
  Program:   Visualization Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: vtkCollection.h,v $

  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.

// .NAME vtkCollection - create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects
// .SECTION Description
// vtkCollection is a general object for creating and manipulating lists
// of objects. The lists are unsorted and allow duplicate entries. 
// vtkCollection also serves as a base class for lists of specific types 
// of objects.

// .SECTION See Also
// vtkActorCollection vtkAssemblyPaths vtkDataSetCollection
// vtkImplicitFunctionCollection vtkLightCollection vtkPolyDataCollection
// vtkRenderWindowCollection vtkRendererCollection
// vtkStructuredPointsCollection vtkTransformCollection vtkVolumeCollection

#ifndef __vtkCollection_h
#define __vtkCollection_h

#include "vtkObject.h"

//BTX - begin tcl exclude
class vtkCollectionElement //;prevents pick-up by man page generator
  vtkCollectionElement():Item(NULL),Next(NULL) {};
  vtkObject *Item;
  vtkCollectionElement *Next;
typedef void * vtkCollectionSimpleIterator;
//ETX end tcl exclude

class vtkCollectionIterator;

class VTK_COMMON_EXPORT vtkCollection : public vtkObject
  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);

  // Description:
  // Construct with empty list.
  static vtkCollection *New();

  // Description:
  // Add an object to the list. Does not prevent duplicate entries.
  void AddItem(vtkObject *);

  // Description:
  // Replace the i'th item in the collection with a
  void ReplaceItem(int i, vtkObject *);

  // Description:
  // Remove the i'th item in the list.
  // Be careful if using this function during traversal of the list using 
  // GetNextItemAsObject (or GetNextItem in derived class).  The list WILL
  // be shortened if a valid index is given!  If this->Current is equal to the
  // element being removed, have it point to then next element in the list.
  void RemoveItem(int i);  

  // Description:
  // Remove an object from the list. Removes the first object found, not
  // all occurrences. If no object found, list is unaffected.  See warning
  // in description of RemoveItem(int).
  void RemoveItem(vtkObject *);

  // Description:
  // Remove all objects from the list.
  void RemoveAllItems();

  // Description:
  // Search for an object and return location in list. If location == 0,
  // object was not found.
  int  IsItemPresent(vtkObject *);

  // Description:
  // Return the number of objects in the list.
  int  GetNumberOfItems();

  // Description:
  // Initialize the traversal of the collection. This means the data pointer
  // is set at the beginning of the list.
  void InitTraversal() { this->Current = this->Top;};

  // Description:
  // A reentrant safe way to iterate through a collection. 
  // Just pass the same cookie value around each time
  void InitTraversal(vtkCollectionSimpleIterator &cookie) {
    cookie = static_cast<vtkCollectionSimpleIterator>(this->Top);};

  // Description:
  // Get the next item in the collection. NULL is returned if the collection
  // is exhausted.
  vtkObject *GetNextItemAsObject();  

  // Description:
  // Get the i'th item in the collection. NULL is returned if i is out
  // of range
  vtkObject *GetItemAsObject(int i);

  // Description: 
  // A reentrant safe way to get the next object as a collection. Just pass the
  // same cookie back and forth. 
  vtkObject *GetNextItemAsObject(vtkCollectionSimpleIterator &cookie);
  // Description:
  // Get an iterator to traverse the objects in this collection.
  vtkCollectionIterator* NewIterator();

  // Description:
  // Participate in garbage collection.
  virtual void Register(vtkObjectBase* o);
  virtual void UnRegister(vtkObjectBase* o);

  virtual void DeleteElement(vtkCollectionElement *); 
  int NumberOfItems;
  vtkCollectionElement *Top;
  vtkCollectionElement *Bottom;
  vtkCollectionElement *Current;

  friend class vtkCollectionIterator;

  // See vtkGarbageCollector.h:
  virtual void ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector* collector);
  vtkCollection(const vtkCollection&); // Not implemented
  void operator=(const vtkCollection&); // Not implemented

inline vtkObject *vtkCollection::GetNextItemAsObject()
  vtkCollectionElement *elem=this->Current;

  if ( elem != NULL )
    this->Current = elem->Next;
    return elem->Item;
    return NULL;

inline vtkObject *vtkCollection::GetNextItemAsObject(void *&cookie)
  vtkCollectionElement *elem=static_cast<vtkCollectionElement *>(cookie);

  if ( elem != NULL )
    cookie = static_cast<void *>(elem->Next);
    return elem->Item;
    return NULL;
