/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkRuledSurfaceFilter.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkRuledSurfaceFilter.h" #include "vtkCellArray.h" #include "vtkMath.h" #include "vtkInformation.h" #include "vtkInformationVector.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" #include "vtkPointData.h" #include "vtkPolyData.h" #include "vtkPolyLine.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkRuledSurfaceFilter, "$Revision: 1.24 $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkRuledSurfaceFilter); vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::vtkRuledSurfaceFilter() { this->DistanceFactor = 3.0; this->OnRatio = 1; this->Offset = 0; this->CloseSurface = 0; this->RuledMode = VTK_RULED_MODE_RESAMPLE; this->Resolution[0] = 1; this->Resolution[1] = 1; this->PassLines = 0; this->Ids = vtkIdList::New(); this->Ids->SetNumberOfIds(4); } vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::~vtkRuledSurfaceFilter() { this->Ids->Delete(); } int vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::RequestData( vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **inputVector, vtkInformationVector *outputVector) { // get the info objects vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0); vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); // get the input and ouptut vtkPolyData *input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast( inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast( outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); vtkPoints *inPts, *newPts = NULL; vtkIdType i, numPts, numLines; vtkCellArray *inLines, *newPolys, *newStrips; vtkIdType *pts = 0; vtkIdType *pts2 = 0; vtkIdType npts = 0; vtkIdType npts2 = 0; vtkPointData *inPD=input->GetPointData(), *outPD=output->GetPointData(); // Check input, pass data if requested // vtkDebugMacro(<<"Creating a ruled surface"); inPts = input->GetPoints(); inLines = input->GetLines(); if ( !inPts || !inLines) { return 1; } numLines=inLines->GetNumberOfCells(); numPts = inPts->GetNumberOfPoints(); if (numPts < 1 || numLines < 2 ) { return 1; } if ( this->PassLines ) { output->SetLines(inLines); } if ( this->RuledMode == VTK_RULED_MODE_RESAMPLE ) //generating new points { newPts = vtkPoints::New(); output->SetPoints(newPts); outPD->InterpolateAllocate(inPD,numPts); if ( this->PassLines ) //need to copy input points { newPts->DeepCopy(inPts); for (i=0; i<numPts; i++) { outPD->CopyData(inPD,i,i); } } newPts->Delete(); newStrips = vtkCellArray::New(); newStrips->Allocate( 2*(this->Resolution[1]+1)*this->Resolution[0]*(numLines-1)); output->SetStrips(newStrips); newStrips->Delete(); } else //using original points { output->SetPoints(inPts); output->GetPointData()->PassData(input->GetPointData()); newPolys = vtkCellArray::New(); newPolys->Allocate(2*numPts); output->SetPolys(newPolys); newPolys->Delete(); } // For each pair of lines (as selected by Offset and OnRatio), create a // stripe (a ruled surfac between two lines). // inLines->InitTraversal(); inLines->GetNextCell(npts,pts); for (i=0; i<numLines; i++) { //abort/progress methods this->UpdateProgress ((double)i/numLines); if (this->GetAbortExecute()) { break; //out of line loop } inLines->GetNextCell(npts2,pts2); //get the next edge // Determine whether this stripe should be generated if ( (i-this->Offset) >= 0 && !((i - this->Offset ) % this->OnRatio) && npts >= 2 && npts2 >= 2) { switch (this->RuledMode) { case VTK_RULED_MODE_RESAMPLE: this->Resample(output, input, inPts, newPts, npts, pts, npts2, pts2); break; case VTK_RULED_MODE_POINT_WALK: this->PointWalk(output, inPts, npts, pts, npts2, pts2); break; }//switch }//generate this stripe //Get the next line for generating the next stripe npts = npts2; pts = pts2; if ( i == (numLines-2) ) { if ( this->CloseSurface ) { inLines->InitTraversal(); } else { i++; //will cause the loop to end } }//add far boundary of surface }//for all selected line pairs return 1; } void vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::Resample(vtkPolyData *output, vtkPolyData *input, vtkPoints *inPts, vtkPoints *newPts, int npts, vtkIdType *pts, int npts2, vtkIdType *pts2) { vtkIdType offset, id; int i, j; double length, length2; vtkCellArray *newStrips; vtkPointData *inPD=input->GetPointData(); vtkPointData *outPD=output->GetPointData(); double