/*========================================================================= Program: Visualization Toolkit Module: $RCSfile: vtkIdList.cxx,v $ Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "vtkIdList.h" #include "vtkObjectFactory.h" vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkIdList, "$Revision: 1.43 $"); vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkIdList); vtkIdList::vtkIdList() { this->NumberOfIds = 0; this->Size = 0; this->Ids = NULL; } vtkIdList::~vtkIdList() { if ( this->Ids != NULL ) { delete [] this->Ids; } } void vtkIdList::Initialize() { if ( this->Ids != NULL ) { delete [] this->Ids; this->Ids = NULL; } this->NumberOfIds = 0; this->Size = 0; } int vtkIdList::Allocate(const int sz, const int vtkNotUsed(strategy)) { if ( sz > this->Size) { this->Initialize(); this->Size = ( sz > 0 ? sz : 1); if ( (this->Ids = new vtkIdType[this->Size]) == NULL ) { return 0; } } this->NumberOfIds = 0; return 1; } void vtkIdList::SetNumberOfIds(const vtkIdType number) { this->Allocate(number,0); this->NumberOfIds = number; } void vtkIdList::InsertId(const vtkIdType i, const vtkIdType id) { if ( i >= this->Size ) { this->Resize(i+1); } this->Ids[i] = id; if ( i >= this->NumberOfIds ) { this->NumberOfIds = i + 1; } } vtkIdType vtkIdList::InsertUniqueId(const vtkIdType id) { for (vtkIdType i=0; i < this->NumberOfIds; i++) { if ( id == this->Ids[i] ) { return i; } } return this->InsertNextId(id); } vtkIdType *vtkIdList::WritePointer(const vtkIdType i, const vtkIdType number) { vtkIdType newSize=i+number; if ( newSize > this->Size ) { this->Resize(newSize); } if ( newSize > this->NumberOfIds ) { this->NumberOfIds = newSize; } return this->Ids + i; } void vtkIdList::DeleteId(vtkIdType id) { vtkIdType i=0; // while loop is necessary to delete all occurences of id while ( i < this->NumberOfIds ) { for ( ; i < this->NumberOfIds; i++) { if ( this->Ids[i] == id ) { break; } } // if found; replace current id with last if ( i < this->NumberOfIds ) { this->SetId(i,this->Ids[this->NumberOfIds-1]); this->NumberOfIds--; } } } void vtkIdList::DeepCopy(vtkIdList *ids) { this->Initialize(); this->NumberOfIds = ids->NumberOfIds; this->Size = ids->Size; this->Ids = new vtkIdType [ids->Size]; for (vtkIdType i=0; i < ids->NumberOfIds; i++) { this->Ids[i] = ids->Ids[i]; } } vtkIdType *vtkIdList::Resize(const vtkIdType sz) { vtkIdType *newIds; vtkIdType newSize; if ( sz > this->Size ) { newSize = this->Size + sz; } else if (sz == this->Size) { return this->Ids; } else { newSize = sz; } if (newSize <= 0) { this->Initialize(); return 0; } if ( (newIds = new vtkIdType[newSize]) == NULL ) { vtkErrorMacro(<< "Cannot allocate memory\n"); return 0; } if (this->Ids) { memcpy(newIds, this->Ids, (sz < this->Size ? sz : this->Size) * sizeof(vtkIdType)); delete [] this->Ids; } this->Size = newSize; this->Ids = newIds; return this->Ids; } #define VTK_TMP_ARRAY_SIZE 500 // Intersect this list with another vtkIdList. Updates current list according // to result of intersection operation. void vtkIdList::IntersectWith(vtkIdList& otherIds) { // Fast method due to Dr. Andreas Mueller of ISE Integrated Systems // Engineering (CH). vtkIdType thisNumIds = this->GetNumberOfIds(); if (thisNumIds <= VTK_TMP_ARRAY_SIZE) {//Use fast method if we can fit in temporary storage int thisIds[VTK_TMP_ARRAY_SIZE]; vtkIdType i, id; for (i=0; i < thisNumIds; i++) { thisIds[i] = this->GetId(i); } for (this->Reset(), i=0; i < thisNumIds; i++) { id = thisIds[i]; if ( otherIds.IsId(id) != (-1) ) { this->InsertNextId(id); } } } else {//use slower method for extreme cases vtkIdType *thisIds = new vtkIdType [thisNumIds]; vtkIdType i, id; for (i=0; i < thisNumIds; i++) { *(thisIds + i) = this->GetId(i); } for (this->Reset(), i=0; i < thisNumIds; i++) { id = *(thisIds + i); if ( otherIds.IsId(id) != (-1) ) { this->InsertNextId(id); } } delete [] thisIds; } } #undef VTK_TMP_ARRAY_SIZE void vtkIdList::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) { this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent); os << indent << "Number of Ids: " << this->NumberOfIds << "\n"; }