143 lines
3.6 KiB
143 lines
3.6 KiB
2 years ago
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# demonstrate use of point labeling and the selection window
# get the interactor ui
# Create the RenderWindow, Renderer and both Actors
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# Create a selection window
set xmin 200
set xLength 100
set xmax [expr $xmin + $xLength]
set ymin 200
set yLength 100
set ymax [expr $ymin + $yLength]
vtkPoints pts
pts InsertPoint 0 $xmin $ymin 0
pts InsertPoint 1 $xmax $ymin 0
pts InsertPoint 2 $xmax $ymax 0
pts InsertPoint 3 $xmin $ymax 0
vtkCellArray rect
rect InsertNextCell 5
rect InsertCellPoint 0
rect InsertCellPoint 1
rect InsertCellPoint 2
rect InsertCellPoint 3
rect InsertCellPoint 0
vtkPolyData selectRect
selectRect SetPoints pts
selectRect SetLines rect
vtkPolyDataMapper2D rectMapper
rectMapper SetInput selectRect
vtkActor2D rectActor
rectActor SetMapper rectMapper
# Create asphere
vtkSphereSource sphere
vtkPolyDataMapper sphereMapper
sphereMapper SetInputConnection [sphere GetOutputPort]
sphereMapper GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOn
vtkActor sphereActor
sphereActor SetMapper sphereMapper
# Generate ids for labeling
vtkIdFilter ids
ids SetInputConnection [sphere GetOutputPort]
ids PointIdsOn
ids CellIdsOn
ids FieldDataOn
# Create labels for points
vtkSelectVisiblePoints visPts
visPts SetInputConnection [ids GetOutputPort]
visPts SetRenderer ren1
visPts SelectionWindowOn
visPts SetSelection $xmin [expr $xmin + $xLength] \
$ymin [expr $ymin + $yLength]
vtkLabeledDataMapper ldm
ldm SetInputConnection [visPts GetOutputPort]
ldm SetLabelFormat "%g"
# ldm SetLabelModeToLabelScalars
# ldm SetLabelModeToLabelNormals
ldm SetLabelModeToLabelFieldData
# ldm SetLabeledComponent 0
vtkActor2D pointLabels
pointLabels SetMapper ldm
# Create labels for cells
vtkCellCenters cc
cc SetInputConnection [ids GetOutputPort]
vtkSelectVisiblePoints visCells
visCells SetInputConnection [cc GetOutputPort]
visCells SetRenderer ren1
visCells SelectionWindowOn
visCells SetSelection $xmin [expr $xmin + $xLength] \
$ymin [expr $ymin + $yLength]
vtkLabeledDataMapper cellMapper
cellMapper SetInputConnection [visCells GetOutputPort]
cellMapper SetLabelFormat "%g"
# cellMapper SetLabelModeToLabelScalars
# cellMapper SetLabelModeToLabelNormals
cellMapper SetLabelModeToLabelFieldData
[cellMapper GetLabelTextProperty] SetColor 0 1 0
vtkActor2D cellLabels
cellLabels SetMapper cellMapper
# Add the actors to the renderer, set the background and size
ren1 AddActor sphereActor
ren1 AddActor2D rectActor
ren1 AddActor2D pointLabels
ren1 AddActor2D cellLabels
ren1 SetBackground 1 1 1
renWin SetSize 500 500
renWin Render
# render the image
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
# prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop
wm withdraw .
proc PlaceWindow {xmin ymin} {
global xLength yLength
set xmax [expr $xmin + $xLength]
set ymax [expr $ymin + $yLength]
visPts SetSelection $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax
visCells SetSelection $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax
pts InsertPoint 0 $xmin $ymin 0
pts InsertPoint 1 $xmax $ymin 0
pts InsertPoint 2 $xmax $ymax 0
pts InsertPoint 3 $xmin $ymax 0
pts Modified;#because insertions don't modify object - performance reasons
renWin Render
proc MoveWindow {} {
for {set y 100} {$y < 300} {incr y 25} {
for {set x 100} {$x < 300} {incr x 25} {
PlaceWindow $x $y
PlaceWindow $xmin $ymin