111 lines
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111 lines
2.7 KiB
2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# use a sphere as a basis of the shape
vtkSphereSource sphere
sphere SetPhiResolution 40
sphere SetThetaResolution 40
sphere Update
set sphereData [sphere GetOutput]
# create a data array to hold the weighting coefficients
vtkFloatArray tfarray
set npoints [$sphereData GetNumberOfPoints]
tfarray SetNumberOfComponents 2
tfarray SetNumberOfTuples $npoints
# parameterize the sphere along the z axis, and fill the weights
# with (1.0-a, a) to linearly interpolate across the shape
for {set i 0} {$i < $npoints} {incr i} {
set pt [$sphereData GetPoint $i]
set x [lindex $pt 0]
set y [lindex $pt 1]
set z [lindex $pt 2]
#foreach {x y z} $pt {}
# -0.5 < z < 0.5
set zn [expr $z + 0.5]
set zn1 [expr 1.0 - $zn]
if {$zn > 1.0} {set zn 1.0}
if {$zn1 < 0.0} {set zn1 0.0}
tfarray SetComponent $i 0 $zn1
tfarray SetComponent $i 1 $zn
# create field data to hold the array, and bind it to the sphere
vtkFieldData fd
tfarray SetName "weights"
[$sphereData GetPointData] AddArray tfarray
# use an ordinary transform to stretch the shape
vtkTransform stretch
stretch Scale 1 1 3.2
vtkTransformFilter stretchFilter
stretchFilter SetInput $sphereData
stretchFilter SetTransform stretch
# now, for the weighted transform stuff
vtkWeightedTransformFilter weightedTrans
# create two transforms to interpolate between
vtkTransform identity
identity Identity
vtkTransform rotated
set rotatedAngle 45
rotated RotateX $rotatedAngle
weightedTrans SetNumberOfTransforms 2
weightedTrans SetTransform identity 0
weightedTrans SetTransform rotated 1
# which data array should the filter use ?
weightedTrans SetWeightArray "weights"
weightedTrans SetInputConnection [stretchFilter GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper weightedTransMapper
weightedTransMapper SetInputConnection [weightedTrans GetOutputPort]
vtkActor weightedTransActor
weightedTransActor SetMapper weightedTransMapper
[weightedTransActor GetProperty] SetDiffuseColor 0.8 0.8 0.1
[weightedTransActor GetProperty] SetRepresentationToSurface
# create simple poly data so we can apply glyph
# Create the rendering stuff
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
ren1 AddActor weightedTransActor
ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.5
renWin SetSize 300 300
ren1 ResetCamera
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Azimuth 90
[ren1 GetActiveCamera] Dolly 1
# Get handles to some useful objects
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
renWin Render
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
proc cmd {s} {
rotated Identity
rotated RotateX $s
renWin Render
cmd $rotatedAngle
wm withdraw .