package require vtk # In this example, an image is centered at (0,0,0) before a # rotation is applied to ensure that the rotation occurs about # the center of the image. vtkPNGReader reader reader SetDataSpacing 0.8 0.8 1.5 reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/fullhead15.png" # first center the image at (0,0,0) vtkImageChangeInformation information information SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort] information CenterImageOn vtkImageReslice reslice reslice SetInputConnection [information GetOutputPort] reslice SetResliceAxesDirectionCosines 0.866025 -0.5 0 0.5 0.866025 0 0 0 1 reslice SetInterpolationModeToCubic # reset the image back to the way it was (you don't have # to do this, it is just put in as an example) vtkImageChangeInformation information2 information2 SetInputConnection [reslice GetOutputPort] information2 SetInformationInput [reader GetOutput] vtkImageViewer viewer viewer SetInputConnection [information2 GetOutputPort] viewer SetColorWindow 2000 viewer SetColorLevel 1000 viewer Render