/**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ /*======================================================================== For general information about using VTK and Qt, see: http://www.trolltech.com/products/3rdparty/vtksupport.html =========================================================================*/ /*======================================================================== !!! WARNING for those who want to contribute code to this file. !!! If you use a commercial edition of Qt, you can modify this code. !!! If you use an open source version of Qt, you are free to modify !!! and use this code within the guidelines of the GPL license. !!! Unfortunately, you cannot contribute the changes back into this !!! file. Doing so creates a conflict between the GPL and BSD-like VTK !!! license. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkSphereSource.h" #include "vtkConeSource.h" #include "vtkPolyDataMapper.h" #include "vtkActor.h" #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 #include "q3popupmenu.h" #define QPopupMenu Q3PopupMenu #endif void Form1::init() { // create a window to make it stereo capable and give it to QVTKWidget vtkRenderWindow* renwin = vtkRenderWindow::New(); renwin->StereoCapableWindowOn(); qVTK1->SetRenderWindow(renwin); renwin->Delete(); // add a renderer ren1 = vtkRenderer::New(); qVTK1->GetRenderWindow()->AddRenderer(ren1); // add a popup menu for the window and connect it to our slot QPopupMenu* popup1 = new QPopupMenu(qVTK1); popup1->insertItem("Background White", 1); popup1->insertItem("Background Black", 2); popup1->insertItem("Stereo Rendering", 3); connect(popup1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(color1(int))); // put cone in one window vtkConeSource* cone = vtkConeSource::New(); vtkPolyDataMapper* mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); mapper->SetInput(cone->GetOutput()); vtkActor* actor = vtkActor::New(); actor->SetMapper(mapper); ren1->AddViewProp(actor); actor->Delete(); mapper->Delete(); cone->Delete(); // create a window to make it stereo capable and give it to QVTKWidget renwin = vtkRenderWindow::New(); renwin->StereoCapableWindowOn(); qVTK2->SetRenderWindow(renwin); renwin->Delete(); // add a renderer ren2 = vtkRenderer::New(); qVTK2->GetRenderWindow()->AddRenderer(ren2); // add a popup menu for the window and connect it to our slot QPopupMenu* popup2 = new QPopupMenu(qVTK2); popup2->insertItem("Background White", 1); popup2->insertItem("Background Black", 2); popup2->insertItem("Stereo Rendering", 3); connect(popup2, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(color2(int))); // put sphere in other window vtkSphereSource* sphere = vtkSphereSource::New(); mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New(); mapper->SetInput(sphere->GetOutput()); actor = vtkActor::New(); actor->SetMapper(mapper); ren2->AddViewProp(actor); actor->Delete(); mapper->Delete(); sphere->Delete(); connections = vtkEventQtSlotConnect::New(); // get right mouse pressed with high priority connections->Connect(qVTK1->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent, this, SLOT(popup( vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*, vtkCommand*)), popup1, 1.0); // get right mouse pressed with high priority connections->Connect(qVTK2->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::RightButtonPressEvent, this, SLOT(popup( vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*, vtkCommand*)), popup2, 1.0); // connect window enter event to radio button slot connections->Connect(qVTK1->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::EnterEvent, radio1, SLOT(animateClick())); // connect window enter event to radio button slot connections->Connect(qVTK2->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::EnterEvent, radio2, SLOT(animateClick())); // update coords as we move through the window connections->Connect(qVTK1->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent, this, SLOT(updateCoords(vtkObject*))); // update coords as we move through the window connections->Connect(qVTK2->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::MouseMoveEvent, this, SLOT(updateCoords(vtkObject*))); connections->PrintSelf(cout, vtkIndent()); } void Form1::destroy() { ren1->Delete(); ren2->Delete(); connections->Delete(); } void Form1::fileExit() { } void Form1::updateCoords( vtkObject * obj) { // get interactor vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast(obj); // get event position int event_pos[2]; iren->GetEventPosition(event_pos); // update label QString str; str.sprintf("x=%d : y=%d", event_pos[0], event_pos[1]); coord->setText(str); } void Form1::popup( vtkObject * obj, unsigned long , void * client_data, vtkCommand* command) { // A note about context menus in Qt and the QVTKWidget // You may find it easy to just do context menus on right button up, // due to the event proxy mechanism in place. // That usually works, except in some cases. // One case is where you capture context menu events that // child windows don't process. You could end up with a second // context menu after the first one. // See QVTKWidget::ContextMenuEvent enum which was added after the // writing of this example. // get interactor vtkRenderWindowInteractor* iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::SafeDownCast(obj); // consume event so the interactor style doesn't get it command->AbortFlagOn(); // get popup menu QPopupMenu* popup = static_cast(client_data); // get event location int* size = iren->GetSize(); int* pos = iren->GetEventPosition(); // remember to flip y QPoint pt = QPoint(pos[0], size[1]-pos[1]); // map to global QPoint global_pt = popup->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(pt); // show popup menu at global point popup->popup(global_pt); } void Form1::color1( int color ) { if(color == 1) ren1->SetBackground(1,1,1); else if(color == 2) ren1->SetBackground(0,0,0); else if(color == 3) { ren1->GetRenderWindow()->SetStereoRender(!ren1->GetRenderWindow()->GetStereoRender()); } } void Form1::color2( int color ) { if(color == 1) ren2->SetBackground(1,1,1); else if(color == 2) ren2->SetBackground(0,0,0); else if(color == 3) { ren2->GetRenderWindow()->SetStereoRender(!ren2->GetRenderWindow()->GetStereoRender()); } }