
  Program:   Visualization Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile: vtkCylindricalTransform.cxx,v $

  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.

#include "vtkCylindricalTransform.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkMath.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkCylindricalTransform, "$Revision: 1.4 $");



void vtkCylindricalTransform::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)

void vtkCylindricalTransform::InternalDeepCopy(vtkAbstractTransform *transform)
  vtkCylindricalTransform *cylindricalTransform = 
    (vtkCylindricalTransform *)transform;

  // copy these even though they aren't used

  // copy the inverse flag, which is used
  if (this->InverseFlag != cylindricalTransform->InverseFlag)
    this->InverseFlag = cylindricalTransform->InverseFlag;

vtkAbstractTransform *vtkCylindricalTransform::MakeTransform()
  return vtkCylindricalTransform::New();

template<class T>
void vtkCylindricalToRectangular(const T inPoint[3], T outPoint[3],
                                        T derivative[3][3])
  T r = inPoint[0];
  T sintheta = sin(inPoint[1]);
  T costheta = cos(inPoint[1]);
  T z = inPoint[2];

  outPoint[0] = r*costheta;
  outPoint[1] = r*sintheta;
  outPoint[2] = z;

  if (derivative)
    derivative[0][0] =    costheta;
    derivative[0][1] = -r*sintheta;
    derivative[0][2] =           0;

    derivative[1][0] =    sintheta;
    derivative[1][1] =  r*costheta;
    derivative[1][2] =           0;

    derivative[2][0] =           0;
    derivative[2][1] =           0;
    derivative[2][2] =           1;

template<class T>
void vtkRectangularToCylindrical(const T inPoint[3], T outPoint[3])
  T x = inPoint[0];
  T y = inPoint[1];
  T z = inPoint[2];
  T rr = x*x + y*y;

  outPoint[0] = sqrt(rr);
  if (rr == 0)
    outPoint[1] = 0;
    // Change range to [0, 2*Pi], otherwise the same as atan2(y, x)
    outPoint[1] = vtkMath::Pi() + atan2(-y, -x);
  outPoint[2] = z;

void vtkCylindricalTransform::ForwardTransformPoint(const float inPoint[3],
                                                    float outPoint[3])
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(inPoint, outPoint, (float (*)[3])0);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::ForwardTransformPoint(const double inPoint[3],
                                                    double outPoint[3])
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(inPoint, outPoint, (double (*)[3])0);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::ForwardTransformDerivative(
                                                       const float inPoint[3],
                                                       float outPoint[3],
                                                       float derivative[3][3])
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(inPoint, outPoint, derivative);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::ForwardTransformDerivative(
                                                       const double inPoint[3],
                                                       double outPoint[3],
                                                       double derivative[3][3])
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(inPoint, outPoint, derivative);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::InverseTransformPoint(const float inPoint[3],
                                                    float outPoint[3])
  vtkRectangularToCylindrical(inPoint, outPoint);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::InverseTransformPoint(const double inPoint[3],
                                                    double outPoint[3])
  vtkRectangularToCylindrical(inPoint, outPoint);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::InverseTransformDerivative(
                                                       const float inPoint[3],
                                                       float outPoint[3],
                                                       float derivative[3][3])
  float tmp[3];
  vtkRectangularToCylindrical(inPoint, outPoint);
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(outPoint, tmp, derivative);

void vtkCylindricalTransform::InverseTransformDerivative(
                                                       const double inPoint[3],
                                                       double outPoint[3],
                                                       double derivative[3][3])
  double tmp[3];
  vtkRectangularToCylindrical(inPoint, outPoint);
  vtkCylindricalToRectangular(outPoint, tmp, derivative);