Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

847 lines
29 KiB

2 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Time-stamp: <2004-06-09 11:12:38 barre>
# Build cross-references between classes and examples
# barre : Sebastien Barre <>
# 0.81 (barre) :
# - add --baselinedir d : use 'd' as baseline directory
# - add --baselineicon f: use 'f' as icon file to report that file has
# baseline picture
# - add --baselinelink l: use 'l' as baseline link to picture
# - add --baselinelinksuffix s : suffix string to append
# to --baselinelink + filename
# - add --datamatch s : use string s to match any usage of data files
# 0.8 (barre) :
# - more robust code: comments are removed from files before parsing
# and several identifier per lines are now supported (at last).
# - add --datamatch s : use string s to match any usage of data files
# - add --dataicon f : use f as icon file to report that file makes use
# of data files
# 0.74 (barre) :
# - use common build_page_doc proc
# 0.73 (barre) :
# - add --linksuffix s : suffix string to append to --link + filename
# 0.72 (barre) :
# - add --project name : project name, used to uniquify
# - add slightly changed the way --link are created
# 0.71 (barre) :
# - add .cpp and .cc extension to the C++ parser regexp
# 0.7 (barre) :
# - update to match the new VTK 4.0 tree
# - change default --dirs so that it can be launched from Utilities/Doxygen
# - change default --to so that it can be launched from Utilities/Doxygen
# - add Java support
# - add --label str : use string as label in class page
# - add --title str : use string as title in "Related Pages"
# - add --dirmatch str : use string to match the directory name holding files
# - add --unique str : use string as a unique page identifier (otherwise MD5)
# 0.6 (barre) :
# - the "class to example" page is now split in different pages
# - use --weight to increase or decrease the maximum weight of a page
# 0.55 (barre) :
# - change default --to to '../vtk-doxygen' to comply with Kitware's doxyfile
# 0.54 (barre) :
# - change doxygen command style from \ to @ to match javadoc, autodoc, etc.
# 0.53 (barre) :
# - change default --to to '../vtk-dox'
# 0.52 (barre) :
# - rename -l option to --link, add a parameter to preprend in front of
# the example location/filename.
# 0.51 (barre) :
# - fix O_TEXT flag problem
# - switch to Unix CR/LF format
# 0.5 (barre) :
# - removed version extraction feature (moved to another script)
# 0.4 (barre) :
# - change (warning) default --to to '../vtk2' because I ruined my own
# VTK distrib too many times :(
# - change (warning) --to is now a path to a destination directory, and
# no more a path to the destination doxygen file. The headers to update
# will logically be searched here, while the examples to process are
# searched in the directory where the script is launched
# 0.3 (barre)
# - add '--parser' option to use specific parser only
# 0.2 (barre)
# - use vtkVersion.h to fill the main page (@mainpage) with version/revision
# => comment/remove PROJECT_NUMBER from your doxygen config file (doxyfile)
# - add web URL to main page
# - fix small "uninitialized variable" warning
# 0.1 (barre)
# - first release (-l does not work for the moment)
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use Getopt::Long;
use Fcntl;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use strict;
my ($VERSION, $PROGNAME, $AUTHOR) = (0.81, $0, "Sebastien Barre");
$PROGNAME =~ s/^.*[\\\/]//;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defaults (add options as you want : "verbose" => 1 for default verbose mode)
my %default =
baselineicon => "pic.gif",
baselinelinksuffix => "",
dataicon => "paper-clip.gif",
dirmatch => "^Examples\$",
dirs => ["../.."],
label => "Examples",
limit => 20,
linksuffix => "",
project => "VTK",
store => "doc_VTK_class2examples.dox",
title => "Class To Examples",
to => "../../../VTK-doxygen",
unique => "e",
weight => 90000
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matchers and parsers :
