Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.

96 lines
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2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
vtkImageGaussianSource gauss
gauss SetWholeExtent 0 30 0 30 0 2
gauss SetCenter 18 12 0
gauss SetMaximum 1.0
gauss SetStandardDeviation 6.0
gauss Update
vtkBranchExtentTranslator translator
translator SetOriginalSource [gauss GetOutput]
[gauss GetOutput] SetExtentTranslator translator
vtkImageClip clip1
clip1 SetOutputWholeExtent 7 28 0 15 1 1
clip1 SetInputConnection [gauss GetOutputPort]
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter surf1
surf1 SetInputConnection [clip1 GetOutputPort]
vtkTriangleFilter tf1
tf1 SetInputConnection [surf1 GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper1
mapper1 SetInputConnection [tf1 GetOutputPort]
mapper1 SetScalarRange 0 1
mapper1 SetNumberOfPieces 4
mapper1 SetPiece 1
vtkActor actor1
actor1 SetMapper mapper1
actor1 SetPosition 0 0 0
# For coverage, a case where all four sides get clipped by the whole extent.
vtkImageClip clip2
clip2 SetOutputWholeExtent 16 18 3 10 0 0
clip2 SetInputConnection [gauss GetOutputPort]
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter surf2
surf2 SetInputConnection [clip2 GetOutputPort]
vtkTriangleFilter tf2
tf2 SetInputConnection [surf2 GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper2
mapper2 SetInputConnection [tf2 GetOutputPort]
mapper2 SetScalarRange 0 1
mapper2 SetNumberOfPieces 4
mapper2 SetPiece 1
vtkActor actor2
actor2 SetMapper mapper2
actor2 SetPosition 15 0 0
# nothing in intersection (empty case)
vtkImageClip clip3
clip3 SetOutputWholeExtent 1 10 0 15 0 2
clip3 SetInputConnection [gauss GetOutputPort]
vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter surf3
surf3 SetInputConnection [clip3 GetOutputPort]
vtkTriangleFilter tf3
tf3 SetInputConnection [surf3 GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper3
mapper3 SetInputConnection [tf3 GetOutputPort]
mapper3 SetScalarRange 0 1
mapper3 SetNumberOfPieces 4
mapper3 SetPiece 1
vtkActor actor3
actor3 SetMapper mapper3
actor3 SetPosition 30 0 0
vtkRenderer ren
ren AddActor actor1
ren AddActor actor2
ren AddActor actor3
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren
#set cam [ren GetActiveCamera]
#ren ResetCamera
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
iren Initialize
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
wm withdraw .
renWin Render
# break loop to avoid a memory leak.
translator SetOriginalSource {}