_MAX;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
point[0] = inOrigin[0] + inWholeExt[i%2]*inSpacing[0];
point[1] = inOrigin[1] + inWholeExt[2+(i/2)%2]*inSpacing[1];
point[2] = inOrigin[2] + inWholeExt[4+(i/4)%2]*inSpacing[2];
point[3] = 1.0;
if (this->ResliceTransform)
f = 1.0/point[3];
point[0] *= f;
point[1] *= f;
point[2] *= f;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (point[j] > bounds[2*j+1])
bounds[2*j+1] = point[j];
if (point[j] < bounds[2*j])
bounds[2*j] = point[j];
int vtkImageReslice::RequestInformation(
vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
int i,j;
double inSpacing[3], inOrigin[3];
int inWholeExt[6];
double outSpacing[3], outOrigin[3];
int outWholeExt[6];
double maxBounds[6];
vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
if (this->InformationInput)
inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), inWholeExt);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), inSpacing);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), inOrigin);
// reslice axes matrix is identity by default
double matrix[4][4];
double imatrix[4][4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
matrix[i][0] = matrix[i][1] = matrix[i][2] = matrix[i][3] = 0;
matrix[i][i] = 1;
imatrix[i][0] = imatrix[i][1] = imatrix[i][2] = imatrix[i][3] = 0;
imatrix[i][i] = 1;
if (this->ResliceAxes)
vtkMatrix4x4::DeepCopy(*matrix, this->ResliceAxes);
if (this->AutoCropOutput)
this->GetAutoCroppedOutputBounds(inInfo, maxBounds);
// pass the center of the volume through the inverse of the
// 3x3 direction cosines matrix
double inCenter[3];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
inCenter[i] = inOrigin[i] + \
0.5*(inWholeExt[2*i] + inWholeExt[2*i+1])*inSpacing[i];
// the default spacing, extent and origin are the input spacing, extent
// and origin, transformed by the direction cosines of the ResliceAxes
// if requested (note that the transformed output spacing will always
// be positive)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
double s = 0; // default output spacing
double d = 0; // default linear dimension
double e = 0; // default extent start
double c = 0; // transformed center-of-volume
if (this->TransformInputSampling)
double r = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
c += imatrix[i][j]*(inCenter[j] - matrix[j][3]);
double tmp = matrix[j][i]*matrix[j][i];
s += tmp*fabs(inSpacing[j]);
d += tmp*(inWholeExt[2*j+1] - inWholeExt[2*j])*fabs(inSpacing[j]);
e += tmp*inWholeExt[2*j];
r += tmp;
s /= r;
d /= r*sqrt(r);
e /= r;
s = inSpacing[i];
d = (inWholeExt[2*i+1] - inWholeExt[2*i])*s;
e = inWholeExt[2*i];
if (this->OutputSpacing[i] == VTK_DOUBLE_MAX)
outSpacing[i] = s;
outSpacing[i] = this->OutputSpacing[i];
if (i >= this->OutputDimensionality)
outWholeExt[2*i] = 0;
outWholeExt[2*i+1] = 0;
else if (this->OutputExtent[2*i] == VTK_INT_MIN ||
this->OutputExtent[2*i+1] == VTK_INT_MAX)
if (this->AutoCropOutput)
d = maxBounds[2*i+1] - maxBounds[2*i];
outWholeExt[2*i] = vtkResliceRound(e);
outWholeExt[2*i+1] = vtkResliceRound(outWholeExt[2*i] +
outWholeExt[2*i] = this->OutputExtent[2*i];
outWholeExt[2*i+1] = this->OutputExtent[2*i+1];
if (i >= this->OutputDimensionality)
outOrigin[i] = 0;
else if (this->OutputOrigin[i] == VTK_DOUBLE_MAX)
if (this->AutoCropOutput)
{ // set origin so edge of extent is edge of bounds
outOrigin[i] = maxBounds[2*i] - outWholeExt[2*i]*outSpacing[i];
{ // center new bounds over center of input bounds
outOrigin[i] = c - \
0.5*(outWholeExt[2*i] + outWholeExt[2*i+1])*outSpacing[i];
outOrigin[i] = this->OutputOrigin[i];
outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), outSpacing, 3);
outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), outOrigin, 3);
this->GetIndexMatrix(inInfo, outInfo);
if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(1) > 0)
vtkInformation *stencilInfo = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING()), 3);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN()), 3);
return 1;
// Interpolation subroutines and associated code
// Three interpolation functions are supported: NearestNeighbor, Trilinear,
// and Tricubic. These routines have the following signature:
//int interpolate(T *&outPtr,
// const T *inPtr,
// const int inExt[6],
// const vtkIdType inInc[3],
// int numscalars,
// const F point[3],
// int mode,
// const T *background)
// where 'T' is any arithmetic type and 'F' is a float type
// The result of the interpolation is put in *outPtr, and outPtr is
// incremented.
// constants for different boundary-handling modes
#define VTK_RESLICE_BACKGROUND 0 // use background if out-of-bounds
#define VTK_RESLICE_WRAP 1 // wrap to opposite side of image
#define VTK_RESLICE_MIRROR 2 // mirror off of the boundary
#define VTK_RESLICE_BORDER 3 // use a half-voxel border
#define VTK_RESLICE_NULL 4 // do nothing to *outPtr if out-of-bounds
// rounding functions for each type, where 'F' is a floating-point type
#if (VTK_USE_INT8 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeInt8& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_UINT8 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeUInt8& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_INT16 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeInt16& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_UINT16 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeUInt16& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_INT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeInt32& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_UINT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeUInt32& rnd)
rnd = vtkResliceRound(val);
#if (VTK_USE_FLOAT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeFloat32& rnd)
rnd = val;
#if (VTK_USE_FLOAT64 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceRound(F val, vtkTypeFloat64& rnd)
rnd = val;
// clamping functions for each type
#if (VTK_USE_INT8 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeInt8& clamp)
if (val < -128.0)
val = -128.0;
if (val > 127.0)
val = 127.0;
#if (VTK_USE_UINT8 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeUInt8& clamp)
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
if (val > 255.0)
val = 255.0;
#if (VTK_USE_INT16 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeInt16& clamp)
if (val < -32768.0)
val = -32768.0;
if (val > 32767.0)
val = 32767.0;
#if (VTK_USE_UINT16 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeUInt16& clamp)
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
if (val > 65535.0)
val = 65535.0;
#if (VTK_USE_INT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeInt32& clamp)
if (val < -2147483648.0)
val = -2147483648.0;
if (val > 2147483647.0)
val = 2147483647.0;
#if (VTK_USE_UINT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeUInt32& clamp)
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
if (val > 4294967295.0)
val = 4294967295.0;
#if (VTK_USE_FLOAT32 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeFloat32& clamp)
clamp = val;
#if (VTK_USE_FLOAT64 != 0)
template <class F>
inline void vtkResliceClamp(F val, vtkTypeFloat64& clamp)
clamp = val;
// Perform a wrap to limit an index to [0,range).