# $eliminate_matcher : regexp matching the names of the 'fake' classes
# that shall be eliminated/ignored,
# %parsers : hash defining each parser by associating
# parser_name => [filename_matcher, func1, func2].
# $parser_name : language identifier (Tcl, C++, Python, etc.),
# $filename_matcher : regexp matching the filenames belonging to the language,
# @$func1 : function called when a filename is matched,
# - receives the contents of the file as a reference to a
# string,
# - modifies this contents by removing the comments.
# @$func2 : function called when a filename is matched,
# - receives the contents of the file as a reference to a
# string (or the result of func1 if exists),
# - returns an array of unique class names that have been
# recognized/matched in the file contents.
my $eliminate_matcher = '^vtkCommand$';
my %parsers = (
"Tcl" => ['\.tcl$', \&rm_tcl_comments, \&parse],
"C++" => ['\.c(xx|pp|c)$', \&rm_cpp_comments, \&parse],
"Java" => ['\.java$', \&rm_cpp_comments, \&parse],
"Python" => ['\.py$', \&rm_tcl_comments, \&parse]
sub rm_tcl_comments {
my $ref = shift;
$$ref =~ s/#.*?$//gms;
sub rm_cpp_comments {
my $ref = shift;
$$ref =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\/|\/\/.*?$|#(include|define|if).*?$//gms;
sub rm_no_comments {
my $ref = shift;
# Parser (seems to work with all languages for the moment)
sub unique {
my ($ref, %uniques) = (shift, ());
foreach my $item (@$ref) {
return keys %uniques;
sub parse {
my $ref = shift;
my @matches = $$ref =~ /\b(vtk[A-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]+)[^"]/gms;
return unique(\@matches);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse options
my %args;
# Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
GetOptions (\%args, "help", "verbose|v", "baselinedir=s", "baselineicon=s", "datamatch=s", "baselinelink=s", "baselinelinksuffix=s", "dataicon=s", "dirmatch=s", "label=s", "limit=i", "link=s", "linksuffix=s", "project=s", "store=s", "title=s", "to=s", "unique=s", "weight=i", "parser=s@");
my $available_parser = join(", ", keys %parsers);
if (exists $args{"help"}) {
print <<"EOT";
Usage : $PROGNAME [--help] [--verbose|-v] [--baselinedir path] [--baselineicon filename] [--baselinelink url] [--baselinelinksuffix url] [--datamatch string] [--dataicon filename] [--dirmatch string] [--label string] [--limit n] [--link url] [--linksuffix string] [--parser name] [--store file] [--title string] [--to path] [--weight n] [directories...]
--help : this message
--verbose|-v : verbose (display filenames/classes while processing)
--baselinedir d : use 'd' as baseline directory
--baselineicon f: use 'f' as icon file to report that file has baseline picture
--baselinelink l: use 'l' as baseline link to picture
--baselinelinksuffix s : suffix string to append to --baselinelink + filename
--datamatch s : use string s to match any usage of data files
--dataicon f : use 'f as icon file to report that file makes use of data files
--dirmatch str : use string to match the directory name holding files (default: $default{dirmatch})
--label str : use string as label in class page (default: $default{label})
--limit n : limit the number of examples per parser type (default: $default{limit})
--link path : link to example files (and prepend path)
--linksuffix s : suffix string to append to --link + filename
--title str : use string as title in "Related Pages" (default: $default{title})
--parser name : use specific parser only (available : $available_parser)
--project name : project name, used to uniquify (default: $default{project})
--store file : use 'file' to store xrefs (default: $default{store})
--to path : use 'path' as destination directory (default : $default{to})
--unique str : use string as a unique page identifier among "Class To..." pages (otherwise MD5) (default : $default{unique})
--weight n : use 'n' as an approximation of the maximum page weight (default : $default{weight})