v, uu, vv; double s, t; double deltaV; double deltaS, deltaT; double d0, d1, l0, l1; double pt[3], pt0[3], pt1[3], pt00[3], pt01[3], pt10[3], pt11[3]; int i00, i01, i10, i11; if (this->Resolution[0] < 1) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Resolution[0] must be greater than 0"); return; } if (this->Resolution[1] < 1) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Resolution[1] must be greater than 0"); return; } // Measure the length of each boundary line // // first line length = 0.0; for (i=0; i < npts-1; i++) { inPts->GetPoint(pts[i], pt00); inPts->GetPoint(pts[i+1], pt01); length += sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pt00, pt01)); } // second line length2 = 0.0; for (i=0; i < npts2-1; i++) { inPts->GetPoint(pts2[i], pt00); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[i+1], pt01); length2 += sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pt00, pt01)); } // Create the ruled surface as a set of triangle strips. Allocate // additional memory for new points. // // forces allocation so that SetPoint() can be safely used offset = newPts->GetNumberOfPoints(); newPts->InsertPoint(offset+(this->Resolution[0]+1)*(this->Resolution[1]+1)-1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); newStrips = output->GetStrips(); // We'll construct the points for the ruled surface in column major order, // i.e. all the points between the first point of the two polylines. for (i=0; i < this->Resolution[0]; i++) { newStrips->InsertNextCell( 2*(this->Resolution[1]+1) ); for (j=0; j < this->Resolution[1] + 1; j++) { newStrips->InsertCellPoint(offset + i*(this->Resolution[1]+1)+j); newStrips->InsertCellPoint(offset + (i+1)*(this->Resolution[1]+1)+j); } } // Now, compute all the points. // // parametric delta deltaV = 1.0 / (double) (this->Resolution[1]); // arc-length deltas deltaS = length / (double) (this->Resolution[0]); deltaT = length2 / (double) (this->Resolution[0]); t = 0.0; d0 = d1 = 0.0; l0 = l1 = 0.0; i00 = 0; i01 = 1; i10 = 0; i11 = 1; inPts->GetPoint(pts[0], pt00); inPts->GetPoint(pts[1], pt01); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[0], pt10); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[1], pt11); for (i=0; i < this->Resolution[0]+1; i++) { // compute the end points a rule, one point from the first polyline, // one point from the second line s = i*deltaS; t = i*deltaT; // find for the interval containing s while (s > l0 && i00 < (npts - 1)) { inPts->GetPoint(pts[i00], pt00); inPts->GetPoint(pts[i01], pt01); d0 = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pt00, pt01)); // doubleing point discrepancy: sgi needs the following test to be // s <= length while win32 needs it to be s < length. We account // for this by using the <= test here and adjusting the maximum parameter // value below (see #1) if ((s > l0 + d0) && (s <= length)) { // s's interval is still to the right l0 += d0; i00++; i01++; } else { // found the correct interval break; } } // compute the point at s on the first polyline if (i01 > (npts - 1)) { i00--; i01--; } this->Ids->SetId(0,pts[i00]); this->Ids->SetId(1,pts[i01]); if (d0 == 0.0) { uu = 0.0; } else { uu = (s - l0) / d0; } // #1: fix to address the win32/sgi doubleing point differences if (s >= length) { uu = 1.0; } pt0[0] = (1.0-uu) * pt00[0] + uu * pt01[0]; pt0[1] = (1.0-uu) * pt00[1] + uu * pt01[1]; pt0[2] = (1.0-uu) * pt00[2] + uu * pt01[2]; // find for the interval containing t while (t > l1 && i10 < (npts2 - 1)) { inPts->GetPoint(pts2[i10], pt10); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[i11], pt11); d1 = sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(pt10, pt11)); // doubleing point discrepancy: sgi needs the following test to be // t <= length2 while win32 needs it to be t < length2. We account // for this by using the <= test here and adjusting the maximum parameter // value below (see #1) if ((t > l1 + d1) && (t <= length2)) { // t's interval is still to the right l1 += d1; i10++; i11++; } else { // found the correct interval break; } } // compute the point at t on the second polyline if (i11 > npts2 - 1) { i10--; i11--; } this->Ids->SetId(2,pts2[i10]); this->Ids->SetId(3,pts2[i11]); if (d1 == 0.0) { vv = 0.0; } else { vv = (t - l1) / d1; } // #1: fix to address the win32/sgi doubleing point differences if (t >= length2) { vv = 