// Ensures correct behaviour when the index is negative.
inline int vtkInterpolateWrap(int num, int range)
if ((num %= range) < 0)
num += range; // required for some % implementations
return num;
// Perform a mirror to limit an index to [0,range).
inline int vtkInterpolateMirror(int num, int range)
if (num < 0)
num = -num - 1;
int count = num/range;
num %= range;
if (count & 0x1)
num = range - num - 1;
return num;
// If the value is within one half voxel of the range [0,inExtX), then
// set it to "0" or "inExtX-1" as appropriate.
inline int vtkInterpolateBorder(int &inIdX0, int &inIdX1, int inExtX,
double fx)
if (inIdX0 >= 0 && inIdX1 < inExtX)
return 0;
if (inIdX0 == -1 && fx >= 0.5)
inIdX1 = inIdX0 = 0;
return 0;
if (inIdX0 == inExtX - 1 && fx < 0.5)
inIdX1 = inIdX0;
return 0;
return 1;
inline int vtkInterpolateBorderCheck(int inIdX0, int inIdX1, int inExtX,
double fx)
if ((inIdX0 >= 0 && inIdX1 < inExtX) ||
(inIdX0 == -1 && fx >= 0.5) ||
(inIdX0 == inExtX - 1 && fx < 0.5))
return 0;
return 1;
// Do nearest-neighbor interpolation of the input data 'inPtr' of extent
// 'inExt' at the 'point'. The result is placed at 'outPtr'.
// If the lookup data is beyond the extent 'inExt', set 'outPtr' to
// the background color 'background'.
// The number of scalar components in the data is 'numscalars'
template <class F, class T>
int vtkNearestNeighborInterpolation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
const int inExt[6],
const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode, const T *background)
int inIdX0 = vtkResliceRound(point[0]) - inExt[0];
int inIdY0 = vtkResliceRound(point[1]) - inExt[2];
int inIdZ0 = vtkResliceRound(point[2]) - inExt[4];
int inExtX = inExt[1] - inExt[0] + 1;
int inExtY = inExt[3] - inExt[2] + 1;
int inExtZ = inExt[5] - inExt[4] + 1;
if (inIdX0 < 0 || inIdX0 >= inExtX ||
inIdY0 < 0 || inIdY0 >= inExtY ||
inIdZ0 < 0 || inIdZ0 >= inExtZ)
if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_WRAP)
inIdX0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdX0, inExtX);
inIdY0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdY0, inExtY);
inIdZ0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdZ0, inExtZ);
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_MIRROR)
inIdX0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdX0, inExtX);
inIdY0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdY0, inExtY);
inIdZ0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdZ0, inExtZ);
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_BACKGROUND ||
*outPtr++ = *background++;
while (--numscalars);
return 0;
return 0;
inPtr += inIdX0*inInc[0]+inIdY0*inInc[1]+inIdZ0*inInc[2];
*outPtr++ = *inPtr++;
while (--numscalars);
return 1;
// Do trilinear interpolation of the input data 'inPtr' of extent 'inExt'
// at the 'point'. The result is placed at 'outPtr'.
// If the lookup data is beyond the extent 'inExt', set 'outPtr' to
// the background color 'background'.
// The number of scalar components in the data is 'numscalars'
template <class F, class T>
int vtkTrilinearInterpolation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode, const T *background)
F fx, fy, fz;
int floorX = vtkResliceFloor(point[0], fx);
int floorY = vtkResliceFloor(point[1], fy);
int floorZ = vtkResliceFloor(point[2], fz);
int inIdX0 = floorX - inExt[0];
int inIdY0 = floorY - inExt[2];
int inIdZ0 = floorZ - inExt[4];
int inIdX1 = inIdX0 + (fx != 0);
int inIdY1 = inIdY0 + (fy != 0);
int inIdZ1 = inIdZ0 + (fz != 0);
int inExtX = inExt[1] - inExt[0] + 1;
int inExtY = inExt[3] - inExt[2] + 1;
int inExtZ = inExt[5] - inExt[4] + 1;
if (inIdX0 < 0 || inIdX1 >= inExtX ||
inIdY0 < 0 || inIdY1 >= inExtY ||
inIdZ0 < 0 || inIdZ1 >= inExtZ)
if (vtkInterpolateBorder(inIdX0, inIdX1, inExtX, fx) ||
vtkInterpolateBorder(inIdY0, inIdY1, inExtY, fy) ||
vtkInterpolateBorder(inIdZ0, inIdZ1, inExtZ, fz))
*outPtr++ = *background++;
while (--numscalars);
return 0;
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_WRAP)
inIdX0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdX0, inExtX);
inIdY0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdY0, inExtY);
inIdZ0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdZ0, inExtZ);
inIdX1 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdX1, inExtX);
inIdY1 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdY1, inExtY);
inIdZ1 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdZ1, inExtZ);
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_MIRROR)
inIdX0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdX0, inExtX);
inIdY0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdY0, inExtY);
inIdZ0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdZ0, inExtZ);
inIdX1 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdX1, inExtX);
inIdY1 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdY1, inExtY);
inIdZ1 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdZ1, inExtZ);
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_BACKGROUND)
*outPtr++ = *background++;
while (--numscalars);
return 0;
return 0;
vtkIdType factX0 = inIdX0*inInc[0];
vtkIdType factX1 = inIdX1*inInc[0];
vtkIdType factY0 = inIdY0*inInc[1];
vtkIdType factY1 = inIdY1*inInc[1];
vtkIdType factZ0 = inIdZ0*inInc[2];
vtkIdType factZ1 = inIdZ1*inInc[2];
vtkIdType i00 = factY0 + factZ0;
vtkIdType i01 = factY0 + factZ1;
vtkIdType i10 = factY1 + factZ0;
vtkIdType i11 = factY1 + factZ1;
F rx = 1 - fx;
F ry = 1 - fy;
F rz = 1 - fz;
F ryrz = ry*rz;
F fyrz = fy*rz;
F ryfz = ry*fz;
F fyfz = fy*fz;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + factX0;
const T *inPtr1 = inPtr + factX1;
F result = (rx*(ryrz*inPtr0[i00] + ryfz*inPtr0[i01] +
fyrz*inPtr0[i10] + fyfz*inPtr0[i11]) +
fx*(ryrz*inPtr1[i00] + ryfz*inPtr1[i01] +
fyrz*inPtr1[i10] + fyfz*inPtr1[i11]));
vtkResliceRound(result, *outPtr++);
while (--numscalars);
return 1;
// Do tricubic interpolation of the input data 'inPtr' of extent 'inExt'
// at the 'point'. The result is placed at 'outPtr'.
// The number of scalar components in the data is 'numscalars'
// The tricubic interpolation ensures that both the intensity and
// the first derivative of the intensity are smooth across the
// image. The first derivative is estimated using a
// centered-difference calculation.