$PROGNAME --verbose
$PROGNAME --dirmatch "^Testing$" --label "Tests" --title "Class To Tests" --store "doc_class2tests.dox" --unique "t"
$args{"verbose"} = 1 if exists $default{"verbose"};
$args{"baselinedir"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"baselinedir"};
$args{"baselineicon"} = $default{"baselineicon"}
if ! exists $args{"baselineicon"};
$args{"baselinelink"} = $default{"baselinelink"}
if ! exists $args{"baselinelink"} && exists $default{"baselinelink"};
$args{"baselinelink"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"baselinelink"};
$args{"baselinelinksuffix"} = $default{"baselinelinksuffix"}
if ! exists $args{"baselinelinksuffix"};
$args{"dataicon"} = $default{"dataicon"} if ! exists $args{"dataicon"};
$args{"dirmatch"} = $default{"dirmatch"} if ! exists $args{"dirmatch"};
$args{"label"} = $default{"label"} if ! exists $args{"label"};
$args{"limit"} = $default{"limit"} if ! exists $args{"limit"};
$args{"link"} = $default{"link"} if ! exists $args{"link"} && exists $default{"link"};
$args{"link"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"link"};
$args{"linksuffix"} = $default{"linksuffix"} if ! exists $args{"linksuffix"};
$args{"project"} = $default{"project"} if ! exists $args{"project"};
$args{"store"} = $default{"store"} if ! exists $args{"store"};
$args{"title"} = $default{"title"} if ! exists $args{"title"};
$args{"to"} = $default{"to"} if ! exists $args{"to"};
$args{"to"} =~ s/[\\\/]*$// if exists $args{"to"};
$args{"unique"} = $default{"unique"} if ! exists $args{"unique"};
$args{"weight"} = $default{"weight"} if ! exists $args{"weight"};
# Select parsers
my @parsers;
if (exists $args{"parser"}) {
foreach my $parser (@{$args{"parser"}}) {
if (exists $parsers{$parser}) {
push @parsers, $parser;
} else {
carp "$PROGNAME: unknown parser : $parser\n";
} else {
@parsers = keys %parsers;
my $os_is_win = ($^O =~ m/(MSWin32|Cygwin)/i);
my $open_file_as_text = $os_is_win ? O_TEXT : 0;
my $start_time = time();
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Collect unique non-intersecting (top) examples' directories recursively
# Save current path (pwd) to avoid the ::prune bug
print "Collecting files...\n";
push @ARGV, @{$default{"dirs"}} if !@ARGV;
my (%seen, @dirs);
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
find sub {
if (-d $_ &&
$_ ne "CVS" &&
basename($File::Find::name) =~ m/$args{"dirmatch"}/i) {
# my ($dev, $ino) = stat $_;
push @dirs, $File::Find::name;
# if ! $seen{$dev, $ino}++;
# once we are in a "examples directory", don't descend anymore
$File::Find::prune = 1;
}, $file;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Collect files within directories recursively
my @files;
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
find sub {
push @files, $File::Find::name if -f $_;
}, $dir;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Select unique files matching available parsers
my @parsable;
foreach my $parser (@parsers) {
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ m/$parsers{$parser}->[0]/) {
# my ($dev, $ino) = stat $file;
push @parsable, $file;
# if ! $seen{$dev, $ino}++;
@parsable = sort @parsable;
print " => ", scalar @parsable, " file(s) collected in ", time() - $start_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse files and build xref
# %xref is a hash : xref{$class}{$parser}{$file}
# Ex: xref{"vtkPoints"}{"Tcl"}{"examplesTcl/foo.tcl"}
# xref{"vtkPoints"}{"Tcl"}{"graphics/examplesTcl/bar.tcl"}
# xref{"vtkNormals"}{"C++"}{"test.cxx"}
my %xref;
# %shorter_filename is a hash associating a filename to its shorter
# counterpart where any leading component matching the name of a directory
# being browsed have been removed.
my %shorter_filename;
# %use_data is a hash associating a filename to a flag (1) when the
# file makes use of data files (i.e. the contents of the file matches
# $args{"datamatch"}).
my %use_data;