1.0; } pt1[0] = (1.0-vv) * pt10[0] + vv * pt11[0]; pt1[1] = (1.0-vv) * pt10[1] + vv * pt11[1]; pt1[2] = (1.0-vv) * pt10[2] + vv * pt11[2]; // Now, compute the points along the rule for (j=0; j < this->Resolution[1]+1; j++) { v = j*deltaV; pt[0] = (1.0 - v) * pt0[0] + v * pt1[0]; pt[1] = (1.0 - v) * pt0[1] + v * pt1[1]; pt[2] = (1.0 - v) * pt0[2] + v * pt1[2]; id = offset + i*(this->Resolution[1] + 1) + j; newPts->SetPoint(id, pt); this->Weights[0] = (1.0 - v)*(1.0 - uu); this->Weights[1] = (1.0 - v)*uu; this->Weights[2] = v*(1.0 - vv); this->Weights[3] = v*vv; outPD->InterpolatePoint(inPD, id, this->Ids, this->Weights); } } } void vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::PointWalk(vtkPolyData *output, vtkPoints *inPts, int npts, vtkIdType *pts, int npts2, vtkIdType *pts2) { int loc, loc2; vtkCellArray *newPolys=output->GetPolys(); double x[3], y[3], a[3], b[3], xa, xb, ya, distance2; // Compute distance factor based on first two points // inPts->GetPoint(pts[0],x); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[0],y); distance2 = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,y) * this->DistanceFactor * this->DistanceFactor; // Walk "edge" along the two lines maintaining closest distance // and generating triangles as we go. loc = loc2 = 0; while ( loc < (npts-1) || loc2 < (npts2-1) ) { if ( loc >= (npts-1) ) //clamped at end of first line { inPts->GetPoint(pts[loc],x); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[loc2],a); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[loc2+1],b); xa = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,a); xb = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,b); if ( xa <= distance2 && xb <= distance2 ) { newPolys->InsertNextCell(3); newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc]); //x newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2+1]); //b newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2]); //a } loc2++; } else if ( loc2 >= (npts2-1) ) //clamped at end of second line { inPts->GetPoint(pts[loc],x); inPts->GetPoint(pts[loc+1],y); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[loc2],a); xa = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,a); ya = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(y,a); if ( xa <= distance2 && ya <= distance2 ) { newPolys->InsertNextCell(3); newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc]); //x newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc+1]); //y newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2]); //a } loc++; } else //not at either end { inPts->GetPoint(pts[loc],x); inPts->GetPoint(pts[loc+1],y); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[loc2],a); inPts->GetPoint(pts2[loc2+1],b); xa = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,a); xb = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x,b); ya = vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(a,y); if ( xb <= ya ) { if ( xb <= distance2 && xa <= distance2 ) { newPolys->InsertNextCell(3); newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc]); //x newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2+1]); //b newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2]); //a } loc2++; } else { if ( ya <= distance2 && xa <= distance2 ) { newPolys->InsertNextCell(3); newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc]); //x newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts[loc+1]); //y newPolys->InsertCellPoint(pts2[loc2]); //a } loc++; } }//where in the lines }//while still building the stripe } const char *vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::GetRuledModeAsString(void) { if ( this->RuledMode == VTK_RULED_MODE_RESAMPLE ) { return "Resample"; } else //if ( this->RuledMode == VTK_RULED_MODE_POINT_WALK ) { return "PointWalk"; } } void vtkRuledSurfaceFilter::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Distance Factor: " << this->DistanceFactor << "\n"; os << indent << "On Ratio: " << this->OnRatio << "\n"; os << indent << "Offset: " << this->Offset << "\n"; os << indent << "Close Surface: " << (this->CloseSurface ? "On\n" : "Off\n"); os << indent << "Ruled Mode: " << this->GetRuledModeAsString() << "\n"; os << indent << "Resolution: (" << this->Resolution[0] << ", " << this->Resolution[1] << ")" << endl; os << indent << "Pass Lines: " << (this->PassLines ? "On\n" : "Off\n"); }