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251 lines
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2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# Remove cullers so single vertex will render
vtkRenderer ren1
[ren1 GetCullers] RemoveAllItems
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
vtkGenericCell cell
vtkIdList ptIds
# 0D
vtkPoints ZeroDPts
ZeroDPts SetNumberOfPoints 1
ZeroDPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
vtkStructuredGrid ZeroDGrid
ZeroDGrid SetDimensions 1 1 1
ZeroDGrid SetPoints ZeroDPts
ZeroDGrid GetCell 0
ZeroDGrid GetCell 0 cell
ZeroDGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter ZeroDGeom
ZeroDGeom SetInput ZeroDGrid
ZeroDGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper ZeroDMapper
ZeroDMapper SetInputConnection [ZeroDGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor ZeroDActor
ZeroDActor SetMapper ZeroDMapper
ZeroDActor SetPosition 0 0 0
ren1 AddActor ZeroDActor
# 1D - X
vtkPoints XPts
XPts SetNumberOfPoints 2
XPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
XPts SetPoint 1 1 0 0
vtkStructuredGrid XGrid
XGrid SetDimensions 2 1 1
XGrid SetPoints XPts
XGrid GetCell 0
XGrid GetCell 0 cell
XGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter XGeom
XGeom SetInput XGrid
XGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper XMapper
XMapper SetInputConnection [XGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor XActor
XActor SetMapper XMapper
XActor SetPosition 2 0 0
ren1 AddActor XActor
# 1D - Y
vtkPoints YPts
YPts SetNumberOfPoints 2
YPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
YPts SetPoint 1 0 1 0
vtkStructuredGrid YGrid
YGrid SetDimensions 1 2 1
YGrid SetPoints YPts
YGrid GetCell 0
YGrid GetCell 0 cell
YGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter YGeom
YGeom SetInput YGrid
YGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper YMapper
YMapper SetInputConnection [YGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor YActor
YActor SetMapper YMapper
YActor SetPosition 4 0 0
ren1 AddActor YActor
# 1D - Z
vtkPoints ZPts
ZPts SetNumberOfPoints 2
ZPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
ZPts SetPoint 1 0 0 1
vtkStructuredGrid ZGrid
ZGrid SetDimensions 1 1 2
ZGrid SetPoints ZPts
ZGrid GetCell 0
ZGrid GetCell 0 cell
ZGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter ZGeom
ZGeom SetInput ZGrid
ZGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper ZMapper
ZMapper SetInputConnection [ZGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor ZActor
ZActor SetMapper ZMapper
ZActor SetPosition 6 0 0
ren1 AddActor ZActor
# 2D - XY
vtkPoints XYPts
XYPts SetNumberOfPoints 4
XYPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
XYPts SetPoint 1 1 0 0
XYPts SetPoint 2 0 1 0
XYPts SetPoint 3 1 1 0
vtkStructuredGrid XYGrid
XYGrid SetDimensions 2 2 1
XYGrid SetPoints XYPts
XYGrid GetCell 0
XYGrid GetCell 0 cell
XYGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter XYGeom
XYGeom SetInput XYGrid
XYGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper XYMapper
XYMapper SetInputConnection [XYGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor XYActor
XYActor SetMapper XYMapper
XYActor SetPosition 0 2 0
ren1 AddActor XYActor
# 2D - YZ
vtkPoints YZPts
YZPts SetNumberOfPoints 4
YZPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
YZPts SetPoint 1 0 1 0
YZPts SetPoint 2 0 0 1
YZPts SetPoint 3 0 1 1
vtkStructuredGrid YZGrid
YZGrid SetDimensions 1 2 2
YZGrid SetPoints YZPts
YZGrid GetCell 0
YZGrid GetCell 0 cell
YZGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter YZGeom
YZGeom SetInput YZGrid
YZGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper YZMapper
YZMapper SetInputConnection [YZGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor YZActor
YZActor SetMapper YZMapper
YZActor SetPosition 2 2 0
ren1 AddActor YZActor
# 2D - XZ
vtkPoints XZPts
XZPts SetNumberOfPoints 4
XZPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
XZPts SetPoint 1 1 0 0
XZPts SetPoint 2 0 0 1
XZPts SetPoint 3 1 0 1
vtkStructuredGrid XZGrid
XZGrid SetDimensions 2 1 2
XZGrid SetPoints XZPts
XZGrid GetCell 0
XZGrid GetCell 0 cell
XZGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter XZGeom
XZGeom SetInput XZGrid
XZGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper XZMapper
XZMapper SetInputConnection [XZGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor XZActor
XZActor SetMapper XZMapper
XZActor SetPosition 4 2 0
ren1 AddActor XZActor
# 3D
vtkPoints XYZPts
XYZPts SetNumberOfPoints 8
XYZPts SetPoint 0 0 0 0
XYZPts SetPoint 1 1 0 0
XYZPts SetPoint 2 0 1 0
XYZPts SetPoint 3 1 1 0
XYZPts SetPoint 4 0 0 1
XYZPts SetPoint 5 1 0 1
XYZPts SetPoint 6 0 1 1
XYZPts SetPoint 7 1 1 1
vtkStructuredGrid XYZGrid
XYZGrid SetDimensions 2 2 2
XYZGrid SetPoints XYZPts
XYZGrid GetCell 0
XYZGrid GetCell 0 cell
XYZGrid GetCellPoints 0 ptIds
vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter XYZGeom
XYZGeom SetInput XYZGrid
XYZGeom SetExtent 0 2 0 2 0 2
vtkPolyDataMapper XYZMapper
XYZMapper SetInputConnection [XYZGeom GetOutputPort]
vtkActor XYZActor
XYZActor SetMapper XYZMapper
XYZActor SetPosition 6 2 0
ren1 AddActor XYZActor
# render the image
renWin SetSize 300 150
set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 SetClippingRange 2.27407 14.9819
$cam1 SetFocalPoint 3.1957 1.74012 0.176603
$cam1 SetPosition -0.380779 6.13894 5.59404
$cam1 SetViewUp 0.137568 0.811424 -0.568037
renWin Render
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .