Cloned library of VTK-5.0.0 with extra build files for internal package management.
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2 years ago
Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkImageTracerWidget.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkImageTracerWidget - 3D widget for tracing on planar props.
// .SECTION Description
// vtkImageTracerWidget is different from other widgets in three distinct ways:
// 1) any sub-class of vtkProp can be input rather than just vtkProp3D, so that
// vtkImageActor can be set as the prop and then traced over, 2) the widget fires
// pick events at the input prop to decide where to move its handles, 3) the
// widget has 2D glyphs for handles instead of 3D spheres as is done in other
// sub-classes of vtk3DWidget. This widget is primarily designed for manually
// tracing over image data.
// The button actions and key modifiers are as follows for controlling the
// widget:
// 1) left button click over the image, hold and drag draws a free hand line.
// 2) left button click and release erases the widget line,
// if it exists, and repositions the first handle.
// 3) middle button click starts a snap drawn line. The line is terminated by
// clicking the middle button while depressing the ctrl key.
// 4) when tracing a continuous or snap drawn line, if the last cursor position
// is within a specified tolerance to the first handle, the widget line will form
// a closed loop.
// 5) right button clicking and holding on any handle that is part of a snap
// drawn line allows handle dragging: existing line segments are updated
// accordingly. If the path is open and AutoClose is set to On, the path can
// be closed by repositioning the first and last points over one another.
// 6) ctrl key + right button down on any handle will erase it: existing
// snap drawn line segments are updated accordingly. If the line was formed by
// continous tracing, the line is deleted leaving one handle.
// 7) shift key + right button down on any snap drawn line segment will insert
// a handle at the cursor position. The line segment is split accordingly.
// .SECTION Caveats
// the input vtkDataSet should be vtkImageData.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtk3DWidget vtkBoxWidget vtkLineWidget vtkPointWidget vtkSphereWidget
// vtkImagePlaneWidget vtkImplicitPlaneWidget vtkPlaneWidget
#ifndef __vtkImageTracerWidget_h
#define __vtkImageTracerWidget_h
#include "vtk3DWidget.h"
class vtkAbstractPropPicker;
class vtkActor;
class vtkCellArray;
class vtkCellPicker;
class vtkFloatArray;
class vtkGlyphSource2D;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkPolyData;
class vtkProp;
class vtkProperty;
class vtkPropPicker;
class vtkTransform;
class vtkTransformPolyDataFilter;
class VTK_WIDGETS_EXPORT vtkImageTracerWidget : public vtk3DWidget
// Description:
// Instantiate the object.
static vtkImageTracerWidget *New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Methods that satisfy the superclass' API.
virtual void SetEnabled(int);
virtual void PlaceWidget(double bounds[6]);
void PlaceWidget()
void PlaceWidget(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
double zmin, double zmax)
// Description:
// Set/Get the handle properties (the 2D glyphs are the handles). The
// properties of the handles when selected and normal can be manipulated.
virtual void SetHandleProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(HandleProperty, vtkProperty);
virtual void SetSelectedHandleProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedHandleProperty, vtkProperty);
// Description:
// Set/Get the line properties. The properties of the line when selected
// and unselected can be manipulated.
virtual void SetLineProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(LineProperty, vtkProperty);
virtual void SetSelectedLineProperty(vtkProperty*);
vtkGetObjectMacro(SelectedLineProperty, vtkProperty);
// Description:
// Set the prop, usually a vtkImageActor, to trace over.
void SetViewProp(vtkProp* prop);
// Description:
// Force handles to be on a specific ortho plane.
// Description:
// Set the projection normal. The normal in SetProjectionNormal is 0,1,2
// for YZ,XZ,XY planes respectively. Since the handles are 2D glyphs, it is
// necessary to specify a plane on which to generate them, even though
// ProjectToPlane may be turned off.
void SetProjectionNormalToXAxes()
{ this->SetProjectionNormal(0); }
void SetProjectionNormalToYAxes()
{ this->SetProjectionNormal(1); }
void SetProjectionNormalToZAxes()
{ this->SetProjectionNormal(2); }
// Description:
// Set the position of the widgets' handles in terms of a plane's position.
// e.g., if ProjectionNormal is 0, all of the x-coordinate values of the
// handles are set to ProjectionPosition. No attempt is made to ensure that
// the position is within the bounds of either the underlying image data or
// the prop on which tracing is performed.
void SetProjectionPosition(double position);
// Description:
// Force snapping to image data while tracing.
void SetSnapToImage(int snap);
// Description:
// In concert with a CaptureRadius value, automatically
// form a closed path by connecting first to last path points.
