/*========================================================================= Program: ParaView Module: $RCSfile: vtkModelMetadata.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "vtkModelMetadata.h" #include "vtkDataSet.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkFieldData.h" #include "vtkCharArray.h" #include "vtkFloatArray.h" #include "vtkDataArray.h" #include "vtkIntArray.h" #include "vtkIdList.h" #include "vtkCellData.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include <time.h> vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkModelMetadata, "$Revision: 1.3 $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkModelMetadata); #include <vtkstd/set> #include <vtkstd/map> #include <vtkstd/algorithm> class vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak { public: vtkstd::set<int> IntSet; vtkstd::map<int, int> IntMap; }; #undef FREE #undef FREELIST #define FREE(x) \ if (x) \ { \ delete [] x;\ x = NULL; \ } #define FREELIST(x, len) \ if (x && len) \ { \ for (i=0; i<len; i++) \ { \ if (x[i]) delete [] x[i];\ } \ delete [] x; \ x = NULL; \ } void vtkModelMetadata::InitializeAllMetadata() { this->Title = NULL; this->NumberOfQARecords = 0; this->QARecord = NULL; this->NumberOfInformationLines = 0; this->InformationLine = NULL; this->Dimension = 0; this->CoordinateNames = NULL; this->TimeStepIndex = -1; this->NumberOfTimeSteps = 0; this->TimeStepValues = NULL; this->NumberOfBlocks = 0; this->BlockIds = NULL; this->BlockElementType = NULL; this->BlockNumberOfElements = NULL; this->BlockNodesPerElement = NULL; this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement = NULL; this->BlockAttributes = NULL; this->BlockElementIdList = NULL; this->NumberOfNodeSets = 0; this->NodeSetIds = NULL; this->NodeSetSize = NULL; this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = NULL; this->NodeSetNodeIdList = NULL; this->NodeSetDistributionFactors = NULL; this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex = NULL; this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex = NULL; this->NumberOfSideSets = 0; this->SideSetIds = NULL; this->SideSetSize = NULL; this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = NULL; this->SideSetElementList = NULL; this->SideSetSideList = NULL; this->SideSetNumDFPerSide = NULL; this->SideSetDistributionFactors = NULL; this->SideSetListIndex = NULL; this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex = NULL; this->NumberOfBlockProperties = 0; this->BlockPropertyNames = NULL; this->BlockPropertyValue = NULL; this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties = 0; this->NodeSetPropertyNames = NULL; this->NodeSetPropertyValue = NULL; this->NumberOfSideSetProperties = 0; this->SideSetPropertyNames = NULL; this->SideSetPropertyValue = NULL; this->NumberOfGlobalVariables = 0; this->GlobalVariableNames = NULL; this->GlobalVariableValue = NULL; this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables = 0; this->OriginalElementVariableNames = NULL; this->NumberOfElementVariables = 0; this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables = 0; this->ElementVariableNames = NULL; this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents = NULL; this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames = NULL; this->ElementVariableTruthTable = NULL; this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables = 0; this->OriginalNodeVariableNames = NULL; this->NumberOfNodeVariables = 0; this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables = 0; this->NodeVariableNames = NULL; this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents = NULL; this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames = NULL; } void vtkModelMetadata::InitializeAllIvars() { this->InitializeAllMetadata(); this->SumElementsPerBlock = 0; this->BlockElementIdListIndex = NULL; this->SizeBlockAttributeArray = 0; this->BlockAttributesIndex = NULL; this->SumNodesPerNodeSet = 0; this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet = 0; this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex = NULL; this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex = NULL; this->SumSidesPerSideSet = 0; this->SumDistFactPerSideSet = 0; this->SideSetListIndex = NULL; this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex = NULL; this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks = 0; this->BlockIdIndex = NULL; } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeAllGlobalData() { // All the fields which apply to the whole data set, and so // don't differ depending on which time step, which blocks, // or which variables are read in. this->SetTitle(NULL); this->FreeQARecords(); this->SetInformationLines(0, NULL); this->SetCoordinateNames(0, NULL); this->SetTimeSteps(0, NULL); this->SetBlockIds(NULL); this->SetBlockElementType(NULL); this->SetBlockNodesPerElement(NULL); this->SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(NULL); if (this->BlockIdIndex) { delete this->BlockIdIndex; this->BlockIdIndex = NULL; } this->SetNodeSetIds(NULL); this->SetSideSetIds(NULL); this->SetBlockPropertyNames(0, NULL); this->SetBlockPropertyValue(NULL); this->SetNodeSetPropertyNames(0, NULL); this->SetNodeSetPropertyValue(NULL); this->SetSideSetPropertyNames(0, NULL); this->SetSideSetPropertyValue(NULL); this->SetGlobalVariableNames(0, NULL); this->SetElementVariableTruthTable(NULL); this->FreeOriginalElementVariableNames(); this->FreeOriginalNodeVariableNames(); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeAllLocalData() { // All the fields that depend on which blocks, which time step, // and which variables were read in. this->FreeBlockDependentData(); // depends on blocks this->FreeUsedElementVariables(); // depends on variables this->FreeUsedNodeVariables(); this->SetGlobalVariableValue(NULL); // depends on time step } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeBlockDependentData() { // All the fields that depend on exactly which blocks // are in the vtkUnstructuredGrid this->SetBlockNumberOfElements(NULL); this->SetBlockElementIdList(NULL); this->SetBlockAttributes(NULL); this->SetNodeSetSize(NULL); this->SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(NULL); this->SetNodeSetNodeIdList(NULL); this->SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(NULL); this->SetSideSetSize(NULL); this->SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(NULL); this->SetSideSetElementList(NULL); this->SetSideSetSideList(NULL); this->SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(NULL); this->SetSideSetDistributionFactors(NULL); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeOriginalElementVariableNames() { int i; FREELIST(this->OriginalElementVariableNames, this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeOriginalNodeVariableNames() { int i; FREELIST(this->OriginalNodeVariableNames, this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeUsedElementVariableNames() { int i; FREELIST(this->ElementVariableNames, this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeUsedNodeVariableNames() { int i; FREELIST(this->NodeVariableNames, this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeUsedElementVariables() { this->FreeUsedElementVariableNames(); FREE(this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents); FREE(this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeUsedNodeVariables() { this->FreeUsedNodeVariableNames(); FREE(this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents); FREE(this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeAllMetadata() { this->FreeAllLocalData(); this->FreeAllGlobalData(); } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeAllIvars() { this->FreeAllMetadata(); FREE(this->BlockElementIdListIndex); FREE(this->BlockAttributesIndex); FREE(this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex); FREE(this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex); FREE(this->SideSetListIndex); FREE(this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex); } // // At last: The constructor, destructor and copy operator // vtkModelMetadata::vtkModelMetadata() { this->InitializeAllIvars(); } vtkModelMetadata::~vtkModelMetadata() { this->FreeAllIvars(); } void vtkModelMetadata::Reset() { this->FreeAllIvars(); this->InitializeAllIvars(); } //------------------------------------------------- // information && QA fields //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetInformationLines(int nlines, char **lines) { int i; FREELIST(this->InformationLine, this->NumberOfInformationLines); this->NumberOfInformationLines = nlines; this->InformationLine = lines; } void vtkModelMetadata::AddInformationLine(char *line) { int newNum = this->NumberOfInformationLines + 1; char **lines = new char * [newNum]; for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfInformationLines; i++) { lines[i] = this->InformationLine[i]; } lines[newNum-1] = line; delete [] this->InformationLine; this->InformationLine = lines; } int vtkModelMetadata::GetInformationLines(char ***lines) const { *lines = this->InformationLine; return this->NumberOfInformationLines; } void vtkModelMetadata::FreeQARecords() { if ((this->NumberOfQARecords > 0) && this->QARecord) { for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfQARecords; i++) { if (this->QARecord[i]) { delete [] this->QARecord[i][0]; delete [] this->QARecord[i][1]; delete [] this->QARecord[i][2]; delete [] this->QARecord[i][3]; } } delete [] this->QARecord; } this->QARecord = NULL; this->NumberOfQARecords = 0; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetQARecords(int nrecords, char *rec[][4]) { this->FreeQARecords(); if (nrecords > 0) { this->QARecord = rec; this->NumberOfQARecords = nrecords; } } void vtkModelMetadata::AddQARecord(char *name, char *ver, char *recDate, char *recTime) { typedef char *p4[4]; int newNum = this->NumberOfQARecords + 1; p4 *qaRecs = new p4 [newNum]; for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfQARecords; i++) { qaRecs[i][0] = this->QARecord[i][0]; qaRecs[i][1] = this->QARecord[i][1]; qaRecs[i][2] = this->QARecord[i][2]; qaRecs[i][3] = this->QARecord[i][3]; } delete [] this->QARecord; if ((recDate == NULL) || (recTime == NULL)) { time_t currentTime = time(NULL); struct tm *timeDate = localtime(¤tTime); if (timeDate->tm_year >= 100) timeDate->tm_year -= 100; // Y2K if (recDate == NULL) { char *dateStr = new char [10]; sprintf(dateStr, "%02d/%02d/%02d", timeDate->tm_mon, timeDate->tm_mday, timeDate->tm_year); qaRecs[newNum-1][2] = dateStr; } if (recTime == NULL) { char *timeStr = new char [10]; sprintf(timeStr, "%02d:%02d:%02d", timeDate->tm_hour, timeDate->tm_min, timeDate->tm_sec); qaRecs[newNum-1][3] = timeStr; } } qaRecs[newNum-1][0] = name; qaRecs[newNum-1][1] = ver; if (recDate) qaRecs[newNum-1][2] = recDate; if (recTime) qaRecs[newNum-1][3] = recTime; this->QARecord = qaRecs; this->NumberOfQARecords = newNum; } void vtkModelMetadata::GetQARecord(int which, char **name, char **ver, char **date, char **time) const { if ( which >= this->NumberOfQARecords) { return; } *name = this->QARecord[which][0]; *ver = this->QARecord[which][1]; *date = this->QARecord[which][2]; *time = this->QARecord[which][3]; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetTimeSteps(int num, float *steps) { FREE(this->TimeStepValues); this->NumberOfTimeSteps = num; this->TimeStepValues = steps; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetCoordinateNames(int dimension, char **n) { int i; if (this->CoordinateNames) { FREELIST(this->CoordinateNames, this->Dimension); } this->CoordinateNames = n; this->Dimension = dimension; } //------------------------------------------------- // Blocks //------------------------------------------------- int vtkModelMetadata::GetBlockLocalIndex(int id) { if (this->BlockIdIndex == NULL) { this->BlockIdIndex = new vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak; } vtkstd::map<int, int> blockIdIndex = this->BlockIdIndex->IntMap; if (blockIdIndex.size() == 0) { for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfBlocks; i++) { int gid = this->BlockIds[i]; blockIdIndex.insert(vtkstd::map<int,int>::value_type(gid, i)); } } vtkstd::map<int,int>::iterator mapit = blockIdIndex.find(id); int retVal = -1; if (mapit != blockIdIndex.end()) { retVal = mapit->second; } return retVal; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockIds(int *b) { FREE(this->BlockIds); this->BlockIds = b; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockElementType(char **t) { int i; FREELIST(this->BlockElementType, this->NumberOfBlocks); this->BlockElementType = t; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockNodesPerElement(int *e) { FREE(this->BlockNodesPerElement); this->BlockNodesPerElement = e; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockElementIdList(int *e) { FREE(this->BlockElementIdList); this->BlockElementIdList = e; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockAttributes(float *a) { FREE(this->BlockAttributes); this->BlockAttributes = a; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildBlockAttributesIndex() { int nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks; int *nelts = this->BlockNumberOfElements; int *natts = this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement; if ((nblocks < 1) || !nelts || !natts) { return 1; } if (this->BlockAttributesIndex) { delete [] this->BlockAttributesIndex; } this->BlockAttributesIndex = new int [nblocks]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { this->BlockAttributesIndex[i] = idx; idx += (int)(nelts[i] * natts[i]); } this->SizeBlockAttributeArray = idx; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildBlockElementIdListIndex() { int nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks; int *size = this->BlockNumberOfElements; if ((nblocks < 1) || !size) { return 1; } if (this->BlockElementIdListIndex) { delete [] this->BlockElementIdListIndex; } this->BlockElementIdListIndex = new int [ nblocks ]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { this->BlockElementIdListIndex[i] = idx; idx += size[i]; } this->SumElementsPerBlock = idx; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockNumberOfElements(int *nelts) { FREE(this->BlockNumberOfElements); if (nelts) { this->BlockNumberOfElements = nelts; this->BuildBlockAttributesIndex(); this->BuildBlockElementIdListIndex(); } return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(int *natts) { FREE(this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement); if (natts) { this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement = natts; this->BuildBlockAttributesIndex(); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // node set calculations //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetIds(int *n) { FREE(this->NodeSetIds); this->NodeSetIds = n; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetNodeIdList(int *n) { FREE(this->NodeSetNodeIdList); this->NodeSetNodeIdList = n; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(float *d) { FREE(this->NodeSetDistributionFactors); this->NodeSetDistributionFactors = d; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildNodeSetNodeIdListIndex() { int nsets = this->NumberOfNodeSets; int *size = this->NodeSetSize; if ((nsets < 1) || !size) { return 1; } if (this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex) { delete [] this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex; } this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex = new int [ nsets ]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nsets; i++) { this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex[i] = idx; idx += size[i]; } this->SumNodesPerNodeSet = idx; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildNodeSetDistributionFactorIndex() { int nsets = this->NumberOfNodeSets; int *numFactors = this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; if ((nsets < 1) || !numFactors) { return 1; } if (this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex) { delete [] this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex; } this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex = new int [ nsets ]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nsets; i++) { this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex[i] = idx; idx += numFactors[i]; } this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet = idx; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetSize(int *size) { FREE(this->NodeSetSize); if (size) { this->NodeSetSize = size; this->BuildNodeSetNodeIdListIndex(); } return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int *df) { FREE(this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors); if (df) { this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = df; this->BuildNodeSetDistributionFactorIndex(); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // side set calculations //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetIds(int *s) { FREE(this->SideSetIds); this->SideSetIds = s; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetElementList(int *s) { FREE(this->SideSetElementList); this->SideSetElementList= s; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetSideList(int *s) { FREE(this->SideSetSideList); this->SideSetSideList= s; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(int *s) { FREE(this->SideSetNumDFPerSide); this->SideSetNumDFPerSide= s; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetSize(int *size) { FREE(this->SideSetSize); if (size) { this->SideSetSize = size; this->BuildSideSetListIndex(); } return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(int *df) { FREE(this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors) if (df) { this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = df; this->BuildSideSetDistributionFactorIndex(); } return 0; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetDistributionFactors(float *d) { FREE(this->SideSetDistributionFactors); this->SideSetDistributionFactors = d; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildSideSetListIndex() { int nsets = this->NumberOfSideSets; int *size = this->SideSetSize; if ((nsets < 1) || !size) { return 1; } if (this->SideSetListIndex) { delete [] this->SideSetListIndex; } this->SideSetListIndex = new int [ nsets ]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nsets; i++) { this->SideSetListIndex[i] = idx; idx += size[i]; } this->SumSidesPerSideSet = idx; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::BuildSideSetDistributionFactorIndex() { int nsets = this->NumberOfSideSets; int *numFactors = this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; if ((nsets < 1) || !numFactors) { return 1; } if (this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex) { delete [] this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex; } this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex = new int [ nsets ]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0; i<nsets; i++) { this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex[i] = idx; idx += numFactors[i]; } this->SumDistFactPerSideSet = idx; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------- // Properties //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockPropertyNames(int nprop, char **nms) { int i; FREELIST(this->BlockPropertyNames, this->NumberOfBlockProperties); this->NumberOfBlockProperties = nprop; this->BlockPropertyNames = nms; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetBlockPropertyValue(int *v) { FREE(this->BlockPropertyValue); this->BlockPropertyValue = v; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetPropertyNames(int nprops, char **nms) { int i; FREELIST(this->NodeSetPropertyNames, this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties); this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties = nprops; this->NodeSetPropertyNames = nms; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeSetPropertyValue(int *v) { FREE(this->NodeSetPropertyValue); this->NodeSetPropertyValue = v; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetPropertyNames(int nprops, char **nms) { int i; FREELIST(this->SideSetPropertyNames, this->NumberOfSideSetProperties); this->NumberOfSideSetProperties = nprops; this->SideSetPropertyNames = nms; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetSideSetPropertyValue(int *v) { FREE(this->SideSetPropertyValue); this->SideSetPropertyValue = v; } //------------------------------------------------- // Global variables //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetGlobalVariableNames(int num, char **n) { int i; FREELIST(this->GlobalVariableNames, this->NumberOfGlobalVariables); this->GlobalVariableNames = n; this->NumberOfGlobalVariables = num; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetGlobalVariableValue(float *f) { FREE(this->GlobalVariableValue); this->GlobalVariableValue = f; } //------------------------------------------------- // Element variables //------------------------------------------------- int vtkModelMetadata::FindNameOnList(char *name, char **list, int listLen) { int found = -1; for (int i=0; i<listLen; i++) { if (!strcmp(name, list[i])) { found = i; break; } } return found; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetOriginalElementVariableNames(int nvars, char **names) { this->FreeOriginalElementVariableNames(); this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables = nvars; this->OriginalElementVariableNames = names; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetElementVariableNames(int nvars, char **names) { this->FreeUsedElementVariableNames(); this->NumberOfElementVariables = nvars; this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables = nvars; this->ElementVariableNames = names; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(int *comp) { FREE(this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents); this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents = comp; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(int *map) { FREE(this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames); this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames = map; } int vtkModelMetadata::AddUGridElementVariable(char *ugridVarName, char *origName, int numComponents) { int i; int maxVarNames = this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; if (maxVarNames < 1) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Can't have grid variables if there are no file variables"); return 1; } if (this->ElementVariableNames == NULL) { this->FreeUsedElementVariables(); this->ElementVariableNames = new char * [maxVarNames]; // upper bound memset(this->ElementVariableNames, 0, sizeof (char *) * maxVarNames); this->NumberOfElementVariables = 0; this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables = maxVarNames; this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames = new int [maxVarNames]; this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents = new int [maxVarNames]; } else if (vtkModelMetadata::FindNameOnList(ugridVarName, this->ElementVariableNames, this->NumberOfElementVariables) >= 0) { return 0; // already got it } int next = this->NumberOfElementVariables; if (next >= this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables) { int newSize = this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables + maxVarNames; char **names = new char * [newSize]; memset(names, 0, sizeof(char *) * newSize); int *comp = new int [newSize]; int *map = new int [newSize]; memcpy(names, this->ElementVariableNames, sizeof(char *) * next); memcpy(comp, this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents, sizeof(int) * next); memcpy(map, this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames, sizeof(int) * next); this->FreeUsedElementVariables(); this->ElementVariableNames = names; this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents = comp; this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames = map; this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables = newSize; } this->ElementVariableNames[next] = ugridVarName; this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents[next] = numComponents; int idx = -1; for (i=0; i<this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; i++) { if (!strcmp(this->OriginalElementVariableNames[i], origName)) { idx = i; break; } } this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames[next] = idx; this->NumberOfElementVariables++; delete [] origName; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::RemoveUGridElementVariable(char *ugridVarName) { int i; int maxVarNames = this->NumberOfElementVariables; int idx = vtkModelMetadata::FindNameOnList(ugridVarName, this->ElementVariableNames, maxVarNames); if (idx == -1) return 1; delete [] this->ElementVariableNames[idx]; for (i=idx+1; i<maxVarNames; i++) { int prev = i-1; this->ElementVariableNames[prev] = this->ElementVariableNames[i]; this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents[prev] = this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents[i]; this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames[prev] = this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames[i]; } this->ElementVariableNames[maxVarNames-1] = NULL; this->NumberOfElementVariables--; return 0; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetElementVariableInfo(int numOrigNames, char **origNames, int numNames, char **names, int *numComp, int *map) { this->SetOriginalElementVariableNames(numOrigNames, origNames); this->SetElementVariableNames(numNames, names); this->SetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(numComp); this->SetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(map); } //------------------------------------------------- // Truth table //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetElementVariableTruthTable(int *n) { FREE(this->ElementVariableTruthTable); this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks = 1; // the default if (n) { this->ElementVariableTruthTable= n; int numEntries = this->NumberOfBlocks * this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; for (int i=0; i<numEntries; i++) { if (n[i] == 0) { this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks = 0; break; } } } } //------------------------------------------------- // Node variables //------------------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::SetOriginalNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char **names) { this->FreeOriginalNodeVariableNames(); this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables = nvars; this->OriginalNodeVariableNames = names; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeVariableNames(int nvars, char **names) { this->FreeUsedNodeVariableNames(); this->NumberOfNodeVariables = nvars; this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables = nvars; this->NodeVariableNames = names; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(int *comp) { FREE(this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents); this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents = comp; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(int *map) { FREE(this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames); this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames = map; } int vtkModelMetadata::AddUGridNodeVariable(char *ugridVarName, char *origName, int numComponents) { int i; int maxVarNames = this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; if (maxVarNames < 1) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Can't have grid variables if there are no file variables"); return 1; } if (this->NodeVariableNames == NULL) { this->FreeUsedNodeVariableNames(); this->NodeVariableNames = new char * [maxVarNames]; // upper bound memset(this->NodeVariableNames, 0, sizeof (char *) * maxVarNames); this->NumberOfNodeVariables = 0; this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables = maxVarNames; this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames = new int [maxVarNames]; this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents = new int [maxVarNames]; } else if (vtkModelMetadata::FindNameOnList(ugridVarName, this->NodeVariableNames, this->NumberOfNodeVariables) >= 0) { return 0; // already got it } int next = this->NumberOfNodeVariables; if (next >= this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables) { int newSize = this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables + maxVarNames; char **names = new char * [newSize]; memset(names, 0, sizeof(char *) * newSize); int *comp = new int [newSize]; int *map = new int [newSize]; memcpy(names, this->NodeVariableNames, sizeof(char *) * next); memcpy(comp, this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents, sizeof(int) * next); memcpy(map, this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames, sizeof(int) * next); this->FreeUsedNodeVariableNames(); this->NodeVariableNames = names; this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents = comp; this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames = map; this->MaxNumberOfNodeVariables = newSize; } this->NodeVariableNames[next] = ugridVarName; this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents[next] = numComponents; int idx = -1; for (i=0; i<this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; i++) { if (!strcmp(this->OriginalNodeVariableNames[i], origName)) { idx = i; break; } } this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames[next] = idx; this->NumberOfNodeVariables++; delete [] origName; return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::RemoveUGridNodeVariable(char *ugridVarName) { int i; int maxVarNames = this->NumberOfNodeVariables; int idx = vtkModelMetadata::FindNameOnList(ugridVarName, this->NodeVariableNames, maxVarNames); if (idx == -1) return 1; delete [] this->NodeVariableNames[idx]; for (i=idx+1; i<maxVarNames; i++) { int prev = i-1; this->NodeVariableNames[prev] = this->NodeVariableNames[i]; this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents[prev] = this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents[i]; this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames[prev] = this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames[i]; } this->NodeVariableNames[maxVarNames-1] = NULL; this->NumberOfNodeVariables--; return 0; } void vtkModelMetadata::SetNodeVariableInfo(int numOrigNames, char **origNames, int numNames, char **names, int *numComp, int *map) { this->SetOriginalNodeVariableNames(numOrigNames, origNames); this->SetNodeVariableNames(numNames, names); this->SetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(numComp); this->SetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(map); } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Pack all the metadata into an unstructured grid, or // initialize this vtkModelMetadata object with information packed // into an unstructured grid (i.e. unpack). //--------------------------------------------------------------- #define SIZE_ARRAY "vtkModelMetadataSizes" #define INT_ARRAY "vtkModelMetadataInts" #define FLOAT_ARRAY "vtkModelMetadataFloats" #define CHAR_ARRAY "vtkModelMetadataChars" void vtkModelMetadata::RemoveMetadata(vtkDataSet *grid) { grid->GetFieldData()->RemoveArray(SIZE_ARRAY); grid->GetFieldData()->RemoveArray(INT_ARRAY); grid->GetFieldData()->RemoveArray(FLOAT_ARRAY); grid->GetFieldData()->RemoveArray(CHAR_ARRAY); } int vtkModelMetadata::HasMetadata(vtkDataSet *grid) { int hasMetadata = 0; if (grid) { vtkFieldData *fa = grid->GetFieldData(); if (fa) { vtkDataArray *da = fa->GetArray(SIZE_ARRAY); if (da) hasMetadata = 1; } } return hasMetadata; } void vtkModelMetadata::Pack(vtkDataSet *grid) { int maxStringLength, maxLineLength; this->CalculateMaximumLengths(maxStringLength, maxLineLength); vtkIntArray *sizes = this->PackSizeArray(maxStringLength, maxLineLength); vtkIntArray *ints = this->PackIntArray(); vtkCharArray *chars = this->PackCharArray(maxStringLength, maxLineLength); vtkFloatArray *floats = this->PackFloatArray(); vtkFieldData *fa = grid->GetFieldData(); if (!fa) { fa = vtkFieldData::New(); grid->SetFieldData(fa); fa->Delete(); fa = grid->GetFieldData(); } fa->AddArray(sizes); sizes->Delete(); if (ints->GetNumberOfTuples() > 0) { fa->AddArray(ints); ints->Delete(); } if (chars->GetNumberOfTuples() > 0) { fa->AddArray(chars); chars->Delete(); } if (floats->GetNumberOfTuples() > 0) { fa->AddArray(floats); floats->Delete(); } } int vtkModelMetadata::Unpack(vtkDataSet *grid, int deleteIt) { vtkFieldData *fa = grid->GetFieldData(); if (!fa) { return 1; } vtkDataArray *da = fa->GetArray(SIZE_ARRAY); vtkIntArray *sizes = vtkIntArray::SafeDownCast(da); if (!sizes) { return 1; } this->Reset(); // NOTE: The size array must be unpacked before any other, because // it provides information about the contents of the other arrays. // We keep the sizes in a temporary object until "this" object is set. vtkModelMetadata *temp = vtkModelMetadata::New(); int maxString=0; int maxLine=0; int fail = temp->InitializeFromSizeArray(sizes, maxString, maxLine); if (fail) { temp->Delete(); return 1; } if (deleteIt) { fa->RemoveArray(SIZE_ARRAY); } da = fa->GetArray(INT_ARRAY); vtkIntArray *ints = vtkIntArray::SafeDownCast(da); if (ints) { fail = this->InitializeFromIntArray(temp, ints); if (fail) { temp->Delete(); return 1; } if (deleteIt) { fa->RemoveArray(INT_ARRAY); } } da = fa->GetArray(CHAR_ARRAY); vtkCharArray *chars = vtkCharArray::SafeDownCast(da); if (chars) { fail = this->InitializeFromCharArray(temp, chars, maxString, maxLine); if (fail) { temp->Delete(); return 1; } if (deleteIt) { fa->RemoveArray(CHAR_ARRAY); } } da = fa->GetArray(FLOAT_ARRAY); vtkFloatArray *floats = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(da); if (floats) { fail = this->InitializeFromFloatArray(floats); if (fail) { temp->Delete(); return 1; } if (deleteIt) { fa->RemoveArray(FLOAT_ARRAY); } } temp->Delete(); return 0; } vtkIntArray *vtkModelMetadata::PackSizeArray(int maxStr, int maxLine) { // Fields stored in size array: // int NumberOfQARecords; // int NumberOfInformationLines; // int Dimension; // int NumberOfBlocks; // int NumberOfNodeSets; // int NumberOfSideSets; // int NumberOfBlockProperties; // int NumberOfNodeSetProperties; // int NumberOfSideSetProperties; // int NumberOfGlobalVariables; // int NumberOfElementVariables; // int NumberOfNodeVariables; // int OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; // int OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; // int MaxStringLength // int MaxLineLength vtkIntArray *sizeInfo = vtkIntArray::New(); sizeInfo->SetName(SIZE_ARRAY); sizeInfo->SetNumberOfValues(16); sizeInfo->SetValue(0, this->NumberOfQARecords); sizeInfo->SetValue(1, this->NumberOfInformationLines); sizeInfo->SetValue(2, this->Dimension); sizeInfo->SetValue(3, this->NumberOfBlocks); sizeInfo->SetValue(4, this->NumberOfNodeSets); sizeInfo->SetValue(5, this->NumberOfSideSets); sizeInfo->SetValue(6, this->NumberOfBlockProperties); sizeInfo->SetValue(7, this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties); sizeInfo->SetValue(8, this->NumberOfSideSetProperties); sizeInfo->SetValue(9, this->NumberOfGlobalVariables); sizeInfo->SetValue(10, this->NumberOfElementVariables); sizeInfo->SetValue(11, this->NumberOfNodeVariables); sizeInfo->SetValue(12, this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables); sizeInfo->SetValue(13, this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables); sizeInfo->SetValue(14, maxStr); sizeInfo->SetValue(15, maxLine); return sizeInfo; } int vtkModelMetadata::InitializeFromSizeArray(vtkIntArray *ia, int &maxS, int &maxL) { int nvals = ia->GetNumberOfTuples(); if (nvals < 16) return 1; this->NumberOfQARecords = ia->GetValue(0); this->NumberOfInformationLines = ia->GetValue(1); this->Dimension = ia->GetValue(2); this->NumberOfBlocks = ia->GetValue(3); this->NumberOfNodeSets = ia->GetValue(4); this->NumberOfSideSets = ia->GetValue(5); this->NumberOfBlockProperties = ia->GetValue(6); this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties = ia->GetValue(7); this->NumberOfSideSetProperties = ia->GetValue(8); this->NumberOfGlobalVariables = ia->GetValue(9); this->NumberOfElementVariables = ia->GetValue(10); this->NumberOfNodeVariables = ia->GetValue(11); this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables = ia->GetValue(12); this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables = ia->GetValue(13); maxS = ia->GetValue(14); maxL = ia->GetValue(15); return 0; } #define __CHECK_COPY(to, from, size) \ (from ? memcpy(to, from, size) : memset(to, 0, size)); vtkIntArray *vtkModelMetadata::PackIntArray() { // Fields stored in the integer array // 3 counts: Sum of all node set sizes, sum of all side set sizes, // and sum of all elements per block // 1 integer: the current time step index // int *BlockIds; // NumberOfBlocks // int *BlockNumberOfElements; // NumberOfBlocks // int *BlockNodesPerElement; // NumberOfBlocks // int *BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement;// NumberOfBlocks // int *BlockElementIdList; // SumElementsPerBlock // int *NodeSetIds; // NumberOfNodeSets // int *NodeSetSize; // NumberOfNodeSets // int *NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NumberOfNodeSets // int *NodeSetNodeIdList; // SumNodesPerNodeSet // int *SideSetIds; // NumberOfSideSets // int *SideSetSize; // NumberOfSideSets // int *SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; // NumberOfSideSets // int *SideSetElementList; // SumSidesPerSideSet // int *SideSetSideList; // SumSidesPerSideSet // int *SideSetNumDFPerSide; // SumSidesPerSideSet // int *BlockPropertyValue; // NumBlocks * NumBlockProperties // int *NodeSetPropertyValue; // NumNodeSets * NumNodeSetProperties // int *SideSetPropertyValue; // NumSideSets * NumSideSetProperties // int *ElementVariableTruthTable; // NumBlocks * OrigNumElementVariables // int *ElementVariableNumberOfComponents; // NumberOfElementVariables // int *MapToOriginalElementVariableNames; // NumberOfElementVariables // int *NodeVariableNumberOfComponents; // NumberOfNodeVariables // int *MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames; // NumberOfNodeVariables int nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks; int nnsets = this->NumberOfNodeSets; int nssets = this->NumberOfSideSets; int nblockProp = this->NumberOfBlockProperties; int nnsetProp = this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; int nssetProp = this->NumberOfSideSetProperties; int nOrigEltVars = this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; int nEltVars = this->NumberOfElementVariables; int nNodeVars = this->NumberOfNodeVariables; vtkIdType nvals = 4 + (nblocks * 4) + this->SumElementsPerBlock + (nnsets * 3) + this->SumNodesPerNodeSet + (nssets * 3) + (this->SumSidesPerSideSet * 3) + (nblocks * nblockProp) + (nnsets * nnsetProp) + (nssets * nssetProp) + (nblocks * nOrigEltVars) + (nEltVars * 2) + (nNodeVars * 2); int *packed = new int [nvals]; int *p = packed; p[0] = this->SumNodesPerNodeSet; p[1] = this->SumSidesPerSideSet; p[2] = this->SumElementsPerBlock; p[3] = this->TimeStepIndex; p += 4; if (nblocks > 0) { size_t n = sizeof(int) * nblocks; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockIds, n) p += nblocks; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockNumberOfElements, n) p += nblocks; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockNodesPerElement, n) p += nblocks; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement, n) p += nblocks; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockElementIdList, sizeof(int) * this->SumElementsPerBlock) p += this->SumElementsPerBlock; } if (nnsets > 0) { size_t n = sizeof(int) * nnsets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeSetIds, n); p += nnsets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeSetSize, n); p += nnsets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors, n); p += nnsets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeSetNodeIdList, sizeof(int) * this->SumNodesPerNodeSet); p += this->SumNodesPerNodeSet; } if (nssets > 0) { size_t n = sizeof(int) * nssets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetIds, n); p += nssets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetSize, n); p += nssets; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors, n); p += nssets; size_t sum = sizeof(int) * this->SumSidesPerSideSet; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetElementList, sum); p += this->SumSidesPerSideSet; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetSideList, sum); p += this->SumSidesPerSideSet; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetNumDFPerSide, sum); p += this->SumSidesPerSideSet; } if (nblockProp > 0) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->BlockPropertyValue, sizeof(int) * nblockProp * nblocks); p += (nblockProp * nblocks); } if (nnsetProp > 0) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeSetPropertyValue, sizeof(int) * nnsetProp * nnsets); p += (nnsetProp * nnsets); } if (nssetProp > 0) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->SideSetPropertyValue, sizeof(int) * nssetProp * nssets); p += (nssetProp * nssets); } if ((nblocks > 0) && (nOrigEltVars > 0)) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->ElementVariableTruthTable, sizeof(int) * nblocks * nOrigEltVars); p += (nblocks * nOrigEltVars); } if (nEltVars > 0) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents, sizeof(int) * nEltVars); p += nEltVars; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames, sizeof(int) * nEltVars); p += nEltVars; } if (nNodeVars > 0) { __CHECK_COPY(p, this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents, sizeof(int) * nNodeVars); p += nNodeVars; __CHECK_COPY(p, this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames, sizeof(int) * nNodeVars); p += nNodeVars; } vtkIntArray *ia = vtkIntArray::New(); ia->SetName(INT_ARRAY); ia->SetArray(packed, nvals, 0); return ia; } int vtkModelMetadata::InitializeFromIntArray(vtkModelMetadata *sizes, vtkIntArray *ia) { int nblocks = sizes->NumberOfBlocks; int nnsets = sizes->NumberOfNodeSets; int nssets = sizes->NumberOfSideSets; int nblockProp = sizes->NumberOfBlockProperties; int nnsetProp = sizes->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; int nssetProp = sizes->NumberOfSideSetProperties; int nEltVars = sizes->NumberOfElementVariables; int nNodeVars = sizes->NumberOfNodeVariables; int ttsize = nblocks * sizes->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; int *p = ia->GetPointer(0); int sumNodeSetSizes = p[0]; int sumSideSetSizes = p[1]; int sumElementIds = p[2]; this->TimeStepIndex = p[3]; p += 4; if (nblocks > 0) { int *buf = new int [nblocks]; memcpy(buf, p, nblocks * sizeof(int)); p += nblocks; this->SetNumberOfBlocks(nblocks); this->SetBlockIds(buf); buf = new int [nblocks]; memcpy(buf, p, nblocks * sizeof(int)); p += nblocks; this->SetBlockNumberOfElements(buf); buf = new int [nblocks]; memcpy(buf, p, nblocks * sizeof(int)); p += nblocks; this->SetBlockNodesPerElement(buf); buf = new int [nblocks]; memcpy(buf, p, nblocks * sizeof(int)); p += nblocks; this->SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(buf); buf = new int [sumElementIds]; memcpy(buf, p, sumElementIds * sizeof(int)); p += sumElementIds; this->SetBlockElementIdList(buf); } if (nnsets > 0) { int *buf = new int [nnsets]; memcpy(buf, p, nnsets * sizeof(int)); p += nnsets; this->SetNumberOfNodeSets(nnsets); this->SetNodeSetIds(buf); buf = new int [nnsets]; memcpy(buf, p, nnsets * sizeof(int)); p += nnsets; this->SetNodeSetSize(buf); buf = new int [nnsets]; memcpy(buf, p, nnsets * sizeof(int)); p += nnsets; this->SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(buf); buf = new int [sumNodeSetSizes]; memcpy(buf, p, sumNodeSetSizes * sizeof(int)); p += sumNodeSetSizes; this->SetNodeSetNodeIdList(buf); } if (nssets > 0) { int *buf = new int [nssets]; memcpy(buf, p, nssets * sizeof(int)); p += nssets; this->SetNumberOfSideSets(nssets); this->SetSideSetIds(buf); buf = new int [nssets]; memcpy(buf, p, nssets * sizeof(int)); p += nssets; this->SetSideSetSize(buf); buf = new int [nssets]; memcpy(buf, p, nssets * sizeof(int)); p += nssets; this->SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(buf); buf = new int [sumSideSetSizes]; memcpy(buf, p, sumSideSetSizes * sizeof(int)); p += sumSideSetSizes; this->SetSideSetElementList(buf); buf = new int [sumSideSetSizes]; memcpy(buf, p, sumSideSetSizes * sizeof(int)); p += sumSideSetSizes; this->SetSideSetSideList(buf); buf = new int [sumSideSetSizes]; memcpy(buf, p, sumSideSetSizes * sizeof(int)); p += sumSideSetSizes; this->SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(buf); } if (nblockProp > 0) { int nvals = nblocks * nblockProp; int *buf = new int [nvals]; memcpy(buf, p, nvals * sizeof(int)); p += nvals ; this->SetBlockPropertyValue(buf); } if (nnsetProp > 0) { int nvals = nnsets * nnsetProp; int *buf = new int [nvals]; memcpy(buf, p, nvals * sizeof(int)); p += nvals ; this->SetNodeSetPropertyValue(buf); } if (nssetProp > 0) { int nvals = nssets * nssetProp; int *buf = new int [nvals]; memcpy(buf, p, nvals * sizeof(int)); p += nvals ; this->SetSideSetPropertyValue(buf); } if (ttsize > 0) { int *buf = new int [ttsize]; memcpy(buf, p, ttsize * sizeof(int)); p += ttsize; this->SetElementVariableTruthTable(buf); } if (nEltVars > 0) { int *buf1 = new int [nEltVars]; memcpy(buf1, p, nEltVars * sizeof(int)); p += nEltVars; int *buf2 = new int [nEltVars]; memcpy(buf2, p, nEltVars * sizeof(int)); p += nEltVars; this->SetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(buf1); this->SetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(buf2); } if (nNodeVars > 0) { int *buf1 = new int [nNodeVars]; memcpy(buf1, p, nNodeVars * sizeof(int)); p += nNodeVars; int *buf2 = new int [nNodeVars]; memcpy(buf2, p, nNodeVars * sizeof(int)); p += nNodeVars; this->SetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(buf1); this->SetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(buf2); } return 0; } char *vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines( char *p, int maxLines, int maxLen, char **lines) { for (int i=0; i<maxLines; i++) { if (lines[i]) { strcpy(p, lines[i]); } p += maxLen; } return p; } vtkCharArray *vtkModelMetadata::PackCharArray(int maxS, int maxL) { // Fields that go into the char array: // char *Title; // MaxLineLength // char *QARecord[][4]; // NumberOfQARecords * 4 * MaxStringLength // char **InformationLine; // each record is MaxLineLength // char **CoordinateNames; // MaxStringLength each (at most 3 of these) // char **BlockElementType; // NumberOfBlocks, length MaxStringLength // char **BlockPropertyNames; // one per property, MaxStringLength // char **NodeSetPropertyNames; // one per property, MaxStringLength // char **SideSetPropertyNames; // one per property, MaxStringLength // char **GlobalVariableNames; // one per global variable, MaxStringLength // char **OriginalElementVariableNames; // OriginalNumberOfElementVariables, MaxStr // char **ElementVariableNames; // NumberOfElementVariables, MaxStringLength // char **OriginalNodeVariableNames; // OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables, MaxStr // char **NodeVariableNames; // NumberOfNodeVariables, MaxStringLength // vtkIdType len = 0; len += maxL; // for the title len += (this->NumberOfQARecords * 4 * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfInformationLines * maxL); len += (this->Dimension * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfBlocks * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfBlockProperties * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfSideSetProperties * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfGlobalVariables * maxS); len += (this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfElementVariables * maxS); len += (this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables * maxS); len += (this->NumberOfNodeVariables * maxS); char *uc = new char [len]; memset(uc, 0, len); char *p = uc; if (this->Title) { strcpy(p, this->Title); } else { strcpy(p, "NULL"); } p += maxL; for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfQARecords; i++) { for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { int l = strlen(this->QARecord[i][j]); if (l > maxS) l = maxS; memcpy(p, this->QARecord[i][j], l); p += maxS; } } p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfInformationLines, maxL, this->InformationLine); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->Dimension, maxS, this->CoordinateNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfBlocks, maxS, this->BlockElementType); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfBlockProperties, maxS, this->BlockPropertyNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties, maxS, this->NodeSetPropertyNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfSideSetProperties, maxS, this->SideSetPropertyNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfGlobalVariables, maxS, this->GlobalVariableNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables, maxS, this->OriginalElementVariableNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfElementVariables, maxS, this->ElementVariableNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables, maxS, this->OriginalNodeVariableNames); p = vtkModelMetadata::WriteLines(p, this->NumberOfNodeVariables, maxS, this->NodeVariableNames); vtkCharArray *uca = vtkCharArray::New(); uca->SetArray(uc, len, 0); uca->SetName(CHAR_ARRAY); return uca; } char *vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines( char ***to, int maxLines, int maxLen, char *from) { char **lineList = new char * [maxLines]; for (int i=0; i<maxLines; i++) { lineList[i] = new char [maxLen+1]; memcpy(lineList[i], from, maxLen); lineList[i][maxLen] = '\0'; from += maxLen; } *to = lineList; return from; } int vtkModelMetadata::InitializeFromCharArray(vtkModelMetadata *sizes, vtkCharArray *uca, int maxS, int maxL) { char *uc = uca->GetPointer(0); char **buf = NULL; if (!uc) { return 1; } this->Title = new char [maxL + 1]; memcpy(this->Title, uc, maxL); this->Title[maxL] = '\0'; uc += maxL; int num = sizes->GetNumberOfQARecords(); if (num > 0) { typedef char *p4[4]; p4 *qaRec = new p4 [num]; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { qaRec[i][j] = new char [maxS + 1]; memcpy(qaRec[i][j], uc, maxS); qaRec[i][j][maxS] = '\0'; uc += maxS; } } this->SetQARecords(num, qaRec); } num = sizes->GetNumberOfInformationLines(); if (num > 0) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxL, uc); this->SetInformationLines(num, buf); } num = sizes->GetDimension(); if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetCoordinateNames(num, buf); } if (this->NumberOfBlocks) // set in InitializeFromIntArray { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&this->BlockElementType, this->NumberOfBlocks, maxS, uc); } num = sizes->GetNumberOfBlockProperties(); if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetBlockPropertyNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->GetNumberOfNodeSetProperties(); if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetNodeSetPropertyNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->GetNumberOfSideSetProperties(); if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetSideSetPropertyNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->GetNumberOfGlobalVariables(); if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetGlobalVariableNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetOriginalElementVariableNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->NumberOfElementVariables; if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetElementVariableNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables; if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetOriginalNodeVariableNames(num, buf); } num = sizes->NumberOfNodeVariables; if (num) { uc = vtkModelMetadata::ReadLines(&buf, num, maxS, uc); this->SetNodeVariableNames(num, buf); } return 0; } vtkFloatArray *vtkModelMetadata::PackFloatArray() { // Fields stored in the float array: // 4 counts: SizeBlockAttributeArray, SumDistFactPerNodeSet, // SumDistFactPerSideSet, and NumberOfTimeSteps // float *BlockAttributes; // SizeBlockAttributeArray // float *NodeSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerNodeSet // float *SideSetDistributionFactors; // SumDistFactPerSideSet // float *GlobalVariableValue; // NumberOfGlobalVariables // float *TimeStepValues; // NumberOfTimeSteps // vtkIdType len = 4 + this->SizeBlockAttributeArray + this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet + this->SumDistFactPerSideSet + this->NumberOfGlobalVariables + this->NumberOfTimeSteps; float *f = new float [len]; f[0] = static_cast<float>(this->SizeBlockAttributeArray); f[1] = static_cast<float>(this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet); f[2] = static_cast<float>(this->SumDistFactPerSideSet); f[3] = static_cast<float>(this->NumberOfTimeSteps); float *nextf = f + 4; if (this->SizeBlockAttributeArray) { memcpy(nextf, this->BlockAttributes, this->SizeBlockAttributeArray * sizeof(float)); nextf += this->SizeBlockAttributeArray; } if (this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet) { memcpy(nextf, this->NodeSetDistributionFactors, this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet * sizeof(float)); nextf += this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet; } if (this->SumDistFactPerSideSet) { memcpy(nextf, this->SideSetDistributionFactors, this->SumDistFactPerSideSet * sizeof(float)); nextf += this->SumDistFactPerSideSet; } if (this->NumberOfGlobalVariables) { memcpy(nextf, this->GlobalVariableValue, this->NumberOfGlobalVariables * sizeof(float)); nextf += this->NumberOfGlobalVariables; } if (this->NumberOfTimeSteps) { memcpy(nextf, this->TimeStepValues, this->NumberOfTimeSteps* sizeof(float)); nextf += this->NumberOfTimeSteps; } vtkFloatArray *fa = vtkFloatArray::New(); fa->SetArray(f, len, 0); fa->SetName(FLOAT_ARRAY); return fa; } int vtkModelMetadata::InitializeFromFloatArray(vtkFloatArray *fa) { float *f = fa->GetPointer(0); int sizeBlockAttributeArray = static_cast<int>(f[0]); int sumDistFactPerNodeSet= static_cast<int>(f[1]); int sumDistFactPerSideSet= static_cast<int>(f[2]); int numTimeSteps = static_cast<int>(f[3]); f += 4; if ((sizeBlockAttributeArray != this->SizeBlockAttributeArray) || (sumDistFactPerNodeSet != this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet) || (sumDistFactPerSideSet != this->SumDistFactPerSideSet)) { return 1; } if (this->SizeBlockAttributeArray) { float *buf = new float [this->SizeBlockAttributeArray]; memcpy(buf, f, sizeof(float) * this->SizeBlockAttributeArray); this->SetBlockAttributes(buf); f += this->SizeBlockAttributeArray; } if (this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet) { float *buf = new float [this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet]; memcpy(buf, f, sizeof(float) * this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet); this->SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(buf); f += this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet; } if (this->SumDistFactPerSideSet) { float *buf = new float [this->SumDistFactPerSideSet]; memcpy(buf, f, sizeof(float) * this->SumDistFactPerSideSet); this->SetSideSetDistributionFactors(buf); f += this->SumDistFactPerSideSet; } if (this->NumberOfGlobalVariables) { float *buf = new float [this->NumberOfGlobalVariables]; memcpy(buf, f, sizeof(float) * this->NumberOfGlobalVariables); this->SetGlobalVariableValue(buf); f += this->NumberOfGlobalVariables; } if (numTimeSteps) { float *buf = new float [numTimeSteps]; memcpy(buf, f, sizeof(float) * numTimeSteps); this->SetTimeSteps(numTimeSteps, buf); f += numTimeSteps; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Merge and subset vtkModelMetadata objects. Because grids get // merged and subsetted on their journey through the VTK reader and filters. //--------------------------------------------------------------- int vtkModelMetadata::AppendFloatLists( int numSubLists, float *id1, int *id1Idx, int id1Len, float *id2, int *id2Idx, int id2Len, float **idNew, int **idNewIdx, int *idNewLen) { if ((id1Len == 0) && (id2Len == 0)) { if (idNew) { *idNew = NULL; } if (idNewIdx) { *idNewIdx = NULL; } if (idNewLen) { *idNewLen = 0; } return 0; } int i; int newIdListLength = id1Len + id2Len; float *newIdList = new float [newIdListLength]; int *newIdListIndex = new int [numSubLists]; if (id1Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id2, id2Len * sizeof(float)); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id2Idx, numSubLists * sizeof(int)); } else if (id2Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id1, id1Len * sizeof(float)); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id1Idx, numSubLists * sizeof(int)); } else { newIdListIndex[0] = 0; int nextid = 0; for (i=0; i<numSubLists; i++) { int lastList = (i == numSubLists-1); float *ids = id1 + id1Idx[i]; int numids = (lastList ? id1Len : id1Idx[i+1]) - id1Idx[i]; if (numids > 0) { memcpy(newIdList + nextid, ids, numids * sizeof(float)); nextid += numids; } ids = id2 + id2Idx[i]; numids = (lastList ? id2Len : id2Idx[i+1]) - id2Idx[i]; if (numids > 0) { memcpy(newIdList + nextid, ids, numids * sizeof(float)); nextid += numids; } if (!lastList) { newIdListIndex[i+1] = nextid; } else { newIdListLength = nextid; } } } if (idNew) { *idNew = newIdList; } else { delete [] newIdList; } if (idNewIdx) { *idNewIdx = newIdListIndex; } else { delete [] newIdListIndex; } if (idNewLen) { *idNewLen = newIdListLength; } return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::AppendIntegerLists( int numSubLists, int *id1, int *id1Idx, int id1Len, int *id2, int *id2Idx, int id2Len, int **idNew, int **idNewIdx, int *idNewLen) { if ((id1Len == 0) && (id2Len == 0)) { return 1; } int i; int newIdListLength = id1Len + id2Len; int *newIdList = new int [newIdListLength]; int *newIdListIndex = new int [numSubLists]; if (id1Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id2, id2Len * sizeof(int)); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id2Idx, numSubLists * sizeof(int)); } else if (id2Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id1, id1Len * sizeof(int)); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id1Idx, numSubLists * sizeof(int)); } else { newIdListIndex[0] = 0; int nextid = 0; for (i=0; i<numSubLists; i++) { int lastList = (i == numSubLists-1); int *ids = id1 + id1Idx[i]; int numids = (lastList ? id1Len : id1Idx[i+1]) - id1Idx[i]; if (numids > 0) { memcpy(newIdList + nextid, ids, numids * sizeof(int)); nextid += numids; } ids = id2 + id2Idx[i]; numids = (lastList ? id2Len : id2Idx[i+1]) - id2Idx[i]; if (numids > 0) { memcpy(newIdList + nextid, ids, numids * sizeof(int)); nextid += numids; } if (!lastList) { newIdListIndex[i+1] = nextid; } else { newIdListLength = nextid; } } } if (idNew) { *idNew = newIdList; } else { delete [] newIdList; } if (idNewIdx) { *idNewIdx = newIdListIndex; } else { delete [] newIdListIndex; } if (idNewLen) { *idNewLen = newIdListLength; } return 0; } int vtkModelMetadata::MergeIdLists(int numSubLists, int *id1, int *id1Idx, int id1Len, float *dist1, int *dist1Idx, int dist1Len, int *id2, int *id2Idx, int id2Len, float *dist2, int *dist2Idx, int dist2Len, int **idNew, int **idNewIdx, int *idNewLen, float **distNew, int **distNewIdx, int *distNewLen) { if ((id1Len == 0) && (id2Len == 0)) { return 1; } // Here we take two lists of IDs, and their associated lists of // floating point factors. Some of the IDs in the second list may // be duplicates of IDs in the first list, and we need to filter // these out when we build the lists combining both. int i, id; int *newIdList=NULL; int *newIdListIndex = NULL; int newIdListLength = 0; float *newDistFact=NULL; int *newDistFactIndex=NULL; int newDistFactLength = 0; int maxIdListLength = id1Len + id2Len; int maxDistFactLength = dist1Len + dist2Len; newIdList = new int [maxIdListLength]; newIdListIndex = new int [numSubLists]; newIdListIndex[0] = 0; int distFact = (maxDistFactLength > 0); if (distFact) { newDistFact = new float [maxDistFactLength]; newDistFactIndex = new int [numSubLists]; newDistFactIndex[0] = 0; } if (id1Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id2, sizeof(int) * id2Len); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id2Idx, sizeof(int) * numSubLists); newIdListLength = id2Len; if (newDistFact) { memcpy(newDistFact, dist2, sizeof(float) * dist2Len); memcpy(newDistFactIndex, dist2Idx, sizeof(int) * numSubLists); } newDistFactLength = dist2Len; } else if (id2Len == 0) { memcpy(newIdList, id1, sizeof(int) * id1Len); memcpy(newIdListIndex, id1Idx, sizeof(int) * numSubLists); newIdListLength = id1Len; if (newDistFact) { memcpy(newDistFact, dist1, sizeof(float) * dist1Len); memcpy(newDistFactIndex, dist1Idx, sizeof(int) * numSubLists); } newDistFactLength = dist1Len; } else { int nextid = 0; int nextdf = 0; float *dist = NULL; int numdf = 0; for (i=0; i<numSubLists; i++) { int lastList = (i == numSubLists-1); int *ids = id1 + id1Idx[i]; int numids = (lastList ? id1Len : id1Idx[i+1]) - id1Idx[i]; if (numids > 0) { memcpy(newIdList + nextid, ids, numids * sizeof(int)); } nextid += numids; if (distFact) { dist = dist1 + dist1Idx[i]; numdf = (lastList ? dist1Len : dist1Idx[i+1]) - dist1Idx[i]; if (numdf > 0) { memcpy(newDistFact + nextdf, dist, numdf * sizeof(float)); nextdf += numdf; } } // Make a set of the ids we've just written. We only want to add // ids from list 2 if they did not exist in list 1. vtkstd::set<int> idSet; for (id=0; id < numids; id++) { idSet.insert(ids[id]); } ids = id2 + id2Idx[i]; numids = (lastList ? id2Len : id2Idx[i+1]) - id2Idx[i]; if (distFact) { dist = dist2 + dist2Idx[i]; numdf = (lastList ? dist2Len : dist2Idx[i+1]) - dist2Idx[i]; } else { numdf = 0; } for (id=0; id < numids; id++) { vtkstd::pair<vtkstd::set<int>::iterator, bool> inserted = idSet.insert(ids[id]); if (inserted.second) // here's a new ID { newIdList[nextid++] = ids[id]; if (numdf > 0) { // There is either 1 or 0 distribution factors newDistFact[nextdf++] = dist[id]; } } } if (!lastList) { newIdListIndex[i+1] = nextid; if (distFact) { newDistFactIndex[i+1] = nextdf; } } else { newIdListLength = nextid; newDistFactLength = nextdf; } } } if (idNew) { *idNew = newIdList; } else { delete [] newIdList; } if (idNewIdx) { *idNewIdx = newIdListIndex; } else { delete [] newIdListIndex; } if (idNewLen) { *idNewLen = newIdListLength; } if (distNew) { *distNew = newDistFact; } else if (newDistFact) { delete [] newDistFact; } if (distNewIdx) { *distNewIdx = newDistFactIndex; } else if (newDistFactIndex) { delete [] newDistFactIndex; } if (distNewLen) { *distNewLen = newDistFactLength; } return 0; } // This merge function serves two purposes. It can initialize // the global fields of the current object with the values in the // the global fields on the object passed in. // // Or it can carefully merge missing global fields in to our global // fields. Often in Exodus files, global data is missing if it // is irrelevant. For example, a block name is "NULL" if the // the file has no cells in that block. // // "Global" in this context means merge all fields which don't depend // on which cells are included in the model. (In other contexts we // use "global" to refer to all metadata which doesn't depend on the // cells, the time step, or the variables chosen.) // // TODO - We may need to write a version that detects duplicate // cells in the two models that are to be merged. Maybe detecting // and filtering duplicate cells should be an option. int vtkModelMetadata::MergeGlobalInformation(const vtkModelMetadata *em) { int i; if (!this->Title && em->GetTitle()) { this->SetTitle(vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(em->GetTitle())); } int num = em->GetNumberOfQARecords(); if (this->NumberOfQARecords < num) { typedef char *p4[4]; p4 *qaRecs = new p4 [num]; char *name, *version, *date, *time; for (i=0; i<num; i++) { em->GetQARecord(i, &name, &version, &date, &time); qaRecs[i][0] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(name); qaRecs[i][1] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(version); qaRecs[i][2] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(date); qaRecs[i][3] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(time); } this->SetQARecords(num, qaRecs); } num = em->GetNumberOfInformationLines(); if (this->NumberOfInformationLines < num) { char **newLines; em->GetInformationLines(&newLines); char **lines = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(newLines, num); this->SetInformationLines(num, lines); } if (this->CoordinateNames == NULL) { num = em->GetDimension(); char **lines = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetCoordinateNames(), num); this->SetCoordinateNames(num, lines); } num = em->GetNumberOfTimeSteps(); if (this->NumberOfTimeSteps < num) { float *ts = new float [num]; memcpy(ts, em->GetTimeStepValues(), num * sizeof(float)); this->SetTimeSteps(num, ts); this->TimeStepIndex = em->TimeStepIndex; } // Assumption - Either we have no block information and are copying // it from the supplied model, or the block IDs are the same and in the // same order in both models, but we may be missing some information. num = em->GetNumberOfBlocks(); int nblocks = this->GetNumberOfBlocks(); if (nblocks == 0) { this->SetNumberOfBlocks(num); this->SetBlockIds( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetBlockIds(), num)); int *nvals = new int [num]; memset(nvals , 0, sizeof(int) * num); this->SetBlockNumberOfElements(nvals); this->SetBlockElementType( vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetBlockElementType(), num)); this->SetBlockNodesPerElement( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetBlockNodesPerElement(), num)); this->SetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(), num)); } else