// helper function: set up the lookup indices and the interpolation
// coefficients
template <class T>
void vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(T F[4], int l, int h, T f)
static const T half = T(0.5);
int order = h - l;
if (order == 0)
{ // no interpolation
F[0] = 0;
F[1] = 1;
F[2] = 0;
F[3] = 0;
if (order == 3)
{ // cubic interpolation
T fm1 = f - 1;
T fd2 = f*half;
T ft3 = f*3;
F[0] = -fd2*fm1*fm1;
F[1] = ((ft3 - 2)*fd2 - 1)*fm1;
F[2] = -((ft3 - 4)*f - 1)*fd2;
F[3] = f*fd2*fm1;
if (order == 1)
{ // linear interpolation
F[0] = 0;
F[1] = 1 - f;
F[2] = f;
F[3] = 0;
if (l == 0)
{ // quadratic interpolation
T fp1 = f + 1;
T fm1 = f - 1;
T fd2 = f*half;
F[0] = fd2*fm1;
F[1] = -fp1*fm1;
F[2] = fp1*fd2;
F[3] = 0;
// else
{ // quadratic interpolation
T fm1 = f - 1;
T fm2 = fm1 - 1;
T fm1d2 = fm1*half;
F[0] = 0;
F[1] = fm1d2*fm2;
F[2] = -f*fm2;
F[3] = f*fm1d2;
// tricubic interpolation
template <class F, class T>
int vtkTricubicInterpolation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode, const T *background)
F fx, fy, fz;
int floorX = vtkResliceFloor(point[0], fx);
int floorY = vtkResliceFloor(point[1], fy);
int floorZ = vtkResliceFloor(point[2], fz);
int fxIsNotZero = (fx != 0);
int fyIsNotZero = (fy != 0);
int fzIsNotZero = (fz != 0);
int inIdX0 = floorX - inExt[0];
int inIdY0 = floorY - inExt[2];
int inIdZ0 = floorZ - inExt[4];
int inIdX1 = inIdX0 + fxIsNotZero;
int inIdY1 = inIdY0 + fyIsNotZero;
int inIdZ1 = inIdZ0 + fzIsNotZero;
int inExtX = inExt[1] - inExt[0] + 1;
int inExtY = inExt[3] - inExt[2] + 1;
int inExtZ = inExt[5] - inExt[4] + 1;
vtkIdType inIncX = inInc[0];
vtkIdType inIncY = inInc[1];
vtkIdType inIncZ = inInc[2];
vtkIdType factX[4], factY[4], factZ[4];
if (inIdX0 < 0 || inIdX1 >= inExtX ||
inIdY0 < 0 || inIdY1 >= inExtY ||
inIdZ0 < 0 || inIdZ1 >= inExtZ)
if (vtkInterpolateBorderCheck(inIdX0, inIdX1, inExtX, fx) ||
vtkInterpolateBorderCheck(inIdY0, inIdY1, inExtY, fy) ||
vtkInterpolateBorderCheck(inIdZ0, inIdZ1, inExtZ, fz))
*outPtr++ = *background++;
while (--numscalars);
return 0;
else if (mode != VTK_RESLICE_WRAP && mode != VTK_RESLICE_MIRROR)
*outPtr++ = *background++;
while (--numscalars);
return 0;
return 0;
F fX[4], fY[4], fZ[4];
int k1, k2, j1, j2, i1, i2;
i1 = 0;
i2 = 3;
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fX, i1, i2, fx);
j1 = 1 - fyIsNotZero;
j2 = 1 + (fyIsNotZero<<1);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fY, j1, j2, fy);
k1 = 1 - fzIsNotZero;
k2 = 1 + (fzIsNotZero<<1);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fZ, k1, k2, fz);
if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_WRAP)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
factX[i] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdX0 + i - 1, inExtX)*inIncX;
factY[i] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdY0 + i - 1, inExtY)*inIncY;
factZ[i] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inIdZ0 + i - 1, inExtZ)*inIncZ;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
factX[i] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdX0 + i - 1, inExtX)*inIncX;
factY[i] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdY0 + i - 1, inExtY)*inIncY;
factZ[i] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inIdZ0 + i - 1, inExtZ)*inIncZ;
else if (mode == VTK_RESLICE_BORDER)
// clamp to the border of the input extent
i1 = 1 - fxIsNotZero;
j1 = 1 - fyIsNotZero;
k1 = 1 - fzIsNotZero;
i2 = 1 + 2*fxIsNotZero;
j2 = 1 + 2*fyIsNotZero;
k2 = 1 + 2*fzIsNotZero;
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fX, i1, i2, fx);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fY, j1, j2, fy);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fZ, k1, k2, fz);
int tmpExt = inExtX - 1;
int tmpId = tmpExt - inIdX0 - 1;
factX[0] = (inIdX0 - 1)*(inIdX0 - 1 >= 0)*inIncX;
factX[1] = (inIdX0)*(inIdX0 >= 0)*inIncX;
factX[2] = (tmpExt - (tmpId)*(tmpId >= 0))*inIncX;
factX[3] = (tmpExt - (tmpId - 1)*(tmpId - 1 >= 0))*inIncX;
tmpExt = inExtY - 1;
tmpId = tmpExt - inIdY0 - 1;
factY[0] = (inIdY0 - 1)*(inIdY0 - 1 >= 0)*inIncY;
factY[1] = (inIdY0)*(inIdY0 >= 0)*inIncY;
factY[2] = (tmpExt - (tmpId)*(tmpId >= 0))*inIncY;
factY[3] = (tmpExt - (tmpId - 1)*(tmpId - 1 >= 0))*inIncY;
tmpExt = inExtZ - 1;
tmpId = tmpExt - inIdZ0 - 1;
factZ[0] = (inIdZ0 - 1)*(inIdZ0 - 1 >= 0)*inIncZ;
factZ[1] = (inIdZ0)*(inIdZ0 >= 0)*inIncZ;
factZ[2] = (tmpExt - (tmpId)*(tmpId >= 0))*inIncZ;
factZ[3] = (tmpExt - (tmpId - 1)*(tmpId - 1 >= 0))*inIncZ;
// depending on whether we are at the edge of the
// input extent, choose the appropriate interpolation
// method to use
i1 = 1 - (inIdX0 > 0)*fxIsNotZero;
j1 = 1 - (inIdY0 > 0)*fyIsNotZero;
k1 = 1 - (inIdZ0 > 0)*fzIsNotZero;
i2 = 1 + (1 + (inIdX0 + 2 < inExtX))*fxIsNotZero;
j2 = 1 + (1 + (inIdY0 + 2 < inExtY))*fyIsNotZero;
k2 = 1 + (1 + (inIdZ0 + 2 < inExtZ))*fzIsNotZero;
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fX, i1, i2, fx);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fY, j1, j2, fy);
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(fZ, k1, k2, fz);
factX[1] = inIdX0*inIncX;
factX[0] = factX[1] - inIncX;
factX[2] = factX[1] + inIncX;
factX[3] = factX[2] + inIncX;
factY[1] = inIdY0*inIncY;
factY[0] = factY[1] - inIncY;
factY[2] = factY[1] + inIncY;
factY[3] = factY[2] + inIncY;
factZ[1] = inIdZ0*inIncZ;
factZ[0] = factZ[1] - inIncZ;
factZ[2] = factZ[1] + inIncZ;
factZ[3] = factZ[2] + inIncZ;
// this little bit of wierdness allows us to unroll the x loop
if (i1 > 0)
factX[0] = factX[1];
if (i2 < 3)
factX[3] = factX[1];
if (i2 < 2)
factX[2] = factX[1];
do // loop over components
F val = 0;
int k = k1;
do // loop over z
F ifz = fZ[k];
vtkIdType factz = factZ[k];
int j = j1;
do // loop over y
F ify = fY[j];
F fzy = ifz*ify;
vtkIdType factzy = factz + factY[j];
const T *tmpPtr = inPtr + factzy;
// loop over x is unrolled (significant performance boost)
val += fzy*(fX[0]*tmpPtr[factX[0]] +
fX[1]*tmpPtr[factX[1]] +
fX[2]*tmpPtr[factX[2]] +
while (++j <= j2);
while (++k <= k2);
vtkResliceClamp(val, *outPtr++);
while (--numscalars);
return 1;
// get appropriate interpolation function according to interpolation mode
// and scalar type
template<class F>
void vtkGetResliceInterpFunc(vtkImageReslice *self,
int (**interpolate)(void *&outPtr,
const void *inPtr,
const int inExt[6],
const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars,
const F point[3],
int mode,
const void *background))
int dataType = self->GetOutput()->GetScalarType();
int interpolationMode = self->GetInterpolationMode();
switch (interpolationMode)
switch (dataType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((int (**)(VTK_TT *&outPtr, const VTK_TT *inPtr,
const int inExt[6],
const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode,
const VTK_TT *background))interpolate) = \
interpolate = 0;
switch (dataType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((int (**)(VTK_TT *&outPtr, const VTK_TT *inPtr,
const int inExt[6],
const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode,
const VTK_TT *background))interpolate) = \
interpolate = 0;
switch (dataType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((int (**)(VTK_TT *&outPtr, const VTK_TT *inPtr,
const int inExt[6],
const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode,
const VTK_TT *background))interpolate) = \
interpolate = 0;
interpolate = 0;
// Some helper functions for 'RequestData'
// pixel copy function, templated for different scalar types
template<class T>
void vtkSetPixels(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr, int numscalars, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
const T *tmpPtr = inPtr;
int m = numscalars;
*outPtr++ = *tmpPtr++;
while (--m);
// optimized for 1 scalar components