// Description:
// Set/Get the capture radius for automatic path closing. For image
// data, capture radius should be half the distance between voxel/pixel
// centers.
// Description:
// Grab the points and lines that define the traced path. These point values
// are guaranteed to be up-to-date when either the InteractionEvent or
// EndInteraction events are invoked. The user provides the vtkPolyData and
// the points and cells representing the line are added to it.
void GetPath(vtkPolyData *pd);
// Description:
// Get the handles' geometric representation via vtkGlyphSource2D.
vtkGlyphSource2D* GetGlyphSource() { return this->HandleGenerator; }
// Description:
// Set/Get the type of snapping to image data: center of a pixel/voxel or
// nearest point defining a pixel/voxel.
// Description:
// Set/Get the handle position in terms of a zero-based array of handles.
void SetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]);
void SetHandlePosition(int handle, double x, double y, double z);
void GetHandlePosition(int handle, double xyz[3]);
double* GetHandlePosition(int handle);
// Description:
// Get the number of handles.
// Description:
// Enable/disable mouse interaction when the widget is visible.
void SetInteraction(int interact);
// Description:
// Initialize the widget with a set of points and generate
// lines between them. If AutoClose is on it will handle the
// case wherein the first and last points are congruent.
void InitializeHandles(vtkPoints*);
// Description:
// Is the path closed or open?
int IsClosed();
# define SetPropA SetProp
# define SetPropW SetProp
// Description:
// @deprecated Replaced by vtkImageTracerWidget::SetViewProp() as of VTK 5.0.
VTK_LEGACY(void SetProp(vtkProp* prop));
# undef SetPropA
# undef SetPropW
VTK_LEGACY(void SetPropA(vtkProp*));
VTK_LEGACY(void SetPropW(vtkProp*));
//BTX - manage the state of the widget
int State;
enum WidgetState
//handles the events
static void ProcessEvents(vtkObject* object,
unsigned long event,
void* clientdata,
void* calldata);
// ProcessEvents() dispatches to these methods.
void OnLeftButtonDown();
void OnLeftButtonUp();
void OnMiddleButtonDown();
void OnMiddleButtonUp();
void OnRightButtonDown();
void OnRightButtonUp();
void OnMouseMove();
void AddObservers();
// Controlling ivars
int Interaction;
int ProjectionNormal;
double ProjectionPosition;
int ProjectToPlane;
int ImageSnapType;
int SnapToImage;
double CaptureRadius; // tolerance for auto path close
int AutoClose;
int IsSnapping;
int LastX;
int LastY;
void Trace(int , int );
void Snap(double* );
void MovePoint(const double* , const double* );
void Translate(const double* , const double* );
void ClosePath();
// 2D glyphs representing hot spots (e.g., handles)
vtkActor **Handle;
vtkPolyData **HandleGeometry;
vtkGlyphSource2D *HandleGenerator;
// Transforms required as 2D glyphs are generated in the x-y plane
vtkTransformPolyDataFilter *TransformFilter;
vtkTransform *Transform;
vtkFloatArray *TemporaryHandlePoints;
void AppendHandles(double*);
void ResetHandles();
void AllocateHandles(const int& );
void AdjustHandlePosition(const int& , double*);
int HighlightHandle(vtkProp* ); // returns handle index or -1 on fail
void EraseHandle(const int& );
virtual void SizeHandles();
void InsertHandleOnLine(double* );
int NumberOfHandles;
vtkActor *CurrentHandle;
int CurrentHandleIndex;
vtkProp *ViewProp; // the prop we want to pick on
vtkPropPicker *PropPicker; // the prop's picker
// Representation of the line
vtkPoints *LinePoints;
vtkCellArray *LineCells;
vtkActor *LineActor;
vtkPolyData *LineData;
vtkIdType CurrentPoints[2];
void HighlightLine(const int& );
void BuildLinesFromHandles();
void ResetLine(double* );
void AppendLine(double* );
int PickCount;
// Do the picking of the handles and the lines
vtkCellPicker *HandlePicker;
vtkCellPicker *LinePicker;
vtkAbstractPropPicker* CurrentPicker;
// Properties used to control the appearance of selected objects and
// the manipulator in general.
vtkProperty *HandleProperty;
vtkProperty *SelectedHandleProperty;
vtkProperty *LineProperty;
vtkProperty *SelectedLineProperty;
void CreateDefaultProperties();
vtkImageTracerWidget(const vtkImageTracerWidget&); //Not implemented
void operator=(const vtkImageTracerWidget&); //Not implemented