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353 lines
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2 years ago
namespace eval ::vtk {
namespace export *
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# vtkTk(ImageViewer/Render)Widget callbacks.
# vtkw: Tk pathname of the widget
# renwin: render window embeded in the widget
# x: X coord, widget relative
# y: X coord, widget relative
# w: width of an event or update
# h: height of an event or update
# ctrl: 1 if the Control key modifier was pressed, 0 otherwise
# shift: 1 if the Control key modifier was pressed, 0 otherwise
# delta: delta field for the MouseWheel event.
# repeat: 1 if a mouse button is double clicked, 0 if single clicked
# Called when a Tk mouse motion event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event.
proc cb_vtkw_motion_binding {vtkw renwin x y} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren SetEventPositionFlipY $x $y
$iren MouseMoveEvent
# Called when a Tk button mouse event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event.
# event: button state, Press or Release
# pos: position of the button, Left, Middle or Right
proc cb_vtkw_button_binding {vtkw renwin x y ctrl shift event pos repeat} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren SetEventPositionFlipY $x $y
$iren SetControlKey $ctrl
$iren SetShiftKey $shift
$iren ${pos}Button${event}Event
$iren SetRepeatCount $repeat
# Called when a Tk wheel motion event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event.
proc cb_vtkw_wheel_motion_binding {vtkw renwin delta} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
if {$delta < 0} {
$iren MouseWheelBackwardEvent
} else {
$iren MouseWheelForwardEvent
# Called when a Tk key event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event (indeed, two).
# event: key state, Press or Release
# keycode: keycode field
# keysym: keysym field
proc cb_vtkw_key_binding {vtkw renwin x y ctrl shift event keycode keysym} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
# Not a bug, two times keysym, since 5th param expect a char, and
# $keycode is %k, which is a number
$iren SetEventInformationFlipY $x $y $ctrl $shift $keysym 0 $keysym
$iren Key${event}Event
if {$event == "Press"} {
$iren SetEventInformationFlipY $x $y $ctrl $shift $keysym 0 $keysym
$iren CharEvent
# Called when a Tk Expose/Configure event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event.
proc cb_vtkw_configure_binding {vtkw renwin w h} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren UpdateSize $w $h
$iren ConfigureEvent
proc cb_vtkw_expose_binding {vtkw renwin x y w h} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren SetEventPositionFlipY $x $y
$iren SetEventSize $w $h
$iren ExposeEvent
# Called when a Tk Enter/Leave event is triggered.
# Helper binding: propagate the event as a VTK event.
# Note that entering the widget automatically grabs the focus so
# that key events can be processed.
proc cb_vtkw_enter_binding {vtkw renwin x y} {
focus $vtkw
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren SetEventPositionFlipY $x $y
$iren EnterEvent
proc cb_vtkw_leave_binding {vtkw renwin x y} {
set iren [$renwin GetInteractor]
$iren SetEventPositionFlipY $x $y
$iren LeaveEvent
# Set the above bindings for a vtkTkRenderWidget widget.
proc create_vtkw_bindings {vtkw renwin} {
global tcl_platform
# Find the render window (which creates it if it was not set).
# Find the interactor, create a generic one if needed.
if {[$renwin GetInteractor] == ""} {
# the duh is critical in the follwing line, it causes
# vtkTclUtil.cxx to know that the object was created in
# a Tcl script, otherwise if ${renwin} was a return value
# from a C++ function it would be called vtkTemp### and
# the interactor instance would have the same name causeing Tcl
# to think it also was a C++ return value.
set iren [vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor duh_${renwin}_iren]
$iren SetRenderWindow $renwin
$iren Initialize
# Mouse motion
bind $vtkw <Motion> "::vtk::cb_vtkw_motion_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y"
# Mouse buttons and key events
foreach {modifier ctrl shift repeat} {
"" 0 0 0
"Control-" 1 0 0
"Shift-" 0 1 0
"Control-Shift-" 1 1 0
"Double-" 0 0 1
"Double-Control-" 1 0 1
"Double-Shift-" 0 1 1
"Double-Control-Shift-" 1 1 1
} {
foreach event {
} {
foreach {pos number} {
Left 1
Middle 2
Right 3
} {
bind $vtkw <${modifier}Button${event}-${number}> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_button_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y $ctrl $shift $event $pos $repeat"
bind $vtkw <${modifier}Key${event}> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_key_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y $ctrl $shift $event %k %K"
# Wheel motion
# Only x11 does not understand a mousewheel event
# [tk windowingsystem] can be x11, win32, classic, aqua
# Unfortunately this call only appear recently
# so for now remove it
# if {[tk windowingsystem] == "x11"}
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
bind $vtkw <Button-4> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_wheel_motion_binding $vtkw $renwin 1"
bind $vtkw <Button-5> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_wheel_motion_binding $vtkw $renwin -1"
} else {
bind $vtkw <MouseWheel> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_wheel_motion_binding $vtkw $renwin %D"
# Expose/Configure
bind $vtkw <Configure> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_configure_binding $vtkw $renwin %w %h"
bind $vtkw <Expose> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_expose_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y %w %h"
# Enter/Leave
bind $vtkw <Enter> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_enter_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y"
bind $vtkw <Leave> \
"::vtk::cb_vtkw_leave_binding $vtkw $renwin %x %y"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# vtkRenderWindow callbacks/observers
