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115 lines
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2 years ago
package require vtk
# This example demonstrates how to set up flexible joints using
# the transformation pipeline and vtkTransformPolyDataFilter.
# create a rendering window and renderer
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
# set up first set of polydata
vtkCylinderSource c1
c1 SetHeight 1.6
c1 SetRadius 0.2
c1 SetCenter 0 0.8 0
vtkTransform t1
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter f1
f1 SetInputConnection [c1 GetOutputPort]
f1 SetTransform t1
vtkDataSetMapper m1
m1 SetInputConnection [f1 GetOutputPort]
vtkActor a1
a1 SetMapper m1
[a1 GetProperty] SetColor 1 0 0
# set up second set, at a relative transform to the first
vtkCylinderSource c2
c2 SetHeight 1.6
c2 SetRadius 0.15
c2 SetCenter 0 0.8 0
# relative rotation for first joint
vtkTransform joint1
# set input to initial transform
vtkTransform t2
t2 SetInput t1
t2 Translate 0 1.6 0
t2 Concatenate joint1
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter f2
f2 SetInputConnection [c2 GetOutputPort]
f2 SetTransform t2
vtkDataSetMapper m2
m2 SetInputConnection [f2 GetOutputPort]
vtkActor a2
a2 SetMapper m2
[a2 GetProperty] SetColor 0.0 0.7 1.0
# set up third set, at a relative transform to the second
vtkCylinderSource c3
c3 SetHeight 0.5
c3 SetRadius 0.1
c3 SetCenter 0 0.25 0
# relative rotation
vtkTransform joint2
# set input to previous transform
vtkTransform t3
t3 SetInput t2
t3 Translate 0 1.6 0
t3 Concatenate joint2
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter f3
f3 SetInputConnection [c3 GetOutputPort]
f3 SetTransform t3
vtkDataSetMapper m3
m3 SetInputConnection [f3 GetOutputPort]
vtkActor a3
a3 SetMapper m3
[a3 GetProperty] SetColor 0.9 0.9 0
# add actors to renderer
ren1 AddActor a1
ren1 AddActor a2
ren1 AddActor a3
# set clipping range
ren1 ResetCamera -1 1 -0.1 2 -3 3
# set angles for first joint
set phi2 70
set theta2 85
# set angles for second joint
set phi3 50
set theta3 90
joint1 Identity
joint1 RotateY $phi2
joint1 RotateX $theta2
joint2 Identity
joint2 RotateY $phi3
joint2 RotateX $theta3
renWin Render