# %baseline_picture is a hash associating a filename to the relative path
# to its baseline picture (relative to --baselinedir).
my %baseline_picture;
print "Parsing files...\n";
my $intermediate_time = time();
# slurp mode
my $oldslurp = $/;
undef $/;
foreach my $filename (@parsable) {
# Read entire file into an array of lines
sysopen(FILE, $filename, O_RDONLY|$open_file_as_text)
or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open $filename\n";
my $file = <FILE>;
# Submit the contents of the file to the corresponding parser
foreach my $parser (@parsers) {
if ($filename =~ m/$parsers{$parser}->[0]/) {
my @classes = $parsers{$parser}->[2]->(\$file);
printf("%7s: %2d | ", $parser, scalar @classes)
if exists $args{"verbose"};
#print "[", join(", ", @classes), "]" if exists $args{"verbose"};
if (@classes) {
$shorter_filename{$filename} = $filename;
# print "(", join(", ", sort @classes), ") " if @classes;
foreach my $class (@classes) {
print "=> ", $filename, "\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
# Shorten filename if it has been added
if (exists $shorter_filename{$filename}) {
foreach my $dir (@ARGV) {
last if $shorter_filename{$filename} =~ s/$dir//;
# Check for baseline picture
if (exists $args{"baselinedir"}) {
my ($name, $dir, $ext) =
fileparse($shorter_filename{$filename}, '\..*');
my @dirs = split('/', $dir);
my $pic = $dirs[1] . "/$name.png";
$baseline_picture{$filename} = $pic
if -e $args{"baselinedir"} . "/$pic";
# Check for data
$use_data{$filename} = 1
if exists $args{"datamatch"} && $file =~ m/$args{"datamatch"}/ms;
$/ = $oldslurp;
print " => ", scalar @parsable, " file(s) parsed in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Eliminate some 'fake' classes
print "Eliminating some classes...\n";
$intermediate_time = time();
my @eliminated = ();
foreach my $class (keys %xref) {
if ($class =~ m/$eliminate_matcher/) {
print " $class\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
push @eliminated, $class;
print " => ", scalar @eliminated, " class(es) eliminated (", join(", ", @eliminated), ") in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We need to locate the C++ header of each class to add a link from
# that header to the example page. We also remove orphan classes with
# no headers.
# %headers is a hash associating a class name to the location of its header.
# ex: $headers{"vtkPoints"} = "Common/vtkPoints.h"
# %headers_not_found is a hash associating a class name to a flag that is
# true (1) if the location of its header has not been found.
print "Locating headers to update...\n";
$intermediate_time = time();
my (%headers, %headers_not_found);
# Let's state that no headers have been found at the moment
foreach (keys %xref) {
$headers_not_found{$_} = 1;
my $headers_not_found_nb = scalar keys %headers_not_found;
$cwd = Cwd::cwd();
find sub {
if ($headers_not_found_nb == 0) {
# All headers have been found, let's stop descending the tree
$File::Find::prune = 1;
} elsif (-f $_ && $_ =~ /^(vtk[A-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]+)\.h$/) {
# A class header has been found, let's check if it matches one pf
# the class in xref
my $class = $1;
if (exists $headers_not_found{$class}) {
print " $class : $File::Find::name\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
$headers{$class} = $File::Find::name;
}, $args{"to"};
# Collect these classes that have not been associated to a header and
# remove them from xref.
my @still_not_found = keys %headers_not_found;
foreach my $not_found (@still_not_found) {
print " $not_found : not found (removed)\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
print " => ", scalar keys %headers, " found, ", scalar @still_not_found, " orphan class(es) removed (", join(", ", @still_not_found), ") in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build the page summary documentation
# $indent is the indentation string
my $indent = " ";
# @words is the array of words to document
my @words = sort keys %xref;
# $header is the Doxygen string summarizing what has been documented as well
# as the credits.
my $header;
my (@summary, @credits, @legend);
push @summary,
" - " . scalar @words . " class(es) in " .
scalar @parsable . " file(s) from directories matching \@c " . $args{"dirmatch"} . " on " . localtime();
push @summary,
" - " . scalar @parsers . " parser(s) : [" . join(", ", @parsers) . "]";
push @summary,
" - at most " . $args{"limit"} . " file(s) per parser";
push @credits,
"\@version $VERSION",
"\@author \@c $PROGNAME, by $AUTHOR";
$header = $indent . join("\n$indent", @summary) . "\n\n" .