# renwin: render window object
# AbortCheckEvent observer.
# Check if some events are pending, and abort render in that case
proc cb_renwin_abort_check_event {renwin} {
if {[$renwin GetEventPending] != 0} {
$renwin SetAbortRender 1
# Add the above observers to a vtkRenderWindow
proc add_renwin_observers {renwin} {
# Check for aborting rendering
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $renwin AbortCheckEventTag \
[$renwin AddObserver AbortCheckEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_renwin_abort_check_event $renwin]]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# vtk(Generic)RenderWindowInteractor callbacks/observers
# iren: interactor object
# CreateTimerEvent/DestroyTimerEvent obversers.
# Handle the creation of a timer event (10 ms)
proc cb_iren_create_timer_event {iren} {
set timer [after 10 "$iren TimerEvent"]
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren CreateTimerEventTimer $timer
proc cb_iren_destroy_timer_event {iren} {
set timer \
[::vtk::get_widget_variable_value $iren CreateTimerEventTimer]
if {$timer != ""} {
after cancel $timer
# UserEvent obverser.
# Popup the vtkInteract widget (simple wish-like console)
proc cb_iren_user_event {} {
wm deiconify .vtkInteract
# ConfigureEvent obverser.
# This event is triggered when the widget is re-configured, i.e. its
# size is changed. Note that for every ConfigureEvent an ExposeEvent is
# triggered too and the corresponding observer will re-render the window.
# It might be nice to switch the frame update rate to an interactive
# update rate while the window is getting resized, so that the user can
# experience a decent feedback. This is achieved by launching a timer
# each time the ConfigureEvent is triggered. This timer lasts 300 ms. When
# the ExposeEvent observer is called, it checks if this timer still exists.
# If it is the case, it implies that the user is configuring/resizing the
# window and that an interactive frame rate may be used. If it is not,
# it uses the still update rate to render the scene with full details.
# The timer itself is a call to the ExposeEvent observer, which will
# finaly render the window using a still update rate.
proc cb_iren_configure_event {iren} {
# Cancel the previous timer if any
set timer [::vtk::get_widget_variable_value $iren ConfigureEventTimer]
if {$timer != ""} {
after cancel $timer
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren ConfigureEventTimer \
[after 300 [list ::vtk::cb_iren_expose_event $iren]]
# ExposeEvent obverser.
# This event is triggered when a part (or all) of the widget is exposed,
# i.e. a new area is visible. It usually happens when the widget window
# is brought to the front, or when the widget is resized.
# See above for explanations about the update rate tricks.
proc cb_iren_expose_event {iren} {
set renwin [$iren GetRenderWindow]
# Check if a ConfigureEvent timer is pending
set timer [::vtk::get_widget_variable_value $iren ConfigureEventTimer]
if {$timer != ""} {
if {[catch {after info $timer}]} {
::vtk::unset_widget_variable $iren ConfigureEventTimer
$renwin SetDesiredUpdateRate [$iren GetStillUpdateRate]
} else {
$renwin SetDesiredUpdateRate [$iren GetDesiredUpdateRate]
$renwin Render
# ExitEvent obverser.
# Destroy all VTK objects (therefore, try not to call this function
# directly from a VTK object), then exit.
proc cb_exit {} {
vtkCommand DeleteAllObjects
proc cb_iren_exit_event {} {
# Add the above observers to a vtk(Generic)RenderWindowInteractor
proc add_iren_observers {iren} {
# Timer events
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren CreateTimerEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver CreateTimerEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_iren_create_timer_event $iren]]
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren DestroyTimerEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver DestroyTimerEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_iren_destroy_timer_event $iren]]
# User Tk interactor
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren UserEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver UserEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_iren_user_event]]
# Expose and Configure
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren ConfigureEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver ConfigureEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_iren_configure_event $iren]]
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren ExposeEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver ExposeEvent \
[list ::vtk::cb_iren_expose_event $iren]]
# Exit
# Since the callback is likely to delete all VTK objects
# using vtkCommand::DeleteAllObject, let's try not to call it from
# the object itself. Use a timer.
::vtk::set_widget_variable_value $iren ExitEventTag \
[$iren AddObserver ExitEvent \
"after 100 [list ::vtk::cb_iren_exit_event]"]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create vtkTk(ImageViewer/Render)Widget bindings, setup observers
proc bind_tk_widget {vtkw renwin} {
create_vtkw_bindings $vtkw $renwin
add_renwin_observers $renwin
add_iren_observers [$renwin GetInteractor]