template<class T>
void vtkSetPixels1(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
int vtkNotUsed(numscalars), int n)
T val = *inPtr;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
*outPtr++ = val;
// get a pixel copy function that is appropriate for the data type
void vtkGetSetPixelsFunc(vtkImageReslice *self,
void (**setpixels)(void *&out, const void *in,
int numscalars, int n))
int dataType = self->GetOutput()->GetScalarType();
int numscalars = self->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
switch (numscalars)
case 1:
switch (dataType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((void (**)(VTK_TT *&out, const VTK_TT *in,
int numscalars, int n))setpixels) = \
setpixels = 0;
switch (dataType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((void (**)(VTK_TT *&out, const VTK_TT *in,
int numscalars, int n))setpixels) = \
setpixels = 0;
// Convert background color from float to appropriate type
template <class T>
void vtkAllocBackgroundPixelT(vtkImageReslice *self,
T **background_ptr, int numComponents)
*background_ptr = new T[numComponents];
T *background = *background_ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
if (i < 4)
vtkResliceClamp(self->GetBackgroundColor()[i], background[i]);
background[i] = 0;
void vtkAllocBackgroundPixel(vtkImageReslice *self, void **rval,
int numComponents)
switch (self->GetOutput()->GetScalarType())
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(vtkAllocBackgroundPixelT(self, (VTK_TT **)rval,
void vtkFreeBackgroundPixel(vtkImageReslice *self, void **rval)
switch (self->GetOutput()->GetScalarType())
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(delete [] *((VTK_TT **)rval));
*rval = 0;
// helper function for clipping of the output with a stencil
int vtkResliceGetNextExtent(vtkImageStencilData *stencil,
int &r1, int &r2, int rmin, int rmax,
int yIdx, int zIdx,
void *&outPtr, void *background,
int numscalars,
void (*setpixels)(void *&out,
const void *in,
int numscalars,
int n),
int &iter)
// trivial case if stencil is not set
if (!stencil)
if (iter++ == 0)
r1 = rmin;
r2 = rmax;
return 1;
return 0;
// for clearing, start at last r2 plus 1
int clear1 = r2 + 1;
if (iter == 0)
{ // if no 'last time', start at rmin
clear1 = rmin;
int rval = stencil->GetNextExtent(r1, r2, rmin, rmax, yIdx, zIdx, iter);
int clear2 = r1 - 1;
if (rval == 0)
clear2 = rmax;
setpixels(outPtr, background, numscalars, clear2 - clear1 + 1);
return rval;
// This function simply clears the entire output to the background color,
// for cases where the transformation places the output extent completely
// outside of the input extent.
void vtkImageResliceClearExecute(vtkImageReslice *self,
vtkImageData *, void *,
vtkImageData *outData, void *outPtr,
int outExt[6], int id)
int numscalars;
int idY, idZ;
vtkIdType outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ;
int scalarSize;
unsigned long count = 0;
unsigned long target;
void *background;
void (*setpixels)(void *&out, const void *in, int numscalars, int n);
// for the progress meter
target = (unsigned long)
// Get Increments to march through data
outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outExt, outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ);
scalarSize = outData->GetScalarSize();
numscalars = outData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
// allocate a voxel to copy into the background (out-of-bounds) regions
vtkAllocBackgroundPixel(self, &background, numscalars);
// get the appropriate function for pixel copying
vtkGetSetPixelsFunc(self, &setpixels);
// Loop through output voxels
for (idZ = outExt[4]; idZ <= outExt[5]; idZ++)
for (idY = outExt[2]; idY <= outExt[3]; idY++)
if (id == 0)
{ // update the progress if this is the main thread
if (!(count%target))
// clear the pixels to background color and go to next row
setpixels(outPtr, background, numscalars, outExt[1]-outExt[0]+1);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncY*scalarSize);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncZ*scalarSize);
vtkFreeBackgroundPixel(self, &background);
// This function executes the filter for any type of data. It is much simpler
// in structure than vtkImageResliceOptimizedExecute.
void vtkImageResliceExecute(vtkImageReslice *self,
vtkImageData *inData, void *inPtr,
vtkImageData *outData, void *outPtr,
int outExt[6], int id)
int numscalars;
int idX, idY, idZ;
int idXmin, idXmax, iter;
vtkIdType outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ;
int scalarSize;
int inExt[6];
vtkIdType inInc[3];
unsigned long count = 0;
unsigned long target;
double point[4];
double f;
double *inSpacing, *inOrigin, *outSpacing, *outOrigin, inInvSpacing[3];
void *background;
int (*interpolate)(void *&outPtr, const void *inPtr,
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const double point[3],
int mode, const void *background);
void (*setpixels)(void *&out, const void *in, int numscalars, int n);
// the 'mode' species what to do with the 'pad' (out-of-bounds) area
if (self->GetMirror())
else if (self->GetWrap())
else if (self->GetBorder())
// the transformation to apply to the data
vtkAbstractTransform *transform = self->GetResliceTransform();
vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix = self->GetResliceAxes();
// for conversion to data coordinates
inOrigin = inData->GetOrigin();
inSpacing = inData->GetSpacing();
outOrigin = outData->GetOrigin();
outSpacing = outData->GetSpacing();
// save effor later: invert inSpacing
inInvSpacing[0] = 1.0/inSpacing[0];
inInvSpacing[1] = 1.0/inSpacing[1];
inInvSpacing[2] = 1.0/inSpacing[2];
// find maximum input range
// for the progress meter
target = (unsigned long)
// Get Increments to march through data
outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outExt, outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ);
scalarSize = outData->GetScalarSize();
numscalars = inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
// allocate a voxel to copy into the background (out-of-bounds) regions
vtkAllocBackgroundPixel(self, &background, numscalars);
// get the appropriate functions for interpolation and pixel copying
vtkGetResliceInterpFunc(self, &interpolate);
vtkGetSetPixelsFunc(self, &setpixels);
// get the stencil
vtkImageStencilData *stencil = self->GetStencil();
// Loop through output voxels
for (idZ = outExt[4]; idZ <= outExt[5]; idZ++)
for (idY = outExt[2]; idY <= outExt[3]; idY++)
if (id == 0)
{ // update the progress if this is the main thread
if (!(count%target))
iter = 0; // if there is a stencil, it is applied here
while (vtkResliceGetNextExtent(stencil, idXmin, idXmax,
outExt[0], outExt[1], idY, idZ,
outPtr, background, numscalars,
setpixels, iter))
for (idX = idXmin; idX <= idXmax; idX++)
// convert to data coordinates
point[0] = idX*outSpacing[0] + outOrigin[0];
point[1] = idY*outSpacing[1] + outOrigin[1];
point[2] = idZ*outSpacing[2] + outOrigin[2];
// apply ResliceAxes matrix
if (matrix)
point[3] = 1.0;
matrix->MultiplyPoint(point, point);
f = 1.0/point[3];
point[0] *= f;
point[1] *= f;
point[2] *= f;
// apply ResliceTransform
if (transform)
transform->InternalTransformPoint(point, point);
// convert back to voxel indices
point[0] = (point[0] - inOrigin[0])*inInvSpacing[0];
point[1] = (point[1] - inOrigin[1])*inInvSpacing[1];
point[2] = (point[2] - inOrigin[2])*inInvSpacing[2];
// interpolate output voxel from input data set
interpolate(outPtr, inPtr, inExt, inInc, numscalars,
point, mode, background);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncY*scalarSize);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncZ*scalarSize);
vtkFreeBackgroundPixel(self, &background);
// The remainder of this file is the 'optimized' version of the code.