$indent . join("\n$indent", @credits) . "\n\n";
my $footer;
if (exists $args{"datamatch"}) {
push @legend,
"- <img src='" . $args{"dataicon"} . "' align='top'> : the corresponding file uses data files.";
# hack so that the image is automatically copied to the doc dir
$footer .= " \@image html " . $args{"dataicon"} . "\n";
if (exists $args{"baselinedir"}) {
push @legend,
"- <img src='" . $args{"baselineicon"} . "' align='top'> : the corresponding file has a baseline picture (click to display)";
# hack so that the image is automatically copied to the doc dir
$footer .= " \@image html " . $args{"baselineicon"} . "\n";
if (scalar @legend) {
unshift @legend, "\@par Legend:";
$header .= $indent . join("\n$indent", @legend) . "\n\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Index to class
print "Building page doc...\n";
# $prefix is a unique prefix that is appended to each link
my $prefix = "c2_" . $args{"project"} . "_";
if (exists $args{"unique"}) {
$prefix .= $args{"unique"};
} else {
$prefix .= md5_hex($args{"label"} . $args{"title"});
$prefix = lc($prefix);
# word_section_name returns the short string describing a word section
sub word_section_name {
my ($word) = @_;
return "\@anchor ${prefix}_$word\n$indent$word";
# word_section_doc returns the doxygen doc for a word
sub word_section_doc {
my ($word) = @_;
my @temp;
foreach my $parser (sort keys %{$xref{$word}}) {
push @temp, " - $parser";
my $count = 0;
# @files if the set of files found for that class by that parser
my @files = sort keys %{$xref{$word}{$parser}};
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $has_data;
$has_data = ' @htmlonly <img src="' . $args{"dataicon"} . '" align="top"> @endhtmlonly' if exists $use_data{$file};
my $has_baseline_picture;
$has_baseline_picture = ' @htmlonly <a href="' . $args{"baselinelink"} . '/' . $baseline_picture{$file} . $args{"baselinelinksuffix"} . '"><img src="' . $args{"baselineicon"} . '" align="top" border="0"></a> @endhtmlonly' if exists $baseline_picture{$file};
last if ++$count > $args{"limit"};
if (exists $args{"link"}) {
push @temp,
' - @htmlonly <TT><A href="' . $args{"link"} .
$shorter_filename{$file} . $args{"linksuffix"} . '&content-type=text/plain">@endhtmlonly ' . $shorter_filename{$file} .
'@htmlonly</A></TT> @endhtmlonly ' .
$has_data . $has_baseline_picture;
} else {
push @temp, " - \@c $shorter_filename{$file} $has_data $has_baseline_picture";
return join("\n$indent", @temp) . "\n";
# word_section_alpha returns the single alpha char corresponding to that
# word's section.
sub word_section_alpha {
my ($word) = @_;
$word =~ /^vtk(\w)/;
return $1;
my $page_doc = build_page_doc($indent,
$args{"to"} . "/" . $args{"store"});
print join("\n", @summary), "\n => in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update class headers (add a link from the class header to the example page).
# Do not update if the section is already there.
print "Updating headers...\n";
$intermediate_time = time();
my $updated_nb = 0;
foreach my $class (@words) {
print " $class => " . $headers{$class} . "\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
sysopen(HEADER, $headers{$class}, O_RDONLY|$open_file_as_text)
or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open " . $headers{$class} . "\n";
# Search for the documentation block (@class ...)
my @dest = ();
my $line;
while ($line = <HEADER>) {
push @dest, $line;
last if $line =~ /\s\@class\s+$class/;
# Search for the end of the block (*/), and check if the xref is not
# already there (@par $args{"label"})
if (defined $line) {
while ($line = <HEADER>) {
last if $line =~ /^\*\// || $line =~ /^\s*\@par\s+$args{"label"}:\s*$/;
push @dest, $line;
# If the example section was not found, insert the xref to the
# example page, read the rest of the file, and overwrite the
# header
if (defined $line && $line =~ /^\*\//) {
push @dest, "\n \@par " . $args{"label"} . ":\n",
" \@ref ${prefix}_$class \"$class (" . $args{"label"} . ")\"\n",
while ($line = <HEADER>) {
push @dest, $line;
sysopen(HEADER, $headers{$class},
or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open " . $headers{$class} . "\n";
print HEADER @dest;
print " => $updated_nb header(s) updated in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
print "Finished in ", time() - $start_time, " s.\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub build_page_doc {
# $indent is the indentation string
# $rwords is a reference to the array of words to document
# $prefix is a unique prefix that is appended to each link
# word_section_name returns the short string describing a word section
# word_section_doc returns the doxygen doc for a word
# word_section_alpha returns the single alpha char corresponding to that
# word's section.
# $header is the Doxygen string summarizing what has been documented as
# well as the credits.
# $footer is a Doxygen string appended to each the resulting page
# $destination_file is the name of the file where this page should be
# written to.
my ($ident, $title, $rwords, $prefix, $rword_section_name, $rword_section_doc, $rword_section_alpha, $header, $footer, $destination_file) = @_;
# %words_doc is a hash associating a word to its Doxygen doc (string)
my %words_doc;
