package require vtk package require vtkinteraction # This script uses a vtkTkRenderWidget to create a # Tk widget that is associated with a vtkRenderWindow # Create the GUI: a render widget and a quit button wm withdraw . toplevel .top frame .top.f1 vtkTkRenderWidget .top.f1.r1 -width 400 -height 400 button .top.btn -text Quit -command exit pack .top.f1.r1 -side left -padx 3 -pady 3 -fill both -expand t pack .top.f1 -fill both -expand t pack .top.btn -fill x # Get the render window associated with the widget set renWin [.top.f1.r1 GetRenderWindow] vtkRenderer ren1 $renWin AddRenderer ren1 # bind the mouse events ::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget .top.f1.r1 # create a Cone source and actor vtkConeSource cone vtkPolyDataMapper coneMapper coneMapper SetInputConnection [cone GetOutputPort] coneMapper GlobalImmediateModeRenderingOn vtkLODActor coneActor coneActor SetMapper coneMapper # Add the actor to the renderer and set the background ren1 AddViewProp coneActor ren1 SetBackground 0.1 0.2 0.4 [ren1 GetActiveCamera] Zoom 0.6