// application of the transform has different forms for fixed-point
// vs. floating-point
template<class F>
void vtkResliceApplyTransform(vtkAbstractTransform *newtrans,
F inPoint[3], F inOrigin[3],
F inInvSpacing[3])
newtrans->InternalTransformPoint(inPoint, inPoint);
inPoint[0] -= inOrigin[0];
inPoint[1] -= inOrigin[1];
inPoint[2] -= inOrigin[2];
inPoint[0] *= inInvSpacing[0];
inPoint[1] *= inInvSpacing[1];
inPoint[2] *= inInvSpacing[2];
// The vtkOptimizedExecute() is like vtkImageResliceExecute, except that
// it provides a few optimizations:
// 1) the ResliceAxes and ResliceTransform are joined to create a
// single 4x4 matrix if possible
// 2) the transformation is calculated incrementally to increase efficiency
// 3) nearest-neighbor interpolation is treated specially in order to
// increase efficiency
template <class F>
void vtkOptimizedExecute(vtkImageReslice *self,
vtkImageData *inData, void *inPtr,
vtkImageData *outData, void *outPtr,
int outExt[6], int id, F newmat[4][4],
vtkAbstractTransform *newtrans)
int i, numscalars;
int idX, idY, idZ;
vtkIdType outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ;
int scalarSize;
int inExt[6];
vtkIdType inInc[3];
unsigned long count = 0;
unsigned long target;
int iter, idXmin, idXmax;
double temp[3];
F inOrigin[3], inInvSpacing[3];
F xAxis[4], yAxis[4], zAxis[4], origin[4];
F inPoint0[4];
F inPoint1[4];
F inPoint[4], f;
void *background;
int (*interpolate)(void *&outPtr, const void *inPtr,
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int numscalars, const F point[3],
int mode, const void *background);
void (*setpixels)(void *&out, const void *in, int numscalars, int n);
int wrap = 0;
if (self->GetMirror())
wrap = 1;
else if (self->GetWrap())
wrap = 1;
else if (self->GetBorder())
int perspective = 0;
if (newmat[3][0] != 0 || newmat[3][1] != 0 ||
newmat[3][2] != 0 || newmat[3][3] != 1)
perspective = 1;
int optimizeNearest = 0;
if (self->GetInterpolationMode() == VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST &&
!(wrap || newtrans || perspective))
optimizeNearest = 1;
// find maximum input range
target = (unsigned long)
// Get Increments to march through data
outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outExt, outIncX, outIncY, outIncZ);
scalarSize = outData->GetScalarSize();
numscalars = inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
// break matrix into a set of axes plus an origin
// (this allows us to calculate the transform Incrementally)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
xAxis[i] = newmat[i][0];
yAxis[i] = newmat[i][1];
zAxis[i] = newmat[i][2];
origin[i] = newmat[i][3];
// get the input origin and spacing for conversion purposes
inOrigin[0] = F(temp[0]);
inOrigin[1] = F(temp[1]);
inOrigin[2] = F(temp[2]);
inInvSpacing[0] = F(1.0/temp[0]);
inInvSpacing[1] = F(1.0/temp[1]);
inInvSpacing[2] = F(1.0/temp[2]);
// set color for area outside of input volume extent
vtkAllocBackgroundPixel(self, &background, numscalars);
// Set interpolation method
vtkGetResliceInterpFunc(self, &interpolate);
vtkGetSetPixelsFunc(self, &setpixels);
// get the stencil
vtkImageStencilData *stencil = self->GetStencil();
// Loop through output pixels
for (idZ = outExt[4]; idZ <= outExt[5]; idZ++)
inPoint0[0] = origin[0] + idZ*zAxis[0]; // incremental transform
inPoint0[1] = origin[1] + idZ*zAxis[1];
inPoint0[2] = origin[2] + idZ*zAxis[2];
inPoint0[3] = origin[3] + idZ*zAxis[3];
for (idY = outExt[2]; idY <= outExt[3]; idY++)
inPoint1[0] = inPoint0[0] + idY*yAxis[0]; // incremental transform
inPoint1[1] = inPoint0[1] + idY*yAxis[1];
inPoint1[2] = inPoint0[2] + idY*yAxis[2];
inPoint1[3] = inPoint0[3] + idY*yAxis[3];
if (!id)
if (!(count%target))
iter = 0;
while (vtkResliceGetNextExtent(stencil, idXmin, idXmax,
outExt[0], outExt[1], idY, idZ,
outPtr, background, numscalars,
setpixels, iter))
if (!optimizeNearest)
for (idX = idXmin; idX <= idXmax; idX++)
inPoint[0] = inPoint1[0] + idX*xAxis[0];
inPoint[1] = inPoint1[1] + idX*xAxis[1];
inPoint[2] = inPoint1[2] + idX*xAxis[2];
if (perspective)
{ // only do perspective if necessary
inPoint[3] = inPoint1[3] + idX*xAxis[3];
f = 1/inPoint[3];
inPoint[0] *= f;
inPoint[1] *= f;
inPoint[2] *= f;
if (newtrans)
{ // apply the AbstractTransform if there is one
vtkResliceApplyTransform(newtrans, inPoint, inOrigin,
// call the interpolation function
interpolate(outPtr, inPtr, inExt, inInc, numscalars,
inPoint, mode, background);
else // optimize for nearest-neighbor interpolation
int inExtX = inExt[1] - inExt[0] + 1;
int inExtY = inExt[3] - inExt[2] + 1;
int inExtZ = inExt[5] - inExt[4] + 1;
for (int iidX = idXmin; iidX <= idXmax; iidX++)
void *inPtrTmp = background;
inPoint[0] = inPoint1[0] + iidX*xAxis[0];
inPoint[1] = inPoint1[1] + iidX*xAxis[1];
inPoint[2] = inPoint1[2] + iidX*xAxis[2];
int inIdX = vtkResliceRound(inPoint[0]) - inExt[0];
int inIdY = vtkResliceRound(inPoint[1]) - inExt[2];
int inIdZ = vtkResliceRound(inPoint[2]) - inExt[4];
if (inIdX >= 0 && inIdX < inExtX &&
inIdY >= 0 && inIdY < inExtY &&
inIdZ >= 0 && inIdZ < inExtZ)
inPtrTmp = (void *)((char *)inPtr + \
(inIdX*inInc[0] +
inIdY*inInc[1] +
setpixels(outPtr, inPtrTmp, numscalars, 1);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncY*scalarSize);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outIncZ*scalarSize);
vtkFreeBackgroundPixel(self, &background);
// vtkReslicePermuteExecute is specifically optimized for
// cases where the IndexMatrix has only one non-zero component
// per row, i.e. when the matrix is permutation+scale+translation.