if (nblocks != num) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Merging metadata from different files"); return 1; } else { char **types = em->GetBlockElementType(); int *nodes = em->GetBlockNodesPerElement(); int *atts = em->GetBlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement(); for (i=0; i < nblocks; i++) { if (!strcmp(this->BlockElementType[i], "NULL") && strcmp(em->BlockElementType[i], "NULL")) { delete [] this->BlockElementType[i]; this->BlockElementType[i] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(types[i]); this->BlockNodesPerElement[i] = nodes[i]; this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement[i] = atts[i]; } } } num = em->GetNumberOfNodeSets(); if (this->NumberOfNodeSets < num) { int *ids = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetNodeSetIds(), num); this->SetNumberOfNodeSets(num); this->SetNodeSetIds(ids); } num = em->GetNumberOfSideSets(); if (this->NumberOfSideSets < num) { int *ids = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetSideSetIds(), num); this->SetNumberOfSideSets(num); this->SetSideSetIds(ids); } num = em->GetNumberOfBlockProperties(); int nblockProp = this->NumberOfBlockProperties; int nvals = num * this->NumberOfBlocks; if (nvals > 0) { if (nblockProp < num) { this->SetBlockPropertyNames(num, vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetBlockPropertyNames(), num)); this->SetBlockPropertyValue( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetBlockPropertyValue(), nvals)); } else if (nblockProp == num) { int *myVal = this->BlockPropertyValue; int *newVal = em->GetBlockPropertyValue(); for (i=0; i<nvals; i++) { if ((myVal[i] == 0) && (newVal[i] != 0)) myVal[i] = newVal[i]; } } else { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Merging metadata from different files"); return 1; } } num = em->GetNumberOfNodeSetProperties(); int nnsetProp = this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; nvals = num * this->NumberOfNodeSets; if (nvals > 0) { if (nnsetProp < num) { this->SetNodeSetPropertyNames(num, vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetNodeSetPropertyNames(), num)); this->SetNodeSetPropertyValue( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetNodeSetPropertyValue(), nvals)); } else if (nnsetProp == num) { int *myVal = this->NodeSetPropertyValue; int *newVal = em->GetNodeSetPropertyValue(); for (i=0; i<nvals; i++) { if ((myVal[i] == 0) && (newVal[i] != 0)) myVal[i] = newVal[i]; } } else { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Merging metadata from different files"); return 1; } } num = em->GetNumberOfSideSetProperties(); int nssetProp = this->NumberOfSideSetProperties; nvals = num * this->NumberOfSideSets; if (nvals > 0) { if (nssetProp < num) { this->SetSideSetPropertyNames(num, vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetSideSetPropertyNames(), num)); this->SetSideSetPropertyValue( vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetSideSetPropertyValue(), nvals)); } else if (nssetProp == num) { int *myVal = this->SideSetPropertyValue; int *newVal = em->GetSideSetPropertyValue(); for (i=0; i<nvals; i++) { if ((myVal[i] == 0) && (newVal[i] != 0)) myVal[i] = newVal[i]; } } else { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Merging metadata from different files"); return 1; } } num = em->GetNumberOfGlobalVariables(); if (num > this->NumberOfGlobalVariables) { this->SetGlobalVariableNames(num, vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetGlobalVariableNames(), num)); float *gv = new float [num]; memcpy(gv, em->GetGlobalVariableValue(), sizeof(float) * num); this->SetGlobalVariableValue(gv); } num = em->GetOriginalNumberOfElementVariables(); if (num > this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables) { char **orig = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetOriginalElementVariableNames(), num); int numvar = em->GetNumberOfElementVariables(); char **varname = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetElementVariableNames(), numvar); int *comp = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetElementVariableNumberOfComponents(), numvar); int *map = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetMapToOriginalElementVariableNames(), numvar); this->SetElementVariableInfo(num, orig, numvar, varname, comp, map); } num = em->GetOriginalNumberOfNodeVariables(); if (num > this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables) { char **orig = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetOriginalNodeVariableNames(), num); int numvar = em->GetNumberOfNodeVariables(); char **varname = vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(em->GetNodeVariableNames(), numvar); int *comp = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetNodeVariableNumberOfComponents(), numvar); int *map = vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(em->GetMapToOriginalNodeVariableNames(), numvar); this->SetNodeVariableInfo(num, orig, numvar, varname, comp, map); } int *mytt = this->ElementVariableTruthTable; int *newtt = em->GetElementVariableTruthTable(); int nvars = em->GetOriginalNumberOfElementVariables(); if (newtt) { int ttsize = this->NumberOfBlocks * nvars; if (mytt == NULL) { mytt = new int [ttsize]; memcpy(mytt, newtt, ttsize * sizeof(int)); this->SetElementVariableTruthTable(mytt); } else { for (i=0; i<ttsize; i++) { if (newtt[i] == 1) mytt[i] = 1; } } } return 0; } // Merge the metadata passed in to this metadata. If this metadata // object is empty, initialize it from the metadata passed in. // // ASSUMPTION: // The vtkModelMetadata object passed in comes from the same // distributed file that this object was initialized from. // It has the same variables and is for the same time step. What // will be different is the cells that are represented in the // two models. // // We assume that a given cell ID does not appear in more than one // file in a distributed data set. So when merging two ModelMetadata objects // we just append element lists. However, we assume that node IDs may // appear in more than one file, and we filter out duplicate IDs when // merging the ModelMetadata data from two files. // // TODO - vtkDistributedDataFilter has a mode where boundary cells // are duplicated. In that case, when merging one submesh's // metadata with another, we would have to filter out duplicate cells. // It would be good to have a flag that says whether this need to // be done or not. int vtkModelMetadata::MergeModelMetadata(const vtkModelMetadata *em) { int i, rc; // Merge the global information - that which doesn't depend on // which elements (cells) are in the two models. rc = this->MergeGlobalInformation(em); if (rc) { return 1; } // If the input object is empty, we're done int nBlocksNew = em->GetNumberOfBlocks(); int *nelts = em->GetBlockNumberOfElements(); int nCellsNew = 0; for (i=0; nelts && (i < nBlocksNew); i++) { nCellsNew += nelts[i]; } if (nCellsNew == 0) return 0; // BLOCKS float *farray = NULL; int *index = NULL; int newSize = 0; int nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks; this->AppendFloatLists(nblocks, this->BlockAttributes, this->BlockAttributesIndex, this->SizeBlockAttributeArray, em->BlockAttributes, em->BlockAttributesIndex, em->SizeBlockAttributeArray, &farray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->BlockAttributes); FREE(this->BlockAttributesIndex); this->BlockAttributes = farray; this->BlockAttributesIndex = index; this->SizeBlockAttributeArray = newSize; int *iarray = NULL; this->AppendIntegerLists(nblocks, this->BlockElementIdList, this->BlockElementIdListIndex, this->SumElementsPerBlock, em->BlockElementIdList, em->BlockElementIdListIndex, em->SumElementsPerBlock, &iarray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->BlockElementIdList); FREE(this->BlockElementIdListIndex); this->BlockElementIdList = iarray; this->BlockElementIdListIndex = index; this->SumElementsPerBlock = newSize; for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { this->BlockNumberOfElements[i] += em->BlockNumberOfElements[i]; } // NODE SETS if (em->SumNodesPerNodeSet > 0) { int *index2 = NULL; int newSize2 = 0; int nnsets = this->NumberOfNodeSets; this->MergeIdLists( nnsets, this->NodeSetNodeIdList, this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex, this->SumNodesPerNodeSet, this->NodeSetDistributionFactors, this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex, this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet, em->NodeSetNodeIdList, em->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex, em->SumNodesPerNodeSet, em->NodeSetDistributionFactors, em->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex, em->SumDistFactPerNodeSet, &iarray, &index, &newSize, &farray, &index2, &newSize2); FREE(this->NodeSetNodeIdList); FREE(this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex); FREE(this->NodeSetDistributionFactors); FREE(this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex); this->NodeSetNodeIdList = iarray; this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex = index; this->NodeSetDistributionFactors = farray; this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex = index2; this->SumNodesPerNodeSet = newSize; this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet = newSize2; int lastset = nnsets-1; int *setSize = new int [nnsets]; int *setDF = new int [nnsets]; for (i=0; i<lastset; i++) { setSize[i] = index[i+1] - index[i]; if (index2) { setDF[i] = index2[i+1] - index2[i]; } else { setDF[i] = 0; } } setSize[lastset] = newSize - index[lastset]; if (index2) { setDF[lastset] = newSize2 - index2[lastset]; } else { setDF[lastset] = 0; } FREE(this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors); this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = setDF; FREE(this->NodeSetSize); this->NodeSetSize = setSize; } // SIDE SETS if (em->SumSidesPerSideSet > 0) { int nssets = this->NumberOfSideSets; this->AppendIntegerLists(nssets, this->SideSetElementList, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, em->SideSetElementList, em->SideSetListIndex, em->SumSidesPerSideSet, &iarray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->SideSetElementList); this->SideSetElementList = iarray; FREE(index); this->AppendIntegerLists(nssets, this->SideSetSideList, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, em->SideSetSideList, em->SideSetListIndex, em->SumSidesPerSideSet, &iarray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->SideSetSideList); this->SideSetSideList = iarray; FREE(index); this->AppendIntegerLists(nssets, this->SideSetNumDFPerSide, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, em->SideSetNumDFPerSide, em->SideSetListIndex, em->SumSidesPerSideSet, &iarray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->SideSetNumDFPerSide); this->SideSetNumDFPerSide= iarray; FREE(this->SideSetListIndex); this->SideSetListIndex = index; this->SumSidesPerSideSet = newSize; this->AppendFloatLists(nssets, this->SideSetDistributionFactors, this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex, this->SumDistFactPerSideSet, em->SideSetDistributionFactors, em->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex, em->SumDistFactPerSideSet, &farray, &index, &newSize); FREE(this->SideSetDistributionFactors); FREE(this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex); this->SideSetDistributionFactors = farray; this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex = index; this->SumDistFactPerSideSet = newSize; int lastset = nssets - 1; int *setSize = new int [nssets]; int *setDF = new int [nssets]; for (i=0; i<lastset; i++) { setSize[i] = this->SideSetListIndex[i+1] - this->SideSetListIndex[i]; if (index) { setDF[i] = index[i+1] - index[i]; } else { setDF[i] = 0; } } setSize[lastset] = this->SumSidesPerSideSet - this->SideSetListIndex[lastset]; if (index) { setDF[lastset] = newSize - index[lastset]; } else { setDF[lastset] = 0; } FREE(this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors); this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors = setDF; FREE(this->SideSetSize); this->SideSetSize = setSize; } return 0; } int *vtkModelMetadata::CopyInts(int *vals, int num) { int *newvals = NULL; if (num == 0) return newvals; newvals = new int [num]; memcpy(newvals, vals, sizeof(int) * num); return newvals; } char **vtkModelMetadata::CopyLines(char **lines, int num) { char **newlines = NULL; if (num == 0) return newlines; newlines = new char * [num]; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { newlines[i] = vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(lines[i]); } return newlines; } void vtkModelMetadata::ExtractCellsFromBlockData(vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak *idset, vtkModelMetadata *mmd) { int i, j, k; int nblocks, nelts; if ((nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks) < 1) return; if ((nelts = this->SumElementsPerBlock) < 1) return; char *extractElt = new char [nelts]; int *eltIds = this->BlockElementIdList; float *eltAtts = this->BlockAttributes; int *blockSize = this->BlockNumberOfElements; int *blockAtts = this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement; int *newEltIds = NULL; float *newEltAtts = NULL; int *newBlockSize = new int [nblocks]; int numNewElts = 0; int numNewAtts = 0; int ii=0; for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { newBlockSize[i] = 0; for (j=0; j<blockSize[i]; j++) { vtkstd::set<int>::iterator it = idset->IntSet.find(eltIds[ii]); if (it == idset->IntSet.end()) { extractElt[ii] = 0; } else { extractElt[ii] = 1; newBlockSize[i]++; } ii++; } numNewElts += newBlockSize[i]; numNewAtts += (newBlockSize[i] * blockAtts[i]); } if (numNewElts > 0) { newEltIds = new int [numNewElts]; if (numNewAtts > 0) { newEltAtts = new float [numNewAtts]; } int *nextId = newEltIds; float *nextAtt = newEltAtts; ii=0; for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { for (j=0; j<blockSize[i]; j++) { if (extractElt[ii++]) { *nextId++ = *eltIds; for (k=0; k<blockAtts[i]; k++) { *nextAtt++ = eltAtts[k]; } } eltIds++; eltAtts += blockAtts[i]; } } } mmd->SetBlockNumberOfElements(newBlockSize); if (newEltIds) { mmd->SetBlockElementIdList(newEltIds); if (newEltAtts) { mmd->SetBlockAttributes(newEltAtts); } } delete [] extractElt; return; } void vtkModelMetadata::ExtractNodesFromNodeSetData(vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak *idset, vtkModelMetadata *mmd) { int i, j; int nnsets, nnodes; if ((nnsets = this->NumberOfNodeSets) < 1) return; if ((nnodes = this->SumNodesPerNodeSet) < 1) return; char *extractNodes = new char [nnodes]; int *nsIds = this->NodeSetNodeIdList; float *nsDF = this->NodeSetDistributionFactors; int *nsSize = this->NodeSetSize; int *nsNumDF = this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors; int *newnsIds = NULL; float *newnsDF = NULL; int *newnsSize = new int [nnsets]; int *newnsNumDF = new int [nnsets]; int numNewNodes = 0; int numNewDF = 0; int ii=0; for (i=0; i<nnsets; i++) { newnsSize[i] = 0; for (j=0; j<nsSize[i]; j++) { vtkstd::set<int>::iterator it = idset->IntSet.find(nsIds[ii]); if (it == idset->IntSet.end()) { extractNodes[ii] = 0; } else { extractNodes[ii] = 1; newnsSize[i]++; } ii++; } if (nsNumDF[i] > 0) newnsNumDF[i] = newnsSize[i]; else newnsNumDF[i] = 0; numNewNodes += newnsSize[i]; numNewDF += newnsNumDF[i]; } if (numNewNodes > 0) { newnsIds = new int [numNewNodes]; if (numNewDF > 0) { newnsDF = new float [numNewDF]; } int *nextId = newnsIds; float *nextDF = newnsDF; ii = 0; for (i=0; i<nnsets; i++) { int hasDF = (nsNumDF[i] > 0); for (j=0; j<nsSize[i]; j++) { if (extractNodes[ii++]) { *nextId++ = *nsIds; if (hasDF) { *nextDF++ = *nsDF; } } nsIds++; if (hasDF) nsDF++; } } } mmd->SetNodeSetSize(newnsSize); mmd->SetNodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(newnsNumDF); if (newnsIds) { mmd->SetNodeSetNodeIdList(newnsIds); if (newnsDF) { mmd->SetNodeSetDistributionFactors(newnsDF); } } delete [] extractNodes; return; } void vtkModelMetadata::ExtractSidesFromSideSetData(vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak *idset, vtkModelMetadata *mmd) { int i, j; int nssets, nsides; if ((nssets = this->NumberOfSideSets) < 1) return; if ((nsides = this->SumSidesPerSideSet) < 1) return; char *extractSides = new char [nsides]; int *ssElts = this->SideSetElementList; int *ssSides = this->SideSetSideList; int *ssNumDFperSide = this->SideSetNumDFPerSide; float *ssDF = this->SideSetDistributionFactors; int *ssSize = this->SideSetSize; int *newssElts = NULL; int *newssSides = NULL; int *newssNumDFperSide = NULL; float *newssDF = NULL; int *newssSize = new int [nssets]; int *newssNumDF = new int [nssets]; int numNewSides = 0; int numNewDF = 0; int ii=0; for (i=0; i<nssets; i++) { newssSize[i] = 0; newssNumDF[i] = 0; for (j=0; j<ssSize[i]; j++) { vtkstd::set<int>::iterator it = idset->IntSet.find(ssElts[ii]); if (it == idset->IntSet.end()) { extractSides[ii] = 0; } else { extractSides[ii] = 1; newssSize[i]++; newssNumDF[i] += ssNumDFperSide[ii]; } ii++; } numNewSides += newssSize[i]; numNewDF += newssNumDF[i]; } if (numNewSides > 0) { newssElts = new int [numNewSides]; newssSides = new int [numNewSides]; newssNumDFperSide = new int [numNewSides]; if (numNewDF > 0) { newssDF = new float [numNewDF]; } int nextId = 0; int nextDF = 0; for (ii=0; ii<nsides; ii++) { int ndf = ssNumDFperSide[ii]; if (extractSides[ii]) { newssElts[nextId] = ssElts[ii]; newssSides[nextId] = ssSides[ii]; newssNumDFperSide[nextId] = ndf; nextId++; for (i=0; i<ndf; i++) { newssDF[nextDF++] = ssDF[i]; } } ssDF += ndf; } } delete [] extractSides; mmd->SetSideSetSize(newssSize); mmd->SetSideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors(newssNumDF); if (newssElts) { mmd->SetSideSetElementList(newssElts); mmd->SetSideSetSideList(newssSides); mmd->SetSideSetNumDFPerSide(newssNumDFperSide); if (newssDF) { mmd->SetSideSetDistributionFactors(newssDF); } } return; } vtkModelMetadata *vtkModelMetadata::ExtractGlobalMetadata() { vtkModelMetadata *mmd = vtkModelMetadata::New(); mmd->MergeGlobalInformation(this); return mmd; } vtkModelMetadata *vtkModelMetadata::ExtractModelMetadata( vtkIntArray *globalCellIdList, vtkDataSet *grid, const char *globalCellIdArrayName, const char *globalNodeIdArrayName) { int i; vtkModelMetadata *em = this->ExtractGlobalMetadata(); int ncells = globalCellIdList->GetNumberOfTuples(); if (ncells < 1) { return em; } vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak *cellIds = new vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak; // the cells we want to extract vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak *nodeIds = new vtkModelMetadataSTLCloak; // the nodes they include int *ids = globalCellIdList->GetPointer(0); for (i=0; i<ncells; i++) { cellIds->IntSet.insert(ids[i]); } ncells = cellIds->IntSet.size(); vtkDataArray *ca = grid->GetCellData()->GetArray(globalCellIdArrayName); vtkDataArray *pa = grid->GetPointData()->GetArray(globalNodeIdArrayName); if (!ca || !pa) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "vtkModelMetadata::ExtractModelMetadata needs id arrays"); em->Delete(); return NULL; } vtkIntArray *ica = vtkIntArray::SafeDownCast(ca); vtkIntArray *ipa = vtkIntArray::SafeDownCast(pa); if (!ica || !ipa) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "vtkModelMetadata::ExtractModelMetadata id arrays not ints"); em->Delete(); return NULL; } int *gcids = ica->GetPointer(0); // global cell ids int *gpids = ipa->GetPointer(0); // global point ids int gridCells = grid->GetNumberOfCells(); vtkIdList *ptIds = vtkIdList::New(); for (vtkIdType c = 0; c<gridCells; c++) { vtkstd::set<int>::iterator it = cellIds->IntSet.find(gcids[c]); if (it != cellIds->IntSet.end()) { grid->GetCellPoints(c, ptIds); vtkIdType npoints = ptIds->GetNumberOfIds(); for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) { nodeIds->IntSet.insert(gpids[ptIds->GetId(i)]); } } } ptIds->Delete(); // Block information if (this->NumberOfBlocks) { this->ExtractCellsFromBlockData(cellIds, em); } // Node set information if (this->NumberOfNodeSets) { this->ExtractNodesFromNodeSetData(nodeIds, em); } // Side set information if (this->NumberOfSideSets) { this->ExtractSidesFromSideSetData(cellIds, em); } delete cellIds; delete nodeIds; return em; } char *vtkModelMetadata::StrDupWithNew(const char *s) { char *newstr = NULL; if (s) { int len = strlen(s); if (len == 0) { newstr = new char [1]; newstr[0] = '\0'; } else { newstr = new char [len + 1]; strcpy(newstr, s); } } return newstr; } char *vtkModelMetadata::FindOriginalNodeVariableName(const char *name, int component) { int idx = -1; for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfNodeVariables; i++) { if (!strcmp(name, this->NodeVariableNames[i])) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx < 0) { return NULL; } int origIdx = this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames[idx]; if ( (component<0) || (component >= this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents[idx])) { return NULL; } return this->OriginalNodeVariableNames[origIdx + component]; } int vtkModelMetadata::ElementVariableIsDefinedInBlock(char *varname, int blockId) { int i; int varIdx = -1; if (this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks) { return 1; } for (i=0; i<this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; i++) { if (!strcmp(varname, this->OriginalElementVariableNames[i])) { varIdx = i; break; } } int blockIdx = this->GetBlockLocalIndex(blockId); if ( (blockIdx<0) || (varIdx<0)) { return 1; // by default we say everything is defined } int loc = (blockIdx * this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables) + varIdx; return (int)this->ElementVariableTruthTable[loc]; } char *vtkModelMetadata::FindOriginalElementVariableName(const char *name, int component) { int idx = -1; for (int i=0; i<this->NumberOfElementVariables; i++) { if (!strcmp(name, this->ElementVariableNames[i])) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx < 0) { return NULL; } int origIdx = this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames[idx]; if ( (component<0) || (component >= this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents[idx])) { return NULL; } return this->OriginalElementVariableNames[origIdx + component]; } //------------------------------------- // Display contents for debugging //------------------------------------- void vtkModelMetadata::ShowFloats(const char *what, int num, float *f) { if (num < 1) return; if (!f) return; cout << what << endl; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { if (i && (i % 10 == 0)) cout << endl; cout << " " << f[i]; } cout << endl; } void vtkModelMetadata::ShowLines(const char *what, int num, char **l) { if (num < 1) return; if (!l) return; cout << what << endl; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { if (l[i]) cout << " " << l[i] << endl; } } void vtkModelMetadata::ShowIntArray(const char *what, int numx, int numy, int *id) { if (numx < 1) return; if (numy < 1) return; if (id == NULL) return; cout << what << endl; for (int x=0; x<numx; x++) { for (int y=0; y<numy; y++) { cout << " " << *id++; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } void vtkModelMetadata::ShowInts(const char *what, int num, int *id) { if (num < 1) return; if (!id) return; cout << what << endl; for (int i=0; i<num; i++) { if (i && (i % 10 == 0)) cout << endl; cout << " " << id[i]; } cout << endl; } void vtkModelMetadata::ShowListsOfInts(const char *what, int *list, int nlists, int *idx, int len, int verbose) { int i, j, ii; if (len == 0) return; cout << what << endl; for (i=0; i<nlists; i++) { int start = idx[i]; int end = ((i == nlists-1) ? len : idx[i+1]); cout << i << ") "; for (j=start,ii=0; j < end; j++,ii++) { if (ii && ((ii%20)==0)) { if (verbose) { cout << endl; } else { cout << "..." ; break; } } cout << list[j] << " "; } cout << endl; } } void vtkModelMetadata::ShowListsOfFloats(const char *what, float *list, int nlists, int *idx, int len, int verbose) { int i, j, ii; if (len == 0) return; cout << what << endl; for (i=0; i<nlists; i++) { int start = idx[i]; int end = ((i == nlists-1) ? len : idx[i+1]); cout << i << ") "; for (j=start,ii=0; j < end; j++,ii++) { if (ii && ((ii%20)==0)) { if (verbose) { cout << endl; } else { cout << "..."; break; } } cout << list[j] << " "; } cout << endl; } } void vtkModelMetadata::PrintLocalInformation() { int verbose = 0; // Only print out lists of element IDs, distribution factors, node // IDs and so on if VERBOSE_TESTING is defined in the environment. // You only want to see these for very small test files. char *val = getenv("VERBOSE_TESTING"); if (val) verbose = 1; val = getenv("VERY_VERBOSE_TESTING"); if (val) verbose = 2; cout << "Metadata local information" << endl; cout << "========================================" << endl; cout << "Time step (starting with 0): " << this->TimeStepIndex << endl; this->ShowInts("BlockNumberOfElements", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockNumberOfElements); if (verbose) { // Only show these for really small data sets. this->ShowListsOfInts("BlockElementIdList", this->BlockElementIdList, this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockElementIdListIndex, this->SumElementsPerBlock, (verbose>1)); this->ShowListsOfFloats("BlockAttributes", this->BlockAttributes, this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockAttributesIndex, this->SizeBlockAttributeArray, (verbose>1)); } this->ShowInts("NodeSetSize", this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NodeSetSize); this->ShowInts("NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors", this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors); if (verbose) { this->ShowListsOfInts("NodeSetNodeIdList", this->NodeSetNodeIdList, this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NodeSetNodeIdListIndex, this->SumNodesPerNodeSet, (verbose>1)); this->ShowListsOfFloats("NodeSetDistributionFactors", this->NodeSetDistributionFactors, this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NodeSetDistributionFactorIndex, this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet, (verbose>1)); } this->ShowInts("SideSetSize", this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetSize); this->ShowInts("SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors", this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors); if (verbose) { this->ShowListsOfInts("SideSetElementList", this->SideSetElementList, this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, (verbose>1)); this->ShowListsOfInts("SideSetSideList", this->SideSetSideList, this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, (verbose>1)); this->ShowListsOfInts("SideSetNumDFPerSide", this->SideSetNumDFPerSide, this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetListIndex, this->SumSidesPerSideSet, (verbose>1)); this->ShowListsOfFloats("SideSetDistributionFactors", this->SideSetDistributionFactors, this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetDistributionFactorIndex, this->SumDistFactPerSideSet, (verbose>1)); } this->ShowFloats("GlobalVariables", this->NumberOfGlobalVariables, this->GlobalVariableValue); cout << "NumberOfElementVariables " << this->NumberOfElementVariables << endl; this->ShowLines("ElementVariableNames", this->NumberOfElementVariables, this->ElementVariableNames); this->ShowInts("ElementVariableNumberOfComponents", this->NumberOfElementVariables, this->ElementVariableNumberOfComponents); this->ShowInts("MapToOriginalElementVariableNames", this->NumberOfElementVariables, this->MapToOriginalElementVariableNames); cout << "NumberOfNodeVariables " << this->NumberOfNodeVariables << endl; this->ShowLines("NodeVariableNames", this->NumberOfNodeVariables, this->NodeVariableNames); this->ShowInts("NodeVariableNumberOfComponents", this->NumberOfNodeVariables, this->NodeVariableNumberOfComponents); this->ShowInts("MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames", this->NumberOfNodeVariables, this->MapToOriginalNodeVariableNames); } void vtkModelMetadata::PrintGlobalInformation() { int i,j; cout << "Metadata global information" << endl; cout << "========================================" << endl; if (this->Title) cout << "Title: " << this->Title << endl; if (this->NumberOfQARecords) { cout << "QA Records:" << endl; char *name, *ver, *date, *time; for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfQARecords; i++) { this->GetQARecord(i, &name, &ver, &date, &time); cout << " " << name << " " << ver << " " << date << " " << time << endl; } } this->ShowLines("InformationLines", this->NumberOfInformationLines, this->InformationLine); this->ShowLines("CoordinateNames", this->Dimension, this->CoordinateNames); cout << "NumberOfTimeSteps " << this->NumberOfTimeSteps << endl; this->ShowFloats("TimeStepValues", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeStepValues); cout << "NumberOfBlocks " << this->NumberOfBlocks << endl; this->ShowInts("BlockIds", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockIds); this->ShowLines("BlockElementType", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockElementType); this->ShowInts("BlockNodesPerElement", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockNodesPerElement); this->ShowInts("BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->BlockNumberOfAttributesPerElement); cout << "NumberOfNodeSets " << this->NumberOfNodeSets << endl; this->ShowInts("NodeSetIds", this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NodeSetIds); cout << "NumberOfSideSets " << this->NumberOfSideSets << endl; this->ShowInts("SideSetIds", this->NumberOfSideSets, this->SideSetIds); cout << "NumberOfBlockProperties " << this->NumberOfBlockProperties << endl; this->ShowLines("BlockPropertyNames", this->NumberOfBlockProperties, this->BlockPropertyNames); this->ShowIntArray("BlockPropertyValue", this->NumberOfBlocks, this->NumberOfBlockProperties, this->BlockPropertyValue); cout << "NumberOfNodeSetProperties " << this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties << endl; this->ShowLines("NodeSetPropertyNames", this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties, this->NodeSetPropertyNames); this->ShowIntArray("NodeSetPropertyValue", this->NumberOfNodeSets, this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties, this->NodeSetPropertyValue); cout << "NumberOfSideSetProperties " << this->NumberOfSideSetProperties << endl; this->ShowLines("SideSetPropertyNames", this->NumberOfSideSetProperties, this->SideSetPropertyNames); this->ShowIntArray("SideSetPropertyValue", this->NumberOfSideSets, this->NumberOfSideSetProperties, this->SideSetPropertyValue); cout << "NumberOfGlobalVariables " << this->NumberOfGlobalVariables << endl; this->ShowLines("GlobalVariableNames", this->NumberOfGlobalVariables, this->GlobalVariableNames); cout << "OriginalNumberOfElementVariables " << this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables << endl; this->ShowLines("OriginalElementVariableNames", this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables, this->OriginalElementVariableNames); cout << "OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables " << this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables << endl; this->ShowLines("OriginalNodeVariableNames", this->OriginalNumberOfNodeVariables, this->OriginalNodeVariableNames); int *tt = this->ElementVariableTruthTable; int nblocks = this->NumberOfBlocks; int nelts = this->OriginalNumberOfElementVariables; int ttsize = nblocks * nelts; if (tt && ttsize) { cout << "Block/Element variable truth table" << endl; for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) { cout << "block " << i << ", "; for (j=0; j<nelts; j++) { cout << *tt++ << " "; } cout << endl; } } cout << "========================================" << endl; } int vtkModelMetadata::CalculateMaximumLengths(int &maxString, int &maxLine) { int i; maxLine = 0; maxString = 0; // Exodus file strings have a bounded length. The bounds // MAX_STR_LENGTH and MAX_LINE_LENGTH are in the exodusII // header file. However the vtkModelMetadata class must // not require the Exodus library. It is used by classes // that are ExodusModel-aware, but must work in non Exodus // environments. (Like vtkEnSightWriter). It also may be // used by other dataset file formats in the future. So we // need to deduce a fixed string length and line length. int sizeLine = (this->Title ? strlen(this->Title) : 0); maxLine = ((sizeLine > maxLine) ? sizeLine : maxLine); for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfInformationLines; i++) { sizeLine = (this->InformationLine[i] ? strlen(this->InformationLine[i]) : 0); maxLine = ((sizeLine > maxLine) ? sizeLine : maxLine); } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfQARecords; i++) { sizeLine = (this->QARecord[i][0] ? strlen(this->QARecord[i][0]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; sizeLine = (this->QARecord[i][1] ? strlen(this->QARecord[i][1]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; sizeLine = (this->QARecord[i][2] ? strlen(this->QARecord[i][2]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; sizeLine = (this->QARecord[i][3] ? strlen(this->QARecord[i][3]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->Dimension; i++) { sizeLine = (this->CoordinateNames[i] ? strlen(this->CoordinateNames[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfBlocks; i++) { sizeLine = (this->BlockElementType[i] ? strlen(this->BlockElementType[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfBlockProperties; i++) { sizeLine = (this->BlockPropertyNames[i] ? strlen(this->BlockPropertyNames[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties; i++) { sizeLine = (this->NodeSetPropertyNames[i] ? strlen(this->NodeSetPropertyNames[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfSideSetProperties; i++) { sizeLine = (this->SideSetPropertyNames[i] ? strlen(this->SideSetPropertyNames[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } for (i=0; i<this->NumberOfGlobalVariables; i++) { sizeLine = (this->GlobalVariableNames[i] ? strlen(this->GlobalVariableNames[i]) : 0); maxString = (sizeLine > maxString) ? sizeLine : maxString; } return 0; } void vtkModelMetadata::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { int i; this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Title: " << (this->Title?this->Title:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfQARecords: " << this->NumberOfQARecords << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfInformationLines: " << this->NumberOfInformationLines << endl; os << indent << "Dimension: " << this->Dimension << endl; os << indent << "CoordinateNames: " << endl; for(i=0;i<this->Dimension;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->CoordinateNames[i]?this->CoordinateNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } os << indent << "NumberOfBlocks: " << this->NumberOfBlocks << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfNodeSets: " << this->NumberOfNodeSets << endl; os << indent << "NodeSetIds: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfNodeSets;i++) { os << this->NodeSetIds[i] << " "; } os << endl; if (this->NodeSetSize) { os << indent << "NodeSetSize: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfNodeSets;i++) { os << this->NodeSetSize[i] << " "; } os << endl; } os << indent << "NodeSetNodeIdList: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumNodesPerNodeSet;i++) { os << this->NodeSetNodeIdList[i] << " "; } os << endl; // os << indent << "NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors: " << // (this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors?this->NodeSetNumberOfDistributionFactors:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "NodeSetDistributionFactors: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumDistFactPerNodeSet;i++) { os << this->NodeSetDistributionFactors[i] << " "; } os << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfSideSets: " << this->NumberOfSideSets << endl; os << indent << "SideSetIds: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfSideSets;i++) { os << this->SideSetIds[i] << " "; } os << endl; if (this->SideSetSize) { os << indent << "SideSetSize: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfSideSets;i++) { os << this->SideSetSize[i] << " "; } os << endl; } // os << indent << "SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors: " << // (this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors?this->SideSetNumberOfDistributionFactors:"(none)" << endl; os << indent << "SideSetElementList: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumSidesPerSideSet;i++) { os << this->SideSetElementList[i] << " "; } os << endl; os << indent << "SideSetSideList: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumSidesPerSideSet;i++) { os << this->SideSetSideList[i] << " "; } os << endl; os << indent << "SideSetNumDFPerSide: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumSidesPerSideSet;i++) { os << this->SideSetNumDFPerSide[i] << " "; } os << endl; os << indent << "SideSetDistributionFactors: "; for(i=0;i<this->SumDistFactPerSideSet;i++) { os << this->SideSetDistributionFactors[i] << " "; } os << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfBlockProperties: " << this->NumberOfBlockProperties << endl; os << indent << "BlockPropertyNames: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfBlockProperties;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->BlockPropertyNames[i]?this->BlockPropertyNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } // os << indent << "BlockPropertyValue: " << // (this->BlockPropertyValue?this->BlockPropertyValue:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfNodeSetProperties: " << this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties << endl; os << indent << "NodeSetPropertyNames: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfNodeSetProperties;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->NodeSetPropertyNames[i]?this->NodeSetPropertyNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } // os << indent << "NodeSetPropertyValue: " << // (this->NodeSetPropertyValue?this->NodeSetPropertyValue:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfSideSetProperties: " << this->NumberOfSideSetProperties << endl; os << indent << "SideSetPropertyNames: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfSideSetProperties;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->SideSetPropertyNames[i]?this->SideSetPropertyNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } // os << indent << "SideSetPropertyValue: " << // (this->SideSetPropertyValue?this->SideSetPropertyValue:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "NumberOfElementVariables: " << this->NumberOfElementVariables << endl; os << indent << "ElementVariableNames: "; for(i=0;i<this->MaxNumberOfElementVariables;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->ElementVariableNames[i]?this->ElementVariableNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } os << indent << "NumberOfNodeVariables: " << this->NumberOfNodeVariables << endl; os << indent << "NodeVariableNames: "; for(i=0;i<this->NumberOfNodeVariables;i++) { os << indent << "-" << (this->NodeVariableNames[i]?this->NodeVariableNames[i]:"(none)") << endl; } // os << indent << "ElementVariableTruthTable: " << // (this->ElementVariableTruthTable?this->ElementVariableTruthTable:"(none)") << endl; os << indent << "TimeStepIndex: " << this->TimeStepIndex << endl; os << indent << "AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks: " << this->AllVariablesDefinedInAllBlocks << endl; }