# %sections_words is a hash associating a section (alphabetical letter) to
# an array of words belonging to that section.
# Ex: $sections_words{"C"} => ("contour", "cut")
# %sections_weight is a hash associating a section to its weight (the sum
# of the weights of each word belonging to that section).
# @sections is the array holding the name of all sections
my (%sections_words, %sections_weight, @sections);
# $navbar is the Doxygen string describing the sections' navigation bar
my $navbar;
my $intermediate_time = time();
# Browse each word
foreach my $word (@$rwords) {
my @temp;
push @temp, &$rword_section_name($word), &$rword_section_doc($word);
$words_doc{$word} = $indent . join("\n$indent", @temp) . "\n";
# Update section(s) and section(s) weight(s)
my $section = &$rword_section_alpha($word);
push @{$sections_words{$section}}, $word;
$sections_weight{$section} += length($words_doc{$word});
print " => ", $word, "\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
print " => ", scalar @$rwords, " words(s) documented in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";
@sections = sort keys %sections_words;
# Build the navbar
my @temp;
foreach my $section (@sections) {
push @temp, "\@ref ${prefix}_section_$section \"$section\"";
$navbar = "$indent\@par Navigation: \n$indent\[" .
join(" | ", @temp) . "]\n";
# Add the (approximate) weight of the (header + navbar) to each section
my $total_weight = 0;
my $header_weight = length($indent) + 24 + length($navbar);
foreach my $section (@sections) {
$sections_weight{$section} += $header_weight;
$total_weight += $sections_weight{$section};
if (exists $args{"verbose"}) {
foreach my $section (@sections) {
printf("\t- %s : %6d\n", $section, $sections_weight{$section});
print " => total weight is $total_weight in ", scalar @sections, " section(s)\n";
print " => mean is ", int($total_weight / scalar @sections), ")\n"
if scalar @sections;
# Compute the alphabetical groups by joining sections depending on weights
print "Computing alphabetical group(s)/page(s)...\n";
# %groups is a hash associating a group id (int) to an array of sections
# namesbelonging to that group.
# Ex: $groups{"0"} => ("A", "B", "C")
# %groups_weight is a hash associating a group id to its weight (the sum
# of the weights of each section belonging to that group).
my (%groups, %groups_weight);
my $groupid = 0;
# Remove a section one by one, and put it in a group until the group if
# full,then create a next group, etc., until the sections are exhausted.
my @sections_temp = @sections;
while (@sections_temp) {
$groups_weight{$groupid} = $sections_weight{$sections_temp[0]};
push @{$groups{$groupid}}, shift @sections_temp;
while (@sections_temp &&
($groups_weight{$groupid} +$sections_weight{$sections_temp[0]})
<= $args{"weight"}) {
$groups_weight{$groupid} += $sections_weight{$sections_temp[0]};
push @{$groups{$groupid}}, shift @sections_temp;
if (exists $args{"verbose"}) {
foreach my $groupid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %groups) {
printf("\t- %02d (weight: %7d) : %s\n", $groupid,
$groups_weight{$groupid}, join(", ", @{$groups{$groupid}}));
print " => max weight is ", $args{"weight"}, " per group/page, but a section can not be divided\n";
print " => ", scalar keys %groups, " group(s) for ", scalar @sections, " section(s)\n";
# Build documentation page
# Browse each group, each section in this group, each word in this section
my $page_doc;
foreach my $groupid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %groups) {
my $fromto = $groups{$groupid}[0];
$fromto .= ".." . $groups{$groupid}[scalar @{$groups{$groupid}} - 1]
if scalar @{$groups{$groupid}} > 1;
$page_doc .=
"/*! \@page ${prefix}_$groupid $title ($fromto)\n\n$header";
foreach my $section (@{$groups{$groupid}}) {
$page_doc .=
"\n$indent\@section ${prefix}_section_$section $section\n\n$navbar\n";
foreach my $word (@{$sections_words{$section}}) {
$page_doc .= $words_doc{$word}, "\n";
print "\t- $section\n" if exists $args{"verbose"};
$page_doc .= "$footer\n*/\n\n";
print "Writing documentation to ", $destination_file, "...\n";
$intermediate_time = time();
or croak "$PROGNAME: unable to open destination file $destination_file\n";
print DEST_FILE $page_doc;
print " => written in ", time() - $intermediate_time, " s.\n";