// All of the interpolation coefficients are calculated ahead
// of time instead of on a pixel-by-pixel basis.
// helper function for nearest neighbor interpolation
template<class F, class T>
void vtkPermuteNearestSummation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *,
const int [3])
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + iY[0] + iZ[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
const T *tmpPtr = &inPtr0[iX[0]];
int m = numscalars;
*outPtr++ = *tmpPtr++;
while (--m);
// ditto, but optimized for numscalars = 1
template<class F, class T>
void vtkPermuteNearestSummation1(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
int, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *,
const int [3])
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + iY[0] + iZ[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
*outPtr++ = inPtr0[iX[0]];
// helper function for linear interpolation
template<class F, class T>
void vtkPermuteTrilinearSummation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearestNeighbor[3])
vtkIdType i00 = iY[0] + iZ[0];
vtkIdType i01 = iY[0] + iZ[1];
vtkIdType i10 = iY[1] + iZ[0];
vtkIdType i11 = iY[1] + iZ[1];
F ry = fY[0];
F fy = fY[1];
F rz = fZ[0];
F fz = fZ[1];
F ryrz = ry*rz;
F ryfz = ry*fz;
F fyrz = fy*rz;
F fyfz = fy*fz;
if (useNearestNeighbor[0] && fy == 0 && fz == 0)
{ // no interpolation needed at all
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vtkIdType t0 = iX[0];
iX += 2;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + i00 + t0;
int m = numscalars;
*outPtr++ = *inPtr0++;
while (--m);
else if (useNearestNeighbor[0] && fy == 0)
{ // only need linear z interpolation
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vtkIdType t0 = iX[0];
iX += 2;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + t0;
int m = numscalars;
F result = (rz*inPtr0[i00] + fz*inPtr0[i01]);
vtkResliceRound(result, *outPtr++);
while (--m);
else if (fz == 0)
{ // bilinear interpolation in x,y
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
F rx = fX[0];
F fx = fX[1];
fX += 2;
vtkIdType t0 = iX[0];
vtkIdType t1 = iX[1];
iX += 2;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + t0;
const T *inPtr1 = inPtr + t1;
int m = numscalars;
F result = (rx*(ry*inPtr0[i00] + fy*inPtr0[i10]) +
fx*(ry*inPtr1[i00] + fy*inPtr1[i10]));
vtkResliceRound(result, *outPtr++);
while (--m);
{ // do full trilinear interpolation
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
F rx = fX[0];
F fx = fX[1];
fX += 2;
vtkIdType t0 = iX[0];
vtkIdType t1 = iX[1];
iX += 2;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr + t0;
const T *inPtr1 = inPtr + t1;
int m = numscalars;
F result = (rx*(ryrz*inPtr0[i00] + ryfz*inPtr0[i01] +
fyrz*inPtr0[i10] + fyfz*inPtr0[i11]) +
fx*(ryrz*inPtr1[i00] + ryfz*inPtr1[i01] +
fyrz*inPtr1[i10] + fyfz*inPtr1[i11]));
vtkResliceRound(result, *outPtr++);
while (--m);
// helper function for tricubic interpolation
template<class F, class T>
void vtkPermuteTricubicSummation(T *&outPtr, const T *inPtr,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearestNeighbor[3])
// speed things up a bit for bicubic interpolation
int k1 = 0;
int k2 = 3;
if (useNearestNeighbor[2])
k1 = k2 = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vtkIdType iX0 = iX[0];
vtkIdType iX1 = iX[1];
vtkIdType iX2 = iX[2];
vtkIdType iX3 = iX[3];
iX += 4;
F fX0 = fX[0];
F fX1 = fX[1];
F fX2 = fX[2];
F fX3 = fX[3];
fX += 4;
const T *inPtr0 = inPtr;
int c = numscalars;
{ // loop over components
F result = 0;
int k = k1;
{ // loop over z
F fz = fZ[k];
if (fz != 0)
vtkIdType iz = iZ[k];
int j = 0;
{ // loop over y
F fy = fY[j];
F fzy = fz*fy;
vtkIdType izy = iz + iY[j];
const T *tmpPtr = inPtr0 + izy;
// loop over x is unrolled (significant performance boost)
result += fzy*(fX0*tmpPtr[iX0] +
fX1*tmpPtr[iX1] +
fX2*tmpPtr[iX2] +
while (++j <= 3);
while (++k <= k2);
vtkResliceClamp(result, *outPtr++);
while (--c);
// get approprate summation function for different interpolation modes
// and different scalar types
template<class F>
void vtkGetResliceSummationFunc(vtkImageReslice *self,
void (**summation)(void *&out, const void *in,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearest[3]),
int interpolationMode)
int scalarType = self->GetOutput()->GetScalarType();
switch (interpolationMode)
switch (scalarType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((void (**)(VTK_TT *&out, const VTK_TT *in,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearest[3]))summation) = \
summation = 0;
switch (scalarType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((void (**)(VTK_TT *&out, const VTK_TT *in,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearest[3]))summation) = \
summation = 0;
switch (scalarType)
vtkTemplateAliasMacro(*((void (**)(VTK_TT *&out, const VTK_TT *in,
int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearest[3]))summation) = \
summation = 0;
summation = 0;
template <class F>
void vtkPermuteNearestTable(vtkImageReslice *self, const int outExt[6],
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int clipExt[6], vtkIdType **traversal,
F **vtkNotUsed(constants),
int useNearestNeighbor[3], F newmat[4][4])
// set up input traversal table for nearest-neighbor interpolation
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
{ // set k to the element which is nonzero
if (newmat[k][j] != 0)
// this is just for symmetry with Linear and Cubic
useNearestNeighbor[j] = 1;
int inExtK = inExt[2*k+1] - inExt[2*k] + 1;
int region = 0;
for (int i = outExt[2*j]; i <= outExt[2*j+1]; i++)
int inId = vtkResliceRound((newmat[k][3] + i*newmat[k][j]));
inId -= inExt[2*k];
if (self->GetMirror())
inId = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId, inExtK);
region = 1;
else if (self->GetWrap())
inId = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId, inExtK);
region = 1;
if (inId < 0 || inId >= inExtK)
if (region == 1)
{ // leaving the input extent
region = 2;
clipExt[2*j+1] = i - 1;
if (region == 0)
{ // entering the input extent
region = 1;
clipExt[2*j] = i;
traversal[j][i] = inId*inInc[k];
if (region == 0)
{ // never entered input extent!
clipExt[2*j] = clipExt[2*j+1] + 1;
template <class F>
void vtkPermuteLinearTable(vtkImageReslice *self, const int outExt[6],
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int clipExt[6], vtkIdType **traversal,
F **constants,
int useNearestNeighbor[3], F newmat[4][4])
// set up input traversal table for linear interpolation
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
{ // set k to the element which is nonzero
if (newmat[k][j] != 0)
// do the output pixels lie exactly on top of the input pixels?
