package require vtk # A script to test the stencil filter with a polydata stencil. # Image pipeline vtkPNGReader reader reader SetDataSpacing 0.8 0.8 1.5 reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/fullhead15.png" vtkSphereSource sphere sphere SetPhiResolution 12 sphere SetThetaResolution 12 sphere SetCenter 102 102 0 sphere SetRadius 60 vtkTriangleFilter triangle triangle SetInputConnection [sphere GetOutputPort] vtkStripper stripper stripper SetInputConnection [triangle GetOutputPort] vtkPolyDataToImageStencil dataToStencil dataToStencil SetInputConnection [stripper GetOutputPort] vtkImageStencil stencil stencil SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort] stencil SetStencil [dataToStencil GetOutput] stencil ReverseStencilOn stencil SetBackgroundValue 500 vtkImageViewer viewer viewer SetInputConnection [stencil GetOutputPort] viewer SetZSlice 0 viewer SetColorWindow 2000 viewer SetColorLevel 1000 viewer Render