#!/usr/bin/env python """Utility script to convert an old VTK file format to the new VTK XML file format (serial format). The output XML file will contain *all* the existing scalars, vectors and tensors in the input file. This requires VTK 4.x or above. Created May 2003, Prabhu Ramachandran Licence: VTK License. """ import sys import vtk import os.path import getopt def getReaderWriter(file_name, out_dir=None): r = vtk.vtkDataReader() r.SetFileName(file_name) f_base = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] r.Update() reader = None writer = None xmlsuffix = '.xml' map = {'StructuredPoints': '.vti', 'StructuredGrid': '.vts', 'RectilinearGrid': '.vtr', 'UnstructuredGrid': '.vtu', 'PolyData': '.vtp'} for i in ['StructuredPoints', 'StructuredGrid', 'RectilinearGrid', 'UnstructuredGrid', 'PolyData']: if eval('r.IsFile%s()'%i): reader = eval('vtk.vtk%sReader()'%i) if i == 'StructuredPoints': writer = eval('vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()') else: writer = eval('vtk.vtkXML%sWriter()'%i) xmlsuffix = map[i] break if not reader: return None, None reader.SetFileName(file_name) reader.Update() out_file = f_base + xmlsuffix if out_dir: out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(f_base) + xmlsuffix) writer.SetFileName(out_file) return reader, writer def _getAttr(reader, lst, attr='Scalars'): p_a = [] c_a = [] for i in lst: eval('reader.Set%sName(i)'%attr) reader.Update() o = reader.GetOutput() pd = o.GetPointData() cd = o.GetCellData() s = eval('pd.Get%s()'%attr) if s and (s not in p_a): p_a.append(s) s = eval('cd.Get%s()'%attr) if s and (s not in c_a): c_a.append(s) return p_a, c_a def setAllAttributes(reader): s_name = [] v_name = [] t_name = [] for i in range(reader.GetNumberOfScalarsInFile()): s_name.append(reader.GetScalarsNameInFile(i)) for i in range(reader.GetNumberOfVectorsInFile()): v_name.append(reader.GetVectorsNameInFile(i)) for i in range(reader.GetNumberOfTensorsInFile()): t_name.append(reader.GetTensorsNameInFile(i)) p_s, c_s = _getAttr(reader, s_name, 'Scalars') p_v, c_v = _getAttr(reader, v_name, 'Vectors') p_t, c_t = _getAttr(reader, t_name, 'Tensors') o = reader.GetOutput() pd = o.GetPointData() for i in p_s + p_v + p_t: pd.AddArray(i) cd = o.GetCellData() for i in c_s + c_v + c_t: cd.AddArray(i) return o def usage(): msg = """usage: vtk2xml.py [options] vtk_file1 vtk_file2 ...\n This program converts VTK's old file format to the new XML format. The default mode is to store the data as appended (compressed and base64 encoded). Change this behaviour with the provided options. This code requires VTK 4.x or above to run. options: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -b, --binary Store data as binary (compressed and base64 encoded). -a, --ascii Store data as ascii. -n, --no-encode Do not base64 encode the data. This violates the XML specification but makes reading and writing fast and files smaller. -d, --output-dir Output directory where the files should be generated. Defaults to the same directory as the input file. """ return msg def main(): options = "bahnd:" long_opts = ['binary', 'ascii', 'help', 'no-encode', 'output-dir='] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], options, long_opts) except getopt.error, msg: print msg print usage() print '-'*70 print msg sys.exit(1) mode = 'p' encode = 1 out_dir = None for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print usage() sys.exit(0) if o in ('-b', '--binary'): mode = 'b' if o in ('-a', '--ascii'): mode = 'a' if o in ('-n', '--no-encode'): encode = 0 if o in ('-d', '--output-dir'): out_dir = a if not os.path.exists(out_dir): print "Error: Directory %s does not exist!"%out_dir sys.exit(1) if len(args) < 1: print "\nError: Incorrect number of arguments\n" print usage() sys.exit(1) for i in args: r, w = getReaderWriter(i, out_dir) if not r: print "\nError: Could not convert file: %s"%i print "Unsupported data format!\n" else: o = setAllAttributes(r) w.SetInput(o) # set output modes if mode == 'a': w.SetDataModeToAscii() elif mode == 'b': w.SetDataModeToBinary() else: w.SetDataModeToAppended() w.SetEncodeAppendedData(encode) w.Write() if __name__ == "__main__": main()