F f1, f2;
vtkResliceFloor(newmat[k][j], f1);
vtkResliceFloor(newmat[k][3], f2);
useNearestNeighbor[j] = (f1 == 0 && f2 == 0);
int inExtK = inExt[2*k+1] - inExt[2*k] + 1;
int region = 0;
for (int i = outExt[2*j]; i <= outExt[2*j+1]; i++)
F point = newmat[k][3] + i*newmat[k][j];
F f;
int trunc = vtkResliceFloor(point, f);
constants[j][2*i] = 1 - f;
constants[j][2*i+1] = f;
int fIsNotZero = (f != 0);
int inId0 = trunc - inExt[2*k];
int inId1 = inId0 + fIsNotZero;
if (self->GetMirror())
inId0 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId0, inExtK);
inId1 = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId1, inExtK);
region = 1;
else if (self->GetWrap())
inId0 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId0, inExtK);
inId1 = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId1, inExtK);
region = 1;
else if (self->GetBorder())
if (vtkInterpolateBorder(inId0, inId1, inExtK, f))
if (region == 1)
{ // leaving the input extent
region = 2;
clipExt[2*j+1] = i - 1;
if (region == 0)
{ // entering the input extent
region = 1;
clipExt[2*j] = i;
else // not self->GetBorder()
if (inId0 < 0 || inId1 >= inExtK)
if (region == 1)
{ // leaving the input extent
region = 2;
clipExt[2*j+1] = i - 1;
if (region == 0)
{ // entering the input extent
region = 1;
clipExt[2*j] = i;
traversal[j][2*i] = inId0*inInc[k];
traversal[j][2*i+1] = inId1*inInc[k];
if (region == 0)
{ // never entered input extent!
clipExt[2*j] = clipExt[2*j+1] + 1;
template <class F>
void vtkPermuteCubicTable(vtkImageReslice *self, const int outExt[6],
const int inExt[6], const vtkIdType inInc[3],
int clipExt[6], vtkIdType **traversal,
F **constants,
int useNearestNeighbor[3], F newmat[4][4])
// set up input traversal table for cubic interpolation
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
{ // set k to the element which is nonzero
if (newmat[k][j] != 0)
// do the output pixels lie exactly on top of the input pixels?
F f1, f2;
vtkResliceFloor(newmat[k][j], f1);
vtkResliceFloor(newmat[k][3], f2);
useNearestNeighbor[j] = (f1 == 0 && f2 == 0);
int inExtK = inExt[2*k+1] - inExt[2*k] + 1;
int region = 0;
for (int i = outExt[2*j]; i <= outExt[2*j+1]; i++)
F point = newmat[k][3] + i*newmat[k][j];
F f;
int trunc = vtkResliceFloor(point, f);
int fIsNotZero = (f != 0);
int inId[4];
inId[1] = trunc - inExt[2*k];
inId[0] = inId[1] - 1;
inId[2] = inId[1] + 1;
inId[3] = inId[1] + 2;
int low = 1 - fIsNotZero;
int high = 1 + 2*fIsNotZero;
if (self->GetMirror())
inId[0] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId[0], inExtK);
inId[1] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId[1], inExtK);
inId[2] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId[2], inExtK);
inId[3] = vtkInterpolateMirror(inId[3], inExtK);
region = 1;
else if (self->GetWrap())
inId[0] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId[0], inExtK);
inId[1] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId[1], inExtK);
inId[2] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId[2], inExtK);
inId[3] = vtkInterpolateWrap(inId[3], inExtK);
region = 1;
else if (self->GetBorder())
if (vtkInterpolateBorderCheck(inId[1], inId[2], inExtK, f))
if (region == 1)
{ // leaving the input extent
region = 2;
clipExt[2*j+1] = i - 1;
if (region == 0)
{ // entering the input extent
region = 1;
clipExt[2*j] = i;
int tmpExt = inExtK - 1;
inId[0] = (inId[0])*(inId[0] >= 0);
inId[1] = (inId[1])*(inId[1] >= 0);
inId[2] = tmpExt - (tmpExt - inId[2])*(tmpExt - inId[2] >= 0);
inId[3] = tmpExt - (tmpExt - inId[3])*(tmpExt - inId[3] >= 0);
low = 1 - fIsNotZero;
high = 1 + 2*fIsNotZero;
else // not self->GetBorder()
if (inId[1] < 0 || inId[1] + fIsNotZero >= inExtK)
if (region == 1)
{ // leaving the input extent
region = 2;
clipExt[2*j+1] = i - 1;
if (region == 0)
{ // entering the input extent
region = 1;
clipExt[2*j] = i;
low = 1 - (inId[0] >= 0)*fIsNotZero;
high = 1 + (1 + (inId[3] < inExtK))*fIsNotZero;
vtkTricubicInterpCoeffs(&constants[j][4*i], low, high, f);
// set default values
int l;
for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
traversal[j][4*i+l] = inId[1]*inInc[k];
for (l = low; l <= high; l++)
traversal[j][4*i+l] = inId[l]*inInc[k];
if (region == 0)
{ // never entered input extent!
clipExt[2*j] = clipExt[2*j+1] + 1;
// Check to see if we can do nearest-neighbor instead of linear or cubic.
// This check only works on permutation+scale+translation matrices.
template <class F>
inline int vtkCanUseNearestNeighbor(F matrix[4][4], int outExt[6])
// loop through dimensions
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (matrix[i][j] != 0)
F x = matrix[i][j];
F y = matrix[i][3];
if (outExt[2*j] == outExt[2*j+1])
y += x*outExt[2*i];
x = 0;
F fx, fy;
vtkResliceFloor(x, fx);
vtkResliceFloor(y, fy);
if (fx != 0 || fy != 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// the ReslicePermuteExecute path is taken when the output slices are
// orthogonal to the input slices
template <class F>
void vtkReslicePermuteExecute(vtkImageReslice *self,
vtkImageData *inData, void *inPtr,
vtkImageData *outData, void *outPtr,
int outExt[6], int id, F newmat[4][4])
vtkIdType outInc[3];
int scalarSize, numscalars;
vtkIdType inInc[3];
int inExt[6], clipExt[6];
vtkIdType *traversal[3];
F *constants[3];
int useNearestNeighbor[3];
int i;
// find maximum input range
// Get Increments to march through data
outData->GetContinuousIncrements(outExt, outInc[0], outInc[1], outInc[2]);
scalarSize = outData->GetScalarSize();
numscalars = inData->GetNumberOfScalarComponents();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
clipExt[2*i] = outExt[2*i];
clipExt[2*i+1] = outExt[2*i+1];
int interpolationMode = self->GetInterpolationMode();
if (vtkCanUseNearestNeighbor(newmat, outExt))
interpolationMode = VTK_RESLICE_NEAREST;
// the step size is the number of coefficients per dimension
int step = 1;
switch (interpolationMode)
step = 1;
step = 2;
step = 4;
// allocate the interpolation tables
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
int outExtI = outExt[2*i+1] - outExt[2*i] + 1;
traversal[i] = new vtkIdType[outExtI*step];
traversal[i] -= step*outExt[2*i];
constants[i] = new F[outExtI*step];
constants[i] -= step*outExt[2*i];
// fill in the interpolation tables
switch (interpolationMode)
vtkPermuteNearestTable(self, outExt, inExt, inInc, clipExt,
traversal, constants,
useNearestNeighbor, newmat);
vtkPermuteLinearTable(self, outExt, inExt, inInc, clipExt,
traversal, constants,
useNearestNeighbor, newmat);
vtkPermuteCubicTable(self, outExt, inExt, inInc, clipExt,
traversal, constants,
useNearestNeighbor, newmat);
// get type-specific functions
void (*summation)(void *&out, const void *in, int numscalars, int n,
const vtkIdType *iX, const F *fX,
const vtkIdType *iY, const F *fY,
const vtkIdType *iZ, const F *fZ,
const int useNearestNeighbor[3]);
void (*setpixels)(void *&out, const void *in, int numscalars, int n);
vtkGetResliceSummationFunc(self, &summation, interpolationMode);
vtkGetSetPixelsFunc(self, &setpixels);
// set color for area outside of input volume extent
void *background;
vtkAllocBackgroundPixel(self, &background, numscalars);
// get the stencil
vtkImageStencilData *stencil = self->GetStencil();
// for tracking progress
unsigned long count = 0;
unsigned long target = (unsigned long)
// Loop through output pixels
for (int idZ = outExt[4]; idZ <= outExt[5]; idZ++)
int idZ0 = idZ*step;
for (int idY = outExt[2]; idY <= outExt[3]; idY++)
int idY0 = idY*step;
if (id == 0)
{ // track progress if we are main thread
if (!(count%target))
// do extent check
if (idZ < clipExt[4] || idZ > clipExt[5] ||
idY < clipExt[2] || idY > clipExt[3])
{ // just clear, we're completely outside
setpixels(outPtr, background, numscalars, outExt[1] - outExt[0] + 1);
// clear pixels to left of input extent
setpixels(outPtr, background, numscalars, clipExt[0] - outExt[0]);
int iter = 0;
int idXmin, idXmax;
while (vtkResliceGetNextExtent(stencil, idXmin, idXmax,
clipExt[0], clipExt[1], idY, idZ,
outPtr, background, numscalars,
setpixels, iter))
int idX0 = idXmin*step;
summation(outPtr, inPtr, numscalars, idXmax - idXmin + 1,
&traversal[0][idX0], &constants[0][idX0],
&traversal[1][idY0], &constants[1][idY0],
&traversal[2][idZ0], &constants[2][idZ0],
// clear pixels to right of input extent
setpixels(outPtr, background, numscalars, outExt[1] - clipExt[1]);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outInc[1]*scalarSize);
outPtr = (void *)((char *)outPtr + outInc[2]*scalarSize);
vtkFreeBackgroundPixel(self, &background);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
traversal[i] += step*outExt[2*i];
constants[i] += step*outExt[2*i];
delete [] traversal[i];
delete [] constants[i];
// check a matrix to ensure that it is a permutation+scale+translation
// matrix
template <class F>
int vtkIsPermutationMatrix(F matrix[4][4])
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (matrix[3][i] != 0)
return 0;
if (matrix[3][3] != 1)
return 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (matrix[i][j] != 0)
if (k != 1)
return 0;
return 1;
// check a matrix to see whether it is the identity matrix
int vtkIsIdentityMatrix(vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
static double identity[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
if (matrix->GetElement(i,j) != identity[4*i+j])
return 0;
return 1;
// The transform matrix supplied by the user converts output coordinates
// to input coordinates.
// To speed up the pixel lookup, the following function provides a
// matrix which converts output pixel indices to input pixel indices.
// This will also concatenate the ResliceAxes and the ResliceTransform
// if possible (if the ResliceTransform is a 4x4 matrix transform).
// If it does, this->OptimizedTransform will be set to NULL, otherwise
// this->OptimizedTransform will be equal to this->ResliceTransform.
vtkMatrix4x4 *vtkImageReslice::GetIndexMatrix(vtkInformation *inInfo,
vtkInformation *outInfo)
// first verify that we have to update the matrix
if (this->IndexMatrix == NULL)
this->IndexMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
int isIdentity = 0;
double inOrigin[3];
double inSpacing[3];
double outOrigin[3];
double outSpacing[3];
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), inSpacing);
inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), inOrigin);
outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::SPACING(), outSpacing);
outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), outOrigin);
vtkTransform *transform = vtkTransform::New();
vtkMatrix4x4 *inMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
vtkMatrix4x4 *outMatrix = vtkMatrix4x4::New();
if (this->OptimizedTransform)
this->OptimizedTransform = NULL;
if (this->ResliceAxes)
if (this->ResliceTransform)
if (this->ResliceTransform->IsA("vtkHomogeneousTransform"))
transform->Concatenate(((vtkHomogeneousTransform *)
this->OptimizedTransform = this->ResliceTransform;
// check to see if we have an identity matrix
isIdentity = vtkIsIdentityMatrix(transform->GetMatrix());
// the outMatrix takes OutputData indices to OutputData coordinates,
// the inMatrix takes InputData coordinates to InputData indices
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ((this->OptimizedTransform == NULL &&
(inSpacing[i] != outSpacing[i] || inOrigin[i] != outOrigin[i])) ||
(this->OptimizedTransform != NULL &&
(inSpacing[i] != 1.0 || inOrigin[i] != 0.0)))
isIdentity = 0;
inMatrix->Element[i][i] = 1.0/inSpacing[i];
inMatrix->Element[i][3] = -inOrigin[i]/inSpacing[i];
outMatrix->Element[i][i] = outSpacing[i];
outMatrix->Element[i][3] = outOrigin[i];
outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), outOrigin);
if (!isIdentity)
if (this->OptimizedTransform == NULL)
return this->IndexMatrix;
// This method is passed a input and output region, and executes the filter
// algorithm to fill the output from the input.
// It just executes a switch statement to call the correct function for
// the regions data types.
void vtkImageReslice::ThreadedRequestData(
vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector),
vtkInformationVector *vtkNotUsed(outputVector),
vtkImageData ***inData,
vtkImageData **outData,
int outExt[6], int id)
vtkDebugMacro(<< "Execute: inData = " << inData[0][0]
<< ", outData = " << outData[0]);
// this filter expects that input is the same type as output.
if (inData[0][0]->GetScalarType() != outData[0]->GetScalarType())
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Execute: input ScalarType, "
<< inData[0][0]->GetScalarType()
<< ", must match out ScalarType "
<< outData[0]->GetScalarType());
int inExt[6];
// check for empty input extent
if (inExt[1] < inExt[0] ||
inExt[3] < inExt[2] ||
inExt[5] < inExt[4])
// Get the output pointer
void *outPtr = outData[0]->GetScalarPointerForExtent(outExt);
if (this->HitInputExtent == 0)
vtkImageResliceClearExecute(this, inData[0][0], 0, outData[0], outPtr,
outExt, id);
// Now that we know that we need the input, get the input pointer
void *inPtr = inData[0][0]->GetScalarPointerForExtent(inExt);
if (this->Optimization)
// change transform matrix so that instead of taking
// input coords -> output coords it takes output indices -> input indices
vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix = this->IndexMatrix;
// get the portion of the transformation that remains apart from
// the IndexMatrix
vtkAbstractTransform *newtrans = this->OptimizedTransform;
double newmat[4][4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
newmat[i][0] = matrix->GetElement(i,0);
newmat[i][1] = matrix->GetElement(i,1);
newmat[i][2] = matrix->GetElement(i,2);
newmat[i][3] = matrix->GetElement(i,3);
if (vtkIsPermutationMatrix(newmat) && newtrans == NULL)
vtkReslicePermuteExecute(this, inData[0][0], inPtr, outData[0], outPtr,
outExt, id, newmat);
vtkOptimizedExecute(this, inData[0][0], inPtr, outData[0], outPtr,
outExt, id, newmat, newtrans);
vtkImageResliceExecute(this, inData[0][0], inPtr, outData[0], outPtr,
outExt, id);